Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Roe vs. Wade Reversal: More Smokescreen and Pretext (Repost)

This was originally posted a few months ago. My analysis has not changed, does not need to be updated. 

As with all of these other seemingly random events, from Putin invading Ukraine, to the school shooting at Uvalde, ask yourself, why is this event happening right now and is it in furtherance of their agenda?


I'm going to lay out 5 or 6 salient reasons as to why the Roe vs Wade ruling is being reversed and most importantly why right now. 

As with Putin invading Ukraine right as the FDA was forced to release Pfizer's safety trial data and Frontiers in Virology found a line of genetic code that was patented by Moderna in 2016, so too is the reversal of Roe vs Wade ruling smokescreen for not only the subsequent Pfizer data dump, that happened the day before the revelations of the reversal were "leaked" but also sufficient distraction from the fact that all 192 member countries of the WHO will be deciding on a Bill Gates proposal to allow the WHO's authority to supersede any national constitution or charter, to include the U.S. constitution, during a "pandemic", and remember Bill Gates promised his investors there would be another one right around the corner. This decision takes place on the 22 of May, a few weeks from now. 

In addition to smokescreen for this here are some additional salient points: 

  • There is a correlation between miscarriage and mRNA "vaccination". The plummet in the number of abortions will be attributed to it's ban, not the mRNA "vaccine". 
  • Transhumanist implication: Women will opt for permanent sterilization after freezing their eggs for future artificial insemination with a partner. The technology already exists to grow human embryos in birthing chambers. Handing over this process to the state has many benefits to people like Yuval Noah Harari, Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab who want to both deal with the human overpopulation problem and ensure that no future humans have the intelligence to understand they exist as biological robot slaves nor the desire to fight back. This can be accomplished prenatally via gene editing (remember, they found the gene for rebelliousness), sodium fluoride and other lobotomizing, pineal gland calcifying chemicals, priming the artificially grown babies for cancer or dependence on external shots for survival, and saturating developing embryos with self assembling graphene oxide nano-technology, for absolute surveillance and control. 
  • They destroy the bodily autonomy argument. Attorney Thomaz Renz contested the "vaccine" mandate for military service members citing Roe vs. Wade as precedent. 
  • Divide et impera. (Latin: divide and conquer) They further drive the wedge between the left and the right. 
  • As demonstrated by Biden's approval rating (13%), the Democratic Party has no chance of winning the upcoming election. Please understand, the elections are 100% fraudulent to begin with, but with 13% approval rating, the masses will clearly understand that they are rigged if the Democrats win. The thrust of the Democratic Party's election will be around restoring Roe vs. Wade. The Democrats will win (there will be the "pandemic" Bill Gates promised us 3rd quarter, before the election, and it will be mail in ballot only, pursuant with public health policy and of course, the dictates of the WHO). 
As someone who listens to Alex Jones daily, I am bemused with the jubilation at the reversal of Roe vs Wade. It seems all of the above is completely absent from any analysis from anyone on the right. Also, reversing Roe vs. Wade will not stop women from aborting unwanted pregnancies, they will resort to much more dangerous methods, both physical and chemical. So all this really does is place greater risk on women. 

I write this as someone who believes that beyond a certain point, abortion is murder. The question is, from a spiritual perspective, when does the soul inhabit the human organism? At the point of conception? The forming of the blastocyst? 

Please understand, the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, a ruling from 1973, is not being done for moral or ethical purposes. 

Just as Putin had 8 years to invade Ukraine and confront the military forces murdering Russian civilians in the Donbass region (14k+ since 2014), why does he invade right as the FDA is forced to release Pfizer's safety trial data and revelations that Moderna created SARS-COV-2 at WIV in 2016? 

None of these events are random, they are all perfectly timed and happen for a reason, either as pretext or smokescreen. In the case of the reversal of Roe vs Wade, it acts as sufficient distraction from the fact that a sizeable percentage of women of child bearing age injected with mRNA "vaccines" will not be getting pregnant, the 2nd Pfizer data dump, and the upcoming WHO World Government ruling. 

Speaking of the WHO, I received a strike on my Youtube channel for daring to challenge aspects of the official "pandemic" narrative in the latter half of my recent PC Upgrade video. Here's Youtube's warning: 

YouTube doesn't allow content that spreads medical misinformation that contradicts local health authorities’ (LHA) or the World Health Organization’s (WHO) medical information about COVID-19. This is limited to content that contradicts WHO or local health authorities’ guidance. 

On the topic of censorship, I find it interesting that I was banned from Twitter a year ago for simply stating that Anthony Fauci @ NIAID funded the GOF research at WIV. A statement that is no longer controversial and hasn't been for some time now. On the day that Twitter was sold to Musk I tried to re-instate my account but have not heard back from them. 

Just as this reversal of Roe vs. Wade is more than you think it is so too is Musk's acquisition of Twitter about more than we think it is. 

If this is a chess game against the .01% Cabal, we are one move away from check mate. This was a masterful move on their part. 

I haven't seen analysis to this degree anywhere on the web so I figured I would write this post. 

Post settings Labels No matching suggestions Published on 5/6/22 5:27 PM Permalink Location Options Post: Edit

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