Wednesday, February 23, 2022

How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the past two years in almost the exact same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates and QR codes now being commonplace everywhere? The answer may lie in the WEF Young Global Leaders program managed by Klaus Schwab

Just as Bill Gates funded the creation of the virus in question, so too did Klaus Schwab, along with Gates, sponsor Event 201, the tabletop exercise simulation of a "global outbreak of a novel coronavirus" on the 18th of Oct, 2019, two months prior to the first reported cases of "SARS-COV-2" in Wuhan and the start of the "pandemic" and Schwab basically had "COVID-19: The Great Reset" , whose central treatise is extreme privation of the masses "You will own nothing and be happy", ready for the printing press. Yes, the technocrats who started the "pandemic" are presenting the "solutions". As David Icke would say, "Problem, Reaction, Solution". Also of note, Schwab was a student of Henry Kissinger, you know, the man who, when working in the capacity as National Security Advisor under Nixon, when asked about the collateral human toll from the blanket carpet bombings on the Cambodian border responded with "Just fucking bomb them all" and who likened elderly retirees as "Useless Eaters". He sounds like Darth Vader. Speaking of Darth Vader, here's Schwab in his Darth Vader outfit. These people want you to get "vaccinated".

By the way Mark Zuckerberg is a WEF Young Global Leaders graduate, along with Trudeau, Merckel, Newsom, Adern and the rest of the fascist technocrats who think they will be whisked safely away to a high tech bunker while you eat cricket paste and die slowly from mRNA "vaccine" induced VAIDS. Hence the "Fact Checking" on Facebook, proven in court to be nothing other than "protected opinion" (Stossel vs Facebook).

"Get vaccinated, I care about you" 

"We have the opportunity for a Great Reset" 

"You will own nothing and youre gonna love it"

Event 201, sponsored by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (Gates), the World Economic Forum (Schwab) and the John Hopkins Center for Health Security (Rockefellers): 

Monopoly: Who Owns the World by Tim Gielen 

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