Saturday, April 29, 2023

CDC Director Caught Lying To The House Committee on Appropriations About Face Masks & COVID Transmission? (The Pulse)

Walensky seems set on defending the CDC's still evidenceless position on masks.

APR 29, 2023

Dr Rochelle Walensky, CDC Director testifies to House Committee on Appropriations.

On April 19th CDC director Rochelle Walensky provided witness testimony to the House Appropriations Committee. She faced a series of questions regarding all things COVID as the committee was considering the budget requests for the CDC, the NIH, and the ASPR.

During the hearing, Congressman Andrew Clyde (R-Ga) asked Walensky about the popular Cochrane mask review that was published by a highly respected Oxford research team. This review emphasized that there’s no evidence showing masks are effective during a pandemic or that wearing face masks in the community prevents viral transmission.

Walensky stated,

“I think it’s notable, that the Editor-in-Chief of Cochrane, actually said that the summary of the review was…(stumble)…she retracted the summary of that review and said it was inaccurate.”

But this isn’t true, the summary was never retracted and nothing about it has been changed at all or deemed as inaccurate.

In response to Walensky’s comments, Tom Jefferson, lead author of the Cochrane study said, “Walensky is plain wrong. There has been no retraction of anything.”

He went on to state:

“It’s worth reiterating that we are the copyright holders of the review, so we decide what goes in or out of the review and we will not change our review on the basis of what the media wants or what Walensky says,”


Adding Some Context

Karla Soares-Weiser, Editor-in-Chief of the Cochrane Library, released a statement on behalf of Cochrane on March 10, 2023, stating the following:

“Many commentators have claimed that a recently-updated Cochrane Review shows that 'masks don't work', which is an inaccurate and misleading interpretation.

It would be accurate to say that the review examined whether interventions to promote mask wearing help to slow the spread of respiratory viruses, and that the results were inconclusive. Given the limitations in the primary evidence, the review is not able to address the question of whether mask-wearing itself reduces people's risk of contracting or spreading respiratory viruses.“

Perhaps this is the statement/summary that Walensky was referring to, and she just stumbled with her words. But why would a scholar and a doctor use the word “retracted” when talking about a specific publication and not refer to a statement as a statement? Clearly, she knows and knew what the word “retracted” implies. The fact that she said that any part of the review was retracted was completely inaccurate, and as pointed out above, many academics and experts in the field felt she was knowingly lying.

That being said, it’s noteworthy to re-iterate that the authors of the review stated that mask wearing “probably makes little to no difference” when it comes to stopping the transmission of the virus. Many academics have referred to the statement above as completely incorrect.

At the end of the day, it’s quit clear that there there is no evidence masks work, yet officials kept saying they were “following the science.” Yet Walensky still tried to protect their unscientific view by claiming the summary of the review was retracted.

Leaders of federal health agencies like the CDC are supposed to provide accurate and truthful information, but for years it seems that they’ve been doing the complete opposite.

Even prior to this hearing when asked about the review, Walensky downplayed it, arguing that it was flawed because it focused on randomized controlled studies. This was also confusing because this was the greatest strength of the review! Randomized studies are considered the gold standard of medical evidence.

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention weaponized research itself by putting out its own flawed studies in its own non-peer-reviewed medical journal, MMWR. In the final analysis, public health officials actively propagated misinformation that ruined lives and forever damaged public trust in the medical profession.”

- Dr. Marty Makary. surgeon and public policy researcher at Johns Hopkins University.

Congressman Andrew Clyde (R-Ga) also asked Walensky if her March 2021 public statement on MSNBC, in which she unequivocally said that “vaccinated people do not carry the virus, they do not get sick” was accurate.

“At the time it was [accurate]” Walensky replied, and then explained that “We’ve had an evolution of the science and an evolution of the virus” and that “all the data at the time suggested that vaccinated people, even if they got sick, could not transmit the virus.”

This was another lie. It’s been quite clear that COVID vaccines do not stop transmission.

Despite the broad recognition that vaccination does not reduce transmission, the mandates persisted, and still do to this day.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

"Consciousness Creates Reality" - Is This An Accurate Interpretation of What Quantum Mechanics is Revealing? (The Pulse)

 In support of my last post.

APR 24, 2023

“Despite the unrivalled empirical success of quantum theory, the very suggestion that it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism, incomprehension and even anger.” 
- T. Folger, “Quantum Shmantum”; Discover 22:37-43, 2001”

The fascinating connection between mind and matter has given birth to a saying used by many, from quantum physicists and academics to ancient and “new age” philosophers. The saying goes, “Consciousness creates reality.”

The question is, where did this saying come from? What does it mean? And how should we interpret it?

In the 17th century, the ideas of philosopher Rene Descartes played a significant role in shaping what science would one day become. Among his influential contributions, Descartes brought to light the characteristics of mind and matter, identifying them as the two primary ingredients of reality.

These views, originating largely from Aristotle and Plato, have made their way throughout the ages to the present day and have been further validated by quantum mechanics (QM).

It’s always fascinating when ancient ideas, which seemed to have originated from one’s own heart/mind, are validated by modern-day experiments, technology and science. It truly makes one ponder whether or not the burning questions of existence and the mysteries regarding the true nature of reality are somehow accessible somewhere inside all of us in some extraordinary way.

Do we have all of the answers inside of us? Perhaps.

To dive deep into this subject we must examine consciousness and its relationship with physical material matter. The existence of this relationship has, in my opinion, been demonstrated without a doubt through the birth of quantum mechanics (QM). QM is the catalyst for the term, “consciousness creates reality.”

Quantum mechanics, or quantum physics, examines physical material matter and how it behaves at the smallest observable level. It attempts to describe and account for the properties of molecules and atoms and their constituents—electrons, protons, neutrons, and other particles such as quarks and gluons.

Basically, it’s the examination of atomic and subatomic particles and trying to understand them, given the fact that these particles make up everything that we perceive to be physical material matter, including me and you.

The modern scientific worldview is largely based on the idea that materialism dominates and that matter is the only reality. But this isn’t true, as renowned theoretical physicist Dr. John Wheeler emphasized,

"No point is more central than this, that empty space is not empty. It is the seat of the most violent physics."

QM threw the supposed material foundations of the world out the window and demonstrated that much of what we call “reality” is not even perceivable to our senses. QM has shown that atoms and subatomic particles, of which everything is made, are not really solid objects and do not exist in space and time at definite spatial locations and times.

Perhaps most importantly, QM has demonstrated that the mind, or consciousness, is directly intertwined somehow with what we call physical material matter.

This is why all of the ‘founding fathers’ of QM could not deny the relationship between consciousness and matter. In fact, many believed and do believe that consciousness is a fundamental aspect and required for matter to even exist.

Max Planck, a theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918 emphasized this in a 1931 interview with The Observer of London,

“I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.”

Nikola Tesla also emphasized his belief with regards to where matter is birthed from, which he referred to as the “luminiferous either” in his work, “Man’s Greatest Achievement.”

“All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, fill all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena.”

QM introduced the mind into its basic structure since it was found that the particles being observed and the observer—the physicist and the method used for observation—are linked.

This implies that the consciousness of the observer is vital to the existence of the physical events being observed and that mental events can affect the physical world. The results of multiple experiments support this interpretation which suggests that the physical world is not the only component of reality. The physical world cannot be fully understood without making reference to the mind.

The quantum double-slit experiment is often cited to illustrate this connection. When physicists watch a particle pass through two slits, the particle goes through one slit or the other. If a person doesn't watch it, it acts like a wave and can go through both slits simultaneously and/or split in half, go through both, then join up as one after it has passed through both slits.

This means its behaviour changes based on a person's perception or the act of observing to see what slit it went through.

Neils Bohr, known for his work in atomic/quantum theory which won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1922 explains,

“When we measure something we are forcing an undetermined, undefined world to assume an experimental value. We are not measuring the world, we are creating it.”

When someone is watching to see what slit it goes through, the particle acts differently compared to when no one is watching. And when no one is watching its behaviour is spooky, impossible and not comprehensible.

When it is not being watched the particle acts as a wave and exhibits all potential possibilities, being anywhere, everywhere or nowhere at all — until clicked into substantiality by a conscious observer.

“Observations not only disturb what has to be measured, they produce it...We compel (the electron) to assume a definite position...We ourselves produce the results of the measurement.”

 - M. Mermin, Boojums All the Way Through: Communicating Science ina Prosaic Age, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1990. Referenced by Dr. Dean Radin in a paper published in Physics Essays regarding the quantum double slit experiment

There are other experiments as well, like the delayed choice experiment. Like the quantum double slit experiment the delayed choice/quantum eraser has been demonstrated and repeated multiple times.

It basically brings up the point that, after the particle passes through the slit(s), it is not only until we observe, after the fact, that the particle chooses what direction it takes. This means that observation in the present is changing the past.

Physicists at the Australian National University (ANU) have conducted John Wheeler’s delayed-choice thought experiment, and the findings were published in the journal Nature Physics.

To make the experiment easier to understand, Wheeler used a cosmic scale explanation. Imagine a star emitting photons billions of years ago, heading in the direction of planet Earth. In between there is a galaxy. As a result of what’s known as “gravitational lensing,” the light will have to bend around the galaxy in order to reach Earth. So, it has to take one of two paths, going left or going right.

Billions of years later, if one decides to set up an apparatus to “catch” the photon, the resulting pattern would be an interference pattern, as explained above in the double-slit experiment. This demonstrates that the photon took one way, and it took the other way. A "wave" of possibilities, but the way it took has not been defined.

One could also choose to “peek” at the incoming photon, setting up a telescope on each side of the galaxy to determine which side the photon passed to reach Earth. The very act of measuring or “watching” which way the photon comes in means it can only come in from one side. The pattern will no longer be an interference pattern representing multiple possibilities, but a single clump pattern showing “one” way.

What does this mean? It means how we choose to measure “now” affects what direction the photon took billions of years ago. Our choice in the present moment affected what had already happened in the past.

Below is a great video of Wheeler explaining.

Beyond the experiments above, research in psychoneuroimmunology indicates that our thoughts and emotions can markedly affect the activity of the physiological systems (e.g., immune, endocrine, cardiovascular) connected to the brain. In other respects, neuroimaging studies of emotional self-regulation, psychotherapy, and the placebo effect demonstrate that mental events significantly influence the activity of the brain. Another form of mind and matter interaction.

Perhaps my favourite are parapsychological studies.

“Studies of the so-called “psi phenomena” indicate that we can sometimes receive meaningful information without the use of ordinary senses, and in ways that transcend the habitual space and time constraints. Furthermore, psi research demonstrates that we can mentally influence—at a distance—physical devices and living organisms (including other human beings). Psi research also shows that distant minds may behave in ways that are non-locally correlated, i.e. the correlations between distant minds are hypothesized to be unmediated (they are not linked to any known energetic signal), unmitigated (they do not degrade with increasing distance), and immediate (they appear to be simultaneous). These events are so common that they cannot be viewed as anomalous nor as exceptions to natural laws, but as indications of the need for a broader explanatory framework that cannot be predicated exclusively on materialism.”- Manifesto For A Post Materialist Science

I’ve cited many times a document titled “Research Into Paranormal Ability To Break Through Spatial Barriers” which reviews experiments conducted by the Aerospace Medicine Engineering Institute in Beijing.

The document highlights experiments involving the videotaping and high-speed photography of the transfer of test specimens (nuts, bundles of matches, pills, nails, thread, photosensitive paper, chemically treated paper, sponges dipped in FeCl3, etc.) through the walls of sealed paper envelopes, double layered KCNS-type paper bags, sealed glass bottles, tubes with sealed caps, and sealed plastic film canisters without the walls of any of these containers being breached.

All of the experiments used gifted children and young adults who apparently possessed well-known extraordinary PK (psychokinetic) ability that allowed them to teleport the various test specimens.

According to a declassified Air Force study by scientist Eric W. Davis entitled Teleportation Physics Study, “The experiments were well-controlled, scientifically recorded, and the experimental results were always repeatable.”

A quote from the Chinese Institute of Atomic Energy pointed out in 1991, in a study archived by the CIA:

“Such phenomena and paranormal abilities of the human body are unimaginable for ordinary people. Nevertheless they are really true.”

In all the experimental cases that were reported, the test specimens teleported were completely unaltered or unchanged from their initial state.

Experiments like these suggest that mind/matter interaction is a phenomenon that has been observed beyond the quantum scale.

Be sure to access the document, read through it, and examine the study and the methods and experiments used if you want a deeper analysis.

Other psi phenomena like remote viewing and studies of Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) suggest that the mind/consciousness is not dependent on a physical biological system to exist.

A paper published in Frontiers of Neuroscience Emphasizes just how fascinating psi phenomenon is and why some of the world’s most eminent scientists have been interested in it for more than a century.

“Research on parapsychological phenomena (psi) is being carried out in various accredited universities and research centers throughout the world by academics in different disciplines trained in the scientific method (e.g., circa 80 Ph.D.s have been awarded in psi-related topics in the UK in recent years). This research has continued for over a century despite the taboo against investigating the topic, almost complete lack of funding, and professional and personal attacks (Cardeña, 201). The Parapsychological Association has been an affiliate of the AAAS since 1969, and more than 20 Nobel prizewinners and many other eminent scientists have supported the study of psi or even conducted research themselves.”

Has much changed? When science breaks the boundaries and exposes the reality of the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of our reality, is it too much for academia? After all, research in this area completely shatters what we believe to be true sometimes.

The Connection Is Clear. But What Does It Mean?

“It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.”– Eugene Wigner, theoretical physicist and mathematician

Robert Lanza, a stem cell and regenerative medicine expert famous for the theory of biocentrism, argues that consciousness is the driving force for the existence of the universe. He argues that everything that we experience and know about is created by our consciousness.

Lanza postulates that the physical world we perceive is not something that’s separate from us but instead created by our minds as we observe it.

According to his biocentric view, space and time are a result of the “whirl of information” in our head that is weaved together by our mind into a coherent experience.

In a paper he co-authored by Dmitriy Podolskiy and Andrei Barvinsky, theorists in quantum gravity and quantum cosmology, they explain how observers influence the structure of our reality. According to Lanza and his colleagues, observers can significantly affect the behaviour of observable quantities both at microscopic and massive spatiotemporal scales.

Again, according to theories like this the world is not something that is formed outside of us and simply existing on its own. Observers ultimately define the structure of physical reality itself not just at the quantum scale, but at large scales as well.

In 2005 Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University Richard Conn Henry published a paper in the journal Nature titled “The Mental Universe.” In it he writes the following:

“A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction....Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter… The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.”

Writing about this topic could span thousands of pages and multiple books, but for the sake of reading length and time, the basic conclusion that seems to be inarguable is the fact that mind and consciousness have a direct relationship with matter and may be required in the first place for matter to exist. Matter may be birthed from the non material void, and perhaps some type of consciousness is the catalyst that is required for its birth.

This article represents a very basic explanation of where the idea comes from and what it means.

It suggests that, in some way we don’t yet understand, we are all playing a part in co-creating this reality. But what about other intelligence elsewhere in the multi-universe/multi-dimensional realm? It gets very complicated when you think about it. What about the consciousness that exists beyond death, beyond our perception of space and time? Does consciousness itself exist on its own beyond physical systems? Can everything that’s made up of matter posses some type of consciousness?

As far as being what we perceive to be as ‘individuals,’ which could simply be one small facet of the whole if we are all indeed one, does this mean that one can ‘manifest’ a particular life with regards to whatever they desire? I don’t know. I do believe that our thoughts, feelings, emotions and perceptions do indeed play a large role in creating or influencing our reality. What about concepts of determinism and free will?

That being said it’s not that simple. For example, if we have certain goals and desires in life it may require years of work and dedication to get there. We can’t simply snap it into existence instantaneously, which some people out there seem to imply.

In some ways, science like this has been hijacked and misinterpreted for money making purposes. Furthermore, everybody seems so convinced regarding manifestation that they become engulfed with their own personal desires. This is fine, but let’s not forget about the collective, let’s not forget about others, let’s not forget that we are all connected and that some souls are having an experience on this planet that no one would desire. What can we do to help them?

Another strange and inaccurate interpretation seems to be the idea that focusing on the “bad” or exposing the immoral and unethical actions of various governments and corporations will simply continue to manifest this reality. This doesn’t make sense to me and is not aligned with quantum theory at all. In fact, if we don’t shed light on the “dark” we simply allow it to be part of the human experience and permeate even more.

Theories like the one discussed above also bring into play our emotions, feelings, perceptions and state of being. If consciousness and mind are directly intertwined and in some way help to create our experience, we must ask ourselves, from what collective state of being are we creating from?

These discussions also lend belief to the idea of God, although I won’t go there because that’s also a deeper discussion. There are many different ideas of what “God” may constitute.

Recommended reading:

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Alex Jones Exclusively Reveals Why Tucker Carlson was Fired

Excellent show all the way through, especially the guest segment with Dark Journalist who delves into the Breakaway Civilization and the Trump family's connection to the Cabal withholding reverse engineered anti-gravitic ET technology AND Nikola Tesla's work from the public via John D. Trump's connection to Vannevar Bush. I keep telling you that Trump is in the Big Old Club, is Controlled Opposition, I mean what further information will it take to convince you?  

Dark Journalist also points out how all of us and the Universe is fundamentally psychic in nature and that these advanced interstellar civilizations have built their technology around said fundamental reality. This is also why the Cabal behind the Fake Pandemic(s) chemically lobotomize us at every remove, with fluoride in the water, mercury and aluminum in conventional vaccines, GMO garbage that alter our genes, induce cancer and all work synergistically to keep us perpetually stunted. We are incredibly powerful beings that do not need their poison "medicines" nor their continued rule. In fact, it is this psychotic selfish minority of our species that is withholding Humanity's evolution into a peaceful space-faring civilization. They would love for nothing other than to kill off 90% of us and turn the remaining 10% of us into biological robot playthings straight out of the recent HBO science fiction series West World. Oh they absolutely salivate at the prospect of that, but an even darker version of West World where they rape and murder our children. THAT'S who is behind the Fake Pandemic(s) / Great Reset and the desire to inject all of us with slow acting lethal injections that will kill most of us and robotize the rest. THAT'S who puts fluoride, literally rat poison, in the water supply. These people are the definition of evil. That they literally gather at Bohemian Grove and have mock human sacrifices, "The Cremation of Care" on an annual basis (publicly, they have innumerable real private sacrifices away from public scrutiny) doesn't help their image of them being something other than a Satanic Death Cult

And now that the cat's out of the bag on all of this they have to resort to starting WW3, replete with nuclear conflagration (hey it will help with their depopulation effort and as a Breakaway Civilization they not only have vast subterranean facilities on this planet but also off-world as well. They can literally go hang out on Mars for a few decades while the nuclear fallout settles).

They want you to believe you are helpless and that all of this is a foregone conclusion so that you co-create this potential reality. This is why Klaus Schwab states their objectives so open and brazenly "you will own nothing and be happy" - Schwab "humans are now hackable animals" - Harari, the way reality works is that we are not merely passive observers witnessing phenomena, our very intent influences the behavior of said phenomena. In a laboratory and scientifically speaking more broadly this is known as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle / Observer Effect. In health and human sciences this is known as the Placebo Effect. In earlier epoch's "witches" were often persecuted for casting "spells" on people within the village that they separated themselves from. They want you to internalize this idea that the Great Reset is a foregone conclusion, has already happened, and that fighting back is futile. 

In reality their Great Reset will end in spectacular failure, Humanity's future is not as biological robot playthings for Harari, Schwab, Gates and Co, I assure you. Their Great Reset isn't going so well, only 2% are continuing to take their injections, everyone but the most fast asleep now questions what they are being told by the media in regards to "new variants" and then need for perpetual boosters. The support for Ukraine is literally at 20%, no-one is enthusiastic at all about Taiwan, nor Israel for that matter. Biden's approval rating is the lowest it's been for any sitting president. RFK Jr. already has a larger support base and none of them are even Democrats! 

Their Great Reset is DONE. 

Rejoice, you can heal yourself from the injections, you are powerful, our destiny is among the stars as a peaceful space-faring civilization not biological robot playthings for the Cabal! We will heal the planet! We will heal our wounded collective psyche! We will remember this critical juncture as a lesson as to how dark and debased the unchecked Ego can become and where it can take us lest we forget our true nature as spiritual beings having a Human experience! 

The ending segment with Maria Zeee and Dr. Anna Mihalcea is also must watch and a great segue from a La Quinta Columna's authoritative The Game is Over expose' on the subject of the presence and purpose of Graphene Oxide in the "vaccines". 

Also, the real reason why Tucker Carlson was deplatformed was his timely airing of RFK Jr.'s presidency bid announcement and thorough savaging of Biden, the Deep State, our belligerent encirclement of Russia with NATO precipitating Russia's incursion into Ukraine and our U.S. funded biolabs in Ukraine. 

Also worth noting, both Fox News and and Dominion Voting Systems are owned by BlackRock! Do the math on how that lawsuit works; as I said, it's all theater, BlackRock can sue itself to rid someone doing real journalism and swaying public opinion and it amounts to moving money from your right pocket to your left pocket! 

They also will not allow Biden to debate RFK Jr! Think on that! What a democracy! 

"You got the vaccination? Are you ok? I mean, you seem, no it works, or, you know, or, or, or, the mom and dad, or, or, or, the neighbor, or when you go to church, I, I, I, really mean it, there are trusted interlockers, think of the people, if your kid wanted to find out, whether or not there was a man on the moon...."


"If the situation was hopeless the censorship would not be necessary"

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Censorship Run Amok: Covid, The Lab Leak, Masks & The Twitter Files (Stossel)

Wow, literally the "fact checking" is pure garbage / does not refute anything 95% of the time, simply amounts to censorship by blocking images / information and diverting attention.

Take this excerpt from John Coleman's 'Conspirators Hierarchy: The Committee of 300', nowhere did I state that Klaus Schwab say or write this or that this appears in Klaus Schwab's 'Great Reset' book but that's exactly what Fakebook's fact checking amounts to. They are saying that it's perfectly ok to block / censor this excerpt while forcing the end users to see that they "Fact Checked" it knowing full well that the mind fucked masses who fell for the "Pandemic", got their injections and who blindly trust all forms of authority will simply ignore said image, not spend the time to view the excerpt or look at what the fact checking amounts to.

I simply posted this excerpt, made no reference to Klaus Schwab's book. Here's the excerpt followed by the "Fact Check" (click to enlarge):


It's nice to have everything I pointed out in a vlog a year ago corroborated with this comprehensive series:


Also, over on Fakebook I posted this image showing how seasonal flu cases plummeted in 2020-2021, something I also attempted to convey in my vlog, as the PCR test cannot distinguish between "SARS-COV-2" (which remains to be isolated, not novel) and seasonal flu above 22 amplification cycles (they are using 40-50 cycles to make cases!) and Fakebook attempted to "Fact Check" this, saying that "the public health measures such as masking, social distancing and locking down reduced seasonal flu cases". Oh that's interesting, because meta-analysis shows that these completely useless (useful if you want to destroy the global economy to bring in your Great Reset and mind fuck the masses / put them in a state of Mass Formation Psychosis so that they take injections on command) "public health" measures which do nothing to abate the spread of airborne communicable diseases like seasonal flu, which is what "COVID" really is in actuality, per John Hopkin's meta-analysis showing that the so called public health measures only reduced "COVID" deaths by .2%, yes that's not a typo, .2% and other studies show that deaths of despair from the useless public health measures are actually 20x higher than deaths from so-called "COVID"! 

Again, this had / has (oh they aren't done yet, they absolutely will attempt to declare new viruses and lock us back down again) nothing to do with public health whatsoever! 

Saturday, April 22, 2023


Over the last year we've learned: CIA killed JFK, 9/11 hijackers were CIA assets, EcoHealth was a CIA front company, and we already knew CIA lied about WMDs in Iraq, killed a million Iraqi's+$trillion tax dollars transfered to the military industrial complex for Iraq war. Abolish the CIA, start over



My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult by Zowe Smith (Unjected Substack)

Some secrets were meant to be told. How the SCAMdemic woke up one medical worker to the overall evils of the current medical paradigm.

APR 21, 2023

By Zowe Smith | My Life In The Thrill Kill Medical Cult Substack | Telegram

Find your people at

An Insider’s Perspective

As it turns out, my otherwise mind numbingly boring job as a medical coder became the scene of one of the worlds largest scams in history. I had a front row seat to the biggest show in town that nobody was allowed to see. Those tickets are now being handed to you and to future generations.

I had always wondered, how did Germans allow Hitler to heard an entire race of people into death camps? If I were alive then, would I have seen the truth through the propaganda? Would I have sheltered Jews in my attic? Why isn’t there a written account of how it all happened from a German civilian perspective? I would have really liked to learn that so I could identify the warning signs early on if history ever repeated itself. They say we are doomed to repeat history if we remain ignorant to it. I don’t know how many kids still learn about the Holocaust in school anymore, but kids at my school learned about it. We were told that sometimes governments use propaganda, it’s bad, and it looks exactly like this one German campaign. Anything outside of this one template couldn’t possibly be lies from media or our government. What could they possibly have to hide? It’s not like they are corrupt like a cartel… Are they?

Medical coders spend all day reviewing electronic medical records. Radiology reports, nursing notes, vital signs, everything your provider does is recorded and sent to a database. From surgeries to drugs, every type of medical product can be represented with a code. Each code has a monetary value associated with it. Coders use various software programs to translate medical notes into a series of diagnosis and procedure codes. Codes are then submitted on insurance claims. A good coder will ensure physicians get the most pay per service and patients are covered by insurance. Medicare and other insurers are always seeking to deny claims and impose fines. It’s a bit of a game for coders to massage the codes in a way that maximizes payment without incurring risk of fines. Massaging the numbers for their benefit is what hospitals and physicians pay coders to do.

The Lies Begin

Mainstream media was reporting how hospitals would be overrun with Covid patients before “two weeks to flatten the curve” started. There were no Covid patients then. None. It was the pandemic that wasn’t. Laughable even. Two weeks to flatten the curve came and went but still very few admissions. People who did walk in the door had been avoiding coming in for so long they were now all critical. Some were beyond help, collapsing in the ER doorway. Collapsing critical patients were not the anticipated Covid-19 patients we had been told to expect. The wave of false positive PCR tests was yet to begin. No, the patient load in those early days were patients who were so afraid of going to the hospital, they avoided care long enough for their conditions to deteriorate to life threatening degrees. Covid admissions, however, didn’t increase until masking went into effect everywhere after months of lockdowns.

Experts told us this new Covid-19 virus was going to kill more people than the flu. Yet the flu didn’t really kill anyone. People died with the flu, not because they caught a flu. Most people in healthcare knew that, it was not a secret. It is in their programming to blame the most acute condition as a cause of death. That concept is written into the medical coding guidelines. Creating the illusion flu kills when other conditions are almost always the root cause. Soon Covid patients did come in and some people became gravely ill and died with Covid.

Hospitals all over the nation publicly admitted that Covid-19 was a novel virus. Even the experts didn’t know how to treat it. All of the treatments for it were experimental. Protocols for reporting and tracking clinical trials or applying research codes on experimental therapies went out the window. The recommended therapy was to ventilate patients with supplemental oxygen if a patient’s blood oxygen level dropped below a certain number. Normally patients suffering from hypoxia, or low blood oxygen levels, would be treated with oxygen via a nasal cannula, that nose plug-looking contraption with long plastic tubes attached to an oxygen tank. Ventilation was normally a last resort. When placed on vents, one by one, the Covid-19 positive patients circled the drain and died. This created the illusion that Covid was the deadly disease we had been instructed to be afraid of. Still, out of all those cases, I only calculated a 0.003% death rate. Statistically, more people die every year from heart disease, medical malpractice, and car accidents. Still, the media continued sounding the alarm over how deadly Covid was.

Hospitals were in desperate need of funding after “two weeks to flatten the curve”. All our bread and butter services were cut off. Patients in the ICU had to be discharged and sent home early. Supplemental staff and various support service staff were laid off. Contract support staff was abruptly cut off to save money. Then the entire operating room schedule had to be cleared of any elective surgeries for months. Not even pandemic stimulus money could bail hospitals out after that. Entire departments were shut down and wings of hospitals were closed off due to lack of staff. Patient care areas were consolidated into central areas, making it appear our occupied bed numbers were maxed out. In reality, there were many, many empty beds. Media harped on the mantra that those working in healthcare were “heroes” for showing up to treat the onslaught on Covid patients. Instead, staff faced layoffs and furloughs. Raises and bonuses were cancelled. Hiring freezes ensued. Those still standing had to absorb the workload of staff lost. They were forced to work harder for the same money, setting the remaining staff up for burn out.

“U07.1” - One Code To Rule Them All

Was I the only one seeing this?! Surely other healthcare professionals were becoming alarmed with all of the inconsistencies happening around them. They must be questioning things too. The numbers from media sources did not match up to what was going on right before our eyes. They must have been suspicious about asymptomatic cases that were the bulk of Covid patients; that our own hospital data did not match HHS or WHO data.

As the Pandemic began gearing up, policies were put in place to keep patients out of hospitals. Quarantine and isolation measures were put in place. Suddenly hospitals became the scariest place to be in the whole world. Per policy, patients admitted with any condition must be placed into isolation with quarantine measures in place. They must be masked at all times. Their care team would be dressed up in hazmat suits from head to toe. Patients families were not allowed to be with them inside. Many patients were heavily drugged and strapped to their beds while their care teams experimented on them. Hospitals didn’t have infection control policies like that before Covid, not even for Ebola. This new virus came and changed everything. To my knowledge, a new virus doesn’t change everything we know about infection control or the spread of disease overnight. No visitation made it suspiciously convenient that while providers are admittedly experimenting on patients, no witnesses were allowed to see what was being done to their loved ones.

Codes starting with J are respiratory diseases, B codes are virus identifiers that do not affect payment and must be listed after the primary disease, U07.1 is Covid-19 virus code

Then it happened. On April 1st 2020, an unprecedented update to the medical code system was implemented. A new code for the novel Covid-19 virus was created to track the Covid-19 pandemic. There was a standard once per year update to the code set. Normally developing a new code would take years, not months. New codes would just be released at the standard update time. The rules for how to apply this new virus code was an exception to almost every other rule for reporting viruses (exceptions being HIV and Zika). It afforded hospitals a bonus payment for a Covid diagnosis. Bonus payments of 20% were available to hospitals for reporting the new experimental drug codes they created for Remdesivir, convalescent plasma transfusions, and other drugs. Right about then, hospitals across the nation switched from using Hydroxychloroquine to Remdesivir almost exclusively. It was just one more item on a growing list of policies and procedures that contradicted everything we knew about treating disease up until then.

I watched the devastation from lockdowns unfold for the next five months. Suicides and addictions increased in number and severity. Disturbingly so. The elderly were marginalized by virtualizing everything. Elderly had trouble using the required technology. Patients that depended on services that were no longer available found themselves turning to unhealthy solutions that landed them in the hospital. These were the deaths from fear and despair.

Gaslighting from others intensified the entire time. Each step of the way, I questioned things and spoke out about it to anyone who would listen. People’s responses always shocked me. Here I was, honestly recounting my first hand observations. They would tell me how crazy I was because they heard something different in the news. Often they would become angry with me for telling them the news was lying to them about hospitals being overrun with Covid patients. They would stop speaking to me and inviting me on outings. They would attach themselves to the stories told to them by the news and social media platforms over a real live human they could look in the eye. Someone who had never been a “crazy conspiracy theorist” before. I found myself isolated and shunned by the whole of society simply for speaking my truth. It was the beginning of the great silencing.

Where To Turn?

Censorship was so bad, I couldn’t find the resistance I desperately needed to find. My search kept coming up empty. One fateful day, The Last American Vagabond accidentally found me. Finding TLAV was akin to unlocking the keys to the kingdom of truth. I instinctively knew for the first six months of the scamdemic that media was lying and gaslighting us over what was really happening. Was Covid a distraction from something more sinister? TLAV was asking the same questions. Government has a long history of pointing at something seemingly important, only to do something far worse when nobody is paying attention. It’s the classic “look over there” sleight of hand trick. It was obvious to me by now nobody knew what was really going on, and worse, too few were seeking truth. Healthcare workers included. Censorship made it even more difficult for people to find anything truthful. You had to know where to look for it first. TLAV was a resource that was pointing at countless resources available to help people come to their own conclusions.

By then many experts had begun speaking out about vaccine development for Covid-19 and their concerns about it. All of them heavily censored for it of course. I set out to learn everything I could about vaccines. Somebody had to do it, very few in healthcare were. If an experimental injection that was developed at “warp speed”, should cause damage, I knew I would be in a position to see it. I couldn’t fathom why others in healthcare refused to do their due diligence. Using all of the same free resources available to them, I educated myself. Even then, I had only scratched the surface. I found more than enough information to be concerned about what was about to happen.

As the first jabs went into the first arms via drive-thru, I waited with baited breath. Dr. Ryan Cole issued a dire warning about “sitting back and pulling out the popcorn because we are about to watch something horrible happen to the population”. I kept an open mind and hoped that the warnings were wrong.

Lo and behold, the warnings were right. To my utter horror, healthcare professionals denied that an experimental “vaccine” could cause harm of any kind. Gaslighting patients about their vaccine injuries began instantly. Patients arrived immediately after being vaccinated having strokes, heart attacks, and with severe cases of Covid. Some were collapsing uncontrollably or having non stop seizure activity. Multi-system organ failure cases piled up. Strange blood disorders made an appearance and drugs normally used to treat blood disorders stopped working. Cancers began to progress to end stage almost overnight. Patients that didn’t have histories of chronic conditions. Patients that were perfectly healthy before being injected all had new major conditions. Slowly but surely, more and more cases like this arrived as injections became available to more people. Those who returned with unexplainable conditions were turned away because their doctors either denied anything was wrong or they didn’t know how to help them.

Mandates were issued that every adult in the world must be vaccinated in order to go back to normal. Injections were now available to the entire adult population. The mainstream media had no choice but to report certain cases of medical workers getting vaccinated and having severe reactions or dying afterwards. In spite of evidence of harm, the media repeated the mantra that vaccines are safe and effective. Even as the efficacy percentage began to plummet. Mask mandates were promised to be dropped for the vaccinated. In a bait-and-switch fashion, they weren’t. The media changed their tune and told everyone masks couldn’t be stopped until we reached herd immunity. Another number that kept changing. New variants of Covid were supposedly circulating that were making experimental injections less effective. Yet people had to keep taking the injections or lose their jobs. None of it made any logical sense. Nobody in healthcare was questioning any of it. They were enthusiastically avoiding any talk of vaccine associated harm, or evidence masks don’t work. In a clown world kind of move, they were doubling down on efforts to stop the spread that clearly wasn’t working. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result. That is when I knew the vast majority of people in healthcare were perpetuating insanity. Either by being willfully ignorant or outright murdering people for profit.

Every hospital across the nation had the same mantra. The same insurance regulations with covid bonuses built in. The same stipulations of employment. Not a single hospital stood up to mandates or pushed back on letting patients die alone. Every single organization involved was like a unified front. They were clearly exploiting the pandemic for profit.

Worse, I noticed that contact tracing and medical record reporting was about to be connected to government databases beyond the CDC. Lots of information about patients was being tracked and recorded without their knowledge or consent. AI was being implemented as a weapon to detect things like vaccine uptake or hesitancy. After the scamdemic reared its ugly head, I lost what little trust I had in the CDC and every other alphabet agency. Whoever was behind the medical code system (and the associated reporting agencies) had an agenda. I thought it might be critical to learn what it was. I had no idea the darkness I would find under that rock.

The Plot Thickens

April 1 2022 another unprecedented code update went into effect. This time to launch codes to track refusal of vaccinations and boosters. Codes for past history of covid infection also went into effect. Codes for vaccine injuries called adverse reactions had been on the books for decades. Adverse reaction codes should have been available during the clinical trial phase. One of the main reasons there is a medical code system is for tracking clinical trials. Since December 6th 2020, jabs had been going into arms and healthcare providers had been seeing the effects. Vaccine development began in early January 2020. That would have been the time to create covid injection codes. Was the code update in April 2020 just an oversight in their haste? For more than 3 years? Surely there would be a code for reporting injuries in the next update. It seemed they thought of everything except enabling reporting and tracking of covid vaccination injuries or deaths. Unless they intended to make it impossible for injury reporting. If that was their goal, they couldn’t have planned it better.

Medical codes documenting people who do not take Covid-19 injection

The WHO has been entrusted with the management of the ICD and PCS medical code systems since 1948. The WHO developed their Med Safety app for vaccine injury self reporting. VAERS is the only other option and it is known for being inaccurate by design. Both methods are flawed because they require self reporting. Why isn’t WHO insisting on using the robust and well established international ICD system? Accuracy of reporting would be far greater with a system that doesn’t rely on self reporting. Integrity and accuracy would certainly go up if handled using the ICD system already in place. The only conclusion I can draw from this is that they never intended to track adverse events. This was clearly orchestrated to prevent reporting or tracking of vaccine injuries.

Next they were coming for me. Videos from our hospital began pointing the finger at remote staff as the problem, holdouts preventing the hospital from reaching its goal of 100% injection compliance rate. Bonuses were available to hospital administrators for 100% staff vaccination rates and competitions among hospitals continue to this day. Staff who never stepped foot inside a hospital or saw patients were suddenly the problem. Hospital vaccine policy was tied to Medicare payments. In order for hospitals to receive any money from Medicare, all staff had to be vaccinated for flu. Exemptions couldn’t be any more than 80% or no money for hospitals from Medicare. That would bankrupt any hospital, so they took their flu vaccination numbers seriously. I knew they were actively revising that policy for Covid injections. Giving it teeth. Teachers and military were already being fired for non compliance to vaccine mandates. I saw the devastation injections had inflicted on people. There was no way I was going to allow myself to be injected with that poison. I ventured to say they would have to kill me before I would submit. People say that is a bit extreme, but after what I witnessed, I beg to differ.

I would not have any part of murdering patients for profit. Labeling the deaths as Covid and then sending their family a bill. I had lost faith in the medical system many years prior when I fell victim to it. I learned the hard way the remedy is often worse than the disease. The system is designed to protect the doctors and their staff from you, the patient. Not the other way around. I was barely hanging on, just collecting a paycheck. I decided to quit before they could fire me. I would not be an accomplice to murder and I refused to let them label me as a statistic by allowing them to fire me over non-compliance to mandates.

I expected many other healthcare workers to follow suit. Some did, but not nearly enough. As the pressure to get the jab or lose your job went up, those with families to feed and bills to pay often gave in. They felt there was no alternative. Not having income from a reliable source was scarier than the jab. The rug was just pulled out from under me. Everything I had been trained to do was no longer an option. I could sympathize with the paralyzing fear of “what do I do now?!” All my work history, worthless in their market. The college education I still owed money on? Also worthless now. Mandates involving PCR testing, mask wearing, and vaccination had effectively changed my world as I knew it. It seemed I was the only one to get the memo. The whole experience made me realize the importance of entrepreneurship and local community market systems. It’s the only solution I can find, where mandates, licensing and regulations can’t take away a lifetime’s worth of work with the flick of a switch.

A Way Out

Owning something is really the only way to get ahead in this system. The phrase “you will own nothing and be happy” began circulating again online. It was heavily censored, which only served to draw more attention to it. Investing in something owned, debt free, might be an option to escape the prison bars that had been erected. It might be the only way to remain autonomous and free. Maybe that was why they didn’t want people encouraged to do their own thing and had to shut the article down.

The alternative lifestyle I had been speaking about at wildlife education events for more than twenty years was something I always wanted to do but never could. Inspired by Derick Broze’s book, Opting Out of the Technocratic State, I chose to seize this opportunity life handed me, to live the life I always wanted. Finding affordable housing and income outside their control grid was going to be key to survival. I began to research alternative forms of income going forward.

On the search for community, I found myself speaking to others who had been in healthcare and didn’t see what I saw. Some were aware of only a few discrepancies that happened. Maybe they heard about how ventilators were killing people faster but they didn’t know anything about how Remdesivir tied in. Some heard there were no viruses and covid was really just 5G sickness. There were so many things to point to, masks, PCR tests, vaccines. None of the theories were consistent with what I witnessed. As I spoke with them, I realized most were searching for answers. How could we have all lived through the same thing and not agree on what just happened?! That is how deep the censorship and propaganda goes.

That’s when I knew I had to write down what I just experienced. Many were aware by then we had just lived through something monumental. I realized I had a behind-the-scenes experience very few others were exposed to. Medical coding has always been about monitoring and cataloging disease progression in populations. All the records from every department get sent to one central repository. It’s like having a sim city level view of everything happening inside the system. A system that intentionally hides info “not required to do your job”. Keeping all the worker bees ignorant to what the other worker bees are doing. Most staff were only exposed to certain things within their little corner. I began writing a timeline of events. Anticipating it would turn into an article. Starting with the hospital talking about Wuhan virus coming to the USA through mandatory vaccinations for all. Highlighting the differences between MSM and reality. Research on vaccines included. I got deep in the weeds exploring where the medical codes came from to learn how and why they were being exploited for profit. The article grew into a book.

Uncovering more than a century of deceit, I could look back over my life and see how their wicked guiding principles played out without my knowledge. It’s how I came to call it the Medical Cult. I document all of it in my new book that is coming out soon called “My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult.” You might call it a cult too after digesting all the info contained within its pages. It’s a time capsule. It’s an alternative perspective to what MSM crammed down our throats during the course of the scamdemic. It’s being released to the world very soon.

You can help support my efforts in getting this book to the world. I am looking to raise funds in order to self-publish the book, so we are doing a GiveSendGo. All of the proceeds will go directly into the pre-printing costs of the book. I am also offering t-shirts to help with these costs as well!

Here is where to support all of my work: Join Zowe's Substack Page

Into the Final Chapter of The Great Reset: Orchestrated Collapse by Way of Cyber Polygon and WW3 (Re-Post)

After being up for over a year (I was able to thwart their algorithmic censorship by omitting tags, tags are keywords that direct searche...