[Disclaimer: the following post was published in Oct of 2022 (followed by a social media post of mine from 2021), my view of "Climate Change" has changed a bit, given the modus operandi of the Cabal, creating crises (or the appearance of them) and then presenting solutions, and given that all of the worst case scenarios Al Gore et al have been stating we were on track for (Statue of Liberty under water by 2012) I'm now much more open to the possibility that human industrial activity based CO2 is not driving the exacerbation of weather events (atmospheric rivers, persistent drought, 25c+ higher than average temperature in the northern latitudes) especially with a more developed understanding of the state of weather warfare employed by the same Cabal, using aerosol spraying in conjunction with HAARP (the facility in Fairbanks, Alaska is not the only facility bouncing EMF off the aluminum, barium and strontium sprayed in the upper stratosphere), please see Dane Wigginton's The Dimming.]
Related:BASF Plant Closure to Impact Global Food Supply Shortage (Mike Adams, InfoWars) [Repost]
The song that plays in my head when the govt. is rounding up the unvaccinated to take them to "COVID" Camps.
I will NEVER go to your fucking FEMA / COVID camp.
I will NEVER take your fucking injections.
I will NEVER stop fighting and trying to wake people up.
I will NEVER go to your fucking FEMA / COVID camp.
I will NEVER take your fucking injections.
I will NEVER stop fighting and trying to wake people up.
Related: https://philosophersbunker.blogspot.com/2022/06/they-are-intentionally-destroying-food.html
They are Intentionally Destroying the Food Supply Part 2
The sudden withdrawal from Afghanistan is to reposition forces within CONUS in anticipation of civil unrest following a large number of the "vaccinated" succumbing to ADE. I've put forth this hypothetical scenario a few times; the one where we see just 50% mortality (we saw 100% mortality in the animal trials, with ferrets in 2005 and then again with non-human primates in 2012)
Picture that for a moment. We are coercing people in all professions, not the least of which law enforcement and hospitals, everything from logistics to pilots and air traffic controllers etc.
If we see half of the people who unwittingly rolled up their sleeves for these non-vaccines (zero actual informed consent, in the following episode of Del Bigtree's The Highwire he covers the fact that the trial participants were informed of the possibility of ADE but not the actual public receiving them) all sectors of the economy will see a marked drop in capability.
Where does the food in your refrigerator come from? The grocery store? Who works there? Are they "vaccinated"? How about the truck drivers who supply the grocery store? The mailman? Your dentist?
They won't tell the masses that the reason why people are dying is because of ADE, no they will spin it and tell the masses that people are dying from Delta, Gamma whatever variant / COVID 20, and the masses, fully psychologically invested at this point, will clamor for mandatory vaccination. FEMA will present the situation as a deadly pandemic with the need to relocate the "unvaccinated" to camps. A requirement of being in the camp is to be "fully vaccinated".
Combat veterans / armed militias will resist. Hence the need to reposition the Army CONUS.
There is also the possibility that individual state national guard regiments may organize, i.e. Texas / Florida / Idaho etc. national guard.
Again, this is why they need the Army stateside.
Pulling out of Afghanistan now is also a useful distraction. The masses need to be kept under constant threat and bewilderment, and most importantly, divided.
Withdrawing from Afghanistan right now, of all times do so, accomplishes all of the above.
And mandating these "vaccines" to the troops is in furtherance of the agenda. If members of the military organize a mutiny, an attempted military coup in defiance of orders to round up civilians into FEMA camps to be force vaccinated there is only a 6-10 week window between the 2nd jab and the emergence of ADE. If anything this was impeccable execution as now the military, fuly "vaccinated", will experience a similar fate to the civilian population only a few months later (after they round up all of the civilians into FEMA camps of course, or refuse, either way they will suffer a similar fate).
This is the intent of the Shadow Govt. Tying up loose ends. Who will protect the U.S. from a foreign incursion? No-one, and no-one will protect the Chinese from the melting of the Arctic sea ice induced foot shortages.
The "elites" are truly two steps ahead of everyone. They intend to use climate change induced crop failure and famine to advance their depopulation agenda. China? China has jack shit on the Shadow Govt. who run S4 (Area 51 is a distraction, Lockheed Martin Skunkworks shenanigans continued at S4, and yes, per the head of Skunkworks, they can take ET home and could do so since at least the 80's. The reason they aren't releasing the reverse engineered zero point energy systems to the public is because that would be the end of their gravy-train. Rockefellers - carbon based energy paradigm.)
They intend to bring the population down under 1B by 2030. Hence the name of the agenda: Agenda 2030.
In 1972 the Rockefellers funded The Limits To Growth study using a super-computer of that era. The computer plotted current and predicted trends as data-points along a plot line: population growth, resource consumption, biodiversity loss, climate change etc and it predicted a population bottleneck and crash between 2010 and 2020.
The anniversary of events of Sept. 11th, 2001 is coming up. The same actors behind 9/11 are also behind the Fake Pandemic. The goal of 9/11 was laying the groundwork for the Fake Pandemic with the loss of civil liberties (Patriot Act), the erection and balkanization of the security state, the funneling of money out of the economy / hands of the former middle class staved off the brunt of Peak Oil (demand destruction), and most importantly, the repurposing of the military away from jungle warfare to urban warfare, surveillance (Predator Drone) in anticipation of precisely the potential internecine conflict that is defined by rogue state national guard regiments fighting the active Army.
Yes. Youre reading this correctly. Our primary purpose of occupying the middle east, conflict defined by occupation within and near cities in close proximity to large numbers of civilians was for the eventual need to do exactly this within the U.S.
The PNAC and the NECONS wanted a New Pearl Harbor
Because we are starting to see ADE in the human animal trials.
And knowing what I know, doing the mental arithmetic leads me to this conclusion.
Here, per the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation study envisaging exactly this scenario:
Scenarios for the Future ofTechnology and International Development
A Final Warning to Humanity From Former Pfize Chief Scientific Officer Michael Yeadon
This video I posted yesterday is the most important piece of information one must be acquainted with as of this moment:
For all of the civilians who don't know me, I relay this information as a combat veteran. U.S. Army, 68S Aircraft Armament Missile System Repairman, active duty 1997-2005, OEF 2004-2005, Honorably discharged.
Part 1:
From this post of mine, not going to rehash what I've been stating repeatedly, that if the cabal behind the Fake Pandemic is using slow acting lethal injections for population reduction, they absolutely 100% intend to starve us to death on top of that.
This is all part of the Great Reset.
Let me keep this brief and preface this with a question. Is it truly a war if all nation-states involved are influenced by the same interests? In this case, I'm referring to the World Economic Forum as, it should be known to all reading this by now, that Vladimir Putin is among the WEF Young Global Leaders intent on ushering in The Great Reset. The fact that Putin has not publicly denounced the Fake Pandemic for what it is strengthens this analysis. All of this is Kabuki Theatre. The Pandemic Narrative has collapsed. 61% of the double jabbed in the US are not getting the 3rd shot . Shots that do not, again, confer immunity, prevent infection or transmission or even reduce it by any amount in any way shape or form. They need to move on to the next big event, they cannot allow the masses to regain their bearing, they must keep the masses in a perpetual state of heightened unease and fear. This is how Mass Formation Psychosis works, any lull that may invite the cult members to reflect and investigate their basal paradigm must not be allowed. Also, through a contrived geopolitical stand-off with Russia, the WEF gang can execute Cyber Polygon, bring down the internet, blame Russian hackers, and when the internet and grid that relies on it comes back online they will, having passed Emergency Legislation, require everyone using the internet to connect their "Vaccine Passport" via QR code to the internet every so often or every time they log-on as "anonymity" allowed the "Russian Hackers" to take down the internet. Also, the grid will go down for some time, and as the masses invariably run out of food and water the various state and federal governments will deploy the National Guard and Regular Army and of course, to receive aid at the local FEMA camp one must be "fully vaccinated".
The trans-national elite cabal .01% comprising Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, the Rockefellers, the Rothchilds, George Soros, Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab et al pledge allegiance to no flag, be it the US, China or Russia. They view you as cattle, numbers on a ledger, and depopulation absolutely is the order of the day.
And this post: https://philosophersbunker.blogspot.com/2022/02/moderna-ceo-squirms-like-rat-when-asked.html
Timing would have it that the day before or the day of revelations that Bill Gates gave a 20 million dollar grant to Moderna in 2016, that same year Moderna filed a patent for a DNA sequence that has recently been discovered by scientists to be a part of the SARS-COV-2 virus (We already know that Fauci, an underling of Gates, was funding the Gain of Function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology) I just so happened to be pondering, through conversation on the matter, the reasoning that Moderna would attempt to liken their gene altering mRNA "vaccine" an Operating System.
If you look at their web-page, they equate your DNA as storage, their mRNA "vaccine" as an Operating System, and the subsequent spike protein carnage that ensues as "programs".
This all started because I remembered hearing Moderna saying all of this and when I went to web-search via Duck Duck Go one of the first hits was an apologist "Fact Check" page from Reuters (fun fact, the CEO of Reuters sits on the board of directors for Pfizer) indicating that "although Moderna does indeed call their vaccine an operating system, not to worry, it's not designed to program humans" (I don't remember anyone making this ridiculous claim):
Then revelations that Bill Gates funded the creation of the SARS-COV-2 virus in 2016 this began to make sense. See, Bill Gates isn't a doctor. He's not an epidemiologist. Who is Bill Gates? We are led to believe he's some wiz-kid genius who developed an operating system in his garage (when in reality he's the scion of a wealthy banker family from Seattle, who reverse engineered Xerox's printing operating system and called it Windows, whose family tree intertwines with the Rockefeller family when you go back far enough, whose father created Planned parenthood and was a signatory of the Eugenics society, who was doing basically nothing in his early 20's when Susan Gates asked the then CEO of IBM to help get Bill started)
When Moderna changes the language describing the mRNA Gene Therapy Technology masquerading as conventional vaccines into cybernetic language, with the DNA as storage, the mRNA Gene Therapy Technology as the software, and the ensuing spike protein carnage as programs now this is the purview of computer hardware and software and who might the world's foremost expert on hardware and software might be? Bill Gates. So now, when we couch Gene Altering death shots "vaccines" as software, we should all listen to what the inventor of Microsoft Windows has to say because this is his forte, he's the software expert.
And this all makes sense, Bill Gates funded the creation of the virus through Moderna, Moderna in turn changes the mRNA Gene Therapy Technology language to position Gates as the expert on the technology in question. It's breathtaking that, to the best of my knowledge, no-one to date has made this connection. Well here it is.
Also, contrary to the assurance of Big Pharma, the Pharma owned regulatory agencies, and Pharma owned mainstream media and talking heads and fake scientific articles, the mRNA Gene Therapy Technology you were injected with 100% does alter your DNA and 100% does impair the underlying mechanism of DNA repair. What is the underlying mechanism of cancer? What does DMED data indicate? 10x increase in the incidence of Cancer.
VAIDS, ADE, cancer, due to Mass Formation Psychosis, shame, and fear of losing one's medical license we will see an explosion of deaths in the coming years and no-one within the mainstream media will link them to the Gene Altering death shots that 65% of the U.S. and 50% of the global population allowed themselves to be injected with. And, given recent developments with the new WEF created Fake War with Russia, the crippling sanctions and actual war will be taking all of the media attention. The "vaccinated" still in the grip of Mass Formation Psychosis will not report their injuries because they have been programmed to internalize this ridiculous notion that not only is it a "pandemic" but the "unvaccinated" are the problem and of course, they don't want to report their Myocarditis / elevated heart rate, return of menstration post-menopause, fainting, GBS, etc. because they don't want to encourage "vaccine hesitancy".
Yes, this is how insane this world has become.
About those looming sanctions, please understand, the .01% taking into a useless war with Russia with Biden and Putin controlled by the WEF Davos Depopulation Gang, think about it, they intentionally shut down the global economy for 2 years. Think of how many people have been thrust in poverty and extreme privation. It's all intentional. What is the end goal? Population reduction. Is shutting down the Global Economy conducive to that end? Ok, now view the fact that the Biden admin did not renew domestic oil drilling permits. We are now completely reliant on foreign oil. Who is Russia? A major natural gas and oil exporter. What does an energy crisis look like in 2022? The entire grid that relies on it grinding to a halt. Power plants, food production, manufacturing, our transportation system itself.
They view you as cockroaches to be exterminated, if you want to kill cockroaches, why just use lethal injections? Why not add starvation and privation to the mix? Also, information like this is a problem for them, enter a WEF takedown of the internet, blamed on Russian hackers.
Just think, Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates sponsored a tabletop exercise simulating a global coronavirus pandemic, Event 201, on the 18th of Oct 2019, two months before the first reported cases in Wuhan (right next to the Wuhan Institute of Virology where the Gain of Function research Fauci was funding was taking place, gee, what a coincidence).
They have these simulation exercises to telegraph to the investor class what is happening next for investor support and to soften the impact among the 5% service class that serves the .01%.
Guess what other simulation exercise Klaus Schwab has on an annual basis?
What's happening next?
A coordinated takedown of the internet.
Using David Icke's model: Problem, Reaction, Solution, we can deduce what will follow.
Problem: Russian hackers took down the internet, shut down the power grid and banking system. The anonymous nature allowed this to happen.
Pandemonium. Intense privation. Hysteria.
Martial Law. FEMA camp emergency aid distribution centers where a requirement for aid is to be "fully vaccinated".
After some time, the net will be restored and "upgraded", after passing emergency legislation, it will be required to address the anonymous nature of the internet with a global identification system. Given the fact that we just endured a "deadly pandemic" and the "vaccine passport" is already released, the vax pass now acts as a global identification linking your identity to your financial institution / Universal Basic Income and a requirement for maintaining your vaccine passport is to accept quarterly injection of mRNA gene altering technology.
Eventually, within about 5 years or so, they will manage to bring the global population down to under 1 billion.
All of this has been planned for decades starting with the events of Sept 11, 2001, orchestrated by the very same actors. (Patriot Act, "Biosecurity)
How do we alter the trajectory?
Immediate peaceful mass civil disobedience.
Fall back strategy: Defensible off grid position, 6 month's supply of food and water, the ability to grow one's own food and strong relation with neighbors.
In the absence of sufficient mass civil disobedience (including congress, doctors and scientists, law enforcement and military) most of us won't make it, including this author and the vast majority of those reading this.
It is critically important at this point to clean up your act spiritually and get right with god so to speak. Collective intent and prayer is also impactful at this juncture. This is Humanity's painful awakening process.
The night is darkest before dawn.
And this post from social media (I was more active on social media until recent):
August 21, 2021
The sudden withdrawal from Afghanistan is to reposition forces within CONUS in anticipation of civil unrest following a large number of the "vaccinated" succumbing to ADE. I've put forth this hypothetical scenario a few times; the one where we see just 50% mortality (we saw 100% mortality in the animal trials, with ferrets in 2005 and then again with non-human primates in 2012)
Picture that for a moment. We are coercing people in all professions, not the least of which law enforcement and hospitals, everything from logistics to pilots and air traffic controllers etc.
If we see half of the people who unwittingly rolled up their sleeves for these non-vaccines (zero actual informed consent, in the following episode of Del Bigtree's The Highwire he covers the fact that the trial participants were informed of the possibility of ADE but not the actual public receiving them) all sectors of the economy will see a marked drop in capability.
Where does the food in your refrigerator come from? The grocery store? Who works there? Are they "vaccinated"? How about the truck drivers who supply the grocery store? The mailman? Your dentist?
They won't tell the masses that the reason why people are dying is because of ADE, no they will spin it and tell the masses that people are dying from Delta, Gamma whatever variant / COVID 20, and the masses, fully psychologically invested at this point, will clamor for mandatory vaccination. FEMA will present the situation as a deadly pandemic with the need to relocate the "unvaccinated" to camps. A requirement of being in the camp is to be "fully vaccinated".
Combat veterans / armed militias will resist. Hence the need to reposition the Army CONUS.
There is also the possibility that individual state national guard regiments may organize, i.e. Texas / Florida / Idaho etc. national guard.
Again, this is why they need the Army stateside.
Pulling out of Afghanistan now is also a useful distraction. The masses need to be kept under constant threat and bewilderment, and most importantly, divided.
Withdrawing from Afghanistan right now, of all times do so, accomplishes all of the above.
And mandating these "vaccines" to the troops is in furtherance of the agenda. If members of the military organize a mutiny, an attempted military coup in defiance of orders to round up civilians into FEMA camps to be force vaccinated there is only a 6-10 week window between the 2nd jab and the emergence of ADE. If anything this was impeccable execution as now the military, fuly "vaccinated", will experience a similar fate to the civilian population only a few months later (after they round up all of the civilians into FEMA camps of course, or refuse, either way they will suffer a similar fate).
This is the intent of the Shadow Govt. Tying up loose ends. Who will protect the U.S. from a foreign incursion? No-one, and no-one will protect the Chinese from the melting of the Arctic sea ice induced foot shortages.
The "elites" are truly two steps ahead of everyone. They intend to use climate change induced crop failure and famine to advance their depopulation agenda. China? China has jack shit on the Shadow Govt. who run S4 (Area 51 is a distraction, Lockheed Martin Skunkworks shenanigans continued at S4, and yes, per the head of Skunkworks, they can take ET home and could do so since at least the 80's. The reason they aren't releasing the reverse engineered zero point energy systems to the public is because that would be the end of their gravy-train. Rockefellers - carbon based energy paradigm.)
They intend to bring the population down under 1B by 2030. Hence the name of the agenda: Agenda 2030.
In 1972 the Rockefellers funded The Limits To Growth study using a super-computer of that era. The computer plotted current and predicted trends as data-points along a plot line: population growth, resource consumption, biodiversity loss, climate change etc and it predicted a population bottleneck and crash between 2010 and 2020.
The anniversary of events of Sept. 11th, 2001 is coming up. The same actors behind 9/11 are also behind the Fake Pandemic. The goal of 9/11 was laying the groundwork for the Fake Pandemic with the loss of civil liberties (Patriot Act), the erection and balkanization of the security state, the funneling of money out of the economy / hands of the former middle class staved off the brunt of Peak Oil (demand destruction), and most importantly, the repurposing of the military away from jungle warfare to urban warfare, surveillance (Predator Drone) in anticipation of precisely the potential internecine conflict that is defined by rogue state national guard regiments fighting the active Army.
Yes. Youre reading this correctly. Our primary purpose of occupying the middle east, conflict defined by occupation within and near cities in close proximity to large numbers of civilians was for the eventual need to do exactly this within the U.S.
The PNAC and the NECONS wanted a New Pearl Harbor
Because we are starting to see ADE in the human animal trials.
And knowing what I know, doing the mental arithmetic leads me to this conclusion.
Here, per the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation study envisaging exactly this scenario:
Scenarios for the Future ofTechnology and International Development
A Final Warning to Humanity From Former Pfize Chief Scientific Officer Michael Yeadon
This video I posted yesterday is the most important piece of information one must be acquainted with as of this moment:
For all of the civilians who don't know me, I relay this information as a combat veteran. U.S. Army, 68S Aircraft Armament Missile System Repairman, active duty 1997-2005, OEF 2004-2005, Honorably discharged.
As an update to this, having re-read this, I can say that I continue to support the hypothesis that the U.S. military is preparing for internecine conflict within CONUS with more evidence. The Biden admin, in the wake of staged mass shootings, is trying to outright ban "assault style rifles" and limit the ability to acquire ammunition. The problem here is that ammunition manufacturers who supply the military constantly have surplus NATO 5.56 that they offload onto the civilian market. The military just recently switched from the tried and true 5.56 NATO cartridge M16 A2 /M4 platform to a much larger .308 (7.62x51) cartridge based platform that makes exactly zero sense from a strategic standpoint UNLESS the theater of war is no longer defined by urban combat (the only advantage 7.62x51 has over 5.56 is it's maximum effective range, making it much more effective beyond 500m, it's penetration power, and the size of the round and inertia / ballistic profile shields it from the vagaries of wind condition etc which the smaller 5.56 is more sensitive to). What is the anticipated theater of war? How about the U.S. Army / USMC vs Oklahoma or Texas National Guard? (Oklahoma National Guard refused to "vaccinate" it's forces for example). How about U.S. Army / USMC vs American Militias? Where are these militias? Are they among the Mass Formation Psychosis gripped coastal regions of CONUS (Continental U.S.), i.e. San Francisco and New York City with 90% "vaccination" rate? Where are the people fighting back? What ammo are they using, how can you deny your enemy ammunition? You up and change a tried and true caliber and platform for no apparent reason to one that your enemy has not widely adopted, then you cut off the spigot of 5.56 production.
The theater of war will shift from a highly urban environment, with engagement distances where the smaller caliber remains effective (<300-500m), to a highly rural open environment (think, open plains where the unvaccinated reside: Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Texas, the Dakotas, Oklahoma, Missouri, etc.). Up until the advent of motorized mules that can carry bulk 7.62x51 cartridges, 5.56 remained in adoption because of it's low weight and compactness (ou can only fit 20x 7.62x51 cartridges in a magazine of comparable dimensions to the current 5.56 30 round mag).
With 90% of the urban population residing on both the west and east coast having been killed off with the bio-weapon "vaccine", there is no need to remain with the smaller cartridge as the theater of war will now be characterized by the U.S. Army and USMC attacking heavily armed redoubts in the nation's hinterland which is mostly rolling farmland.
Need more evidence?
This is the USMC's new optic for their .308 Sig Spear:
1-8x variable magnification / 8x zoom! This is basically sniper rifle magnification! And it weighs 32 oz, more than double the weight of the 4x magnification ACOG that it is replacing! Having served in the Army and having owned AR-15's, I can tell you that a 2 lb optic is ridiculously heavy. The Sig Spear and the ammo it requires is already heavy to begin with. Again, they will be using motorized mules and are preparing for a theater of war against "domestic terrorists" within CONUS where adoption of the larger caliber will allow them to more effective at greater distance whilst simultaneously waging a war of attrition on their opponent.
In sum, I believe this is why the U.S. military has recently switched from the smaller caliber platform. This is their anticipated theater of combat and doing this also dries up the civilian supply channels of 5.56 as military supplies will retool their production to the larger caliber. Add an ammunition ban and you have an effective means of depriving your enemy of the ability to fight back.
Back to the topic at hand, were you aware that 87 food processing facilities just spontaneously caught on fire or had passenger aircraft flown into them thus far in 2022 (and we are only half way through the year!)?
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