Monday, February 15, 2016

My Take on Zika

Hi everyone, ok so I haven't been posting as much as I normally do, and part of the reason for that is that I have kind of reached a point of resignation with it all. I haven't been able to hold down a decent job and there being zero form of safety net in the country has forced me into the uncomfortable emotional and psychological position of considering that I may be nearing the end of this life. My situation is such that I will soon be forced to becoming a dishwasher or say, working 12 hour shifts in a warehouse, or maybe as a gas station attendant for minimum wage with a two hour commute to and from work via mass transit. And that's assuming I can get one of those jobs. Yes it's already getting that bad.

I pity those who have these jobs. We have the technology to make all of this completely obsolete (yes I'm referring to automation, the technology has existed for, from what I hear, over a decade to completely automate McDonald's entire operations, but doing so would entail a huge social cost).
Thinking about it today, I am basically being forced to submit to slavery, simply to eek out an impoverished existence. We aren't using those technologies, among motive and energy systems, anti-gravitic and Zero Point in nature, because their existence would mean the end of the highly complex, hierarchical, stratified society run for and by the 1%, the Shadow Govt, The Powers That Be, the Man Behind the Curtain, The Illuminati, whoever you wish to refer to them as. And that's why the allegorical device of the human batteries in the popular film "The Matrix" is so resonant. We know on some level, however vaguely and intuitively that we and our special roles exist solely to benefit this extreme minority of Humanity.

Gas station attendant.

I don't fucking think so.

In the face of slavery or death, I choose death, every time.



Ok so here's an article that just showed up on Reddit (2 a.m. PST). The moderators are likely asleep so it may still be up and attract additional feedback, some of which may be invaluable.

My Reddit handle is SophisticatedPeasant, and here's my response to the article I posted there on Reddit:

"Holy crap. I'm glad I got to this before the mods did.
Thanks for posting!"

"Following up, this would completely explain why zero cases of Zika have been reported in Hawaii, especially considering that there has been human traffic between there and Brazil around the same timeframe before and up to the initial reported outbreak of Zika. Hawaii shares the same spot along the equator as Brazil (as measured in latitudinal distance away from the equator, north and south respectively), they are both tropical and share some plant, insect, and animal species, among them, the mosquito allegedly responsible for transporting the Zika virus.

An explanation for there not being any reported, locally created cases of Zika could support the assertion that the symptom of microcephaly is, as the article and Physicians in Crop Sprayed Towns (PCST) allege, a consequence of the Monsanto Partner derived insecticide was placed in and subsequently entered water supply at ground zero in Brazil.

According the the Zika map, the radial spreading of the virus away from Ground Zero, even up-stream, could be explained if Ground Zero was a water treatment facility or water bottling plant (for local consumption) and people with inadequate water infrastructure were getting their water there at GZ only for symptoms to manifest later on away from GZ.

Another explanation that couldn't rule out the first would be that many of the cases on the Zika Ground Zero map in Brazil could be the actual place of birth of the microcephaly victims and not necessarily where the mother came into contact with, consumed, the pesticide poisoned water.

An alternative explanation to the entire Zika story could be that, those truly running the show, the actual Powers That Be, from what I hear of trans-national origin (meaning no national affiliation), know that Brazil is quickly on the way to becoming uninhabitable because of Climate Change (Brazil has been in the grip of a severe drought since 2014 or possibly earlier) and they are creating a crisis that will discourage population growth, and bolster legitimacy of the state (the old create problem create solution strategy) during a time when it's legitimacy is under threat AND increase their financial pool by way of the Pharmaceutical Industry, who, as we have seen with the H1N1 scare of 2009, is pumping up the Zika paranoia full steam (only now in retrospect can we look back and see that H1N1 was completely overblown and that the Pharmaceutical Industry made vast sums of profit by inflating it's threat. Taken further, there is a good body of theoretical framework that H1N1 was a complete fabrication to begin with on the part of the Pharmaceutical Industry.)

It may seem crazy to ponder the above but history is positively bursting at the seams with similar examples.

For now I'm agnostic on the situation, it could be any of the above. It most definitely isn't what the Mainstream Media is telling us it is. Last I heard the MSM was indeed spewing the global zombie apocalypse meme that they did with Ebola and H1N1, with profit directly correlated with how fever pitched the frenzy becomes.

Oh and Obama, who is in office thanks in large part to campaign donations from the Pharmaceutical Industry, is asking for $1.8 Trillion to give to the Pharmaceutical Industry to "fight the Zika virus":

Sounds like a complete farce to me. Hopefully enough readers who frequent this sub-reddit will read this post and some of the insights shared here before being consumed with the propaganda peddled by the MSM..."

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