Wednesday, May 14, 2014

In Memory of Michael C. Ruppert

A dear friend, Michael C. Ruppert, died recently by way of suicide. Having a holistic understanding of converging crises, of their origin in a consciousness responsible for Industrial "Civilization", with no escape, no way out can and will drive anyone to the point of suicide. Especially if you possess a true understanding of consciousness, that it, that we, are eternal. I tell you what, I am probably less than a year away from taking the same path. I will not write a manifesto. This will be the message that I will leave:

"In the face of slavery or death I choose death every time."

Let us be thankful that there are still those among the human race with insight and courage. Mike refused to return to the Matrix. I say fuck this planet and the "wise-apes" who believe they have dominion over it. I don't believe I will willingly reincarnate here again until Humanity gets its act together.

You know why we haven't embarked on the grand space odyssey yet? Because one of the checks the Universe has in place to prevent a viral, demented organism from spreading its unconsciousness (probably under the banner of "Freedom and Democracy") from beyond its play-pen is that in order to traverse and endure the inhospitable nature of vast distances of inter-stellar space a Quantum Consciousness is required. A Quantum Consciousness deviates from a primitive, reptilian, anachronistic consciousness in that it recognizes that ones actual being is not the physical body and that we are fundamentally one with the totality of the cosmos. What we are exhibiting with Industrial "Civilization" is what a proto-human would if it was given an abundance of carbon based energy. I am talking Homo Erectus here. "Must have bigger car, bigger boat, and bigger penis than you!" "I need more money, you can starve, it's ok, me happy with more!"

Homo Sapiens: wise ape

Wise ape my fucking ass.

Highly Recommended Reading:  Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson

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