Monday, November 7, 2022

COVID Smear Artists Want “Amnesty” For Their Lies (Jimmy Dore)

Around 20 min mark, what Dore and others fail to grasp is that Trump, along with Musk and Putin, 100% was and is Controlled Opposition and he went on Deep State script when he recommended "drinking bleach, light on the inside of the body and Hydroxychloroquine" because any medical doctor worth their salt would have immediately recognized the pathology of "COVID" as being similar to seasonal influenza (and wouldn't you know it, PCR test above 25 amplification cycles cannot discern the two and "SARS-COV-2" remains to be properly isolated!) and would have reached for off-label, inexpensive HCQ + Zinc or Ivermectin + Zinc and the Establishment needed to ridicule this to the point that if you were a medical doctor who did so you were ostracized and risked losing your medical license

This is absolutely not happenstance. 

You must understand, you're dealing with the same Cabal who has mastered the art of deceiving large numbers of people via psychological conditioning, the same Cabal behind MK Ultra: the CIA, and they have now turned these weapons inward against their true enemy,  the "useless eaters", YOU, seeing as how they are a private intelligence and covert military apparatus created by the very actors responsible for the assassination of JFK, Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, Waco, etc. etc. etc. it would take me a dissertation's worth of text to list all of their transgressions here. 

Trump absolutely is in on the Fake Pandemic. From my post outlining why the executed the Fake Pandemic early (originally slated for 2025 per the Deagel Report): 

May 26, 2021

Bad news for you Trump supporters: Trump is also most definitely in on it, hence his announcement, right on queue, that he and Melania contracted COVID but were being treated with "some wonderful drugs (Gilead's Remdesivir) and suddenly Donald announced on Twitter "I feel better than I did 20 years ago thanks to some wonderful drugs!". Also, his ridiculous statement / recommendation that people simply drink bleach, use light on the inside of the body and Hydroxychloroquine was clearly a skillful way of ridiculing HCQ as now it's lumped in with drinking disinfectant and light therapy on the inside of the body. Meanwhile, low dose HCQ is infinitely more effective, readily available and safer than experimental mRNA vaccines (95% effectiveness vs <1%). Also Ivermectin. Simply vitamin D! EXERCISE! Did you know that upwards of 90% of deaths from COVID could have been prevented with Vitamin D alone? Did you know that 80% of patients admitted to the ICU for COVID were simply Vitamin D deficient? What is their guidance? Stay inside, away from the sun, fresh air and exercise and also wear your mask so you can remain in a state of fear, which further negatively impacts your immune system, and prevents any kind of positive discourse with anyone in public. It's social conditioning 101!

See also:

Trump. Epstein, Maxwell

Trump and Schwab


Don't forget his daughter Ivana was a Graduate of the Young Global Leaders Program at WEF. The program where all the current corrupt political leaders around the world pushing the cabal agenda graduated also from. You won’t ever see Trump disrespect Klaus Schwab or anyone above him, bc that’s when you start to see the real powers behind the agenda.

All these comments saying about trump trying to be an insider. You seriously think they are gonna let trumps family get close to Henry Kissinger who is the one who started most of this with Klaus and the affiliated powerful Masonic families.

The entire Trump family is part of the elite agenda, the master's put Trump during his time in presidency to boost the economy and make it believe that he was for the people. They used mind games to push the same ideas liberals and republicans believe through influences of these political leaders.

When in reality, he was the missing piece of the puzzle to create a long term 2 party system that allows division and thus conquering the masses.

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