Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Daily Bell - Tax Bill Is Beginning of Formal Debt Criminalization

The Daily Bell - Tax Bill Is Beginning of Formal Debt Criminalization

Saturday, April 07, 2012 – by Anthony Wile

The United States Congress is steadily headed to a place where those who owe money to the US government shall be treated criminally.

This phenomenon is advancing domestically and now, increasingly, internationally. The first shot in this latest campaign took place in 2010 when US President Barack Obamasigned into law The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. It demanded, basically, that foreign banks withhold up to 30 percent of the income that an American abroad might earn.

This bill isn't working so well because overseas banks are not cooperating (a state of affairs that was certainly expected). Thus, there is a need for something else: Senate Bill 1813, recently introduced by Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA). This bill, in part, states that taxpayers with unpaid taxes over US$50,000 may find their passports confiscated.

This isn't criminal per se, but the IRS has recently made noises about "sharing" information with police authorities. The last time it was an institutionalized crime to owe money within the context of the Anglosphere was during the British industrial revolution when there were such things as debtors prisons. Those were eventually disbanded as it was seen as counterproductive (and even inhuman) to put a man in prison for a debt he could not pay.

But both in the US and in Europe, the concept of imprisoning an individual over debt is making a comeback. In the US it is especially clear. There are plenty of people, mostly men, who are behind bars for falling behind on their child support payments.

Current US incarceration for debts takes place mostly at the state level. But the IRS – and other taxing facilities throughout the Western world – are increasingly putting people in prison for falling behind on their taxes.

From my point of view, this is not a coincidence. It is part of a gradual process of increasing global control by using money as a weapon to control middle classes.

The arguments over just why the US instituted its controversial income tax back in 1913 is gradually fading away as the lineaments of the New World Order are becoming increasingly evident. Taxes are a method of government control. They force people to reveal intimate details of their personal lives and make it difficult for entrepreneurial activity as well.

This conclusion is only available to those who discern, as we do, a malign intelligence behind the world's woes, one gathering a coming storm that is supposed to transform the West and the rest of the world into a globalist plantation.

What's going on can't be overemphasized for those who have long given up on the idea that the nefarious trends now afflicting our life and times are mere coincidence, however grim.

For those who can bear to look, the patterns are evident and obvious. There is a power elite: It certainly seems so. These dynastic families want to run the world and use their apparent control over 150 central banks around the world as a kind of war chest.

These families and their enablers and associates use dominant social themes to frighten the masses into giving up wealth and power to specially created globalist facilities: The UN, IMF, WHO, etc.

The nexus of this elite seems to be located in the City of London with proximate facilities in Washington DC, Tel Aviv, the Vatican and Brussels, among other places.

It works like a crime family, using various locations for various functions. Israel may be used for Intel operations but the US without a doubt is this entity's "muscle."

That's the reason so much of the current "new world" enforcement activity is coming out of the US. The US, on behalf of the elites, is the cop-on-the-beat, the international enforcer of the increasingly evident globalist paradigm.

NATO is basically the US military writ large, and it travels to wherever the elite wishes it to. The US FBI has now expanded to 90 countries. (The FBI's brief – illegal to begin with – has not yet been challenged by the US Congress.) The CIA has long committed murder and mayhem around the world.

In fact, the US and its evolving global interference is simply the ever-elongating arm of the coming formal, global empire – if the power elite has its way. The current fiscal encumbrances emerging from the bowels of Washington DC should simply be seen as an extension of ongoing trends.

How the elites believe that they will be able to pursue their agenda to fruition in the era of what we call the Internet Reformation is a mystery to me. This passport bill is yet one more evidence that they will try. But like debtors prisons and other such schemes, it is likely fated not to work over time ...

What barbarity can be greater than for gaolers (without provocation) to load prisoners with irons, and thrust them into dungeons, and manacle them, and deny their friends to visit them, and force them to pay excessive fines for their chamber rent, their victuals and drinks; to open their letters and seize the charity that is sent to them! And when debtors have succeeded in arranging with their creditors, hundreds are detained in prison for chamber-rent and other unjust demands put forward by their gaolers, so that at last, in their despair, many are driven to commit suicide... gaolers should be paid a fixed salary and forbidden, under pain of instant dismissal, to accept bribe, fee or reward of any kind... law of imprisonment for debts inflicts a greater loss on the country, in the way of wasted power and energies, than do monasteries and nunneries in foreign lands, and among Roman-Catholic peoples... Holland, the most unpolite country in the world, uses debtors with mildness and malefactors with rigour; England, on the other hand, shows mercy to murderers and robbers, but of poor debtors impossibilities are demanded... - Letter from Samuel Byrom to the Duke of Dorset (mid 1700s)

Comments that further the conversation:

Posted by kenn on 04/08/12 09:25 PM

The US Government along with the US Military are in a state of Constitutional Treason. They know this and thus care less what draconian laws are passed and even less about the citizens they "represent". They have gotten away with so much for so long that they now arrogantly laugh in our face,,, and we still do nothing...

Posted by Kriss Robin on 04/08/12 03:57 AM

Posted by provolone on 04/07/12 11:36 PM
Which citizenship would you seek after renouncing or would you remain a 'stateless' person?

You have always been a stateless person, it has just been clouded by the illusion that you belong to a state. As soon as that was accepted all the decoration followed. One is Already Free, one just comes to recognise this and the crumbling of the illusion is just part and parcel of that recognition however painful it may appear.

If you were to take a child's teddy bear away for sure it would protest, for the teddy bear is part of the child's security, hence each of those that seem to be waking from the illusion of "state" as security are having their teddy bears "securities" taken away. None of this is a BAD thing even though it may appear that way. Freedom is on the other side of 'state security', one just needs to take a leap into the unknown.

This is what the 'Titans - powers that be' know and are most afraid of, people recognising that they cannot be held in slavery, that they are Free with Inalienable Rights. What can a bully in the playground do when you are not afraid of him, when you laugh at him. But that Freedom comes from Within not the without.

Posted by Saffire29979 on 04/08/12 02:45 AM

Click to view link

It's entirely possible the recent rumblings about drug decriminalization is an effort to free up more space in American prisons for tax-protestors and other libertarians in the near future

 Posted by seer on 04/07/12 11:21 PM

"From my point of view, this is not a coincidence."

I sense this a just a point of view. The Elite are worried about holding their SYSTEM together, whether we describe it as Fascism, Corporatocracy, Plutocracy, or Corporate Predatory Capitalism. These very Elite frequently Hire Law Firm Think Tanks that come up with some seemingly logical scheme to avoid paying taxes. Since the lawyer has a "logical argument" and the super rich elitist is just taking his lawyers advice, it is all very legal. If the IRS manages to catch the scheme, the evader may end up paying a small fine in addition to his due taxes. Often these schemes are beyond the normal IRS means of detection and often too complicated for the average IRS employee to understand.

The US government is starved for revenue. The current currency wars show Nations are looking out for themselves first and foremost. China is a prime example of this and of course there is No Better example than the USA. The actions taken by the US FED and European Banks are just as I stated, to preserve the System. The System is an "artificial man-made creation" and can be replaced in any number of ways. The masses will not care what form their "tokens" take so long as they can trade them for food and shelter. When food and shelter cease to exist all Hell will break loose. The Elite fear this.

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