Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wilhelm Reich - Man's Right To Know

As with Nikola Tesla this is another case of TPTB (or more appropriately, The Powers That Were) suppressing Free Energy technologies, for reasons which I have expanded upon many times on this blog:

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 June 22 2012

Update: I've added a link to the film Thrive (note: the ideas that follow this update were formed independently of the film, in fact I am watching it for the first time as I type this, so far so good) as it is extremely relevant to this post, and a critique of it by Charles Eisenstein and a rebuttal by the films producer, Foster Gamble. And this article was added to the text as a hot link, a bit infuriating, but nothing really new. Have you heard of the raids on raw milk dairies by crack goon-squads armed with military grade hardware? Aside from the different camouflage pattern you wouldn't be able to discern them from an infantry unit in Iraq, I should know.....The interesting thing to watch will be when these goon-squads who are on hire for and support the 1% go up against entire platoons of disenchanted combat veterans, similarly equipped and utilizing guerrilla warfare tactics. Don't believe it? That day is coming.

Again, they don't want you growing your own food (or medicine), they want to keep you plugged in, completely dependent upon and controlled by the rogue, shadow government run by and for the 1%.

Before reading the foregoing I want to comment on what I believe to be what the author, Gordon Duff, means when he says that he can prove in court that we can get off of non-renewable fossil fuels within 3 years. I believe he is referring to alleged exotic energy technologies that may be being withheld from "The Masses", these technologies are likely Free Energy type sources or close to it (nuclear fusion, cold fusion, anti-gravity etc.) and may be reverse engineered Alien technologies (no, I am not kidding).
A few possible explanations for their not being deployed: one being that there are other critical resources aside from energy that are also of dwindling availability, and that freeing up energy used for energy generation and transportation etc. would only exacerbate the situation by not providing any kind of check on exponential population growth and consumption of a myriad of other non-renewable resources (as within human time-frames, i.e. not millions of years required for their replenishment) whose depletion exists independent of a techno-fix (i.e. oceanic deep water fish populations which are now beyond 95% depleted, Biodiversity loss and Top Soil loss to name just a few).

There is also the blatantly obvious relationship between Religious Fundamentalism, Ultra-Conservatism, and the fossil fuel energy industries (just ask religious zealot and Anthropogenic Climate Change denier Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, who also is in Big Oil's pocket) and the equally obvious deduction that any significant reduction in energy consumption via an energy revolution would curtail this complexes wealth, power and influence. Think of the Vatican, suppressing the reality that our planet not only is not the center of the Universe, but is actually not even the center of our Galaxy, that it occupies a lowly spot on the outer reaches of one of its spiral arms, they put Galileo under house arrest until his death for such heresy! Think of Nikola Tesla, who J.P. Morgan's handsomely paid scientists concocted contrarian science "debunking" his work with Free Energy because hey you cant make money from Free Anything! But you can with oil! You can also control large numbers of people by sectioning them off in a grid like matrix with transportation networks initially planned and created for swift military and police access should any insurrectionary type activity arise on said grid and to top it all off the imprisoned masses pay for the networks by having their labor taxed! In fact, seeing as how integral oil is in our economy, it could be said that ALL OF OUR ACTIVITY is taxed! Can't do that with Free Energy and localized Permaculture oriented food production and an massive interconnected Mag-Lev type transportation system now can you? They want you locked into what Dmitry Orlov calls "The Iron Triangle" of house, job and car. Another piece of media worth mentioning here is Who Killed the Electric Car?, where you will learn about the "GM, Firestone and Standard Oil Conspiracy" where they purchased and dismantled L.A.'s train system in the early 1900's so they could sell cars, tires and oil. And now, with the utter nightmare of traffic congestion and pollution and endless wars for oil you know what the ideal solution is? That's right, a train system that they had 100 YEARS AGO!

Another possibility is that there is a dark and insidious plan in play to reduce global human population levels down to the sub 1 Billion range, with the corporate "Elites" safely tucked away in massive subterranean cities while the "Zombie Apocalypse" does its thing. And no, sadly this too is not a far fetched idea. Many of the proponents of this idea also subscribe to a quasi-elitist religious fundamentalist ideology whose core premise is the "return of their savior", a white Jesus, descending down from the Heavens, to take them and their chosen brethren to salvation leaving the "non-believers" and the rest of creation to burn in Hell for eternity. They are hoping to usher in Christ's Second Coming (in accordance with prophecy) during the "Apocalypse", set in motion in earnest with a global Nuclear exchange via "Armageddon".

Any attempt to mitigate and even reverse the trajectory we are now solidly set on would be heretical, for it goes against the "prophecy" found within a literal interpretation of the Bible - a prophecy that when viewed against the backdrop of the causal relationship between collective human behavior, the influence of religious and governmental institutions and the degradation of the planets eco-systems through over-use, overpopulation (abortions are against God's Will! But sending excess populations to fight and die in profitable, senseless wars is not) and pollution - becomes apparent that this is a self-fulfilling prophecy: an Engineered Apocalypse.

Thought experiment: Say I live on an island, and find some turtle shells with what I believe to be a prophecy of future events, (it has been cogently pointed out that when the original King James Bible was authored the Book of Revelations was anticipating events in the immediate future pertaining to that era, not 2k years into the future, in fact right around the turn of every century "The Saved", a.k.a. The Millenarians, don white robes, quite their jobs and flock to nearby hilltops to await the return of their Savior) and say I interpret the writing on the turtle shells to mean that no matter what I do that some violent planet-wide cataclysm is on the horizon, then hey guess what? Do you think I am going to manage the islands resources in a sustainable manner? Do you think I will, through responding to feedback from the environment, practice self-restraint? No of course not! We're all doomed anyway!! FOR IT IS PROPHESIED!! So here we are, in the Alberta Tar Sands, scraping the bottom of the barrel so to speak, and having learned nothing from both the Deepwater Horizon and Fukushima catastrophes, racing towards the newly melted Arctic region to repeat the blunder there and restarting reactors in Japan.

So although I am aware of the reality of Peak Oil (well actually Peak Everything), and that it appears that we are indeed in the midst of Civilizational Collapse (no I am sorry to break it to you, a return to "Infinite Growth" is not around the corner), my particular view is also nuanced with a firm belief that we have been in contact with intelligent alien life and that what we believe to be the state of our technology is not the actual state of the art and that many of our problems could be addressed were we to truly come together and engage with our Shadow Government and rapidly ("at war time speed" as Lester Brown would say) inventory the state of our planet, its resources, and, utilizing the full extent of the technologies available, secret and otherwise, begin to redesign a global society around a basal paradigm of empathy, compassion, inclusiveness and greater equality and sustainability.

Unfortunately, the aforementioned actors in high positions of power, public and otherwise, are truly delusional sociopaths and the likelihood of this coming to pass is not likely. But another equally insurmountable barrier to any kind of collective response along these lines - and I am willing to wager many reading this likely believe all I have just relayed to be a bunch of crazy nonsense - is that we have been so successfully and thoroughly programmed to regard these issues: of Alien Contact, of Civilizational Collapse, of a Secretive Shadow Government, of what really happened on 9/11 and of Psychic Phenomena etc. as "conspiracy theories" that there is no way we will ever collectively develop a consensus of actual reality, and without that there can be no meaningful response to the more pressing challenges confronting Humanity as a whole.

Evolution of Consciousness or Mass Extinction? Both?

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