Saturday, January 7, 2012

Corporations are People!

You cant make this stuff up! I mean, seriously, and this guy thinks hes going to be the president? This Occupy Everything phenomenon is going to devolve/graduate into a full blown insurrection, you wait and see (the status quo is fully aware of this, this was the whole purpose of the NDAA, protect the elite! Let them eat cake!)

Occupy New Hampshire Member's exchange with Mitt Romney over his support for Corporate Personhood

"Buildings dont pay taxes, people pay them, therefore corporations are people" - Mitt Romney

This is ingenious reasoning. I should run for president, I would run circles around these clowns.

Actually, although he isnt demanding an independent investigation into the events of Sept. 11, 2001, nor reinstating environmental regulations to protect the environment, beginning with stringent emissions standards, I am actually going to vote for Ron Paul in the upcoming election and if it isnt apparent I am mostly a left leaning liberal/progressive/anarchist/socialist/independent/libertarian.

I believe that the left and the right have a lot in common, much more than the Status Quo who survives by dividing us know, and when we unify around a common goal, based on the realization that the path to freedom and thrival isnt contingent on the suppression of one or the other polar opposites but our unification in the face of our true enemy, the status-quo, then we can begin to proactively and effectively respond to the interconnected crises of resource depletion, inequality and debt slavery, ecological degradation etc.

The Status-Quo knows this and is pulling out every stop to prevent this, even in the face of collective misery and extinction. This is totally insane. Those in the highest positions of wealth and power are truly insane.

see also:

The Corporation

Ron Paul 2012!

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