Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Breaking Reality ~ 2013 (Updated Oct. 4)

I encourage you to view the comments that accompany this video on Youtube. To "The Establishment": YOUR GIG IS UP. What must be added to the video is the FACT that 9/11 was an inside job/false flag attack. 3000 Americans murdered in broad daylight so that the poor and disenfranchised Poverty Draftees (this author among them) of this country can go and murder the poor abroad for the Military Industrial Corporate Congressional Complex, The 1% and their enablers, Gestapo/Law Enforcement. This brief video nails it.

I also recommend viewing Naomi Wolf's The End of America. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE FASCISM! Where do you draw the line? Will you go willingly and quietly into a cattle car off to a FEMA camp? I wont. In fact I've already made the case for Full Spectrum Revolution. Do you think the Nazi Holocaust could have been defeated by signing petitions? How about waving signs at Hitler? No, unfortunately you must respond in like kind, that is the only form of "communication" that registers with those who are guided by their reptilian mid-brain. There is no negotiating with them. If you you do not resist they will gladly enslave you. History is replete with examples, I am not going to waste any energy enumerating them.

Might be time to invest in a different kind of precious metal for uncertain times, one dispensed by Smith and Wesson. Or maybe a Kalashnikov? (my preference for 5.56/.223, aside from the fact that I am intimately familiar with the M16-AR 15 platform, its ballistic performance and other nuances is that one can source ammunition from the dead Gestapo/Militarized Police Agencies when the time comes, something to keep in mind when choosing a rifle)

No? Too extreme you say? Unfortunately this same pacifist philosophy led many to an early demise via a "nice shower" before being assigned a bunk at a prison camp. Like Nobel Peace Prize laureate (seems that to get one of these you have to bomb innocent people, as Obama has clearly demonstrated) Henry Kissinger said, the solution for "useless eaters" is that they be "Darwinian Deselected". 

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana 

The End of America from Saadaal Wacan on Vimeo.

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