Saturday, January 21, 2012

The End of America (recently updated)

(recently updated -22 Jan)

The End of America (complete)

One of the most important documentaries to be viewed at the moment. There is quite a bit of tragic irony in the fact that the existing Status Quo in America, an extreme minority of the citizenry, ascended to their position of exuberant material wealth by way of the post-war industrial boom that they were able to enjoy because their parent's generation fought against Fascism. And now in the face of resource depletion, overpopulation, and environmental ruin they have resurrected the very same social model employed by Weimar Germany.....The Neo-Conservatives, the ones backing Mitt Romney, the most blatantly pro-Corporatocracy candidate, along with Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum (what a bunch of psychotic loons!) they are the self-same Fascists of that ugly era. And, if we extend the parallels further, there is no limit to the level of violence and force they will deploy to protect "their wealth" and status in society. The day when people are going to be rounded up and taken to camps is not long in coming. And remember, as Michael Ruppert points out, it is cheaper to kill you than feed you.....these will be death camps. This will likely be the fate of those who don't succumb to designer microbes like the mutant variant of H5N1 Avian Flu that have been brewing in US Biological Warfare Labs (where do you think AIDS came from?) and have been recently alluded to in the Mainstream Media.

NDAA? SOPA? They're getting ready and they have the camps, all they need is another 9/11 to declare Martial Law.

(update 22 Jan)

Manifest Destiny and the Eschatological Solution: A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Is it not obvious that the consequences of these failed ideologies are manifest in spades? Anti-abortion/anti-contraception=overpopulation, a disregard for the natural world=an industrial economic model that can only "grow" by destroying life: "Drill Baby Drill!"......Deepwater Horizon Catastrophe (75 kbd) is symptomatic of this....and now the same lunatics are up in arms because "that socialist" Obama feigned a veto of a bill (oh the construction of that pipeline is a foregone conclusion, you wait and see) that would plop a massive pipeline, the Keystone XL, that will be used to transport oil from Tha Muthafuckin Tar Sands, right on top of a fossilized aquifer! I mean really? Are you that fucking stupid? "Yeah lets put an oil pipeline directly above what remains of our water, seeing as this aquifer was filled with the melting of the massive glacier that was here in the last ice age and isnt being replenished, seeing as now that Climate Chaos (carbon dioxide is good for plants!) is causing prolonged droughts, water shortages and massive dust storms in Texas and elsewhere, yeah this is really intelligent, but hey what do we care, our Messiah is returning soon! Why should we plan for the future?! The "Rapture" is about to occur! Were all going to heaven! Well not all of us, mainly ignorant and deceived white conservative Christians who will be absolved of all of the ecological ruin, the genocide, and the insane socio-economic model "Infinite Growth Consumerism/Free Market Captialism". All of the brown people who suffered directly as a consequence of countless years of "Manifest Destiny", those impure heathens shall perish "for their sins" (being born of inferior genetic stock)."

And now the Religious Fundamentalists and the Neo-Conservatives, one distinction reflecting their religion the other their political ideology, the direct descendants of those who massacred the indigenous here through "Westward Expansion" (Manifest Destiny!): colonization, genocide, slavery and the wholesale destruction of the natural world, instead of admitting their gross errors and re-examining their insane ideologies, vigorously declare that this is "gods will" and that Jesus (the masculine version with a sword) is returning "in the clouds" to save them. Around the turn of the millennium, fully aware of the the economic disintegration that we now find ourselves in and Peak Oil, together interrelated crises, they decided to get the ball rolling with that in earnest and shortly thereafter we had 9/11.

This is the insane, irrational logic behind the covetousness and protection of Israel. They believe "Armageddon" is going to take place there. (some really do, but most privately think its all non-sense and abuse Judeo-Christianity as organized power down through the ages has always relied on legitimization through mysticism) These same lunatics are also in control of the many nuclear weapons in the U.S. arsenal and will probably set some off to usher in the return of their Messiah. But it isnt only religious insanity that is behind the recent geo-political events, it is also a cold, calculating real-politik, geo-strategic maneuvering around what remains of the worlds dwindling energy supplies. And the political realities surrounding Israel is that the American political apparatus, the U.S. Congress, has been heavily infiltrated by Zionist Jews like Paul Wolfowitz, Joe Biden and Joe Lieberaman et al. and in the form of organizations like AIPAC. But dont talk about it! Its ANTI-SEMITIC!

If you stand on the side of freedom and justice then it is imperative that you educate yourself about what is happening and take action while you still can.

1. Get educated. Most of us have been "programmed" via the same institutions that are run by "The Powers That Be": the Status Quo, the 1%, the Neo-Conservatives, the Evangelicals, the Monied Interests, these institutions include Academia, the Mainstream Media, our Religious, Political and Judicial Systems, our socio-economic model and a nascent addition and most popular religion: Mechanistic Reductionist Cartesian Science. The ideas most of us have about society and reality in general deviate sharply from objective reality. As a result of this thorough, pervasive programming we have spoken out and acted against our own interest (financial and environmental deregulation, off-shoring of jobs, privatization, a permanent war economy/never-ending preemptive wars etc).

2. Arm and learn how to defend yourself; start or join a militia (im not kidding). The survival ratio of those Jews who fought back against the Nazi round-ups had a much higher survival rate than those who surrendered.

3.Spread awareness. Speak out against the lies, the crimes, the injustice. Start a blog. Get active. Signing petitions are a distraction.

4. Relocalize: explore the project of self-sufficient communal living because that's where we are headed, kicking and screaming, the entire food production and distribution system is utterly dependent on oil, which, unless you happen to live in a cave or only use the internet for Facebook, is in decline seeing as we passed peak in 2006. Self-sufficiency is also a bulwark against centralized control. This is why Monsanto exists, it is Neo-Feudalism in the disguise of agro-technological innovation (terminator seeds anyone?), they dont want you to grow your own food, they want to tax everything you do. Starve the Beast!

5. Stop paying taxes. Break out of the "Iron Triangle". Owe JP Morgan Chase thousands of dollars? Yeah they already got their payment, remember TARP? Remember the "Too Big to Fails"? Cut up your cards and change your number. No home, no problem, it means you don't have to work (not that you could find it if you wanted too) and can focus on the Great Transition that is taking place.

The End of America (complete)

A lecture on The End of America with Naomi Wolf

see also:

Related and recommended reading:

Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil

"Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana  

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" - Geothe 

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