Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What A Way To Go: Life At The End Of Empire

It seems as though the climate itself questioned why the subject of Anthropogenic Climate Chaos was entirely absent from the Corporate Two-Party Duopoly "debates".

Welcome to the new normal.

Don't bother with rebuilding, expect 1k year storms every few years or so from now on, that is until ALL of the tipping points are breached and the planet goes full-tilt into a Venus like atmosphere. (not kidding)

Looking at the pictures and hearing the reports, New York seems positively toxic. But hey, thats "Progress" for ya! And according to the Corporate Two-Party Duopoly, we need MORE of that with a promise of a "return to growth", a "return to normal", a "return to the American Dream". 

The conservatives are about as correct on the issue of Anthropogenic Climate Chaos as Tod "Legitimate Rape" Aiken is on women's reproductive equipment. Ever notice the confluence of oil and religion in the 'Bible Belt'? Coincidence?

Time to stop teaching Creationism in public schools and introduce a science oriented curriculum, including sexual education.

I wonder if the ruling class on Easter Island had their shamans and what-not promise everyone that by turning the statues in a certain direction that more trees to chop down to erect ever more statutes would magically materialize from thin air, Quantitative Easing in its primitive form, only to find that no amount of pleading and negotiating with physical reality would ever return their collective fate to a course more in alignment with their collective view of reality, however distorted that may have been. But hey those were primitives, or more appropriately "technologically simple" peoples, and we're so advanced now!

I am not so sure about that, I had to go downtown into San Francisco today, and I took public transit completely unaware of a special celebration, a parade celebrating the Giants recent winning of the World Series. I can tell you this: THIS IS THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. WHAT A BUNCH OF STUPID FUCKING PEOPLE. No, I am dead serious. WE ARE FUCKED.

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