Monday, October 24, 2016

The Lid is Off - Charles Eisenstein 

Posted on Oct 10, 2016
The Lid is Off
It is getting harder to keep a secret these days. The collective shadow of our society, once safely relegated to the dark basement of the unmentionable, is now exposed to daylight, forcing us to face our contradictions. I’ll offer three examples: Donald Trump’s leaked recordings, Hillary Clinton’s emails and Wall Street speeches, and the endless procession of videos of police brutality.

Once upon a time, “locker room talk” like Donald Trump’s lewd and degrading remarks leaked to the media would have stayed safely sequestered from public view. Misogynistic locker room banter existed, as it were, in an alternate universe. What was said on the golf course or the barroom didn’t register as part of a man’s public reputation; in those places, men were free to say things that would be unforgivable in public. The coexistence of these two realms was seldom questioned. As a high school and college athlete, I remember hearing the kinds of things Trump has said, and they were quite unremarkable in that context. A boy could say the most brutish, repellant things in the locker room without damage to his reputation outside it. Respectable society would never find out. Likewise, when reporters and politicians mingled outside the public performances of their roles, an unwritten understanding kept their conversations safely off the record. I imagine Donald Trump feeling a sense of betrayal at the revelation of his remarks, as if a boy reported to another boy’s girlfriend what he said about her in the locker room.

I think this division into two realms extended to internal, psychological divisions in the individuals making the degrading boasts and comments about women. In polite company, they became people who did not harbor such thoughts. The locker room alter-ego was safely contained in a different psychic compartment. I can imagine a Donald Trump being sincerely – sincerely! – scandalized to hear in polite company the very things he himself said in the safety of the mens’-only field of misogyny. I can imagine him condemning what was said in all earnestness, with zero awareness of hypocrisy.

So it is that rape culture is allowed to persist. It needs a shadow zone. The locker room conversations that objectify and degrade women and contribute to rape culture need a “locker room” in which to happen, a wall of separation between it and the larger realm of general social acceptability.

This wall of separation is breaking down, thanks in large part to the ubiquity of recording technology and the impossibility of stopping the distribution of the recordings on the Internet. Contradictions, whether personal or social, that could once remain hidden are coming unstoppably to light. It is getting harder to uphold a divided self.

As with sex, so with money. Hillary Clinton is having a hard time maintaining a wall of separation between her public posture of economic populism and her decades-long ministration to the needs of Wall Street. In former times a politician’s speeches to elite insiders would exist in an inviolably separate realm from his or her public image. In inside circles of power, the politician would be free to express himself directly. No concealment of his allegiances was necessary, because no one outside the political and corporate elite was listening. So of course, Hillary Clinton was loathe to release the transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street banks. Those speeches were the equivalent of locker room talk, which is supposed to stay in the locker room. Here, though, the context is financial domination rather than sexual domination.

Something similar applies to Clinton’s infamous deleted emails. There is nothing new about the contrast between the public presentation of governance and its ugly inner workings. The exercise of political power has never been pretty. The backroom deals, the threats and coercion, the buying of favors… all the nastiness that the email scandal hints at is characteristic of politics as we know it. The difference today is that it can no longer be confined to the back room. In other words, it is getting harder to maintain the appearance of democracy in a reality of oligopoly.

It is perhaps necessary that Clinton and Trump are both such extreme expressions of the suppressed shadow of our culture, presenting itself in unambiguous form for clearing. Liberal pundits have repeatedly observed that the bigoted sentiments Donald Trump expresses are merely the undisguised version of what Republicans have been saying in code for a long time. The hidden erupts into view. Clinton, meanwhile, is no ordinary establishment politician; she is the very epitome of the establishment, embodying its insincerity, lack of imagination, normalized corruption, and narrow technocratic commitment to preserving the status quo.

This is not meant as a personal criticism. My purpose here is not to condemn Hillary or the Donald; it is to illuminate the dissolving of the insulating compartments that allow contradictions and hypocrisy to exist. Probably in person, each of them is a complex individual like you and me, a mixture of beauty and pain, playing the roles laid out for them. I imagine that in their most private moments neither fully identifies with those roles nor believes in the game into which they have been thrust, any more than you or I believe in it. The elites usually precede the people into cynicism. In any event, our current moment of social evolution is calling each of them, in their public roles, to be an avatar of a cultural shadow archetype, presented to us in extreme form so that it cannot be ignored.

Clinton and Trump are a product of their conditions, playing the “game of thrones” according to the secret rules of the insiders, in a system that has long allowed, encouraged, and in some ways nearly required hypocrisy. That system is coming to an end. We are entering by fits and starts an era of transparency in which, we may someday hope, secret rules and hypocrisy will have no purchase.

Another arena with a longstanding division between sanitized public presentation and gritty reality is law enforcement. As with misogyny and political corruption, there is nothing new about police brutality and nothing new about its disproportionate application to brown-skinned people. For a long time though, it was sequestered in the realm of the unmentionable, relegated to the left-wing margins of political discourse or the statistics of academic papers. No longer. The advent of ubiquitous cell phone video cameras and other video surveillance has lifted the lid off the dark political unconscious and exposed its contents to light.

Here again, this exposure is making the two contradictory functions of the police – serving and protecting, and bullying and abusing – impossible to maintain simultaneously. It is only possible if the latter function is well hidden in the shadows.

I could go on to make similar points about drone strikes, refugee camps, clearcuts, and all the other injury and injustice that technology and social media are bringing into view. For a long time, propriety and ideology have buffered normalcy from the ugly inner workings of its maintenance. For example, the ideology of development has buffered us from the horrors of Third World sweatshops, strip mines, dispossession of land, and so forth. Lurid caricatures of violent criminals hides the grinding injustice of the legal system. The triumphal narrative of exploration and progress obscures the genocide of indigenous cultures. These various buffers, which allow contradictions to stand, have been necessary to operate a civilization built on exploitation and ecocide. Open up any social institution – politics, finance, business, education, medicine, academia, and even philanthropy – and you will find within it the same ugly machinations of power.

Today these buffers are disintegrating, despite the best efforts of established power to maintain secrecy, prosecute whistle-blowers, and control information. We might thank technology for bringing the dark underbelly of our system to light, but I think something larger is afoot. The trend toward transparency that is happening on the systems level is also happening in our personal relationships and within ourselves. Invisible inconsistencies, hiding, pretense, and self-deception show themselves as the light of attention turns inward. The tools of self-examination are proliferating on every level, from the personal to the collective. Herein is a link between the political developments I’ve described and the world of self-help, spirituality, or consciousness. At its best, these comprise ways of shedding light onto our internal contradictions and blockages in order to create a kind of inner transparency. On the interpersonal level too, a lot of work around partnership and community also aims for transparency, for example to expose hidden resentments, repressed desires, and unconscious conflicts. Illuminating the contradictions between the story and the actuality of a relationship brings the possibility of healing.

When previously hidden contradictions rise to consciousness and collide, the result is first denial and rage, followed by cognitive dissonance and the breakdown of normalcy. We see that happening today in the public sphere. That process can be disorienting, even paralyzing, as familiar orienting certitudes turn false. Who are we as a people? What is reliable? What is possible? What is real? We aren’t what we thought we were, and it isn’t what we thought it was. This confusion is a good thing. It is a sign of liberation from the old story that confined us. The exposure and clearing of hidden contradictions brings us to a higher degree of integrity, and frees up prodigious amounts of energy that had been consumed in the maintenance of illusions. What will our society be capable of, when we are no longer wallowing in pretense?


Friday, September 9, 2016

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

How Fluoride Affects Consciousness and the Will to Act

Jordan Resnick
New evidence has linked fluoride and other chemicals to brain disorders. What other unknown effects might this industrial by-product added to our water supply have? An examination of water fluoridation’s shadowy history reveals potentially disturbing ramifications for human consciousness.

Recent research has brought the controversial practice of water fluoridation back into the spotlight, revealing links between water fluoridation and brain disorders, particularly in regard to its effect on children.

Troublingly, the report found that side-effects do not only come from direct ingestion by children, but also from higher levels of chemicals such as fluoride in expectant mothers’ blood and urine, which was linked to brain disorders and lower IQs in their children. In many cases, the changes triggered can be permanent. This evidence flies right in the face of spurious claims by skeptics that ingestion of fluoride in low concentrations has no harmful effects on our health.

Is it any wonder then that only seven countries in the world actually fluoridate more than 50 percent of their water supply? Although it is often portrayed in America as if every country does it, this is very far from the truth. In fact, the United States accounts for more than 50 percent of all the fluoridated water drinkers in the world, while the vast majority of European countries for example avoid this practice altogether.

So what is fluoride and why do a few countries continue to infuse their public drinking water with this controversial chemical? What ramifications might its side effects have for human development?

How Water Fluoridation Came to Be

Although there is widespread acceptance that fluoride is toxic in high doses, a trend emerged in the twentieth century to add this chemical to drinking water at dosages deemed to be “safe.” Where did this trend originate?

It may surprise you to hear that apparently the first occurrence of purposefully putting sodium fluoride into drinking water took place in the German ghettos of the 30s and 40s, and shortly thereafter in Nazi concentration camps.* Clearly, the Nazis would not be concerned with the strength and resilience of their prisoners’ teeth; so, what could be the real reason to fluoridate the water? What effects does it really have upon us? And why are countries such as the United States still doing it?

Let’s now look at how water fluoridation started in America. An industry researcher from the Mellon Institute financed by the Alcoa Company first recommended water fluoridation in America in 1939. Seeing as Alcoa had toxic waste, a bi-product from aluminum otherwise known as fluoride and stood to benefit from finding a way to sell and dispose of it, could this really be a coincidence? The report convinced dentists and the public at large that water fluoridation is good for our teeth. With this, whether intended or not, the industry gained a way to get toxic waste off their hands, and moreover, even be paid to get rid of it—by selling it off to be dumped into the public water supply.

In 1946, an attorney and former counsel to Alcoa was appointed to head the U.S. Public Health Service. Shortly thereafter, he ensured that the water fluoridation “experiment” passed essentially unchallenged and unchecked by any real public study or research and was soon given a $750K private bonus from Alcoa. In today’s dollars, that’s worth anywhere from $6.89 million to $55.3 million, depending on how you account for inflation.

But some people have identified a more sinister agenda behind water fluoridation that goes beyond apparent greed and convenience. At the end of World War II, Charles Elliot Perkins, a researcher in chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, and pathology, was sent to Germany to take charge of their chemical plants. He later wrote in response to what he had seen and heard while there: “The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty … Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluorine will in time gradually reduce the individual’s power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narco-tizing this area of the brain tissue, and make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him.”

How Fluoride Suppresses Consciousness
Pineal Gland with Calcifications
Pineal gland parenchyma with calcifications.

But how does a chemical bi-product dumped into the water supply actually work upon those who ingest it over time? There are many ways sodium fluoride consumption affects our bodies, but one aspect we’ll focus on in this article is that sodium fluoride calcifies the pineal gland. British scientist Jennifer Luke published a study which found that fluoride deposits tended to accumulate in the pineal gland and calcify it. In addition, a 450 page review on fluoride toxicity published by the National Research Council in 2006 reported that fluoride produced a range of negative side effects including “decreased melatonin production” and “other effects on normal pineal function, which in turn could contribute to a variety of effects in humans.”

Not just scientists, but mystics too have explored the effects of the pineal gland within us (from different angles): physically, it plays an important role in regulating sleep patterns and sexual development; spiritually, it is said to be a connection between the body and the soul, and is referred to by some as our “third eye.” Either way, when the pineal gland is calcified by sodium fluoride, it obviously cannot function properly. This could have grave effects both physically and spiritually upon humanity.

There is more to the human body than its physical apparatus. This is widely evident in phenomenon such as near-death experiences, whereby people have had accounts of experiencing existence while their brain and body has been clinically dead. However, while we are here physically, the spiritual components depend upon the physical apparatus in order to function properly and thereby communicate and actively participate in the physical world. When an important seat of consciousness such as the pineal gland cannot function properly, by logical extension, consciousness itself cannot function properly within us, since the physical means with which it functions in the world has been damaged.

Thus, it is not only that fluoride consumption has adverse health effects and reputedly makes people easier to control (as the Nazi’s believed), but the very spiritual essence of who we are, our consciousness, can be hindered from manifesting in our lives. Within our consciousness are all the spiritual feelings such as love, peace, happiness, and freedom, as well as mystical experiences and psychic faculties. The consciousness gives us the ability to be “here,” “awake,” and present psychologically.

There are sinister agents in the world and beyond who wish to see consciousness suppressed. There appears to be an evil behind water fluoridation that runs deeper than mere convenience, and the implications go beyond fluoride’s reputed effects of making a people compliant who would otherwise question questionable things (such as water fluoridation – the irony notwithstanding). On the deepest level, it’s about a person’s individual ability to awaken consciousness and experience their full potential.
Concluding Remarks

Over ten years ago already, in November 2003, the United States passed the Water Act, which made it impossible for water companies to undergo civil or criminal hearings as a result of adding fluoride to public water supplies. It becomes more and more difficult to affect change on a mass scale to practices such as water fluoridation when those who have political, military, and legal control enact these types of measures. Fortunately, it is still within people’s ability to take measures to avoid fluoride and speak out however, and to personally do what they can to preserve, exercise, and awaken their own consciousness.

About the Author

Jordan Resnick has a keen interest in uncovering what’s really going on in the world and therefore enjoys looking into the many sides and theories behind current and past events. He works as a writer and editor by day, and has also been researching, exploring, and studying spirituality for the past ten years as a big part of his life, where his main areas of interest are in self-knowledge and studying sacred texts, using exercises like meditation, mantras, and exploring OBEs/astral projection to supplement this. Besides contributing here on, he also writes with his wife Jenny on their website

Friday, August 26, 2016

Anonymous - The Truth About World War 3

Listen closely, this is an excellent summation of U.S. Petro-Dollar Hegemony and recent maneuvering into what will be the next major world war. As Brexit was a convenient excuse for serious socio-economic issues there, U.S. officials without any solutions to the inherent problems of Corporate Capitalism: massive economic inequality and ecological degradation, among others, are looking for a convenient exit to serious economic stagnation:

63% of American's don't have $500 on hand for an emergency auto repair or a trip to the emergency room:

As the old saying goes, "when all else fails, they take you to war".

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” - Albert Einstein 

Professor Guy McPherson - The Guaranteed Ending?

“He was simply unable to let things be foggy. Since they always are, this kept him pretty active.”

~ Robert Oppenheimer, regarding Enrico Fermi

Fermi’s paradox, named after Enrico Fermi, refers to the contradiction between the lack of evidence and the high probability for the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. The basic points of the argument, as detailed by physicists Enrico Fermi and Michael H. Hart, are described by Wikipedia as follows:

1. There are billions of stars in the galaxy that are similar to the Sun, many of which are billions of years older than Earth.

2. With high probability, some of these stars will have Earth-like planets, and if the Earth is typical, some might develop intelligent life.

3. Some of these civilizations might develop interstellar travel, a step the Earth is investigating now (sic).

4. Even at the slow pace of currently envisioned interstellar travel, the Milky Way galaxy could be completely traversed in about a million years.

According to this line of thinking, the Earth already should have been visited by extraterrestrial aliens. In an informal conversation, Fermi noted no convincing evidence of this, leading him to ask, “Where is everybody?”

Several hypotheses have been forwarded to explain Fermi’s paradox, including that it is the nature of intelligent life to destroy itself. This is the argument, again detailed by Wikipedia, that technological civilizations may usually or invariably destroy themselves before or shortly after developing radio or space-flight technology. Possible means of annihilation are many, including war, accidental environmental contamination, or poorly designed artificial intelligence. This general theme is explored both in fiction and in scientific hypothesizing. In 1966, Sagan and Shklovskii speculated that technological civilizations will either tend to destroy themselves within a century of developing interstellar communicative capability or master their self-destructive tendencies and survive for billion-year timescales. Self-annihilation may also be viewed in terms of thermodynamics: insofar as life is an ordered system that can sustain itself against the tendency to disorder, the “external transmission” or interstellar communicative phase may be the point at which the system becomes unstable and self-destructs.

In other words, according to this perspective, our demise was guaranteed when the first technologically advanced civilization arose. As we know from myriad examples on Earth, uncivilized societies are capable of persisting for many thousands of years (at least). In contrast, there are at least six paths to near-term human extinction on Earth, each rooted in civilization. It seems we are following the extinction path as if it’s a handbook. Were I so inclined, I’d write the relevant book:Dummy’s Guide to Extinction.

The fastest and seemingly most-likely path to near-term human extinction on Earth is abrupt climate change. The refereed journal literature tackles the topic of hothouse Earth with a paper in the 9 February 2016 issue of Nature Communications: “Water-rich planets such as Earth are expected to become eventually uninhabitable, because liquid water turns unstable at the surface as temperatures increase with solar luminosity. Whether a large increase of atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases such as CO2 could also destroy the habitability of water-rich planets has remained unclear. Here we show with three-dimensional aqua-planet simulations that CO2-induced forcing as readily destabilizes the climate as does solar forcing. The climate instability is caused by a positive cloud feedback and leads to a new steady state with global-mean sea-surface temperatures above 330 K” (330 Kelvin is about 57 C, compared to today’s temperature of about 15 C).

It should come as no surprise that our time on Earth is limited. After all, the director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control. That was 27 years ago. It seems we’re a tad late in warding off catastrophic climate change.

Even if it were not too late, it’s not as if we’re interested in making any substantive effort. Most people within civilization are too enamored with money — and what it buys — for that trick. If we were interested in enacting substantive changes, it’d still be too late.

Abrupt climate change is here. It’s not a problem for the future. Instead, it’s a predicament in which we are embroiled now.

It seems we reached the least desirable outcome consistent with Fermi’s paradox: Industrial civilization is sufficiently technologically advanced to drive us to extinction. The only surprise to most of today’s informed witnesses is that it happened on our watch.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Spot on analysis.

Also have a look at the X22 report, I agree with most everything the host there Dave hast to say about the economy and geo-politics but harbor a suspicious our views differ on the very serious and prominent threat of Anthropogenic Climate Change, which he does not cover in any fashion.

The X22 report is updated nearly on a daily basis, I recommend subscribing and starting from about a two weeks ago to get up to speed with our situation.

Aug 2's Episode:


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Second Thoughts (or not)...

Another re-post from the Sactioned Suicide Sub-Reddit:

If things get to the point where I am starving and completely exposed to the elements not ending it at that point will be really challenging. But this is food for thought for anyone also coping with the failure of the Dominant Culture's spectacular failure in socio-economic terms and is contemplating the easy way out. 1% with 99% of the wealth, where Corporations are considered people, an economy predicated on permanent war and completely outmoded energy and motive technologies, what could possibly go wrong?

"Yeah I'm worried about spiritual karma, having read Michael Newton's Journey of Souls etc. From what I gather we are here to have a particular experience (whether we perceive as positive or negative is immaterial) that is a required experience for the development of our soul identity. The experience could also be karmic debt, and might even be the result of suicide in a former life, forcing us to endure a commensurate amount of suffering all over again in a future life of our choosing.

That's pretty much the only thing stopping me a this point. I have the means and the courage to do it. (method has a 95% + success rate, look at the chart, I'm not sure if discussing means here results in having the mods go crazy or what).

This is an exciting time to be alive, we are witnessing either an unprecedented transition where Humanity moves from being earth-bound to actually exploring the cosmos or the extinction of said organism. What we are all experiencing is the the direct consequence of the failure of the dominant paradigm (it's continue perpetuation, i.e. Oil Empire, benefiting only an extreme minority of the species, see the following film Thrive), in socio-economic and ecological terms.

We cannot have Infinite Growth on a Finite Planet. We cannot have massive economic inequality (1% vs. 99% not being hyperbole). We cannot have an economic model dependent on infinite consumerism with the planet offering limited source material and a limited pollution sink. We cannot destroy bio-diversity to the tune of 200 distinct species a day and expect to continue to have a living planet before long. We cannot continue to use patently outmoded energy technology that alters the climate in short order (the Shadow Govt releasing the reverse engineered alien tech, i.e. zero point energy and anti-gravitic in nature, stuff Tesla was working on that the FBI confiscated and has refused to release to this day only accounts for the energy side of things is only a part of the picture; we are literally eating the planet alive). We cannot continue to survive with an antiquated reality tunnel / basal paradigm, as Robert Anton Wilson would call it, i.e. Judeo-Christianity. It's time to incorporate what we have learned from Quantum Physics, Psychic Phenomena the existence and presence of ET and the actual state of communicative and motive technologies into a new paradigm that has as it's end the synergistic holism of man, technology and nature. To do otherwise is to continue rapidly down the path of the Near Term Human Extinction / 6th Mass Extinction (est. 2026-2030 time-frame, re: Methane Clathrate Gun).

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

My Personal NTHE Timeline Accelerates

I posted this comment over in the Sanctioned Suicide sub-reddit, it ended up rather long winded and I felt it was suitable blog-post entry:

What do you think a lot of society's problems stem from?

Tribal consciousness combined with unimaginably powerful technology.

Let me elaborate:

1.Short term thinking

2.Greater amount of time spent in a fearful state, of a heightened sense of insecurity.

3.Excessive materialism, relating directly with 2, this is exacerbated when we seek to fulfill our sense of security through materialism to include fulfilling ones perceived sense of ranking among peers, acceptance of those within the tribal order and the acquisition of a mate.

This kind of consciousness results in the need to over-consume the natural world and develop unjust socio-economic relationships. Invariably, multiple tribes begin to encroach on contested land and conflict ensues with usually the most technologically advanced as victors (Guns, Germs and Steel; Jared Diamond) necessitating the need for the development of a highly stratified, hierarchical order where a certain percentage of the society can be freed from tribal living requirements and allocated to the task of inventing new technologies requisite for the transition from a tribe to an Empire. The eventual transformation from a tribe to an Empire can never jettison what would by then be considered the completely anachronistic and even barbaric institutions, slavery and outmoded organized religion (such as has been thoroughly refuted by Science) for these institutions are the bedrock of the Empire in question. For example in the U.S, Corporate Personhood and the level of economic inequality, now even having surpassed that of the Gilded Age, although completely mystifying any good natured, sensible person of a developed level of consciousness seem to be unquestioned truths (although the Occupy Wall Street, Zeitgeist and even Anonymous movements have seriously challenged as of recent).

To briefly sum up, all of our problems and their manifestation here as a veritable living hell world for the majority of it's inhabitants on a planet capable of much greater spiritual cohesion, coherence (Human and Mind, Human and Nature, Human and Technology, Human and Human) are rooted directly in Fear / Fear Based Consciousness.

Fear served us relatively well when the world was far more inhospitable but at this critical juncture our continued survival depends on our active participation in evolving our consciousness. Time is relative, we can, with pure intent and effort, greatly accelerate our psycho-spiritual evolution.

“The real problem of humanity is the following: we have paleolithic emotions; medieval institutions; and god-like technology. And it is terrifically dangerous, and it is now approaching a point of crisis overall.” - EO Wilson

I'm afraid if we do not do so and do so in time we will not survive the mounting, converging crises currently placed at our doorstep (Anthropogenic Climate Chaos, Biodiversity Loss, 400 Ticking Nuclear Time-Bombs, nearly all of whom sitting on geological fault lines, a global socio-economic order with Slavery, Eco-cide and Genocide as it's pre-requisites).

Anyone whose taken an Astronomy course in the past 30 years is likely familiar with Drakes Equation, wherein one of the factors of the Equation is the possibility of a civilization capable of IR spectrum communication (light and radio) succumbing to the unwanted effects accompanying unsustainable "development" (turning the Amazon rain forest into a Wall Mart parking lot is not development unless the end goal of the organizing principle in question is to develop a living planet into the Death Star) before said IR communication reaches an audience.

We are either witnessing the death of an organism that failed to consciously evolve from a collective fear based paradigm and consciousness to one of greater inclusiveness, empathy and compassion or it's painful birth-pangs.

I am currently in this sub-reddit because I am at a dead-end with this life. My 1987 Volvo station-wagon that I live out of in San Francisco, as a homeless veteran, decided to give up the ghost today and I fear this may be either the start of something exciting or the end of this life experience by way of self-inflicted gun-shot wound to the head.

That's where I am personally on the Empire Failure / Collapse of Industrial Civilization / NTHE time-line.

It's interesting to point out that while I have a two year degree, am a veteran having seen combat and separated honorably am forced to live in my 1987 Volvo whose only choice of work are minimum wage wage-slave jobs that truly, in every way, approximate slavery in a city renowned for it's affluence.

I can see the shrewd logic behind the $13 an hour wage in a city whose median apartment cost is $3500., the rich always need more money and will go at any length to get it, including medicating the supporting population in question with Sodium Fluoride coupled with an education system designed to produce obedient factory workers who respond reliably, in a Pavlovian manner, to various stimuli placed in the environment, to include the ringing of a bell signalling the time for them to take a break of move to the next job task.

I ran across an article recently that put the inequality in the SF Bay area between Rwanda and Guatemala.

Here's some good information on NTHE, the science is constantly evolving as new feedbacks are discovered and added to the approximate 30 or so there are already, including the Methane-Clathrate "Gun". Last I checked, the revised consensus is that we have until 2026 until NTHE, precipitated by drought induced crop failure, begins in earnest:

Our problems will remain intractable and we will head down the path of NTHE barring some form of meta-physical Jungian rapid shift in consciousness.

Based on how I've seen Humanity respond to our problems in the past decade, from 2006 until now, I don't place a lot of faith in us changing any time soon. The super wealthy, whose hands are the only ones on the levers, have become completely detached from reality, many of whom already were religious fundamentalists to begin with who truly believe in "Jesus descending from the clouds to save the good white Christians".

We're fucked. I will probably be gone in a few weeks, as will everyone reading this at some point in time.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

"We Cannot Consider it a Crime to Kill You"

Being homeless yet still capable of availing yourself of certain resources is the only way one extends their expiration date during "The Greatest Depression", "The Collapse of Industrial Civilization", "Anthropogenic Climate Change Induced Mass Extinction", pick one of the above, according to your level of lucidity.  One such resource are "Fitness Centers" where we can engage in Preventive Medicine's most important activity and enjoy sometimes hot, usually luke-warm showers. Similar to a watering hole that attracts a diverse group of specialized survivists, at these various "Fitness Centers" you will usually find a diverse group of the sub-species Homo S. Mobilis (Latin: to move) in their home on wheels, a kind of Mad Max tableau turned to life.

My current home (when camping isn't feasible) is a 1987 Volvo 240 DL station-wagon whose odometer got stuck at 298,726 miles roughly 5-10 years ago (estimating 12k miles a year x25 years). She is certainly a charismatic one. I've asked many mechanics if the idle is normal but have yet to receive a clear answer. Of course I would have a newer, more reliable home (or maybe even a real home, imagine that!) if my budget when my one year in a home (via HUD voucher) came to an abrupt end a few months ago was greater than $1900. Of course it is important for the beneficiaries of modern day slavery / Capitalism / Neo-Feudalism to keep the rent insanely high as guess what the last sector of the economy to collapse is? That's right, it's the rents! Why do you think the Big Banks we bailed out in 2008 via TARP turned around and purchased the massive number of recently foreclosed homes and kept them vacant? To prop up the property value of course!

Meanwhile the number of vacant homes outnumber the homeless 6 to 1!

More on TARP:

So veterans, honorably served, with very few real jobs to gain access to (what with all of the outsourcing of the 90's, the "etherialization" of the economy and now here comes automation) are forced to live in their cars, camp in public parks, and spend their waking hours in public libraries, trying in vain to pretend they aren't homeless (partially succeeding, most of the existing poverty in this country is hidden, unlike previous era's of poverty, such as the Great Depression where there were food and work lines everywhere. Now everyone is given a food-stamp card).

Living this way forces one to appreciate life's little details (I'm not working 60 hours a week just to put a roof over my head in the San Francisco Bay Area for one thing, imagine if everyone wasn't so busy with work!) such as this Volkswagen Westfalia, an excellent, much sought after choice among the Homo S. Mobilis sub-species.

In a curiously coincident way, I just so happened to be listening to this podcast between Derrick Jensen ("End Game", "A Language Older Than Words","The Culture of Make Believe") and Stephanie McMillan ("Capitalism Must Die") where they explore the reality of the situation where the capitalist can harm and kill people towards the end of making profit and isn't held accountable for the crime of murder (6:18 minute mark)

The first thing that caught my eye with this van was a quote in Latin. Now, I had not heard of "Google Translate" but I assumed, intuitively, that someone had to have made an application that translates written text using your smart-phone camera, and a quick search query confirmed this. Unfortunately, the camera feature doesn't work on Latin, but plugging in the writing results the English translation:

"We cannot consider it a crime to kill you"

Oh and to any of this blog's older visitors, I think I'm back, I am going to try to post things relevant to Collapse from my unique"boots on the ground" perspective each Sunday. Stay posted.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Alan Watts - The Architecture of Insecurity

My Take on Zika

Hi everyone, ok so I haven't been posting as much as I normally do, and part of the reason for that is that I have kind of reached a point of resignation with it all. I haven't been able to hold down a decent job and there being zero form of safety net in the country has forced me into the uncomfortable emotional and psychological position of considering that I may be nearing the end of this life. My situation is such that I will soon be forced to becoming a dishwasher or say, working 12 hour shifts in a warehouse, or maybe as a gas station attendant for minimum wage with a two hour commute to and from work via mass transit. And that's assuming I can get one of those jobs. Yes it's already getting that bad.

I pity those who have these jobs. We have the technology to make all of this completely obsolete (yes I'm referring to automation, the technology has existed for, from what I hear, over a decade to completely automate McDonald's entire operations, but doing so would entail a huge social cost).
Thinking about it today, I am basically being forced to submit to slavery, simply to eek out an impoverished existence. We aren't using those technologies, among motive and energy systems, anti-gravitic and Zero Point in nature, because their existence would mean the end of the highly complex, hierarchical, stratified society run for and by the 1%, the Shadow Govt, The Powers That Be, the Man Behind the Curtain, The Illuminati, whoever you wish to refer to them as. And that's why the allegorical device of the human batteries in the popular film "The Matrix" is so resonant. We know on some level, however vaguely and intuitively that we and our special roles exist solely to benefit this extreme minority of Humanity.

Gas station attendant.

I don't fucking think so.

In the face of slavery or death, I choose death, every time.



Ok so here's an article that just showed up on Reddit (2 a.m. PST). The moderators are likely asleep so it may still be up and attract additional feedback, some of which may be invaluable.

My Reddit handle is SophisticatedPeasant, and here's my response to the article I posted there on Reddit:

"Holy crap. I'm glad I got to this before the mods did.
Thanks for posting!"

"Following up, this would completely explain why zero cases of Zika have been reported in Hawaii, especially considering that there has been human traffic between there and Brazil around the same timeframe before and up to the initial reported outbreak of Zika. Hawaii shares the same spot along the equator as Brazil (as measured in latitudinal distance away from the equator, north and south respectively), they are both tropical and share some plant, insect, and animal species, among them, the mosquito allegedly responsible for transporting the Zika virus.

An explanation for there not being any reported, locally created cases of Zika could support the assertion that the symptom of microcephaly is, as the article and Physicians in Crop Sprayed Towns (PCST) allege, a consequence of the Monsanto Partner derived insecticide was placed in and subsequently entered water supply at ground zero in Brazil.

According the the Zika map, the radial spreading of the virus away from Ground Zero, even up-stream, could be explained if Ground Zero was a water treatment facility or water bottling plant (for local consumption) and people with inadequate water infrastructure were getting their water there at GZ only for symptoms to manifest later on away from GZ.

Another explanation that couldn't rule out the first would be that many of the cases on the Zika Ground Zero map in Brazil could be the actual place of birth of the microcephaly victims and not necessarily where the mother came into contact with, consumed, the pesticide poisoned water.

An alternative explanation to the entire Zika story could be that, those truly running the show, the actual Powers That Be, from what I hear of trans-national origin (meaning no national affiliation), know that Brazil is quickly on the way to becoming uninhabitable because of Climate Change (Brazil has been in the grip of a severe drought since 2014 or possibly earlier) and they are creating a crisis that will discourage population growth, and bolster legitimacy of the state (the old create problem create solution strategy) during a time when it's legitimacy is under threat AND increase their financial pool by way of the Pharmaceutical Industry, who, as we have seen with the H1N1 scare of 2009, is pumping up the Zika paranoia full steam (only now in retrospect can we look back and see that H1N1 was completely overblown and that the Pharmaceutical Industry made vast sums of profit by inflating it's threat. Taken further, there is a good body of theoretical framework that H1N1 was a complete fabrication to begin with on the part of the Pharmaceutical Industry.)

It may seem crazy to ponder the above but history is positively bursting at the seams with similar examples.

For now I'm agnostic on the situation, it could be any of the above. It most definitely isn't what the Mainstream Media is telling us it is. Last I heard the MSM was indeed spewing the global zombie apocalypse meme that they did with Ebola and H1N1, with profit directly correlated with how fever pitched the frenzy becomes.

Oh and Obama, who is in office thanks in large part to campaign donations from the Pharmaceutical Industry, is asking for $1.8 Trillion to give to the Pharmaceutical Industry to "fight the Zika virus":

Sounds like a complete farce to me. Hopefully enough readers who frequent this sub-reddit will read this post and some of the insights shared here before being consumed with the propaganda peddled by the MSM..."

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