Saturday, September 10, 2011

Alex Jones: COINTELPRO at its Finest

What do I think?

I couldnt agree more with the following comment that is found below the video in the link above:

MCR (Michael C Ruppert) needs to explain himself on his stance against Alex Jones. I figured this guy out a while ago but there are many collapsenetters who have not put two and two together on Alex Jones. Ruppert dislikes the idea of having to waste mental faculty on A. Jones. He has briefly spoken about Jones in the past but obviously many people missed that memo.

I firmly believe that he is a part of the controlled dissent strategy that has been in effect for some time now. In short, controlled dissent is when the mega-rich fund supposedly anti-establishment people. These purportedly anti-establishment mouthpieces use some truth but ultimately are funded to propel key lies and disinformation to people who would otherwise not fall for propaganda. In effect, you control your supposed dissent. Hence the term "controlled dissent". To figure these people out, you have to gauge them on how they answer key questions (both in actions and words) and their backgrounds/motivations have to make sense. It also helps to follow the money as the money trail usually leads to interesting revelations about ostensible messengers of truth.

As I've said before, the best way to lie to people is to embed filthy lies with a generous helping of truth. Alex Jones is pretty darn good at this- he had many of us fooled for a while.
- jwafer

I concur, I believe he is a paid mouthpiece for Big Energy as he casts Anthropogenic Climate Change as a contrived elaborate hoax on the part of a Global Elite (different than his benefactors) who is attempting to use the issue to create a New World Order. 

In order for propaganda and their promulgators to be effective what is conveyed has to be 90% true. 

See Also: 

COINTELPRO: The Untold American Story

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