Friday, December 21, 2012

The End of the Beginning



At last, we have reached the end of the classic Mayan Long Count calendar, the 5,125-year cycle that ends on December 21 of this year. The mainstream media has, predictably, used the occasion to ridicule the straw man they irresponsibly helped to set up: That this was a doomsday threshold, as silly as Y2K. At the same time, the worst and best predictions of alternative theorists ranging from Graham Hancock to Paul LaViolette to Jose Arguelles, Terence McKenna, John Major Jenkins, David Wilcock, and Carl Johan Calleman have failed to materialize.

Apparently, a galactic superwave is not engulfing our planet, as LaViolette proposed. We are not confronting immediate cataclysmic earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as Hancock sensationally predicted in his bestselling Fingerprints of the Gods. We are, also, not suddenly attaining collective enlightenment as Calleman, Arguelles, and John Major Jenkins conceived. Our pineal glands are not being instantaneously flooded with DMT, as Wilcock concocted. We have not reached the Eschaton or Singularity, where time collapses as we construct the final technological object at the end of history and complete the Great Work of alchemy, as McKenna playfully projected.  We are not ascending out of our bodies into the astral plane. But does this mean that this threshold was meaningless? Not at all.

As a personal aside, I am delighted we are finally getting beyond this date with destiny. Over the last months, my work has been constantly ridiculed and put down by mainstream journalists who parrot preconceived ideas. Almost as a rule, these journalists avoided watching the film I made with director Joao Amorim, which is freely available on Netflix, or reading my book. Each article is a tiny piffle of stupidity and ignorance, adding to the great vapidity. Although I am used to it, it is still painful to be misunderstood.

As discussed in my book and film, and repeated again and again in talks and essays, I am among those who consider this juncture to be the center -- the hinge point -- in a shift of planetary consciousness that will lead to a deep transformation of human civilization over the next few decades. The aspects of our situation that make this inevitable include the ecological crisis unleashed by human activity over the last centuries, the accelerated evolution of technology that has made us globally connected, and the integration of the world's esoteric and mystical traditions with modern scientific thought.

It is too bad that the media didn't factor in the recent reports on accelerating climate change from the World Bank and the UN into their articles on the Mayan Apocalypse. According to these studies, global temperatures will rise between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius in this century -- but these projections are probably conservative. We currently put more than 8 billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere each year, and this figure keeps rising.

We are discovering there are many feedback loops in the climate that accelerate warming trends, past a certain point. We don't know when we cross the point of no return, or if we have already crossed it. To take one example, a vast amount of carbon and other gasses were trapped underground and beneath the oceans during previous epochs of geological activity. Gigantic stores of methane lie under the Siberian permafrost -- as much as 1.2 trillion tons of CO2. As the Arctic melts, the methane gets released -- apparently the arctic shelf is already perforated, with gas leaking from it. Methane is 8 times more powerful than carbon as a heat-trapping gas. Similarly, as the oceans grow warmer, they not only become dangerously acidic, but begin to release CO2 in large quantities. As the tropical climate becomes dryer and hotter, tropical forests, like the Amazon, turn into tinderboxes. When they burn, they go from being carbon sinks to releasing masses of stored carbon into the atmosphere. We are already seeing an increase of forest fires around the world.

Glaciologists found that "roughly half of the entire warming between the ice ages and the postglacial world took place in only a decade," writes Fred Pearce in With Speed and Violence: Why Scientists Fear Tipping Points in Climate Change, with a temperature increase of nine degrees during that time. While it is possible that nonhuman factors such as solar activity contribute to global warming, our continued tinkering runs the risk "of producing a runaway change -- the climactic equivalent of a squawk on a sound system."

Warming by just 2 degrees will eventually cause the "complete melting of the Greenland ice sheet, which would raise global sea levels by seven meters," according to Mark Lynas, author of Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet. A seven-meter sea level rise would inundate coastal areas around the world, and have devastating effects on low-lying countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Holland. In the US, all of our coastal cities would be abandoned. A 6 degree rise in temperature would have such devastating consequences that there would be little left of the world we know now.

Climate change is only the most immediate of the catastrophic threats we face, due to our own ingenuity and our race to material progress. The loss of biodiversity is another one. We are currently in the Sixth Great Extinction, and it is estimated that 25% of all organisms will be gone from the face of the earth in the next 25 - 40 years. All tropical forests will be gone in forty years at current rates of deforestation. The oceans are 90% fished out of large fish, and coral reefs are disintegrating and disappearing around the world.

As with climate change, the most threatening aspect of species extinction is that we don't know when our impact on the living world reaches a point where it becomes uncontrollable. For instance, the loss of pollinating species like bees and butterflies could have a disastrous effect on agriculture. Amphibians such as frogs play a crucial role in the ecosystem, and so on. We are discovering that the web of life on earth is an intricate mesh, and we are tearing it to shreds.

The threat of industrial and military cataclysm also remains severe. Recent examples include the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, unleashed by British Petroleum, which released more than 5 million barrels of oil into the ocean before it was capped, with oil probably still seeping out; and the ongoing Fukushima nuclear meltdown, incited by an 8.9 Richter earthquake off the coast of Japan. The potential for the use of biological or nuclear weapons during a military campaign or as a terrorist retaliation remains significant, and could grow considerably as climate change impacts many areas of the world, creating masses of refugees and enraged ethnic groups.

Most people are incapable of contemplating these threats to our immediate future. People have been programmed by the media to remain disconnected, cynical, and detached. They are indoctrinated to pursue their personal ambitions, to take no responsibility for the planetary situation as a whole. A vague faith in technological progress has become the religion of atheists and materialists. While we create amazing things with our technology, we also unleash negative consequences along the way. For instance, plastic not only collects in every ecosystem and in the oceans, but also in our endocrine system, causing reproductive dysfunctions and cancers. Our development of new technology is oriented toward profit, with no precautionary principle in place.

The only way we will be able to confront the extreme challenges facing us is through a planetary awakening of consciousness and a global movement of civil society. Luckily, as we become ever more interconnected through social networks, this awakening is taking place. We saw it last year in the Arab Spring and in the rapid spread of the Occupy movement, which used social media like Facebook and Twitter to coordinate protests and counter lies and distortions of the corporate media. In the near future, it is conceivable that social networks will replace the hierarchical and authoritarian structure of corporations and governments with peer-to-peer and open-source systems for group decision-making and collective action.

We are coming into the realization that our human family constitutes a single collective organism -- one that is in symbiotic relationship with the planetary ecology as a whole. As we shift into this understanding, we will redesign our social, cultural, political, financial, technological, and industrial systems so they support the health of the biosphere in its entirety. This will require a massive shift in priorities for us as individuals, as well as a new mythological underpinning for our civilization as a whole. We will shift from quantitative and materialist values to qualitative ones that include a spiritual or psychic dimension. When we act, we will be mindful of the whole of humanity, and the future of the earth -- not just our own wants and desires.

What we will give up in this transition will be much less than what we will receive. As Donella Meadows writes in The Limits to Growth: A Thirty Year Update, "People don't need enormous cars; they need admiration and respect. They don't need a constant stream of new clothes; they need to feel that others consider them to be attractive, and they need excitement and variety and beauty. People don't need electronic entertainment; they need something interesting to occupy their minds and emotions. And so forth. Trying to fill real but nonmaterial needs -- for identity, community, self-esteem, challenge, love, joy -- with material things is to set up an unquenchable appetite for false solutions to never-satisfied longings. A society that allows itself to admit and articulate its nonmaterial human needs, and to find nonmaterial ways to satisfy them, would require much lower material and energy throughputs and would provide much higher levels of human fulfillment."

I believe a very important aspect of this ongoing shift will be bringing our psychic capacities into our conscious awareness, and the continuing realization that the mystical wisdom of ancient civilizations and aboriginal cultures has direct meaning for us now. The integration of Eastern mystical disciplines and indigenous shamanism into the modern Western worldview is an ongoing process. The Eastern concept of non-duality is something that more Westerners understand. Carl Jung was one pioneer in recognizing that the psychic and physical worlds are not separate, but form one interconnected whole.

It is possible that humanity has unconsciously willed a planetary mega-crisis in order to force us to access our latent psychic abilities. Within a few years we may be doing global visualizations and meditations to bring about world peace and reverse climate change. In fact, December 21 is already the subject of a global experiment in collective meditation, happening at 11:11 am Greenwich Meantime, the exact moment of the solstice. You can register at to be part of this initiative.

The odd fact that the moment of the solstice on 12/21/12 happens at 11:11 AM seems a wink from galactic intelligence, reminding us that what we are experiencing is a dream -- a cosmic play, or what Hindus call "lila". We are being invited to awaken into the dream and recognize our role as conscious dreamers whose thoughts and actions bring this world into being. I agree with futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard that this threshold represents the shift into "conscious evolution." We are realizing that we have the capacity to advance evolution in all areas of life -- and in fact have no choice but to accept this responsibility. But we can only do this properly when we adapt a Christ-like or Buddha-like sensibility, based on empathy and compassion for all of humanity and all of the species that share the earth with us.

As for the misconceptions of the various alternative theorists about this time, it is in the nature of this kind of archetypal process that it is very difficult for any individual human mind to encompass it completely. We seem to be in a time of great destruction as well as a time of creation and renewal, as many prophecies have foretold. We see the same tendency with the various religions around the world, which were based on a mystical revelation of pattern, but over-literalized what they intuitively understood, and built a fortress of faith and belief around it. In the future, we will find a way to speak about this archetypal process - of messianic descent, salvation or enlightenment - that satisfies the various religions of the world, and perhaps defines a new universal religion or spiritual impetus for humanity, as a whole.

Through their deep study of cosmological and natural cycles, combined with their shamanic explorations into visionary states of consciousness, the classic Maya civilization were able to accurately predict this time as the crux of a planetary transition -- which it is. They couldn't comprehend it in the way we can, but they knew that the culmination of this great cycle meant a shift into a new way of being for humanity on the earth. We are the ones who have arrived at this juncture -- and we are the ones who will decide whether, or how, human civilization will continue, from here on out. It is wonderful that we have this precious opportunity. The question remains whether or not we will choose to make use of it.
Image by Cherrylynxcourtesy of Creative Commons license.

Sandy Hook Massacre: Official Story Spins Out of Control


Niall Bradley 

The massacre of 20 children and 7 adults at the Sandy Hook elementary school last Friday was one more in a long line of atrocious mass murders committed in the USA. By now, five days later, an official version of events has more or less solidified to explain the chain of events. The familiar ‘lone gunman’ narrative has once more stoked the hot-button issue of gun control and left the general population as clueless as ever as to why people suddenly ‘go postal’ and target the most vulnerable members of society.

On closer inspection, however, there is clearly more to many of these mass shootings than meets the eye. Very often the earliest reports present information that directly contradicts key foundations of the final ‘official’ analysis of events. Granted, confusion is natural when a story breaks, but some of the initial reports conflict so completely with the lone gunman narrative that I’m going to compile them here and then try to put this tragedy in a more objective context. In his speech at the Sandy Hook Interfaith Prayer Vigil in Newtown, Connecticut on Sunday night, President Obama quoted the following biblical passage:

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”~ 2 Corinthians 4:18
The traumatised Newtown community deserves the facts without the spin. Everyone touched by this brutal event deserves to know what really happened, so let’s fix our eyes on what remains unseen…
A 20-year-old ‘tech geek’ named Adam Lanza is supposed to have snapped early last Friday, December 14th, shot dead his mother Nancy Lanza, loaded her car up with her guns and ammo, then driven it across town to his former school, the Sandy Hook Elementary School, shot dead 27 people in two classrooms and an adjoining hallway, then turned one of his guns on himself.
That’s how most will now remember the shooting, but is that actually what happened?
All the child victims were first-graders between the ages of 6 and 7. If there’s any saving grace to be found in this event, it’s that it was all over within minutes. Police were reportedly on the scene “instantaneously”, according to Connecticut State Police Commander, Lt. Vance and by then the shooting had ended. Listed among the slain school teachers and administrative staff was the school principal, 47-year-old Dawn Hochsprung. Right here we encounter our first problem:

The Newtown Bee
December 14, 2012
Sandy Hook School Principal Dawn Hochsprung told The Bee that a masked man entered the school with a rifle and started shooting multiple shots – more than she could count – that went “on and on.”

How could the principal have survived to give this statement to local press describing what happened … if she was one of the first to be killed? Incidentally, The Newtown Bee‘s article was taken down on Monday December 17th. Of course, a plausible explanation is that a reporter mistook another teacher for the principal.
We were initially told that two handguns – a Glock and a Sig Sauer – were found next to the body of the dead shooter, while a third weapon, a .223-caliber rifle was also recovered “in the trunk of a car” later, in the school’s parking lot. All of the weapons were allegedly legally bought and registered in Nancy Lanza’s name. The car was later identified as a black Honda, also registered in her name. More weapons have since been introduced to the story but we’ll get back to those later on.
Besides anonymous ‘law enforcement officials’ telling the media that Adam Lanza was a former pupil at the school, they also said his mother was currently a teacher there, that she was found among the dead and that her son had specifically sought out her classroom first. But when it emerged that teaching staff at the school had never heard of a Nancy Lanza, it was suggested that she was a substitute teacher whose name therefore mightn’t appear on staff lists.
But this claim too has disappeared down the memory hole because it’s now known that Nancy had no connection with the school. Adam Lanza was in fact home-schooled. Nancy Lanza has since been painted as a “survivalist” who loved firearms, taught her sons how to shoot and was “stockpiling” because she was “worried about economic collapse.”

Daily Mail, UK
December 16, 2012
Last night it also emerged Nancy was a member of the Doomsday Preppers movement, which believes people should prepare for end of the world.
Her former sister-in-law Marsha said she had turned her home ‘into a fortress’. She added: ‘Nancy had a survivalist philosophy which is why she was stockpiling guns. She had them for defense.
‘She was stockpiling food. She grew up on a farm in New Hampshire. She was skilled with guns. We talked about preppers and preparing for the economy collapsing.’
It’s not difficult to see that their efforts to insinuate that Nancy Lanza was somehow responsible for this massacre by being an irresponsible mother also serve to rile the large contingent of gun owners in the country, particularly the far-right who see a conspiracy on the government’s part to “take back our guns.” More on that later, but for now I just want to note that all of the Lanza family members seemed to live more or less normal middle-class lives. Yes, the parents were divorced, but it was apparently amicable and both put their own needs second to those of their children (and anyway, divorce in the US these days is decidedly ‘normal middle class’).
Despite “family insiders” claiming that he was a “deeply disturbed kid”, Adam Lanza, like so many other alleged ‘lone(r) gunmen’ before him, does not fit the profile of a mass-murdering maniac. His 24-year-old brother, Ryan Lanza, said he hadn’t seen his brother since 2010. This fact brings into question Ryan’s claim that his younger brother may have had his identity card on his person at the school shooting. Although perhaps the question that needs to be asked here is, why would a person bother to carry identification with them after going to the trouble of dressing up in a bullet-proof vest, mask and black camouflage gear and going on a killing spree …
The live emergency services audio feed from the scene reveals some interesting observations from first responders that have been completely overlooked by the mainstream media. Note that the unedited version lasts over two hours, so the abridged version I’m going to quote from has a compressed sequence of events that are not in real time. In this abridged version, we hear at 1.38′ a report that gunfire is still being heard, even though the shooting was supposed to have ended by the time police arrived. The next report at 2.35′ says that the shooting has stopped and the school is “in lockdown”. At 3.23′, the police relay a teacher’s report that she saw“two shadows running past the gym”. This is followed by another officer on the scene who says, “Yeh, we got ‘em, they’re coming at me! … [inaudible] … coming up the driveway real slowly!” That same officer at 5.40′ says he has them “proned out”, which presumably means he has apprehended them and they are laid out on the ground, before another officer comes on to say, “be aware that we do have a second [inaudible] …”
Later on, at 19.10′, an officer who sounds out of breath, like he’s just given chase, reports what I think sounds like “these guys” followed certainly by “multiple weapons, including long rifles and shotgun”. If these were found so early on, why were they not included in the initial press reports which stated that three firearms had been found – the above mentioned Glock, Sig Sauer and Bushmaster AR-15 rifle? Further conflicting, and possibly planted evidence was thrown into the mix by ‘law enforcement officials’ when they published video footage of a long weapon being retrieved from the trunk of a car. Look closely and you’ll see that it’s a shotgun, not a rifle. In addition, this ‘discovery’ was made late in the day (it’s dark outside), while the Bushmaster rifle was first reported found “in the trunk of a car” much earlier in the day. This would logically suggest that the rifle and shotgun were found in the trunks of two different cars.
Besides the above two suspects “proned out” in front of the school, another suspected gunman was apprehended after he gave chase, this time in the woods next to the school:

YouTube - Veterans Today -
The police are clearly chasing someone whom they appear to apprehend in the middle of the woods next to the school, a fact confirmed by several eyewitnesses:

YouTube - Veterans Today -
This fleeing suspect, wearing camouflage gear, a bulletproof vest and armed with four guns, has since disappeared from media coverage. Who was this person and how did he know what “it” was when he protested that “I didn’t do it”?
Perhaps most astonishingly, this suspect arrested in the woods was named in an Associated Press report as 24-year-old Ryan Lanza. The original report has long since vanished of course, but you can see it referenced here. This was despite the fact that Ryan had already been named as the deceased suspect inside the school, lying next to two handguns.
Ryan Lanza was actually at work in Hoboken, New Jersey, that morning when his name and photo began circulating in the media. And so, for most of Friday, the ‘lone shooter’ was erroneously reported as “Ryan Lanza, confirmed dead.” At the same time, we were being told that Ryan’s girlfriend and a room-mate were reported missing, also from Hoboken, New Jersey.
So this isn’t just a case of mistaken identity, as later claimed when it was suggested that Adam had a piece of identification belonging to his brother on his person. Not one, but BOTH Lanza brothers were being placed by ‘law enforcement officials’ at the scene of the shooting. It could be that Ryan’s quick reflexes to leave his workplace to get on a bus to go back to his apartment while protesting innocence via his Facebook page may have saved his life.
Now remember, all of this confusion somehow resulted from a single guy going into a school and shooting children and teachers and then shooting himself, all within three to five minutes. Surely it should have been fairly easy to rapidly and concretely identify the details of such a crime and a rough layout of the scene?
What it’s starting to look like is that the Lanzas were framed for this mass shooting in advance. Long before any suspects were named, and even as we were being told that Nancy Lanza was among the dead at the school, we were told that police were investigating a murder in … Hoboken, New Jersey, where a body had been found at the home of … Ryan Lanza! An older “confirmed” version of events had RYAN, not Adam, travelling to Hoboken that morning to murder his father before going to the school in Newtown, Connecticut. Other variants had Ryan OR Adam going to both their divorced parents’ homes and killing them before going to the school.
The narrative has now settled on the younger brother killing his mother in Newtown then going to the school. So what about the rest of it? Do we just put it down to ‘keen’ journalism that was having a field day last Friday as media outlets sought to bring us the latest ‘breaking news’? Confusion and ‘Chinese whispers’ undoubtedly play a part in the early stages of national media events, but I think back to those news anchors reading scripts about Osama Bin Laden within minutes of the first plane being hit on 9/11 and I think, ‘Wait a minute!’ All these misleading reports had to have been issued by someone or some people “confirming” to Associated Press and other media outlets that the Ryans’s father had been murdered [he wasn't even aware that the shooting at the school had taken place until journalists turned up on his doorstep], or that Ryan’s girlfriend had gone missing from Hoboken, or that either Ryan or Adam were pulled out of the adjacent woods in handcuffs yelling “I DIDN’T DO IT” to assembled parents. These aren’t just ‘little details’ that can be confused for other details, these are detailed narratives. So how, or why, would any member of the press come up with such details? They strike me as a set of alternative scenarios that might have found their way into the official narrative had facts on the ground turned out differently.
Watch this snippet of State Police Lt. Paul Vance at the press conference he gave the day after the shootings. His answer is as bizarre as it is revealing. When asked whether Nancy Lanza had any connection with the school, he replied defensively about something that is both unrelated and arguably the most significant fact that completely undermines the official narrative: the arrest of a second gunman in the woods:

YouTube - Veterans Today -
Most of the initial mainstream media reports have since been rewritten to fit ‘new’ facts proclaimed by ‘law enforcement officials’. Here’s an example from Business Insider. The following excerpts are the opening paragraphs from the ‘same’ article, one earlier original version, followed by the later revised version:

The massacre [...] was reportedly perpetrated with a .233 caliber rifle, a Glock pistol and a Sig Sauer pistol.
The Bushmaster rifle was found in the trunk of the shooter’s car. The Sig Sauer and Glock pistols were the only weapons used in the shooting, according to CBS. Now the question is what kind of magazine would allow a shooter to fire “100″ rounds in such a short period.
Indeed, I was wondering the same thing. How could two pistols do so much damage? The report was updated as follows:

The massacre in Connecticut that’s taken the lives of at least 26 people was reportedly perpetrated with a .223 caliber rifle, a Glock pistol and a Sig Sauer pistol, according to NBC:
The shooter was using one Sig Sauer and one Glock pistol, according to CNN. Later details emerged that the primary weapon was the Bushmaster “assault-style” rifle.
Altogether, though, it doesn’t matter what type of weapon the shooter used. The bottom line is that it was likely a magazine fed, semi-automatic, with enough rounds to shoot “100 shots” in a matter of minutes,as quoted in USA Today.
What actually happened may not matter to some, but surely a journalist’s role is to at least try to find out?

The three guns Adam Lanza is supposed to have brought to the school with him. © New York Daily News. The rifle was left in the trunk, leaving ‘Adam Lanza’ just the two handguns to let off “hundreds of rounds”… firing .233 caliber bullets that belonged to the rifle… which was left in the car
This Associated Press/Newsday article on Saturday, December 15th, reported that “Only the rifle was used on the victims“, a statement that is supported by Dr. H. Wayne Carver II, Connecticut state’s chief medical examiner. Of the seven autopsies he personally performed on Sandy Hook victims, all of them had “three to 11 wounds apiece”. He also said that the ‘gunman’ used a military-style rifle rigged to quickly reload, and that the ‘shooter’ was able to reload so quickly because he had “taped two magazines together.” Even before the State Chief Medical Examiner had given these statements, it had been stated that spent shell casings from .233-caliber (rifle) bullets were found inside the school.
So all the victims’ wounds were the result of rifle-fire, specifically from “the rifle”, the one we were told in early reports was found in the trunk of a car in the parking lot! This is simply not credible.
Remember that only “the rifle” was used on all the victims. If only this rifle was used, and if we try to make this claim fit into the (admittedly fluid) official version of events, then the alleged lone gunman would have had to leave the school, place the rifle back in his trunk, then return inside the school and shoot himself. No one reported any such maneuver on the part of any gunman or gunmen. What we do have, however, is live emergency services radio feed in which we hear that two men have been apprehended and are “proned out” AND live video footage supported by eyewitness testimony showing what appears to be a THIRD man being arrested by police in the woods.
We can see how the authorities’ hands are tied because they need to fit all the facts into the usual ‘lone gunman’ narrative. For that, there can only be ONE rifle and a couple of handguns. The problem is that they have already claimed to find that solitary Bushmaster rifle in the trunk of a car in the school parking lot, so the earliest police reports of a cache of long arms being found inside the school will no longer fit with the lone gunman narrative, especially as they’re now saying that he had already opened fire as he burst into the school.
Could “scrawny” 20-year-old Adam Lanza have stormed the school, solo Rambo-style, while carrying “multiple long arms, including rifles and shotguns”? Only one person was wounded. Everyone else who was shot was killed. How could Adam Lanza achieve such deadly accuracy, in such a short length of recorded time?
Initial reports put the beginning of the shooting in the school administrators’ office, where someone, reportedly the school principal, had a confrontation with the gunman(men). We know this because someone supposedly turned on the school intercom system, alerting the teaching staff to the loud swearing and commotion in the principal’s office and probably saving many more children from being gunned down as teachers took measures to hide the children in closets.

Similarly heavily armed men wearing black combat gear from head to toe… their job is to kill ‘terrorists’ to keep us safe, which they do by terrorising us all
One brave teacher, Kaitlin Roig, bundled a bunch of children into a bathroom and locked the door. What’s interesting about her testimony to ABC News is that when police arrived and asked her to open the door, she refused, saying that “if they were really cops, they’d know where to find keys to open the door.” In addition, she requested that they slide their badges under the door.
Now, this is generally a smart thing to do in any and allinteractions with the police, especially in the U.S. But to have the wherewithal to do so under such traumatic circumstances strongly suggests that Ms. Roig had logically deduced by that point that multiple perpetrators were involved, and that they were either impersonating police officers or wereindistinguishable from SWAT team police commandos, either in the way they dressed or the way they behaved upon entering the building. It also reminds us just how narrow the time window of the actual shooting was. The shooting appears to have barely ended when men knocked on that bathroom door and told Ms. Roig they were police.
There are also conflicting reports about how the gunmen entered the building. We were told initially that they came in through the main front entrance and proceeded straight to the administrators’/principal’s offices. But Sandy Hook elementary school has a security system with a video monitor, which allows staff to screen visitors before buzzing them in. A “masked gunman dressed in black tactical combat gear” from head to toe would kinda raise red flags, don’t you think?
Another possible anomaly is that Victoria Soto, one of the teachers killed at the school, appears to have had an ‘in memoriam’ Facebook page created in her name four days before the shooting.
Regarding this alleged ‘LIBOR scandal’ connection between this shooting and the Aurora theater shooting, there is as yet zero evidence to support the claim that either father of Lanza or Holmes were going to testify to anyone about anything, so for now this must remain just another rumor. I rather think that this is being spread to create the impression of a direct link that can be easily refuted, as in a straw man argument. The obvious and direct link staring everyone in the face is that the official accounts of these events are hocus-pocus. The glaring connection between these two shootings, the Sikh Temple shooting and the Fort Hood shooting is that multiple gunmen were reported at the time by eyewitnesses, but they are now all officially claimed to have been carried out by ‘lone gunmen’. This logically tells us that the real perpetrators are being protected with cover stories of what really happened because if the truth were known, some section of the U.S. government would be implicated.
Wade Michael Page, the ‘lone gunman’ in the Sikh Temple shooting in Wisconsin in August this year, was a highly decorated U.S. army psychological operations specialist, according to the Pentagon. But what happened to the three other gunmen seen by witnesses? It can’t surely be coincidence that Wade was (former?) military psy-ops. The thought has crossed my mind more than once during the aftermath of the Connecticut shooting. Others too have suggested this was a ‘false-flag’ event, or that Lanza was some sort of Manchurian Candidate.
But maybe there’s a simpler explanation (albeit more outrageous) than that? Was that really Adam Lanza they found inside the school? Do we even know for a fact that one of the gunmen was found dead inside the school? What we have instead are reports of two or three masked gunmen, apparently all dressed similarly in black tactical gear from head to toe, being wilfully forgotten about at best, or protected by the Federal Government at worst. Based on the authorities’ persistent but futile efforts to connect the Lanzas to this school, the multiple eyewitness reports of two shooters, the Connecticut State Medical Examiner’s report that all the victims were riddled with bullets from a rifle that we’re simultaneously being asked to believe was in the trunk of a car the whole time, similar reports of multiple shooters in previous mass shootings in recent years and the media focusing the emotional outcry onto the hot-button topic of gun control … I’m left wondering if this was actually the work of some highly trained professional hit team?
Was the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, a psy-op, using what amounts to a ‘death squad’ and a carefully planned mission to terrorise people on behalf of the government, in combination with perception management to shape the narrative and vector the emotional fallout?
Gun control isn’t really the issue here. Control – period – is the issue. The U.S. government would long since have taken measures, quietly, to limit the supply of weapons, the 2nd Amendment of the constitution be damned (it’s “just a goddamned piece of paper“, remember?), if it was really concerned with limiting civilian access to weapons. That we’ve seen gun sales increase in the last few days to the point where Wal-Mart is all out of assault rifles is wholly unsurprising.

The psychopaths in power have absolutely no compunction about using state terrorism, in this case organising the deliberate massacre of innocent children, to control people. In effect, this is little different from the U.S. government calls counter-insurgency or counter-terrorism in foreign countries, where it attacks innocent civilians to create the impression that they were killed by ‘communists’, ‘terrorists’, ‘insurgents’ or ‘militants’, with the aim of generating public support for the illusion that the common people need a strong, ruthless government to protect them from the ‘evil-doers’. When the common people buy into this manipulation, the end result, as history shows repeatedly, is an overt and brutal police state.


See also:


Israeli Death Squads Involved in Sandy Hook Bloodbath: Intelligence Analyst

Mourners leave from the Honan funeral home in the small town of Newtown, Connecticut after attending the funeral for six-year-old Jack Pinto, one of the victims of the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting.
by Gordon Duff and Press TV

In truth, the public may well just be sick of hearing stories about “lone gunmen.” Of all possible horrors, this one, even more than the Benghazi killings, is loaded with political implication, not just “gun control,” but a clear attack on the security of every American family.

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‘Culture of violence deep-rooted in US’
Zionist-dominated media fuel violence’

Editor’s note: No article in history has drawn more ire from Israeli controlled “media assets” than this one. Read it and ask yourself…why?
From the Los Angeles Times report citing NO ASSAULT RIFLE WAS USED :

”Clad in military fatigues and carrying two semiautomatic pistols, he entered the school, argued with someone in the hallway and then opened fire on staff members and children around 9:30 a.m., a law enforcement source said. He focused his gunfire on two rooms. Children huddled in closets and corners as the carnage unfolded.”

Days later, the Sandy Hook Massacre, the iconic slaughter of twenty small children, is now looking like a terrorist attack, not a “murder suicide.” Was “lone gunman” Adam Lanza a “patsy,” the same word Lee Harvey Oswald used to describe himself before being “silenced” in November 1963?

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Today, Michael Harris, former Republican candidate for governor of Arizona and GOP campaign finance chairman, in an internationally televised news broadcast, cited “Israeli revenge” in, what he called, “the terrorist attack in Connecticut.”
Harris cited Israeli “rage” against the US and against President Barack Obama. By “Israel,” we mean “Netanyahu.”

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The mission was to teach America a lesson, knowing that “America would take the punishment, keep “quiet,” and let a ‘fall guy’ take the blame.”

A “fall guy” is another word for “patsy.”
Harris, citing the flood of inconsistencies in the “cover story,” pointed out the following, “The facts are now becoming obvious. This is another case where Israel has chosen violence and terrorism where their bullying in Washington has failed. Israel believes the US “threw them under the bus,” particularly after the recent Gaza war, allowing Israel to be humiliated in the United Nations.
Craziest Video Yet, Coroner and Police Seem to “Conspire”

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Their response was to stage a terror attack, targeting America in the most hideous and brutal way possible, in fact, an Israeli “signature attack,” one that butchers children, one reminiscent of the attacks that killed so many children in Gaza?”
Washington is terrified of Israel, their powerful lobby and its relationship with organized crime. Now, a key former Senator, Chuck Hagel, who has helped expose this fact, is likely to be nominated as the secretary of defense, despite vocal protests from Israel.
Today, Israeli News gave further credence to Harris’ analysis when they issued the following statements regarding the probable nomination of Hegel:

“Chuck Hagel’s statements and actions regarding Israel have raised serious concerns for many Americans who care about Israel,” said the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC) Executive Director, Matt Brooks. “The Jewish community and every American who supports a strong US-Israel relationship have cause for alarm if the president taps Hagel for such an important post.”
“The appointment of Chuck Hagel would be a slap in the face for every American who is concerned about the safety of Israel,” he asserted
Citing a 2006 interview with Hegel, the news continued, “The political reality is…that the Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here. I have always argued against some of the dumb things they do because I don’t think it’s in the interest of Israel. I just don’t think it’s smart for Israel.”
Hagel also said he didn’t think he had ever signed one of the letters the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) regularly circulates to demonstrate support for Israel or tough stands against parties such as Iran.
“I didn’t sign the letter because it was a stupid letter…I’m not an Israeli senator, I’m a United States senator.”
During his interview today, Mike Harris explained his rationale for looking to Israel as responsible for Sandy Hook, saying:

“This is exactly what Israel did in Norway; the political party that voted sanctions against Israel was retaliated against by a “lone gunman” who killed 77 children.
This is what Israel always does, they go after the children. It is what they do in Gaza every day. It is what was done in Norway. It is what happened at Sandy Hook. Nobody buys the “lone gunman” story anymore, not with the Gabby Giffords’ shooting, not with the Aurora “Batman” shooting, certainly not with Breveik, and certainly not in Connecticut.”
After Harris’ broadcast, key members of the military and law enforcement community contacted Veterans Today in full support of Harris’ analysis.
Bizarre CNN Discovery

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One three star general is quoted as saying,

“Harris hit the nail right on the head and it is about time someone spoke up.”
From an anonymous email spreading around the country:
As days have passed, key issues involving the Sandy Hook terror attack have been cited as “debunking” the “lone gunman” cover story.
From a viral email that is growing every hour with more reasons to doubt the official story:
According to the official story, Adam Lanza was found with his older brother’s ID, and it was not stolen. However, older brother Ryan – whom officials say is very cooperative – claims not to have even seen his brother since 2010. Where would Adam get this ID? And why does such use not qualify as a theft?
According to the official story, Adam Lanza was wearing a black outfit with a mask and bulletproof vest. Why would he want to hide his identity, and why would he wear a bulletproof vest if he planned to kill himself?
The medical examiner asserts that all wounds were caused by a rifle or other long weapon, and police/FBI say that the school was littered with 223 (rifle) casings. However, Adam Lanza was found dead at the school with only handguns – a rifle was found in the trunk of his car. Then he could not have possibly been firing the rifle, and could not have committed the murders. Who did then?
According to the official story, the killings was tightly confined to two classrooms. Then why were so many children told to close their eyes while leaving the building?
Joanne Didonato, the principal’s secretary, called in sick on Friday – something she rarely does. So presumably, she must have been awfully ill. Yet she then felt well enough to give an interview. “Of all days,” she said, emphasizing the strange coincidence.
Why were there such persistent reports that Mrs. Lanza was a kindergarten teacher, and that she died at the school when the new official story is that she was not connected to the school and was killed at home?
What happened to the report that Adam Lanza’s girlfriend and another friend were missing in New Jersey?
What happened to the woodsman in a black jacket and camo pants who was arrested and handcuffed outside the school? He actually shouted to parents, “It wasn’t me.” Who was he and what was he doing there?
What happened to the dark van or SUV that the police surrounded in the parking lot or the maroon sedan with a blown-out back window they were on the lookout for?
The official story is that Nancy Lanza was a gun collector, who obeyed the law. But since 20-year-olds are not permitted to buy guns or ammo or carry guns in Connecticut, why would she give her “autistic” son access to both guns and ammo?
A child asserts that he/she heard someone say, “Put your hands up,” followed by the reply, “Don’t shoot.” This indicates that the police took a suspect into custody inside the school. But if that was Adam Lanza, how did he kill himself after that point?
Another child asserts that he/she saw a man pinned down to the ground with handcuffs on. Again, this indicates that the police took a suspect into custody. If that was Adam Lanza, how did he then kill himself?
Is it reasonable for a geeky 20-year-old to carry two pistols and hundreds of rounds of ammunition while wearing a bulletproof vest and a mask?
Did the school have one or more security cameras? What do they show?
Why did a police officer specifically mention on radio that “they’re coming at me through this wood” followed by a fellow officer saying, “This is it”?
One officer at the school said, “We’ve got one suspect down.” Who was that? Down in this situation generally means in custody (on the ground and cuffed) not dead.
Why is Adam Lanza reported to be a loner when a teenager said (oxymoronically), “[Lanza and his friends] always gathered alone in a corner in school”?
Why are Ryan Lanza and his roommates still in custody, and why are the police pretending that it is for their own benefit?
Is it a coincidence that Nancy Lanza’s brother is Kingston Police Officer James Champion, who lives next door to the former Lanza home?
Today, Fox News tells us that Adam Lanza had no history of mental illness, was not on any medication and had never been diagnosed:

“Investigators searching the Connecticut home gunman Adam Lanza shared with his mother, Nancy Lanza, seized cellphones, computers and computer games, but found nothing at the residence to indicate he was taking medication, Hearst Connecticut Newspapers reported.
Read more:

This is only a small percentage of the irregularities noted in what now seems to be more of a cover-up than investigation.
In truth, the public may well just be sick of hearing stories about “lone gunmen.” Of all possible horrors, this one, even more than the Benghazi killings, is loaded with political implication, not just “gun control,” but a clear attack on the security of every American family.
The simplest thing would be to sit back and accept what we are told without examining who gains, who loses and “why now?”
Is Harris right? Would Israel order the deaths of twenty tiny children to make a political point? Have they done this before?
Is Harris right about that too?
Moments ago, Harris phoned me. I asked him if, hours later, he was still willing to back up his statements.
His answer was simple:

“You murder children as part of ‘business as usual,’ you shouldn’t be surprised that when children are murdered, people look to you.”


See also:


Congress Uses School Massacre Hysteria as Distraction to Restore Indefinite Detention for Americans
December 20th, 2012

Via: Huffington Post:
Congress stripped a provision Tuesday from a defense bill that aimed to shield Americans from the possibility of being imprisoned indefinitely without trial by the military. The provision was replaced with a passage that appears to give citizens little protection from indefinite detention.

The amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013 was added by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), but there was no similar language in the version of the bill that passed the House, and it was dumped from the final bill released Tuesday after a conference committee from both chambers worked out a unified measure.

It declared that “An authorization to use military force, a declaration of war, or any similar authority shall not authorize the detention without charge or trial of a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States apprehended in the United States, unless an Act of Congress expressly authorizes such detention.”

The provision sparked a heated debate in the Senate, but ultimately passed by a wide majority with both supporters and opponents of U.S. terrorist detention practices voting for it, citing differing interpretations. Feinstein offered the amendment to clarify a part of the 2012 NDAA that for the first time codified the ability of the military and White House to detain terrorism suspects.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

2012, Climate Change and Permaculture



2012, is it really the end of the world?  Are the tectonic plates going to tilt, like in the movie, and dump us off?  Will the earth crack open and the seas split?
Unlikely.  You can breathe a qualified sigh of relief.  Mayan shamans and scholars tell us that the close of this great cycle of the Mayan calendar is not the cue for apocalypse but rather a new beginning, another turn of the wheel.
And yet...and yet.  We've seen the skyline of New York go dark.  We've had a year of record droughts, heat waves, floods, crowning a streak of disastrous years, quakes, tsunamis, leaking reactors.  Perhaps we are facing a different kind of end, brought about by our own actions as the earth heats up from climate change.  Hurricane Sandy may have cracked through our collective denial, but as new climate talks begin in Doha, no one holds out much hope for their success.  The Kyoto Accords are set to expire.  Scientists are now predicting a disastrous 4 degree temperature rise, which will indeed mean the end of civilization as we know it, if not of human life on earth.  
The world won't end on December 21, but nonetheless this time we live in is a crucial turning point.  What can we do?  
The underlying imagery of the Popol Vuh, the great Mayan creation story, points us in a direction.  For my understanding of this story, I'm indebted to my husband, David Miller. 
We spent our honeymoon twenty years ago at Tikal, and he became fascinated with the Mayans, their mythology and particularly their sacred ball games.  For the last two decades he's been reading, researching and writing, and telling me tales! You can read his account for yourself in his book, The Cosmic Ballgame, What 2012 and Mayan Creation Mean for Us.
To make a complex story simple, the Popol Vuh recounts an earlier deep shift, from a society rooted in the female mysteries of menstrual blood and birth to a warrior society rooted in sacrificial blood and male control.  This plays out in the supplanting of the primal twins, the singing garden boys, by the ballgame warrior twins, Humahpuh and Xbalanque.
"The ‘boys' usurped the magic of Blood Moon, built their sacrificial blood ball game around that magic, and framed the blood rituals around Grandmother's sacred count of days.  All this was done to support kingship...Our competitive ballgame culture is a spiritual child of the Mayan warrior ballgame culture." (David Miller. The Cosmic Ballgame, p. 72)
The ending of this cycle calls us to change.  Or as David puts it, " In ballgame parlance, we need to make several half-time adjustments.  The present strategy, with its roots in a past almost too distant to comprehend, is not working for us. We need to huddle up...Let us dance a ballgame dance where the singing garden boys and the ballgame warrior boys accommodate rather than confront.  Where the song is sung and the war is sidestepped." (Miller, P 79)
What would Grandmother tell us about climate change?  She'd send us out to the garden.  For if we are to find a way out of our dilemma, we'll have to get down and dirty and intimate with the earth.
There are no lack of solutions to climate change, from conservation and renewables to alternative forms of energy.  Some are obvious, like solar and wind power.  Others are dubious and dangerous, like vast geo-engineering schemes that are unproven and might have disastrous consequences.  Yet it's not that we lack the technology or the knowledge we need.  We lack the will. To muster the energy to counter the entrenched interests that want to preserve the status quo, we need a deeper change, a shift in our way of thinking and perceiving the world.
The dominant culture sees the world as a bunch of stuff, separate, isolated objects.  Advertisers tell us that happiness lies in acquiring more and more of this stuff, and a capitalist economics demands constant growth.  We are constantly embroiled in that great, competitive ballgame, and the goal is winning.
The shift we need to make is to see the world not as a bunch of separate things but as a web of relationships.  We are part of an interwoven whole, and our goal is not to win, but to connect, to nurture, to play, to dance.  
Science has been coming to this worldview since the physicists of the twentieth century probed the heart of the atom and stuff dissolved into probabilities, relativity, strings vibrating in cosmic harmonies.  Systems theory, ecology, family constellations therapies and a dozen other disciplines embody this shift.  And indigenous cultures have always taught this wisdom.  We are not alone.  We are parts of whole, interdependent, interconnected.  True abundance, true happiness, is found in relationship.
When we seek to apply this understanding, one set of guidelines can be found in the system of ecological design called ‘permaculture'.  Designer and writer Patrick Whitefield defines permaculture as "The art of designing beneficial relationships."  Permaculture is not a single solution nor even a set of techniques, but rather an approach that shows us how the solutions work together to create a synergy that is more than its parts.  It's rooted in ethics, principles and patterns derived from observation of how nature works.
Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren coined the term and developed the curriculum back in the ‘70s;  Permaculture is now a global movement, with thousands of teachers, practitioners and designers and more on-the-ground projects than the UN.  Permaculturalists helped Cuba transition to organic food production when the Soviet Union collapsed and it lost the bulk of its fuel supplies.  They have greened the desert in Jordan and reforested thousands of acres of the Sahel, restored the desiccated loess plateau in China and pioneered rooftop gardens in the Bronx.  Permaculture offers us the key to regeneration.
I came to permaculture after many years of practicing, teaching and writing about the ancient, pre-Christian Goddess religions of Europe and the Middle East, for whom nature is sacred.  I first heard about permaculture from a friend back in the ‘80s, and it seemed to me to be the practical application of earth reverence.
In the mid-90s, I met Penny Livingston-Stark, a skilled permacultture designer and teacher from Pt. Reyes, California.  I took a course with her, and we became good friends.
In 1999, both of us participated in the Seattle blockade against the World Trade Organization.  Suddenly I was immersed in a community of mostly young activists who were on fire with the desire to change the world-but often, a bit unclear on what they wanted to change it into.  I also knew dozens of amazing permaculturalists, natural builders, organic gardeners and inventors with fantastic, creative, beautiful solutions to our environmental problems.  But the current systems of power were barriers to putting those solutions in place.
Penny and I got together and talked about how we could bring the activists and the permies together.  We created Earth Activist Trainings, to teach permaculture design with a focus on organizing and a grounding in spirit.  We taught our first course in 2001, and eleven years later we have now graduated close to a thousand students who've done amazing projects, from planting fruit trees in inner city schools to transforming intersections into gathering places to training women farmers in the West Bank.  (And our next course is coming right up in northern California January 6-20.
Permaculture's approach to climate change let's us avoid short-sighted errors and find true solutions, because it is rooted in three core ethics: care for the earth, care for the people, and care for the future. The three ethics work together.  We cannot truly care for the earth unless we take into account the people and the long term impact of our interventions.  Ecological solutions that ignore issues of justice are doomed to fail.  And we cannot care for the people if we don't take into account the life-support systems of the earth that sustain us all.  Social and economic justice movements that ignore the environmental constraints and ecological realities cannot truly improve peoples' lives. To care for the future, we must share the surplus we create and limit our consumption.
When we bring people care and earth care together with an eye to future generations, we create a synergy that has immense power for healing and regeneration.
Climate change can be seen as a symptom of myriad dysfunctional relationships.  Our technology, our energy systems, economic systems and food growing systems, our whole way of life are in warped relationship to the greater realities around us.  
To avoid ultimate climate catastrophe, we must heal some core relationships, with place, with food and soil, with community.  When we do, we can wean ourselves off stuff as a filler for the emptiness within, step out of the competitive ballpark and into the singing garden.
The 21st century world is an uprooted one, in which we are encouraged to jet around and keep in motion.  And our stuff moves around, too -- our clothing is made in Pakistan, our electronics in China, our other goods wherever corporations can find the cheapest labor and the most lax safety and environmental restrictions.  All this motion takes energy.  It also undermines workers, unions, fair wage laws and environmental responsibility.
To heal, we need to sink roots, go local, learn our flora and fauna and history.  We can bring our businesses and our enterprises home and demand that they become accountable again to real communities.  Our food systems also need roots.  Today, the average piece of food travels 1500 miles before it gets to your mouth, using fossil fuel energy to transport it.  To heal our bodies, we need healthy food grown in living soil, eaten fresh with all its vitality intact.  To heal our world, we need healthy, living food systems, local food security, local markets and local farmers and ranchers committed to regenerative practices.      
We can all play a part in creating these systems.  Maybe few of us will take up farming, but we all make choices about what food to buy, how to support our local farms, what policies to advocate for and what legislation to demand.  
San Francisco, as an example, recently revised its ordinances to make urban farming easier and to open up the possibility of selling and marketing city-grown food.  We can demand a farm bill that ends subsidies for destructive practices and helps support farmers to make the transition to organic, low-till, soil-building practices.
To grow healthy food, we must repair our relationship to soil.  Industrial agriculture sees soil as a dead medium through which chemicals can circulate to produce food -- but that food is often devoid of vitality and low in nutrients.  Organic gardeners and farmers know that soil is alive, an ecosystem full of complex relationships between bacteria, fungi, protists, nematodes, worms, beetles, and thousand of other critters.  When we compost, a liability becomes an asset.  One of the key permaculture principles is to close loops -- to look for places where a waste stream can become a resource.
And, here's what you need to know when they start talking carbon sequestration and geo-engineering:  There is one safe, proven, tried and true way to sequester carbon, with no potential down side.  That's by building rich, healthy soil, for healthy soil is full of humus, and humus is a big, fat molecule high in carbon that helps hold minerals, water and nutrients in soil and makes them available to plants.  The more we compost, or employ other soil-building techniques -- mulching, rotational grazing, keyline plowing, reforestation, and many more--the more we take carbon out of the atmosphere and deposit it in the soil, where it can remain stable for decades.
Fungi are also powerful soil-builders, and the work of mycologist Paul Stamets has shown us that fungi can break down toxins, remediate damaged ground, and store immense amounts of carbon while aiding plant growth.  Trees, especially, depend on their fungal relationships to acquire water and nutrients.  Trees in a forest are linked by networks of fungal mycelium, and can feed their own young or share nutrients with trees growing in the shade.
If we can employ soil-building and reforestation strategies on a mass scale, we can potentially pull some of the excess carbon out of the atmosphere.  Indeed, the world's soils have a huge carbon debt, as centuries of plow agriculture have exposed millions of acres to erosion and oxidation.  Dr. Rattan Lol of the University of Ohio's Soil Carbon Institute maintains that there is as much excess carbon in the atmosphere from the Dust Bowl of the 1930s as from every automobile ever invented.
If we pay that debt, we can help restore the balance.  And by building healthy soil, we also repair many other relationships.  We establish a more effective water cycle, reducing droughts and floods.  We reverse desertification and provide more nutrition for humans and animals.  
Healthy soil can be the basis of healthy community.  The key relationships we must repair our often our most personal ones.  We cannot see other people, or groups of people, as expendable.  We must come to understand that we are interdependent, and that to be human is to take responsibility not just for ourselves, but for one another.
Community can be challenging!  It is far easier to love humanity in the abstract than to get along with the contrary, irritating folks who happen to be your friends, neighbors and family.  But the more skilled we become at our interpersonal relationships, the more effective we'll be at all our other work.  My own deep interest is in the newly developing area we've come to call ‘social permaculture'.  What are the principles and the patterns we can apply to our organizations and relationships that can help us thrive? The Empowerment Manual, A Guide for Collaborative Groups, my most recent book, explores the principles and patterns that can help our groups and relationships thrive.
Repairing our relationships to place, to food, to soil and to community will give us solid ground to stand upon as we address the technological and larger political changes we so desperately need to make.  We are gifted with enormous creativity, and the earth contains great reserves of resilience.  If we make the commitment to healing and regeneration, 2012 may mark, not the end of the world, but the moment when we step out of a loser's ballgame into the garden of a new era of balance, abundance and vibrant life.

Some resources
Starhawk's website:
Earth Activist Training:
David Miller's website for The Cosmic Ballgame:
Starhawk and Donna Cooper's documentary, Permaculture:
The Growing Edge:
Here are some short videos online about EAT teachers and projects:
Permaculture Principles at Work, featuring Erik Ohlsen
Inner City Permaculture:

Permaculture Resources
Penny Livingston-Stark  Regenerative Design Institute
Erik Ohlsen
Living Mandala
Permaculture Research Institute
See also: 

The Practice of Anarchy



The Practice of Anarchy

 In my previous three-part series on anarchy (available here, here and here) I argued, among other things, that anarchic (that is to say, non-hierarchical and self-organizing) systems are the norm in evolution and in nature and have also been the norm in human societies through much of their existence. They have a great deal to offer us as we attempt to navigate a landscape dominated by the failure of various centrally controlled, rigidly organized, explicitly codified hierarchical systems based on complex chains of command that have come to dominate human societies in recent centuries. I have also pointed out that, based on recent results from complexity theory, such hierarchical systems are collapse-prone. This is because they scale badly, increasing their metabolic cost per unit size as their size increases, which is just the opposite of how living organisms behave. This is also because, in order to continue to meet their internal maintenance requirements, they have to grow exponentially until they encounter physical limits.

But, as some astute readers have pointed out, what are we to do with all this excellent information? We live in a hierarchically structured society whose sometimes oppressive but always ever-present top-down authority we cannot escape. With many generations of people having become used to hearing anarchists vilified as terrorists, communist revolutionaries and having been conditioned to accept anarchy as a synonym for chaos and mayhem, any attempt at advocating anarchism as a political program is bound to go nowhere. We may be able to accept that anarchy is the way of nature, but we must also accept that it is no longer (at least for the time being) the way of human nature—or, if you like, not the way of man—or at least not the way of “the man”—the one who pays us a little something if we are helpful to him and orders us to be beat up or locked up if we are not. The advocate of anarchy is at best an amusing disembodied voice on the Internet (who must be dong something or other more practical to please the hierarchy in order to be able to afford the free time and the Internet connection). At worst, the compulsion to advocate anarchism as a program of political reform is a sign of mental illness.

Yes, the advocate of anarchist revolution is a sad sort of imbecile, but this is not to say that the theory that underpins anarchism is without any practical applications. It is just that such applications have nothing at all to do with politics. Just as anarchist thinking has at its source the scientific observation of nature, so must its applications to contemporary society start by observing the constructive role that anarchy normally plays within contemporary society, and then look for ways to extend it. Are there any examples of that? Yes, indeed there are. Whenever an existing hierarchically organized system becomes sufficiently ossified and dysfunctional to give an obvious edge to an improvised, anarchic, perhaps initially inferior alternative, there is a possibility that such an alternative will materialize out of nowhere, spread virally, become dominant, and then, in turn, become hierarchical and ossified. Let's list some obvious examples.

The Protestant revolution is an obvious one. Once the Catholic church—a hierarchical organization par excellence, though built on top of the wreckage of anarchic early Christianity—became sufficiently corrupt and obnoxious, putting up toll booths before the gates of heaven and so forth, a variety of new self-selected religious leaders led a revolt, providing viable, though rather primitive, alternatives, which then took over in many parts of the world, and eventually sprouted their own hierarchical structures thanks to the efforts of Luther. The Russian revolution is another one: once the general senility and obsolescence of the Czarist ancien régime became compounded by its failed effort durng World War I to a point where it could no longer quell bread riots, a variety of new self-selected political leaders stepped into the breach and provided an alternative, until it, again, sprouted a hierarchical organization of its own thanks to the efforts of Lenin. Seventy years later the stiff and morbid hierarchy into which it evolved was also tipped into the dustbin. More recently, when the first efforts at trade liberalization provided advantages of economies of scale, as well as labor and jurisdictional arbitrage, with which national enterprises could not compete, the trend became unstoppable, until there is now a single transnational business environment which is beyond any one nation's control. If history is any guide (as it sometimes is) the inevitable result will be that a dangerously centralized global economic bureaucracy, conceived in an effort to control the forces of chaos globalization has unleashed, will briefly attempt to dominate the scene before crumbling into dust under its own weight.

Equally significant (and somewhat less fraught) examples of anarchy in action can be found in the area of computer technology. There was a time when computers made by different manufacturers came with their own different and incompatible operating systems. The manufacturers liked this state of affairs, in spite of the fact that it greatly inconvenienced the users, because it created lock-in: switching from one manufacturer to another involved expensive and time-consuming rewriting of software. Then it just happened that two minds at Bell Labs dreamt up a very simple and primitive operating system called Unix (its very name was initially a joke) which was written in a language called C that ran on a lot of different computers—and virally took over the world. Then Unix became a commercial product, instantly going from anarchical and free to hierarchical and expensive. But anarchy triumphed again when it was rewritten, through various efforts, in a way that pried it away from grubby corporate hands. A big role in all this was played by self-selected leaders. Richard Stallman's GNU project (the acronym stands for “GNU is Not Unix”) created gcc, a free C compiler, and rewrote a great many Unix utilities to be free as well. Linux Torvalds, a graduate student in Finland, didn't like the Windows system that his university-provided PC was running (he thought it was crap) and so he wrote the Linux operating system that leveraged GNU, creating a Unix variant that initially ran on PCs, but now runs inside a great many devices, from Android smartphones to WiFi routers to the Google search engine to virtually all of the world's supercomputers. Eventually even Apple Computer saw the light, and its OS/X is a Unix variant. Unix is now ubiquitous, and the last non-Unix holdout is Microsoft, which is now clearly a dinosaur and sinking fast, while Linux-based Google and Unix-based Apple are eating its lunch. It started out as a joke and then went viral and took over: score one for anarchy.

There are many other such examples from many fields, but the pattern should already be clear: when a hierarchical organization—be it a church, a government or a corporation—creates a structural impediment, and when a solution is found to circumvent a that structural impediment, even if it is just a quick and dirty one, a leader self-selects to create that alternative. If the effort is a success and the alternative takes root and becomes rampant, in due course it gives rise to a hierarchical organization of its own. In an effort to expand and consolidate its control over the newly created domain, that organization then sets its sights on crafting a new set of structural impediments. But in due course the deathly touch of hierarchy takes its toll, and then the cycle repeats. There doesn't seem to be a lot that can be done to break the cycle, although there is a way to stretch it out by placing the new invention in the public domain (in software, this is done via the General Public License and a few others) or by declaring it an open, public standard. This has the effect of negating, or at least reducing, the undue influence of any one corporate entity, and this is almost always helpful because, first, corporations tend to be short-lived entities, and their influence shortens the lifetime of the invention, and second, corporations pursue profit by any means, such as by working against the interests others. But any significant invention is bound, over time, to come under the control of industry consortia, standards bodies, government regulators and other hierarchical entities, which eventually kill it. They may kill it with diligence or with neglect, but kill it they do, because in order for something to live forever and evolve freely it has to be organized anarchically, and that is a form of organization of which hierarchical organizations happen to be incapable.

I hope that this makes it clear what the practice of anarchism looks like. First of all, someone must lead; not seek a leadership position, not attempt to take charge or seize control, but simply go right ahead and start doing what needs to be done without asking anyone's permission. The goal is to create a viable alternative of which others can avail themselves freely. But in order for this to succeed, the target must be chosen well: a significant structural impediment that can be circumvented with finite effort. Working either entirely by yourself (in secret if need be) or with a few informal helpers, to craft a quick and dirty solution that nevertheless embodies the right set of concepts to scale up and take over is quite a feat, and few people are capable of it, but it is nevertheless something that happens quite a lot.

The best targets are ones that can be circumvented through individual or small group effort, with minimal start-up costs and where the alternative can spread virally. And the worst? Well, they generally require proposing a package of reforms, organizing politically, engaging in group planning activities, lobbying government and so forth. As Peter Kropotkin put it over a century ago, “It's about time we learned that such is the fate of all revolutionary laws: they are enacted only once they have become the established practice.” So, start practicing!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Mike Ruppert and Robert Hastings Discuss ET's

I disagree with Hasting's assessment of Steven M. Greer, I believe that TPTB (or The Powers That Were) DO have advanced forms of energy generation, and as I explain in this post, you cannot maintain a rigidly heirarchical system, not unlike Feudalism, with Free Anything; in order to maintain control of any population, you have to control the supply of some vital resource. This strategy has run its course, the planet is in peril, and it doesn't appear that those who are perpetuating/benefiting from this arrangement are going to voluntarily cede their control, even in the face of Mass Extinction. As I have also pointed out, the dominant, guiding eschatological philosophy of those in power is the Christian Fundamentalist narrative of impending Apocalypse and Rapture, a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Other than that I agree with most everything else posited in this must-hear exchange: 

See also:

Into the Final Chapter of The Great Reset: Orchestrated Collapse by Way of Cyber Polygon and WW3 (Re-Post)

After being up for over a year (I was able to thwart their algorithmic censorship by omitting tags, tags are keywords that direct searche...