Monday, May 23, 2022

BREAKING NEWS: Dr. Greer to Provide Analysis of Tuesday's Congressional Hearing on UFOs (Dr. Steven M Greer, Disclosure Project, Unacknowledged)

In support of my last post. Yes. The "elites" absolutely 100% have reverse engineered anti-gravitic and Zero Point energy and motive systems from downed spacecraft and have had this technology at least going back to the 1950's.
The recent Congressional Hearing covering this topic is their latest attempt to misguide the public on the matter.
Also, what a coincidence that as actual disclosure was happening and public interest in this topic was mounting and having utterly failed to trick the public (Luis Elizondo @ To The Stars Academy, "the aliens are evil" narrative), they accelerated their Fake Pandemic timeline (originally slated for 2025) to both get ahead of and control the collapse of the global economy and the souring of Bill Gates reputation, the cabal's vaccine salesman's association with Jeffrey Epstein (he's on Lolita Express flight logs 26 times over the past 21 years and now Melinda Gates, who described Epstein as "abhorrent and evil personified" has divorced him over the matter) who was convicted for sex trafficking of minors in June of 2019. They got ahead of watershed actual disclosure, the collapse of the economy, and allowing their vaccine salesman, Gates, to remain effective.
Imagine Bill Gates coming out and waving his hands around flamboyantly talking about "we have a human overpopulation problem and everyone needs to get injected to protect them from something with a 99.7% rate of survival" AFTER the public learned of his association with Epstein, that he was a frequent flyer on Lolita Express, and that Melinda divorced him over the matter. He would have zero credibility. Now, he is an outright James Bond villain in broad daylight and the sleeping masses, having been injected with graphene oxide nano-technology that crosses the blood brain barrier and sufficiently psychologically conditioned via the "Lockdowns" which placed them in a state of Mass Formation Psychosis (Mattias Desmet, Professor Psychology, University of Gent, Belgium, first condition that must attain for Mass Formation Psychosis: isolation) can't even put 2 and 2 together. They are hiding all of it in broad daylight.
Here, let me put this plainly in bold font:




Close Encounters of the 5th Kind

This craft is estimated to be moving at 3.5 miles per second or around 10k MPH:


Some thoughts on the matter that I posted over on social media a while ago: 

My comment there:

Or this upcoming flu season as that's what we see in all of the animal models preceding the current human animal trial, Pathogenic Priming / ADE. Given metabolic differences it may take more than one flu season, or it may not, but I'm predicting that people over 65 with a co-morbidity may be dying from ADE and they will absolutely not tell them masses it's from ADE from the mRNA non-vaccines, no they will spin it and say it's because of COVID 21 and why? Because we never attained herd immunity. And why? Because of "vaccine hesitancy" / anti-vaxxers. At that point in time, given the nature of the "emergency" (a lot of deaths, if we see 100% mortality in the animal models due to ADE then lets be conservative and say only 50% die this upcoming flu season due to metabolic differences, ok now bear in mind that many if not most civil servants rolled up their sleeves or were coerced into doing so as a condition for continued employment (all San Francisco City Employees, Houston Methodist Hospital for example). Ok now what if only 50% of them died. Imagine this country if 50% of all truck drivers, grocery store clerks, people working at amazon, UPS, Fedex, people who work in hospitals and law enforcement up and die this upcoming flu season.

Now this is what we see in the animal models, either 2 or 4 trials that preceded the current human animal trial. When the specimens, first ferrets then non-human primates, were exposed to the wild variant of whatever they were supposedly inoculated against they all died.

100% mortality.

Not half the specimen population died, no, 100% of them died.

The Trueman Show #29 Dr Reiner Fuellmich

And this is why they skipped the animal trials this time around because they've already done the animal trials and the know the outcome. Want to guess which dept in the FDA made the decision to skip the animal trials? Human Testing and Ethics. Want to guess who heads up this dept? Anthony Fauci's wife, who is also on the board of directors of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, who they themselves, through GAVI, are being sued by Kenya because the tetanus vaccine distributed there in 2014-2015 rendered all of the women infertile due to the presence of HCG antigen and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donates hundreds of millions of dollars every year to NIH / NIAID who, directed by Fauci, offshored the Gain of Function research to the Wuhan Institute of Virology through a surrogate, Peter Daszak @ EcoHealthAlliance when Gain of Function research was outlawed here in the U.S. in 2014-2015.

I forgot to mention that Anthony Fauci @ NIH / NIAID owns half the Moderna mRNA vaccine patent and will receive half of an estimated $9B in royalties. From Fauci's emails we know that Fauci not only was aware of the Gain of Function research that he himself directed through Peter Daszak @ EcoHealthAlliance but also that he was aware of Ivermectin (who isn't?) but actively worked to suppress this approach because they needed to use the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) on the mRNA non-vaccines. Ivermectin = no profit.

And the first researchers at Wuhan Institute of Virology contracted COVID 19, or so we're told (we still don't have actual confirmation that SARS-COV-2 has even been isolated) in Nov 2019 only a few weeks after Event 201, a training exercise held on the 18th of October 2019 in New York and hosted by Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab simulating a global outbreak of a novel coronavirus whose attendees included the very same entities who would be issuing guidance to leaders and institutions when the virus officially went live only a few months later in Jan 2020: the CDC, the Chinese CDC, John Hopkins School of Medicine, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

And all of this occurred right before it was predicted the global economy would collapse because of the continued raising of the debt ceiling and the consequent failure of the petro-dollar and also right after Epstein's conviction would invariably ensnare the cabal / Shadow Govt's outward, spokesperson issuing the "solution" to the "crisis": mass vaccination: Bill Gates, who is on the flight logs having taken Lolita Express I believe 26 times over the course of 21 years and whose wife, Melinda, is now leaving him because she, like the rest of us, is starting to understand what is happening, who Bill Gates really is.

They had this plan hatched and ready to go since at least 2010, going by the Rockefeller Institute report "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" where they outline / envisage exactly the scenario we find ourselves in as of 2019:

These mRNA non-vaccines will cull both the old and the infirm and stop reproduction in it's tracks, we know this by Dr. Robert Malone's (the inventor of the mRNA non-vaccine technology in question) corroboration of Dr. Byram Bridle's assessment of Japan's Pfizer mRNA study and from the ample, anecdotal (and attempted reporting to VAERS but VAERS, handled by the CDC, is engaging in damage control by not allowing the submission of injury and death reports according to many first-hand accounts) of women having abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual cycles. That's the accumulation of mRNA lipid-nanoparticles in the ovaries telling the ovaries to produce spike proteins. 100%. We see that from Japan's independent Pfizer mRNA non-vaccine research because Japan wisely didn't just take Pfizer at their word that "oh don't worry, the spike proteins / mRNA lipid nanoparticles remain at the injection site".

Why? Because the system was going to fail anyway. We have been staring down the barrel of the collapse of the global economy for a while now because the entire model is predicated on the notion of Infinite Growth. China and India wanting to emulate the incredibly wasteful resource consumption of a 1st worlder, replete with 2.5 children, the McMansion and automobile and meat consumption 3 times a day pretty much was the death knell for this model. We would need 5 planet earths to sustain our current level of resource throughput and waste and that's @ current level of consumption with only people in the Global North consuming the energy equivalent of 20 energy slaves before adding an additional 4 billion from China and India, to say nothing of the amount of water and topsoil that is embodied in meat consumption or the preposterous notion that transporting oneself around in a large 5000 lb sport utility vehicle is normal and sustainable. This system was never sustainable.

The "elites" are faced with the conundrum of releasing the reverse engineered anti-gravitic and zero point energy systems they have:

Read: Forbidden Truth: Hidden Knowledge by Dr. Steven Greer.


Contact and Disclosure: The Final Sequence (Youtube, link follows)
Unacknowledged (Netflix)

Releasing these systems entails the end of their gravy train (Rockefellers = Standard Oil = Exxon Mobil = Ratheon and the rest of the Military Industrial Complex = Pfizer and the rest of Big Pharma = Monsanto / Bayer and the rest of Big Agra) or pulling the plug on the system and reducing the human population down to a "manageable and sustainable" level. They are calling it "The Great Reset / Agenda 2030".

So they obviously decided on bringing the population down as predicted by many, including Gary Coleman, former MI-6 insider in 1993.

It's plain to see what they are doing. I mean it's clearly not a pandemic when you understand that what makes it a pandemic is the abuse of the PCR test at 40-50 amplification cycles (with a 90% false positive rate, see Lisbon Portugal where only 152 out of 17k "confirmed" COVID 19 cases were actually COVID) and then any death, and I do mean ANY death within 28 days of this test winding up with COVID 19 on the death certificate.

What is truly alarming is that everything I've stated above is factual (reverse engineered ET technology is optional, but I still believe that's factual if you look at the source material I recommended) but people wont even look at it.

Contact and Disclosure the Final Sequence

And the mRNA non-vaccines do not prevent nor even reduce transmission and they are killing people (Myocarditis, Periocarditis, blood clots etc.). If some
one dies from the vaccine the coroner and hospital will tell the survivors they died of COVID.

I just looked at a chart calculating "vaccine hesitancy" and 80% of people in my area have been "vaccinated" (SF Bay Area). I really ought to move, I'm in an area where there will be zero pushback to the roll out of vaccine passports after the upcoming "Dark Winter", potentially this fall.

That's how they will ensure compliance, no vaccine passport = no entry to the grocery store etc.
Anyhow, thanks for reading.

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