Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Hybrid Soul

For this blog-post, rather than reproduce an alternative news article, important documentary, podcast or another's blog-post I would like to share a brief excerpt from one of the books I am currently reading that really captured my attention and may possibly go some way in explaining why I feel like an outsider among Humanity, especially its Dominant Culture and seemingly suicidal collective behavior. This may also explain my firm belief that Humanity is not alone among the cosmos and most certainly not the most advanced. Also, as is implicit with the name of this blog, the concept of the evolution of consciousness, that just as with physical evolution, organisms exhibiting greater levels of sentience and self-awareness possess a commensurate level of spiritual evolution, such as other sentient beings in the Universe, particularly those with more sophisticated technology including FTL (Faster Than Light) space based travel, refined telepathic abilities and psychic healing modalities. (not that telepathy and psychic healing modalities are not a part of the Human Experience, just that with these more advanced interstellar civilizations they are culturally integrated and nurtured, a likely common feature among enduring civilizations. An emerging consensus is that Humanity now desperately needs to integrate Science and Spirituality if it is to survive a cascade of crises that are themselves an unintended consequence of Enlightenment Era consciousness, of Cartesian Dualism and Mechanistic Reductionism).

These ideas also gel surprisingly well with ideas from others whom I also respect and admire, among the Dr. Steven M. Greer and his highly recommend work Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge

The book i am excerpting from  is Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton. I believe this is the 3rd of a series pertaining to reincarnation and the sequel to Journey of Souls, which I have previously read and found surprisingly plausible. (Don't judge a book by its cover!)

FYI, my self-description here on this blog was written a year or two before reading Michael Newton's work, which has only reinforced my pre-existing beliefs. I also have long held the belief that re-incarnation is not limited to Earth, that we can re-incarnate onto any habitable planet throughout the Universe. I formed this belief in particular independent of any information gathered from my life experience thus far or sub-consciously from media or books. (I cannot possibly recall any movie, story or myth covering the possibility of Universal reincarnation). For this reason, I value these types of ideas, as their origin may be "non-local" in nature.

Before reading the following I feel the need to point out something as chances are very few reading this are familiar with Michael Newton's work with hypnotherapy. He is conversing with his patients who have been placed in a hypnotic state, allowing access to a deep layer of unconscious awareness and memories. He initially started his work with a desire to help people suffering from a neurosis, phobia or psychological complex rooted in early-life, mostly childhood trauma. What he began to discover was that some of his patients were reporting life experiences that were completely out of time and place for them, and upon further examination it has been concluded they are recalling experiences not only from earlier lives but from existence between lives on another plane altogether.

As with the previous excerpts presented here on this blog, there may be a few spelling errors as I am typing them out directly from the book.

The chapter is "Spiritual Energy Restoration".

My next case is an example of severe remodeling. Case 21 involves a particular class of soul I call the hybrid soul. In chapter 8, case 61 is another representative of this type of soul. I believe the hybrid souls are especially prone to self-destruction on Earth because they have incarnated on alien worlds before coming here fairly recently. There are hybrid souls who have great difficulty adapting to our planet. If I find this to be true, it is probable their first incarnation here was within the last few thousand years. The others have already adapted or left Earth for good. Less than a quarter of all my clients are able to recall memories of visiting other worlds between lives. This activity by itself does not make them hybrids. An even smaller percentage of my cases have memories of actually incarnating on alien worlds before they came to Earth. These are the hybrid souls. 

Thy hybrid is usually an older soul who, for a number of reasons, has decided to complete their physical lives on our planet. Their old worlds may no longer be habitable or they may have lived on a gentle world where life was just too easy and they want a difficult challenge with a world like Earth that has not yet reached its potential. Regardless of the circumstances for a soul leaving a world, I have found these former incarnations typically involve life forms which were slightly above, about equal, or slightly below the intelligence capabilities of the human brain.  This is by design. Hybrid souls who have formally incarnated on planets with civilizations possessing a much higher technology than Earth, such as those with space travel abilities, are smarter because they are an older race. Also, I have noticed that when I do have a hybrid soul as a client with former experience on a telepathic world, they tend to have greater psychic abilities than normal. 

Sometimes a hybrid client will confuse their early incarnations on other physical worlds with being on Earth until we sort out that their first world only resembled a place on Earth. Visions of once living on the island nation of Atlantis is a good example. Without discounting the possibility that Atlantis once existed on Earth thousands of years ago, I believe the source of many earthly myths come from our soul memories of former existences on other worlds. [emphasis mine]

I think hybrid soul is an appropriate term for those souls among us of mixed incarnation origins. Such souls have developed from being in hosts that are genetically different than humans. I have seen gifted people in this life who started their development on another world. Nevertheless, there is a dark side to this experience, as a level V subject in training to be a Restoration Master will explain. 

Case 21

Dr.N: Since you work with severely damaged souls, can you give me a little more information about your duties?

S: I'm in a special section working with those souls who have become lost in a morass of evil. 

Dr.N: (after learning this subject works only with those souls from Earth who have incarnated on other worlds before they came to Earth) In this section, are these the hybrid souls I have heard about? 

S: yes, in a restoration area where we deal with those who have become atrocity souls. 

Dr. N: What a terrible name to call a soul!

S: I'm sorry you are bothered by this, but what else would you call a being associated with acts of evil that are so serious they are unsalvageable in their present state?

Dr. N: I know, but the human body had a lot do do with...

S: (cutting me off) We don't consider that to be an excuse. 

Dr. N: Okay, then please continue with the nature of your work.

S: I am a second-stage restorer. 

Dr. N: What does that mean? 

S: When these souls lose their bodies, they are met by their guides and perhaps one close friend. That first stage does not last long and then the souls who have been involved with horrible acts are brought here to us. 

Dr. N: Why doesn't the first stage last as long as with other souls?

S: We don't want them to begin to forget the impact of their deeds--the harm and pain they caused on Earth. The second stage separates them from the uncontaminated souls. 

Dr. N: This sounds like you are running a leper colony. 

S: (abruptly) I am not amused by that remark. 

Dr. N: (after apologizing) You are not saying that all souls who commit evil acts are hybrid souls, as you define them? 

S: Of course not, that's my own section. But you should understand some real monsters on Earth are hybrids. 

Dr. N: I though the spirit world was a place of order with masters of superior knowledge. If these hybrid souls are contaminated abnormalities in human form--souls with the inability to adjust to the emotional makeup of the human body--why were they sent here? This indicates to me the spirit world is not infallible. 

S: A vast majority are fine, and they make great contributions to human society. You would have us deny all souls the opportunity to come to Earth because some turn out badly? 

Dr. N: No, of course not. Let's move on. What do you do with these souls? 

S: Others, way above me, examine their contaminated energy in light of just how the world of their earlier experience impacted on their human body. They want to know if this was an isolated case, or if other souls from that planet have had problems on Earth. If that is true, others souls from that world might not be permitted to come to Earth again. 

Dr. N: Please tell me more about your section. 

S: My area is not devoted to souls who have committed one serious act of wrongdoing. We work with habitually cruel lifestyles. These souls are then given a choice. We will do our est to clean up their energy by rehabilitation and if we think they are salvageable, they are offered a choice to come back to Earth in roles where they will receive the same type of pain they caused, only multiplied. 

Dr. N: Could a salvageable soul be one who committed terrible atrocities in life but showed great remorse? 

S: Probably. 

Dr. N: I thought karmic justice was not punitive? 

S: It's not The offer represents an opportunity for stabilization and redemption. It usually will take more than one life to endure an equal measure of the same kind of pain they caused to many people. That's why I said multiplied. 

Dr. N: Even so, I suppose most souls take this option? 

S: You are mistaken. Most are too fearful that they will fall again into the same patterns. They also lack the courage to be victims in a number of future lives. 

Dr. N: If they won't come back to Earth, then what do you do? 

S: These souls will then go the way of those souls we consider to be unsalvageable. We will then disseminate their energy. 

Dr. N: Is this a form of remodeling energy--or what? 

S: Ah ... yes ... we call it the breaking up of energy--that's what dissemination means. Certainly, it is remodeled. We break up their energy into particles. 

Dr. N: I though energy could not be destroyed. Aren't you destroying the identity of these contaminated souls? 

S: The energy is not destroyed, it is changed and converted. We might mix one particle of the old energy with nine particles of new fresh energy provided for our use. The dilution will make that which is contaminated ineffectual, but a small part of the original identity remains intact. 

Dr. N: So, the negative badness energy is mixed with overdoses of new goodness energy to render the contaminated soul harmless? 

S: Not necessarily goodness but freshness. 

Dr. N: Why would any soul resist dissemination? 

S: Even though those souls who accept these procedures for their own benefit recover and eventually lead productive lives on Earth and elsewhere ... there are souls who will not stand for any loss of identity. 

Dr. N: Then what happens to these souls who refuse your help? 

S: Many will just go into limbo, to a place of solitude. I don't know what will eventually happen to them. 


As I have said before, soul contamination does not only come from the physical body. Certainly, the energy damage described in the last two cases indicates that souls themselves are impure beings who also contribute to their own distress. 

Before continuing, I want to make a statement about karmic choices here that is important for all of us to keep in mind. When we see people who are victims of great adversity in life, this does not necessarily mean they were perpetrators of evil or wrongdoing of any kind in a former life. A soul with no such past associations might choose to suffer through a particular aspect of emotional pain to learn greater compassion and empathy for others by volunteering in advance for a life of travail....

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