Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Related and reproduced in full:
Re-post as it's extremely relevant given the recent anniversary of 9/11. Also updated with recent information pertaining to Epstein's pedophile ring extending to the "elite" in the U.K.
Originally written on the 26th of May, 2021:
If you've ever wondered how Gavin Newsom, Justin Trudeau, Andrew Cuomo (confirmed) are being controlled, it's not money, they are being black-mailed and / or promised refuge in the vast subterranean facilities the .01% "elite" intend to whisk themselves away to when things get bad on the surface / once a sufficient percentage of the population is given the real deal graphene oxide nano-router "vaccines", those who survive VAIDS, ADE, strange blood clots etc, only to be "activated" via 5G networks and turned into literally raging mad zombies.
Also, Trump is on the Lolita Express flight logs, 7 times.
Bear in mind, this is CNN, the Queen knew of Prince Andrew's activity and protected him.
Epstein + Maxwell at the Queen's cabin:
Original Post, May 26, 2021:
Gearing up to make another post here this morning and perusing both the Conspiracy and NoNewNormal sub-reddit's I suddenly had a powerful epiphany.
Viewing the following and placing this in the established timeline of:
Oct 18, 2019 Event 201
Nov 19, Wuhan Lab Researchers Hospitalized
Jan 2020, First reported case of SARS-COV2 in Wuhan, China
Ok now, lets superimpose this over the Jeffrey Epstein timeline and also the deteriorating global economy with a severe recession forecasted for 2020.
July, 2019 Jeffrey Epstein indicted on charges of sex trafficking minors.
Global economic collapse predicted for 2020 as early as 2018 due to a deteriorating petro-dollar due to the continual raising of the debt ceiling / inflation / replacement of petro-dollar with basket of currencies, i.e. China trading with Russia with something other than the dollar.
Here's my epiphany / hypothesis:
The .01% Economic "elite" - Shadow Govt -Davos, WEF attendees comprised of the Rockefeller and Gates family dynasties, Kissinger, Klaus Schwab et al had this Fake Pandemic planned long ago and they had to accelerate it's time-line due to the fact that Epstein's conviction would invariably implicate their sole spokesperson for the Fake Pandemic narrative: Bill Gates.
Bill Gates is on record stating verbatim "People need to realize, things don't go back to normal until we've vaccinated everyone on the planet".
It's well established that Bill Gates holds tremendous sway with the WHO with head of WHO basically a puppet of Gates (Tedros).
Bill Gates holds so much sway that he even requested to have nation status veto power. That's right, say you have Chile, Turkey, and Norway, you also have the nation status of Bill Gates. Yes I'm not making this up.
Anyhow, now it's coming to light that Bill Gates took Lolita Express, he's on the flight logs, and quite a few times at that, and also, Melinda is likely now, along with the rest of us, processing all of this, that the likelihood that all of those "business trips" over to Epstein's island over the past 21 years were something more than business trips (12 year old girls on the plane for the flight over!)
Hence the recent announcement of divorce, initiated by Melinda.
Bill Gates confronted at conference, "why did you fly on Jeffrey Epstein's Lolita Express 26 times?
They had this Fake Pandemic planned for a very long time, since at least 2010, they knew and understood that the global public would grow tired of the "War on Terror" trope and so they needed a new life threatening crisis other than the Muslim terrorist hiding behind every parked car, ready to jump out with a suicide vest on (or in your back seat!!!!) You better go everywhere with your assault rifle, the Muslim terrorists are everywhere, and they HATE our consumer freedoms, nevermind the FACT that steel doesn't even begin to weaken until 2500 degrees Fahrenheit and that jet fuel only burns at 1300 degrees Fahrenheit (but Hani Hanjour's passport escaped from the plane and fell to ground zero completely intact! Jet fuel can melt steel, but not a passport and no, that passport wasn't placed there after the fact!), nor that the towers collapsed at free-fall speed, nor the absence of wing impact marks at the Pentagon, also don't look into the insider trading on the 10th of Sept 2001, the put calls on American and United Airlines, nor the happy coincidence that NORAD, NEADS and the FAA just so happened to be doing a coordinated exercise the morning of Sept 11, 2001 and also, conveniently, relocated the aerial response, the F15's, out of NEADS for said exercise. Also, whatever you do, don't understand motive:
The Neo-Cons Wanted A New Pearl Harbor
The Truth and Lies of 911 (Mike Ruppert, RIP):
ANYHOW, with that tangent out of the way (sorry, there is no avoiding it, you need to understand that you've been lied to for decades and it's the SAME exact actors, the .01% Economic Elite comprised of the Rockefeller family with it's tentacles spread out to the Pharmaceutical and Arms Industries, the CIA (their private army) not to mention Big Agra (Monsanto) and nearly all of the media, Google, Facebook, Twitter, all of it, they own and control all of it.
Google's Hidden CIA Connection (hint, the CIA was behind the alleged cyber-attack from China, watch it with that understanding. Also, FYI, DARPA created the internet).
The actors behind 9/11 are the same actors behind the Fake Pandemic.
Anyhow once more, back to Gates and the acceleration of the timeline. Let's establish their agenda. Their agenda is the reduction of the global human population down to under 1 billion by 2030 by way of compulsory vaccination (by the way, did you hear? You're going to need a 3rd booster shot now and another shot every year after that, all for something with an IFR of seasonal flu).
They did NOT need to execute the Fake Pandemic plan now, so why now? Well, for one, Epstein's trial would invariably implicate Bill Gates.
Right now Bill Gates is being treated as though he's an oracle for having "predicted" the pandemic and because Gates holds so much influence over the very institutions that are tasked with issuing guidance to world leaders (i.e. the "need" for the lockdowns (Sweden, Texas and Florida have obliterated this notion) the social distancing and mask mandate).
I'm not kidding, Gates basically owns and controls the WHO. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have been donating hundreds of millions of dollars to NIH / NIAID every year. In fact, Fauci's wife is on the board of directors of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation! Fauci is either in on the population reduction scheme or he himself also took Lolita Express and is being given a script. (If you doubt he's in on the population reduction scheme please understand this, more people AIDS patients were dying from AZT in the 90's than were dying from actual AIDS and it was Fauci who was making money killing AIDS patients via AZT, just like it will be Fauci making money (NIH / NIAD owns half the Moderna mRNA vaccine patent and will receive half of $9 billion) killing "COVID" patients (97% false positive rate at 42-50 amplification cycles, people don't even have COVID and are dying from co-morbidities "the pandemic!" "cases, cases, cases!")
Just as America's Frontline Doctors attempted to convene a press conference (on the steps of the Supreme Court no less) to tell the world that they had effectively cured COVID with low dose HCQ taken early, and having invited all of the mainstream press, after no-one showed they made a video and attempted to post it to Youtube (Google, see Cold Fusion's CIA + Google connection) and it was taken down "in accordance with community guidelines that keep people safe" so too did Dr. Gary Null attempt to convene a press conference in the 90's after having fully serial converted / cured 18 full blown AIDS patients with a protocol consisting, among dramatic dietary intervention and supplementation, 200g of intravenous aqueous vitamin C daily. They all offered sworn testimonies, fully cured, serial negative converted, no longer testing positive for HIV / AIDS, no-one showed to the media press conference after Null invited all of the press media.
Dr. Gary Null, similarly, in the mid 90's was curing people from full blown AIDS with intravenous aqueous vitamin C (200g a day). They not only full recovered from AIDS but they then serial converted negative. That's right, they no longer tested positive for AIDS. Mainstream media similarly didn't cover this. Who was killing people while making profit? Anthony Fauci. So yes, his being in on the depopulation agenda is not beyond the pale. Question is, did he take Lolita Express or is he truly, fully, in on the agenda?
HIGHLY recommended daily listening. GET OFF THE MSM!!
Bad news for you Trump supporters: Trump is also most definitely in on it, hence his announcement, right on queue, that he and Melania contracted COVID but were being treated with "some wonderful drugs (Gilead's Remdesivir) and suddenly Donald announced on Twitter "I feel better than I did 20 years ago thanks to some wonderful drugs!". Also, his ridiculous statement / recommendation that people simply drink bleach, use light on the inside of the body and Hydroxychloroquine was clearly a skillful way of ridiculing HCQ as now it's lumped in with drinking disinfectant and light therapy on the inside of the body. Meanwhile, low dose HCQ is infinitely more effective, readily available and safer than experimental mRNA vaccines (95% effectiveness vs <1%). Also Ivermectin. Simply vitamin D! EXERCISE! Did you know that upwards of 90% of deaths from COVID could have been prevented with Vitamin D alone? Did you know that 80% of patients admitted to the ICU for COVID were simply Vitamin D deficient? What is their guidance? Stay inside, away from the sun, fresh air and exercise and also wear your mask so you can remain in a state of fear, which further negatively impacts your immune system, and prevents any kind of positive discourse with anyone in public. It's social conditioning 101!
Check it out. TRUMP DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU. As George Carlin would say, "It's a big ol club and you ain't in it!"
Here's your populist saving poor Joe Six-pack, former United Auto Workers Union assemblyline workers:
Oh yeah, those tax breaks to his ultra rich crony buddies on Wall Street totally saved the former rust belt.
I mean, as someone who I would consider a political outsider (last time I voted it was for Jill Stein, Green Party / Green New Deal. Corporate Left = Corporate Right. Trump = Clinton = Biden) I can see all of this very clearly, also, given Trump's, ahem, predilection for grabbing vaginas in public, he most likely also took Lolita Express at some point in time and the .01% Shadow Govt (henceforth referred to as simply the .01%) handed him the script and told him to go on script or else. I firmly believe that Trump's other key role was to drive a wedge between the left and the right, who have in actuality both been victim to Neo-Liberalism (NAFTA), the economic policies and decisions of the .01%.
Here's your savior president, a fine actor:
Gates, now suddenly mired in Epstein kiddie sex island getaway controversy would not be in any position to issue guidance and so they were forced to make the Fake Pandemic happen as quickly as possible after Epstein's conviction (July 2019).
Event 201 (in case you missed it): 24 min mark:
Accelerating the timeline also allowed them to get in front of potential socio-economic unrest due to the consequences of a collapsed petro-dollar and global economy by literally making protesting illegal, how to accomplish that? During times of national crisis, among which a pandemic is one of those times, we lose our 1st amendment constitutional right to peaceably assemble.
So this plan has long been in the works, my hypothesis is that Epstein's conviction, coupled with the looming economic collapse of 2020 forced the .01% to execute it early and prematurely.
Economic collapse predicted for 2020. Remember, judge them by their actions, what was the first thing they did at the onset of the pandemic? They gave $4T to the big banks and told you that you MIGHT get a check for $1600 sometime. Conveniently, we lose our constitutional liberties during times of national crisis, with a global pandemic being one of those times. Most importantly we lose our 1st amendment right to peaceably assemble. So when Trump sent in the National Guard to confront BLM protestors at some point, he was not technically in violation of Constitutional Law. All of this is outlined in the 2010 Rockefeller document "Scenarios for the future of Technology and International Development" listed above.
Here, watch / listen to this, from 2014, outlining exactly what I'm talking about here, the "elites" using an Ebola outbreak just as they have done with COVID-19:
Vox on Ebola
Also, I'm sure youre aware, Bill Maher tested positive for COVID-19 after fully "vaccinated". This came to light right after I posted my last post here, I just refrained from mentioning it again as have multiple insights derived on a daily basis but I'm trying to consolidate them all into a weekly post like this one. Again, the "vaccines" aren't designed to prevent transmission of SARS-COV2, see previous post here for what they actually do, you will be shocked. And we are recommending children get these? This is insanity! But if you view it from the perspective of the .01%, it's masterful deception. I can't think of a better way to bring the population down other than to tell the global masses that there is a deadly virus and that everyone needs to roll up their sleeves for an experimental mRNA "vaccine" to be safe. This way you keep the physical infrastructure in place, you prevent further damage to the ecosystems, you also put yourself legally in a position where you can squash any dissent (they are even proposing internet censorship here, the "fact check" at the end of the post? You can learn about "fact-checking" here. Politifact? Trace the funding back, it's created and funded by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation!)
Also, one last thing, I mentioned this in my previous post:
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