Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Bill Kristol Tried to Defend the Galactic Empire on Twitter


'Star Wars' fans didn't like that very much

By John Bonazzo • 10/20/15 12:14pm

Bill Kristol, Darth Vader supporter. (Photo: Google Commons)

Fanboys around the world rejoiced last night as the final trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens was released and tickets for the movie went on sale.

But Bill Kristol, the editor of The Weekly Standard, a neoconservative opinion magazine, made waves of his own this morning when he tweeted that he supported the Galactic Empire in the Star Wars universe:

Although the two tweets were in response to a joke New York Times op-ed writer Ross Douthat tweeted about conservatives supporting the Empire, Mr. Kristol’s support of “the dark side” didn’t seem to be jest: The conversation didn’t end on Mr. Kristol’s feed, however—so many people tweeted out opinions on the Empire debate that “Bill Kristol” was one of Twitter’s top trends Tuesday morning: Rather than engaging the haters, Mr. Kristol’s response was to link to a 2002 Weekly Standard article called “The Case for the Empire.” The Force is strong with this one.



Any returning readers may remember my creative caricaturization of the Neo-Conservative movement, its movers and shakers and cheerleaders, the latter counting my biological father among their ranks; a staunch supporter of Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman's insane dystopian vision where the future socio-economic arrangement is essentially one giant Wall Mart (everyone earns $10 an hour, works 60+ hours a week like human robots except 1% of the society living in a virtual utopia, think feudalism with high technology for the few that can appreciate it). These insane, stunted, sociopaths are literally frothing at the mouth for the privatization of the USPS among other public institutions. I recently called my father to relay some good news about gaining employment with the aforementioned institution and the conversation invariably moved toward the illumination of some anxiety with the new job due to severe budget constraints stemming from Republican legislation in 2006 that mandates the USPS pre-pay 75 years of health insurance in 10 years, most of which for future USPS employees that haven't even been born!

These kinds of onerous demands are nowhere to be found elsewhere in the federal govt. They are literally frothing at the mouth at the thought of Wall Mart or Staples buying out the USPS and all of it's employees earning a slave-wage-like $10 an hour with no union. The fact that the USPS is 100% self funded (through postage and fees for services) completely escapes them. They refuse to look at the hulking elephant in the room, The Military Industrial Corporate Congressional Complex, and the Permanent War Economy that has been foisted on all of us, to our peril. I'm so completely disgusted with this consciousness. Seriously though, will they be happy when everyone is earning minimum wage except less than 1% of the society? Then what? It's insane, I truly don't understand it.



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