Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lights Out Asia - Hy Brasil (Music)

When one is aware of most all of the ugliness in the world it can be challenging to find beauty. When it seems that the unconscious imperative of the Dominant Culture is the replication of Hell in the physical plane (which it is doing a fine job of) and the dwindling survivors, wounded and as though caught in a maze for so long their higher cognitive faculties have atrophied and spiritual potential just that, a potential, can still hear the sound of waves and seabirds penetrating in from a crack somewhere that resonates with a part of them, the part that Taoists call the Tao and Scientists say emerged ~15 Billion Earth years ago and became all of the Universe, and although still trapped in this Hieronymus Bosch like death-maze, are comforted and reminded that although Earth is Hell, it is but one world and we are experiencing but one life among an infinite time/space continuum.

Who knows, maybe if enough light gets into the maze we will find our way out.

It has been said by many a philosopher that music and humor are Humanity's saving grace. Thank god we have George Carlin and Lights Out Asia.

This is the official soundtrack for both the accelerating 6th Mass Extinction and the Evolution of Consciousness with or without Humanity's continued survival.


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