Sunday, October 15, 2023

WW3 Watch: Death Toll Soars In Israel as US Border Crisis Has No End In Sight (Owen Shroyer)

Excellent reportage and analysis by Owen Shroyer, let us never forget the "Dead Babies Pulled Out of Incubators" story / narrative / lie that bolstered support for an invasion of Iraq in 1990. You may have been waiting for my analysis of this situation, here it is, far from an intelligence failure, Hamas was actually created by Israel to facilitate this precise Problem - Reaction - Solution scenario to be used at an opportune time, and what better time could there be as Netanyahu's popularity is the lowest it's ever been, (gee I wonder if bragging to the world that you forced immune system erasing, DNA altering slow acting death shots onto your entire population has anything to do with it) and the very same Rothchild Cabal that created Israel, the same Cabal behind the assassination of JFK, the Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11 and the Fake Pandemic(s) has completely lost control of the narrative and Hamas attacking Israel provides sufficient rationale or at least narrative build-up to an attack on Iran, knowing full well that Russia and China will back Iran, and yes I'm referring to WW3, which is exactly where they want to take the world as next-to-no-one with more than two functioning brain-cells is buying "there's new variants, we need to bring back the masks and shut down businesses again!" or "We are being visited by Aliens!" so now they must play their hand. 

How does this help their Great Reset agenda? An actual hot war with Russia and China is a great way for the transnational cabal of the U.S., China and Russia to reduce their respective populations. What will appear as a nuclear exchange will in actuality be the limited deployment of tactical nukes in large urban city centers of high population density. The Cabal will emerge from their vast subterranean cities interconnected by underground high-speed rail in a few decades and remediate the environment. This is to say nothing of the privation and starvation that will accompany a complete grinding to a halt of the just-in-time food delivery system to say nothing of the rest of civilization. And they must resort to this now that continued "COVID" "vaccine" uptake is at less than 2% globally. They must reduce the population by 90% by 2030 and they are way behind schedule because the masses are no longer falling for their continued virus hysteria and aren't buying the Evil Alien narrative. So just as we went into Iraq after 9/11 and the official narrative that the attacks were orchestrated by OBL out of Afghanistan, OBL and Hussein being actual bitter enemies, so too will we now go into Iran even though they had nothing to do with the attacks, which were far from an intelligence failure, were the organic end result of treating Palestinian's like animals living in an open air prison for decades. Kind of like how we goaded Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor (see: McCullom's Eight Point Memo), saw them coming over the Pacific on radar and allowed the attack to happen. Sadly, 70% of you who received all of the injections, who literally believe everything your govt. tells you will quickly fall in line, promptly change out your "I stand with Ukraine" social media banner to "I stand with Israel", really the cognitive dissonance on display is mind blowing.

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