Friday, May 4, 2012

The Superior Human?


My response:

Good video, the elephant painting was amazing! Concerning the ability of dogs to "smell" health related issues, particularly the onset of a seizure in patients who have them for this reason, it may be smell but it could be 'intuition' or PSI. One interesting study that some may be familiar with was done by Ruppert Sheldrake, progenitor of the "100th Monkey" theory or Morphic Resonance, in his paradigm challenging study where dogs knew their owners were returning home from some trip abroad at random times and distances traveled and routes. I'ts highly unlikely smell was involved as the owners were 50+ miles out in some instances.

Humans are psychic to varying degrees, I believe it is another example of our superiority complex to not extend this ability to non-humans.

Check out this video of starlings in flight, moving as though they are one mass of entangled consciousness, which they likely are.

Among many, many inexplicable phenomena, we still do not understand how Passenger Pigeons navigate, it is likely they are utilizing PSI.

This is the true purpose of the project of water fluoridation, to disempower "the masses". There have been numerous epidemiological studies associating a reduction in cognitive ability with water fluoridation, if you don't believe me or are hearing this for the first time, just check out the following video. The organization that approves its safety, the EPA, doesn't have fluoridated water in their headquarters just as Monsanto has organic food in their cafeteria!

Just as by reducing other living creatures to the level of non-living machines that cannot feel emotions or physical sensations those in power dehumanize other humans so they may relate to them in a way that only benefits them. This is the textbook definition of socio-pathology and it is becoming increasingly apparent that to ascend to positions of authority in the dominant socio-political paradigm, one must exhibit an acute measure of it. And so here we are, in the face of civilizational collapse and Mass Extinction where the most insane, the most disconnected are making the decisions!

This is the true heart of our manifold, interrelated crises manifesting as ecological devastation, economic inequality, and an inherently inefficient energy paradigm.

"Efficiency is anathema to profit". 

More on Man's mis-perceived superiority over other forms of life in another excerpt of Lewis Mumford's The Myth of the Machine on my blog:

See also:

Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in Quantum Reality by Dean Radin

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