My response in particular:
# 2012-04-19 02:21
Great comments, I agree that the problem with positive psychology with such perverse mutations such as "The Secret" (you too can have a McMansion!, never mind the starving slaves in India and China) is that the Law of Attraction is accommodating not only your wishes and desires (I want a hamburger) but that of the whole (the cow wants to live in peace). The films succeeds in explicating this but some people still fail to see it and believe if only Humanity would form one giant chain around the world and sing Koombaya that all 9 billion of us (never-mind the 1 billion already starving as we speak) can "make-manifest" Big Macs. Gaia is a living organism, she and the rest of sentient life that comprise her have other plans.
More on my blog:
Highly Recommended Reading:
Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe by Robert Lanza