Sunday, June 26, 2022

Prison Planet Lockdowns Will Resume (InfoWars + Supporting Information)


Johns Hopkins University study finds lockdowns only reduced COVID deaths by 0.2%

From a social media post of mine from last year (75% of my social media posts from 2021 weren't duplicated here, I'm currently dealing with another 30 day ban there so don't bother going there for updates) : 

August 3, 2021

"He accepts the injection or he puts the mask back on the face again"
This is exactly what the mask mandate was actually for.
Social conditioning.
People will choose a mandatory, experimental non-vaccine with no safety studies other than a dubious 9 week trial and whose prior trials, one in 2005 with Ferrets and again in 2012 with both cats and non-human primates resulted in 100% mortality via Antibody Dependent Enhancement and Pathogenic Priming over having to wear the suffocating mask again. That was the whole point of the mask mandate and the recent 2 month mask mandate reprieve.
This is behavioral conditioning 101.
Results of previous mRNA non-vaccine studies in 2005 and 2012 Dr. Reiner Fuellmich (~30 min mark)

And they are relaying the Relative Risk Reduction value (95%) to the public as though it's the Absolute Risk Reduction value (.88%) and this value was derived after removing around 100 participants from the 9 week trial after they were diagnosed with COVID 19 after their first jab and hence, were not counted into the math at the end.

Please understand, per Denmarks' DANMASK study which concluded that not even N95 can keep out aerosolized influenza virus at 10nm in diameter (lower particle size limit for N95 mask is 30-50nm) and that only medical grade N100 mask properly fitted to one's face by a professional in a sterile environment and changed out every 8 hours of operational time can keep out aerosolized influenza virus.

Even Big Pharma owned CDC themselves did a study and published the results. Want to take a guess at the reduction in cases and fatalities the mask mandate has provided? Let me preface this with a question, what percentage would justify the mandate? Because we know that irreparable harm is being done to children, whose development requires learning non-verbal communication from others, and who are breathing recycled air with high CO2 content and the rise in Bacterial Pneumonia as paper masks are a medium for bacterial growth, not to mention the toll taken by the environment, as now mask waste has exceed plastic bottle waste.
Would a 50% reduction in cases and fatalities warrant the mask mandate?
Ok, how about 25%?
Still, worth it.
How about 10%?
Probably not?
The actual reduction in cases and fatalities due to the mask mandate per the CDC's own publicly available data:
Drum-roll please.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Yes, that is not a typo, 1.32%


Again, the masks don't work, the arbitrary social distancing doesn't work, and the shutting down of the Global Economy was similarly unnecessary. Vastly more people die every year from heart disease, diabetes, if this were actually about public health there would be a massive informational campaign to educated the public on the dietary choices contributing to heart disease and diabetes.
COVID 19 has an actual IFR ballpark of seasonal flu, per Big Pharma owned CDC publicly available data:
(Please do note that I'm using only mainstream media sources which cite the data from the CDC here)

"Here are those estimates, stated as the percentage of all those infected (symptomatic and asymptomatic) who are surviving:

0-19 Years 99.997%
20-49 Years 99.98%
50-69 Years 99.5%
70+ 94.6%
*80+ not included
Data Source: CDC"

And the "Delta variant" is 19x less deadly than this!!!!!

So, this clearly isn't a deadly pandemic, the masks don't work, the other policies including social distancing don't work and are pointless, and more people are dying from the socio-economic consequences of shutting down the global economy as with all economic recessions we see an increase in all causes of mortality for reasons that are fairly self explanatory. Job loss results in economic dislocation, homelessness, idleness, depression, an increase in drug and alcohol use, an increase in domestic violence, an increase in violent crime and an increase in suicide.
Did you know that in Japan reported more deaths from suicide in the month of November than from COVID 19 for the entire year of 2020?

Did you know that in 2020 5x more children died in the UK from suicide than from COVID 19? (see previous post).
Again, this has exactly nothing to do with public health. We have a problem on planet earth. Not one of overpopulation per se, but of resource consumption, material throughput of the economic model (Infinite Growth Paradigm) and it's attendant environmental consequences. The well heeled "elite" get together every year in Davos Switzerland at the World Economic Forum and talk about the most pressing problems. They have been planning for exactly this scenario for decades now and "COVID 19" mRNA non-vaccine bio-weapon technology has been in development since at least 2002.


Who are the Davos, Switzerland WEF attendees you might ask? Bill Gates (yes the same Bill Gates whose father was a renowned Eugenicist, who isn't a medical doctor, who is being sued by the African Nation Kenya because the tetanus vaccines distributed there in 2014-2015 through Gates owned GAVI rendered all of the women infertile due to the presence of HCG antigen, the same Bill Gates who stated "if we do a really good job with vaccines we can reduce the population by 15%" and "People need to understand, things don't go back to normal until everyone in the world has been fully vaccinated", yes the same Bill Gates whose wife is leaving him because he took Lolita Express to Epstein's island 26 times over the course of the past 21 years and whose exposure to this pedophile ring would invariably be exposed after Epstein's conviction in July of 2019 (and the discovery of the flight logs) Bill Gates was the .01% Shadow Govt cabal's public outward spokesperson for mass vaccination. Between his soon to be discovered connection with the pedophile activity of the .01% and the collapse of the global economy in 2020 they had to accelerate their Great Reset / Agenda 2030 timeline (Agenda 2030 = reducing human global population to under 1 billion before 2030) because their public spokesperson would have a tarnished public persona given his connection to Epstein. This is how they control the "elites". I firmly believe Gavin Newsom, Andrew Cuomo, Joe Biden, Trudeau, and Macron and many others bowing to the dictates of the Great Reset cabal have similarly been ensnared within this international pedophilia ring.
When Gavin Newsom, Governor of California, bans indoor dining but is caught less than 2 weeks later at the French Laundry, a ritzy restaurant in Sonoma, California with 25 others and no-one is wearing a mask, you know that they don't believe the narrative. When Andrew Cuomo returns patients diagnosed COVID 19 positive back into the elderly care homes where the majority of the deaths were stemming from, you know that this decision was not made pursuant to public health policy. I can go on about Macron, but I should simply relay what the people of France think of him, along with massive protests numbering over 500k that the mainstream media isn't even mentioning. Macron imposed a vaccine passport a few weeks ago:

Along with Bill Gates we have Klaus Schwab, whose family lineage has been traced back to the Nazi cabal and the Rothchild family, we have the Rockefellers, whose family lineage converges with the Gates family lineage if you go back far enough, we have Henry "Useless Eaters" Kissinger and others.
Also, the virus, which if it even exists (it has yet to be isolated) created via Gain of Function research outlawed in the U.S. in 2014-2015 but continued with funding, guidance and purview of Anthony Fauci @ NIH / NIAD (through Peter Daszak @ EcoHealth Alliance) came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology three months after Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab hosted a training exercise simulating a global outbreak of a novel coronavirus @ Event 201 on the 18th of October 2019:
Event 201, sponsored by the WEF (Klaus Schwab) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, simulating a global outbreak of a novel coronavirus on the 18th of October 2019:

They even accurately predicted that over 60% of the population would accept experimental non-vaccines if convinced it was a deadly pandemic. Big Pharma owns the mainstream media = mission success:

Please explain why I need to click on warning banner to even view 2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece:
"The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences." 

(Update:  looks like YT just straight up deleted the video, to keep you safe of course, here's the video on Bitchute

Honestly I'm surprised this wasn't taken down from Youtube, but given that it's veteran journalist Crispin Miller, who is a giant in their respective field, maybe this would draw too much unwanted attention to the overhanded censorship employed by Google / YT?
Meanwhile I can watch "vagina shaving" videos and there is no "offensive content" warning that I must acknowledge before proceeding:

Please explain how Mark Crispin Miller's "2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece" requires this "offensive content" warning but full nudity "vagina shaving" videos do not?
Ah yes, just as I received a 24 hour ban here on FB for reposting Candace Owen's twitter comment about the CDC abandoning the PCR test for "encouraging self harm" there is no rhyme or reason behind it, simply put, if you challenge the narrative they will use whatever arbitrary bullshit they can make up to censor you.

Bill Gates mansion Engineer arrested for child porn collection:

Bill Gates is heavily invested with Monsanto, who have been busy depopulating with genetically modified glyphosate corn, wheat and soy: (Dr. Seralini simply extended Big Pharma and Monsanto owned FDA's 90 day glyphosate safety study to 1 year and 95% of the specimens developed cancer. Hold this in mind while I relay the rate of cancer in the U.S. to you. 1/3rd of women and 2/3rd's of men will develop cancer in the U.S. Again, they've BEEN depopulating this way along with sodium fluoride, a known proven neurotoxin and carcinogen that does not strengthen your dentition and conventional vaccines):


Fluoride: Poison On Tap - Full Documentary

Monsanto also produced the defoliant Agent Orange that caused untold numbers of service-members of the Vietnam conflict to come down with illness, not to mention the untold numbers of birth deformities that persisted in Vietnam for decades. Monsanto was recently acquired by Bayer. Bayer was original IG Farben. IG Farben manufactured the neuro-toxin Zyklon B that was used in the gas chambers in the Jewish death camps.

Bill Gates recently proposed blocking out the sun with aerosols.

Please juxtapose this fact with the revelation that 80% of patients admitted to the ICU are simply Vitamin D deficient.

If this were about public health they would simply give everyone Vitamin D, Zinc and Ivermectin.
Again, this is clearly not about public health.
Here, for the reading and research averse, a short video version of what is playing out at present:

Meet Bill Gates

(Removed of course, to "keep you safe". I've had my videos similarly removed and the rationale given is that if anything detracts from whatever the WHO says about a given "public health emergency" then it is considered "misinformation". Interestingly, Bill Gates owns and controls the WHO.)

The masks don't work and never did.
None of the public health policies are backed by any actual science.
Expert testimony from prominent scientists to include 28 year veteran immunologist and former chief scientific officer with Pfizer Dr. Mike Yeadon, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology Dr. Robert Malone, Nobel prize winning virologist Luc Montagnier (SARS-COV-2 is not of natural origin, the vaccines are creating the variants) and even the inventor of the PCR test, Dr. Kary Mullis who stated that the PCR test should only be used for academic and forensic research and never for medical diagnosis because "if you look hard enough you will find whatever youre looking for" is all censored from Google / Youtube (Google is heavily invested in the Oxford Astrazeneca vaccine), "fact checked" on Facebook (by "independent fact checkers" funded by Bill Gates and Big Pharma).
If this were an actual pandemic we would allow for scientific debate. Instead there is overt, Orwellian-esque censorship.
That is because the actual science doesn't support the notion that it's a pandemic, that the masks works, or that the arbitrary measures and shutting down of the global economy are warranted.

Thanks for reading, please share this if you found this informative, we will win this war by shining light onto darkness.


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