Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Reality Check: Waco, Pearl Harbor and 9/11

When I heard the story about David Koresh and the Branch Davidians I like most everyone confided in the official account, that he was a wack-job cult leader etc.

What follows is what really happened. This shouldnt be missed as it has implications for everything from the loss of our civil liberties, the unlawful use of force, media disinformation, our corporatized judicial system and militarized law enforcement bodies to the necessary task of sustaining intentional communities in a fascist police state amidst civilizational collapse.

Waco: The Rules of Engagement 

As an indication of how deep and systemic our mythologizing of history is, go here to view and contrast the readily accessible public account of the event:

This is what passes for intellectual and historical honesty in a society defined by what political philosopher Sheldon Wolin coined as "Inverted Totalitarianism".

Inverted totalitarianism represents “the political coming of age of corporate power and the political demobilization of the citizenry,” Wolin writes in “Democracy Incorporated.” Inverted totalitarianism differs from classical forms of totalitarianism, which revolve around a demagogue or charismatic leader, and finds its expression in the anonymity of the corporate state. The corporate forces behind inverted totalitarianism do not, as classical totalitarian movements do, boast of replacing decaying structures with a new, revolutionary structure. They purport to honor electoral politics, freedom and the Constitution. But they so corrupt and manipulate the levers of power as to make democracy impossible.

Inverted totalitarianism is not conceptualized as an ideology or objectified in public policy. It is furthered by “power-holders and citizens who often seem unaware of the deeper consequences of their actions or inactions,” Wolin writes. But it is as dangerous as classical forms of totalitarianism. In a system of inverted totalitarianism, as this court ruling illustrates, it is not necessary to rewrite the Constitution, as fascist and communist regimes do. It is enough to exploit legitimate power by means of judicial and legislative interpretation. This exploitation ensures that huge corporate campaign contributions are protected speech under the First Amendment. It ensures that heavily financed and organized lobbying by large corporations is interpreted as an application of the people’s right to petition the government. The court again ratified the concept that corporations are persons, except in those cases where the “persons” agree to a “settlement.” Those within corporations who commit crimes can avoid going to prison by paying large sums of money to the government while, according to this twisted judicial reasoning, not “admitting any wrongdoing.” There is a word for this. It is called corruption. - Chris Hedges

I havent and wont waste my time with the Wikipedia account of the self inflicted false-flag staged "Terror Attack" on Sept. 11, 2001. As a participant in the "Global War of Terror"  (Operation Enduring Freedom 2004-2005 25th Infantry Division) I can confidently state that the "official" account of this and most if not all of history at Wikipedia is constantly screened and edited by an army of cyber gate-keepers working within the labyrinthine recesses of the Pentagon and elsewhere.

The manipulation of publicly available information isnt limited to the virtual library of Wikipedia but also to its outwardly secretive appearing cousin: Wiki-leaks. This is hard to swallow as the ascendancy of Julian Assange from hacker-activist to prominent socio-political icon has served the role of satiating the growing blood-lust for justice among the relatively well-informed and recently disenchanted. But alas, it is true, he and that product of covert intelligence:Wiki-leaks, exemplify the sophistication of the present state of "controlled dissent".

Gordon Duff, in his stellar line-up of articles reproduced here over the span of the "commemoration" of 9/11 in the past few days also explicates this truism. (pertaining to the author in the preceding link: although Kunstler offers an excellent critique of "suburbia" and the squandering of the remainder of non-renewable resources he says he is "allergic to conspiracy theories" and doesnt talk about 9/11)

Who Is Behind Wikileaks?

The nature of propaganda and mis-information is so deep and sophisticated that I recommend everyone revisit whatever version of history they are operating with that was gleaned from academic textbooks and most if not all media accounts. The History Channel, Popular Mechanics, and even National Geographic are all owned and subject to "guidance" by corporate actors that profit from war making (example, all of the above are owned by the Hearst Corporation including the San Francisco Chronicle and they all toe the line when it comes to an intellectually honest investigation into anything concerning the American Empire: from 9/11 to Peak Oil to our Fascist Police State) NBC? Owned by General Electric which makes the turbine engine for the M1 Abrahms Tank. I could go on but I think the point is clear.

"War is a racket" - Major General Smedley Butler

Actually a good portion of Americans, even the most devout NASCAR-Ayn Rand-Milton Freedman-Pro Slavery-Free Market-White Supremacy-Anti-Planet ideologues concede this but believe that there are "good wars" and "bad wars" with World War 2 falling into the former category.

But if you look, what happened on Sept. 11, 2001 was only a repeat (well not exactly, we allowed Japan to attack Hawaii, 9/11 was orchestrated by a rogue group of NECONS within the Bush Administration) of a strategy employed to consolidate wealth and power in the past:

The McCollum Memo: The Smoking Gun of Pearl Harbor

Secret of the Lusitania: Arms find challenges Allied claims it was solely a passenger ship

I think the original Zeitgeist covers all of the above as well as the use of religion in controlling societies past and present.

When it comes to my particular idiosyncratic view on the apparently contradictory nature of self-defense and spirituality I am reminded of an example from Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media by Noam Chomsky wherein an unarmed and peaceful Buddhist community on the border of Cambodia was massacred by the South Vietnamese with the assistance and guidance of the U.S. Occupation.

Although I appreciate and try to integrate spiritual philosophy into my daily life I will not go down without a fight If our fascist police state and any of its enablers (read: selective law enforcement) attempts to remove me from my landbase or livelihood to "re-integrate" me into a dysfunctional "Idiocracy".

The wanton slaughter of the indigenous and replacement of their culture that recognized and emphasized interconnectedness, freedom and balance with our present day NASCAR-Disney-Military-Industrial Corporate Dystopia as an historical example comes most readily to mind.

Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil

The license plate of New Hampshire neatly encapsulates my philosophy on the matter:

"Live free or die"

Somewhere along the line America traded its liberty for the security and material benefits of Empire.

But now the Dominant Culture-a death culture with a voracious appetite for life and a culturally homogenizing effect now global-has inevitably been confronted with the systemic limits of its "Infinite Growth" socio-economic model: "Free-Market Capitalism" imposed on a finite system: Earth. This understanding isnt new, Karl Marx knew this, he said that unfettered Capitalism would destroy itself.

This also underscores one of the main problems confronting humanity right now: rigid conservatism, the refusal to adapt to changing conditions, to re-examine ones individual and collective behavior and culture in the light of new and life threatening challenges. Jared Diamond succinctly describes this unifying theme of failed societies in his book: Collaspe: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed.

The difference? The Maya, Romans, Anasazi and Greenland Norse werent working with detailed, highly analysed examples of failed societies that our contemporary society has at its disposal. We know better,

My advice?

Disengage, re-localize, learn skills relevant to the future of energy descent, starve the beast/stop paying taxes, live as though you are an eternal spiritual being having a human experience because you are.

Remember the Indigenous, remember the Nazi Holocaust and remember that history repeats itself.

Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it - George Santayana

I will not participate in a system of self-enslavement and self-destruction, if that means dying in the process then so be it.

Life is impermanent.

Spirit is eternal.

Any society built upon a foundation of fear, apathy, hatred and greed is destined to fail. If we fully understood and integrated Universal Ethical Principles into our navigation of the physical realm we would alleviate much needless suffering and succeed in creating a more enduring culture and society.

We need to act not from a position of fear but from a position of compassion and empathy.

Mass Extinction Event or a (r)Evolution of Consciousness?


None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who (falsely) believe they are free - Geothe 

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