Wednesday, November 22, 2023

VIDEO PROOF We Were Lied To About January 6th! (Jimmy Dore)

Related from r/Conspiracy, in no particular order:

Here is a guy in the Capitol, in a MAGA hat —- instigating the crowd. When the police come he flashes his badge to them. It was all a set up. That’s why the kept the footage secret for 30 months


Absolutely insane....

[Questioning of official narratives is NOT ALLOWED! Be safe, get your latest injection and stand with whomever the Cabal owned media encourages you to stand with!] 

It’s starting to make sense why Epsteins Client List is kept secret. America wouldn’t have a government

Retired US Army Colonel says secret UFO projects should be made public by October 2030 - to beat America's rivals and get ahead of a 'catastrophic' leak

OTD in 1945, The Nuremberg Trials began. They convinced the world that Nazi regime had been dealt with after 19 Nazis were convicted. The truth is that Germany was never denazified after the war. 99.99% of all Nazi criminals got away with their crimes.

Harvard Law review editors vote to kill article about genocide in Gaza

You just can’t make this shit up…

Let's cut to the chase. Epstein was Israeli intelligence. He worked for Robert Maxwell a known Israeli spy, this video shows an ex Mossad whistleblower stating Epstein ran his honey pot in order to compromise American politicians, Whitney Webb went over this in her book. So why are we obfuscating things? Why not call a spade a spade. Epstein worked for the benefit of Israel. This was his motivation and these are the people who were backing him up and offering hm protection in this dangerous racket.


WTF is up with Marina Abramovic

There aren't many things that scare or get to me but this 'lady' truly terifies the absolute fuck out of me.

I don't know everything about her but what I've learnt about her is truly demonic.

She started as just a "performance artist". She got recognised for her social experiment where she stayed still and let anyone do anything to her without repercussions, it was a test to see how morbid people can be. Ok, that's cool I don't mind that.

But then she became a socialite, made friends with celebrities, politicians and so forth. She then released "spirit cooking" which is a depraved instruction manual to do only god knows what, but alludes to a satanistic like ritual.

She has many other "performance" peices that are alike in that regard. Including a strange unelaborated video of lady gaga doing what I consider envoking some evil fucken voodoo worship shit.

When pizzagate happened In a leaked email between Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, and his brother Tony Podesta, an invitation from Abramović is forwarded. It reads: “I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?”

Knowing those sick monsters use codewords for their evil bullshit like "cheese pizza" being "child porn/CP, or even child person" makes me almost want to not know what they are talking about in that email. Personally I think it's a ritual they do to "cook spirits" by sacrificing others (probably children) to gain some sort of power or even just satisfaction.

I'll provide some links and a photo for the recipe of this "spirit cooking" and you let me know what you think it is.

Also since the war on Ukraine president Zelenskyy has LITERALLY appointed her Ambassador for Rebuilding Schools in Ukraine, where there is upwards of 7 hundred fuckin thousand kids missing. 700 000. Like what the actual fuck

Spirit cooking recipe

The Abramovic Method

Please let me know your thoughts and if you have anything to add on

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