Friday, June 22, 2012

9/11: A Decade Later, A Whole New Ball Game (Updated)

Update:  I've added a link to the film Thrive (note: the ideas that follow this update were formed independently of the film, in fact I am watching it for the first time as I type this, so far so good) as it is extremely relevant to this post, and a critique of it by Charles Eisenstein and a rebuttal by the films producer, Foster Gamble. And this article was added to the text as a hot link, a bit infuriating, but nothing really new. Have you heard of the raids on raw milk dairies by crack goon-squads armed with military grade hardware? Aside from the different camouflage pattern you wouldn't be able to discern them from an infantry unit in Iraq, I should know.....The interesting thing to watch will be when these goon-squads who are on hire for and support the 1% go up against entire platoons of disenchanted combat veterans, similarly equipped and utilizing guerrilla warfare tactics. Don't believe it? That day is coming.

Again, they don't want you growing your own food (or medicine), they want to keep you plugged in, completely dependent upon and controlled by the rogue, shadow government run by and for the 1%. 

Also a correction, I confused a social phenomenon, Millenarianism with a demographic group, the Millenials.

Before reading the foregoing I want to comment on what I believe to be what the author, Gordon Duff, means when he says that he can prove in court that we can get off of non-renewable fossil fuels within 3 years. I believe he is referring to alleged exotic energy technologies that may be being withheld from "The Masses", these technologies are likely Free Energy type sources or close to it (nuclear fusion, cold fusion, anti-gravity etc.) and may be reverse engineered Alien technologies (no, I am not kidding).

A few possible explanations for their not being deployed: one being that there are other critical resources aside from energy that are also of dwindling availability, and that freeing up energy used for energy generation and transportation etc. would only exacerbate the situation by not providing any kind of check on exponential population growth and consumption of a myriad of other non-renewable resources (as within human time-frames, i.e. not millions of years required for their replenishment) whose depletion exists independent of a techno-fix (i.e. oceanic deep water fish populations which are now beyond 95% depleted, Biodiversity loss and Top Soil loss to name just a few).

There is also the blatantly obvious relationship between Religious Fundamentalism, Ultra-Conservatism, and the fossil fuel energy industries (just ask religious zealot and Anthropogenic Climate Change denier Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, who also is in Big Oil's pocket) and the equally obvious deduction that any significant reduction in energy consumption via an energy revolution would curtail this complexes wealth, power and influence. Think of the Vatican, suppressing the reality that our planet not only is not the center of the Universe, but is actually not even the center of our Galaxy, that it occupies a lowly spot on the outer reaches of one of its spiral arms, they put Galileo under house arrest until his death for such heresy! Think of Nikola Tesla, who J.P. Morgan's handsomely paid scientists concocted contrarian science "debunking" his work with Free Energy because hey you cant make money from Free Anything! But you can with oil! You can also control large numbers of people by sectioning them off in a grid like matrix with transportation networks initially planned and created for swift military and police access should any insurrectionary type activity arise on said grid and to top it all off the imprisoned masses pay for the networks by having their labor taxed! In fact, seeing as how integral oil is in our economy, it could be said that ALL OF OUR ACTIVITY is taxed! Can't do that with Free Energy and localized Permaculture oriented food production and an massive interconnected Mag-Lev type transportation system now can you? They want you locked into what Dmitry Orlov calls "The Iron Triangle" of house, job and car. Another piece of media worth mentioning here is Who Killed the Electric Car?, where you will learn about the "GM, Firestone and Standard Oil Conspiracy" where they purchased and dismantled L.A.'s train system in the early 1900's so they could sell cars, tires and oil. And now, with the utter nightmare of traffic congestion and pollution and endless wars for oil you know what the ideal solution is? That's right, a train system that they had 100 YEARS AGO!

Another possibility is that there is a dark and insidious plan in play to reduce global human population levels down to the sub 1 Billion range, with the corporate "Elites" safely tucked away in massive subterranean cities while the "Zombie Apocalypse" does its thing. And no, sadly this too is not a far fetched idea. Many of the proponents of this idea also subscribe to a quasi elitist-religious fundamentalist ideology whose core premise is the "return of their savior", a white Jesus, descending down from the Heavens, to take them and their chosen brethren to salvation leaving the "non-believers" and the rest of creation to burn in Hell for eternity. They are hoping to usher in Christ's Second Coming (in accordance with prophecy) during the "Apocalypse", set in motion in earnest with a global Nuclear exchange via "Armageddon". 

Any attempt to mitigate and even reverse the trajectory we are now solidly set on would be heretical, for it goes against the "prophecy" found within a literal interpretation of the Bible - a prophecy that when viewed against the backdrop of the causal relationship between collective human behavior, the influence of religious and governmental institutions and the degradation of the planets eco-systems through over-use, overpopulation (abortions are against God's Will! But sending excess populations to fight and die in profitable, senseless wars is not) and pollution - becomes apparent that this is a self-fulfilling prophecy: an Engineered Apocalypse.

Thought experiment:  Say I live on an island, and find some turtle shells with what I believe to be a prophecy of future events, (it has been cogently pointed out that when the original King James Bible was authored the Book of Revelations was anticipating events in the immediate future pertaining to that era, not 2k years into the future, in fact right around the turn of every century "The Saved", a.k.a. The Millenarians, don white robes, quite their jobs and flock to nearby hilltops to await the return of their Savior) and say I interpret the writing on the turtle shells to mean that no matter what I do that some violent planet-wide cataclysm is on the horizon, then hey guess what? Do you think I am going to manage the islands resources in a sustainable manner? Do you think I will, through responding to feedback from the environment, practice self-restraint? No of course not! We're all doomed anyway!! FOR IT IS PROPHESIED!! So here we are, in the Alberta Tar Sands, scraping the bottom of the barrel so to speak, and having learned nothing from both the Deepwater Horizon and Fukushima catastrophes, racing towards the newly melted Arctic region to repeat the blunder there and restarting reactors in Japan.

So although I am aware of the reality of Peak Oil (well actually Peak Everything), and that it appears that we are indeed in the midst of Civilizational Collapse (no I am sorry to break it to you, a return to "Infinite Growth" is not around the corner), my particular view is also nuanced with a firm belief that we have been in contact with intelligent alien life and that what we believe to be the state of our technology is not the actual state of the art and that many of our problems could be addressed were we to truly come together and engage with our Shadow Government and rapidly ("at war time speed" as Lester Brown would say) inventory the state of our planet, its resources, and, utilizing the full extent of the technologies available, secret and otherwise, begin to redesign a global society around a basal paradigm of empathy, compassion, inclusiveness and greater equality and sustainability.

Unfortunately, the aforementioned actors in high positions of power, public and otherwise, are truly delusional sociopaths and the likelihood of this coming to pass is not likely. But another equally insurmountable barrier to any kind of collective response along these lines - and I am willing to wager many reading this likely believe all I have just relayed to be a bunch of crazy nonsense - is that we have been so successfully and thoroughly programmed to regard these issues: of Alien Contact, of Civilizational Collapse, of a Secretive Shadow Government, of what really happened on 9/11 and of Psychic Phenomena etc. as "conspiracy theories" that there is no way we will ever collectively develop a consensus of actual reality, and without that there can be no meaningful response to the more pressing challenges confronting Humanity as a whole.

Evolution of Consciousness or Mass Extinction? Both?

See also:

Zeitgeist (original)  


9/11: A Decade Later, A Whole New Ballgame


Reality and the Beliefs of the Military and Clandestine Community

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today

First of all, to the idiots who monitor all our communications, internet, telephone, who knows how far they have gone or are going, do not think there aren’t lists of those who oppose this illegal effort and will see to it you are indicted.  If  you believe the current form of government is going to be superseded by a corporate plutocracy as in the Canadian TV shown “Continuum,”  (find it) you are mistaken. 
The old power bases are gone, too many have been burned.  Playing spy as though you think the courts still support FISA will get you some GITMO time, don’t take my word for it, “times are a changin.’”
Homeland Security (DHS) is strangling the efforts of several older institutions.  This is beyond just “turf war” and is becoming an embarrassment.             
The machinery put together during Bush II is entirely dysfunctional, control of the Justice Department is gone, in fact, under Holder, we aren’t sure it exists anymore.  Only Homeland Security is still around and will be held accountable, not for passenger searches but for childish plots.  Go ahead, bug the Pentagon, you won’ t like it.
Here is where things stand on 9/11 today:
  • The official accepted belief on the towers is that the two were destroyed by 4 small nuclear devices, two in the basement, two on upper floors, that produced over a million degrees of heat that dissolved the building, put out minor radiation for a short distance and kept fires burning for months.  It vaporized enough steel to build 3 huge aircraft carriers and huge beams hundreds of yards away show more damage than anything in Hiroshima.  This is the official opinion of DARPA and the US Army.   This is highly classified but I am printing it anyway. 
  • Building 7 is said to have been destroyed with conventional explosives.
  • No official secret finding has been reached on the Pentagon attack other than that wreckage from a Columbia crash in 1995 was dumped on the lawn and the site was altered during the day to simulate an air crash.  I have not been given access to anything beyond this and choose not to make something up.
  • The official finding as to rationale for the 9/11 attacks was to cheat insurance companies out of billions.  Those who have examined US policy said that there were other simpler possibilities for bringing the US to war other than the 9/11 action against the US.  (for those who don’t catch the connection, it has been accepted that 9/11 was an “inside job”)
  • Many Israeli teams were involved in 9/11 and the twin tower attack was entirely an Israeli action with our military and intelligence services denying involvement.  This is not my opinion, this is official.
  • Several Israeli teams were arrested on 9/11, one after the George Washington Bridge explosion.  There were other attacks on 9/11 thwarted by police, one on the Lincoln Tunnel.  There is no evidence of an attack on the Verrazano Bridge or Brooklyn Bridge.  Arrests were made of the Israeli’s at the GWB, hard proof exists but the arrests at the Lincoln Tunnel, two Israeli citizens, van of explosives and weapons is only backed by limited police testimony and they are scared to death.  An authoritative source on the scene says the terrorists, Israelis, were turned over to Bernie Kerik, Police Commissioner and never heard from again.
Thousands of cancer victims, hundreds, maybe thousands dead of “radiation poisoning” already are attributed to use of fire hoses directly on the moulton nuclear “ground zero” which put radiated water vapor into the air which was unintended.  These nuclear heat chambers below the twin towers put out massive heat for 64 days under a flood of continual cold water although there is no official attribution to their heat source.  Perhaps it was burning asbestos and insurance policies?
An outrageously false cover story about a “toxic stew” involving “dry wall” was part of the “official record.”  By that standard, every firefighter, drywaller or person who has lived in a building with drywall is actually dead but not yet informed.
Thousands of New Yorkers are dying of radiation poisoning from 9/11 and being “monitored” or being offered payments from a several billion dollar fund that mysterious appeared to buy their silence.
Other groups have evidence regarding the aircraft, crews, passengers, “theoretical phone calls and text messages” with much of it in FBI files.  Some of that information is evidence worthy and some is not but there is much that can be introduced in court.
Many people who are potential witnesses have disappeared, thousands have been threatened.  The numbers are so large that they in themselves have been used by some as proof there was a massive coverup conspiracy.  “Why or how could so many people be controlled or killed and what kind of person would do this?”
Do you really want that question answered?  You think the million plus dead on Rwanda was an accident?  You never heard of the uncounted dead in Guatemala, Mexico and where  you have heard, you have been lulled into immunity.
There technically was no “9/11″ and thus, any defense of American interests through military occupation, stimulation of insurrection, emplacement of puppet governments and theft of resources, no matter how profitable for the gang inside the Beltway, is not sustainable.
America has no vital interests in Central Asia nor is there any potential threat to oil supplies in a nation that has the choice of becoming oil independent in less than 3 years.  (Can prove this is court).
Even Iran would sell us all their oil at deep discount and take payment in new Jeeps and Fords if we wanted, were we not run by crazy people.   Want me to prove it to you?

Orit Gadiesh (Hebrew: אורית גדיש‎) is an Israeli-American corporate strategist and chairwoman of management consulting firm Bain & Company. Source-Wikipedia
We are now holding strong proof that Romney and “Bain Capital” are agents of the State of Israel who is attempting to rig an American election on behalf of a group of European entities unfriendly to the continued freedoms left to the American people.
Mitt Romney is, in fact, a clear and present danger to the United States.  Chris Bollyn has stated the following, and I find Chris a credible source:
ROMNEY’S ISRAELI HANDLER – Orit Gadiesh, former “War Room” assistant to Ezer Weizman and Moshe Dayan, is the daughter of Israeli Brigadier General Falk Gadiesh (born Falk Gruenfeld, Berlin, 1921) and his Ukrainian-born wife. Gadiesh is chairman of the management consulting firm Bain & Company, the parent company of Bain Capital, and was the company’s managing director under CEO Mitt Romney in 1992. “She’s like a Jewish mother figure to many of the people at Bain,” ex-Bainie Dan Quinn told Fortune magazine in 1996.
Bain Capital owns Clear Channel, the largest radio station group owner in the United States. Clear Channel owns the networks which air the most popular radio talk shows, including The Rush Limbaugh Show, The Glenn Beck Program, The Sean Hannity Show, America Now with Andy Dean, Coast to Coast AM, The Savage Nation, The Mark Levin Show, and The Dave Ramsey Show. (Graphic: “Rush Limbaugh Spills the Beans on the Jewish Conspiracy” by Pat Healy)
Mitt Romney was a co-founder of Bain Capital along with Bill Bain, seen here. Bain was ousted in 1991 and Romney served as CEO of Bain & Company in 1991-1992. In May 1991, while Romney was CEO, Gadiesh was named chairman of the company’s Policy Committee, which set the company’s business strategy and policy. In 1992, under Romney, she became managing director. Orit Gadiesh, who has worked at Bain & Co. since 1977, became chairman of Bain & Co. in 1993.
 Orit Gadiesh, born in Israel in 1951, has worked closely with Mitt Romney since at least 1991, and probably much longer since she joined Bain & Company in 1977, when she was 26. Romney appointed Gadiesh to his transition team when he became governor of Massachusetts in November 2002. Gadiesh is the daughter of Falk Gadiesh, an Israeli brigadier general and former member of the general staff who reorganized the Israeli army in the early 1950s after a stint at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Falk’s daughter Orit was chosen to serve in Israeli military intelligence. Her first position in the Israeli military was as assistant to Ezer Weizman, the deputy chief of staff who later became president of Israel. During the early 1970s, she worked in the war room, a bunker where Gen. Moshe Dayan was in charge. As a war room assistant to Weizman, Orit provided military leaders with documents and correspondence.
Prior to joining Bain & Company, Gadiesh served in the office of the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army. Currently, she is on the board of directors of the Peres Center for Peace, an organization headed by a former chief of staff of the Israeli military, Lt. General Amnon Lipkin-Shahak. The high-level Mossadnik Avner Azulay, managing director of the Marc Rich Foundation, is also on the executive board of the Peres Center.
ROMNEY’S INTELLIGENCE CHIEF AND CAMPAIGN ADVISER – Mitt Romney named Michael Chertoff, the Israeli agent who supervised the destruction of the crucial evidence of 9/11, co-chair of his counterterrorism and intelligence advisory committee in October 2011. The 9/11 cover-up continues.
Mitt Romney attended the Mossad’s “Herzliya Conference on Israeli Security” in 2007. Romney and the current Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu worked together as consultants at the Boston Consulting Group early in their careers.
Romney’s close relationship with Orit Gadiesh and Israeli military intelligence is the real reason he is the chosen candidate of the Zionist establishment. Romney is being supported by high-level Zionists, Israeli military intelligence, and their controlled media network. This relationship between the Israeli military and Mitt Romney, a presidential candidate, should be of great concern to all Americans because this is how the Israeli military plans to drag the United States into a war with Iran.
If it is not clear it should be.  Ron Paul won the Republican nomination for president.  He could have won the Democratic nomination just as easily.  The only reason we are seeing Romney is that he is a foreign agent who represents an attempt at further overthrowing American freedoms and has absolutely no right to represent himself as a candidate from the Republican Party.
The nominating process, which has yet to conclude, has been wrought with vote rigging, millions in bribes and violations of every kind.
Ron Paul won and Romney is a foreign spy, a demagogue, a dangerous fanatic and has spent his life as part of an organized crime syndicate.  Most elections, priaries, caucuses were rigged, almost all show clear criminal activity and there is no effort to correct this because the election for president of the United States is being managed from Tel Aviv (read Moscow).
He makes Obama look good.  Does America need a president put in office by another rigged election, this one with 4 wives (only a rumor from people near him) and over 10000 illegal Swiss bank accounts.  Bain Capital, according to reliable sources is one of the biggest sources of terrorist funding on earth, biggest traders in conflict diamonds, and deeply involved in human trafficking.
Did Romney learn this as a Mormon Bishop?
Last week, Canada’s banking system crashed, something kept out of their papers.  America sent Canada $131 billion dollars to underwrite their currency or Canada would be gone.  Canada has prided itself at being independent, at being free, at being a model nation.
Want some unpleasant truth?
Israeli spies run Canadas’ government and economic system through blackmail, bribery and intimidation.
Canada has smuggled more nuclear technology and refined uranium than any other country on earth and are a greater danger than even Germany and North Korea, the biggest exporters of WMD technologies.
If one were to want to find an evil empire, the “secret society” ruling sectors of both Canada and Germany, whose citizens are kept in absolute ignorance, are the real world axis of evil or as close as we have now.  A few decades ago, one could have made a list including East Germany, South Africa, Libya, Germany (even then), Czechoslovakia.
I love Canada, my family helped found it but watchfulness and strength are needed more in Canada than petty socialism, political correctness and stifling the truth, which is Canada’s greatest skill as yet.   Let me look in the drawer here, I think I still have charters awarding us everything from Windsor and Amherstburg to well past Toronto.  Now, if I want to repossess Southern Ontario, I have to negotiate with Timothy Geithner who seems to be holding the mortgage on Canada.
What  kind of nation would accept a secret bailout with counterfeit money? (For my Canadian friends, ask about the $131 billion, where did it go and who authorized it?)
These are the hard facts and accepted theories by the real experts, without any of the speculation of activists or “conspiracy theory” folks.  There is more, much more, but how much anger is allowed?
What we can’t do is walk away from our political system when we have one party of foreign controlled traitors, the GOP and another of petty mobsters and incompetents, the Democrats.  We have what we deserved.  When we were offered the candidate we dreamed of, perhaps not the charisma of Bobby Kennedy but Ron Paul, once free of the “bought and paid for” congress, could and is likely to begin restoring America.
Let us first jail those who created this upcoming election and do it quickly, ridding ourselves of Mr. Romney, Mr. Adelson, Mr. Netanyahu, Ms. “Ferkel” Merkel of Germany and the pack of thieves who have taken control of Canada.

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