Tuesday, October 18, 2022

r/Conspiracy Mega-Thread Update

(A word of warning before reading the following. All of IT, including Reddit, is owned by the interests behind the Fake Pandemic; Reddit is heavily astroturfed with bots and Deep State Thought Police who most assuredly bought into the narrative and tell themselves that they are engaged in ethical behavior by censoring thoughts and ideas shared on the internet that challenge a prevailing narrative or paradigm, especially one held by those doing the "fact checking".)

Various interesting and relevant posts pertaining to our current head-long descent into Orwellian Technocratic Transhumanist Dystopia, starting with a reply I submitted to a post that is, wouldn't you know it, shadow-banned without explanation from the mods at r/Conspiracy. So I'm banned on Twitter, banned on Facebook, received strikes on Youtube and am one strike away from a ban there and banned on Reddit, all in the name of "combating misinformation". Similarly any doctors who question the narrative in California will receive harsh fines and penalties and potentially lose their license. 



(I've received yet another ban, this time for sharing this video, they REALLY don't want you to see this):

Related: https://philosophersbunker.blogspot.com/2022/04/exclusive-australian-whistleblower.html

They have completely lost control of the narrative. This is what an overhanded response to that looks like in all of IT / social media which they 100% control (see Monopoly: Who Owns the World by Tim Gielen, previous post): 

“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”

― George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings

Aggressive-Hair9522 2 days ago

It isn't, that's what "Fact Checking" consists of now, circular logic that doesn't refute what is being "fact checked" but only provides information from sources the "fact checker" deems trustworthy.

Like this one:

They don't even have to actually factually refute anything, the "Fact Check" serves as a mental placeholder safe-space for Mass Formation Psychosis gripped victims to quickly find on Google, itself in on the Fake Pandemic / Great Reset, and a simple image or bold font title "refuting" whatever they are "researching" is the end of their research.

It's insidious confirmation bias. The Mass Formation Psychosis gripped masses sub-consciously intuit something is wrong nearly 3 years into "2 weeks to flatten the curve" but their ego is blocking any real re-examination. Think about it, imagine you're one of the bamboozled jabbed, to admit that what all of the "conspiracy theorists" warned you about was true but you trusted Pfizer, Fauci, Pharma, the Govt. and the mainstream media all with sordid personal histories of lying to and literally murdering people en masse. The Ego / Id will not let one go there, it is a psychological defense mechanism.

So all they need to do now is provide an image with a bold font title "Fact Checked" and that's it, that's the end of investigation on the part of the Mass Formation Psychosis victim.

To make matters worse, the gene altering mRNA Gene Therapy Technology Liquid Nano-Particles cross the blood brain barrier and induce all manner of neuro-degenerative disorder, to include Alzheimer's etc. Have you ever woken an 80 year old with Alzheimer's up in the middle of the night? They don't know what planet they are on. This is why Joe Biden disappears from public view and cameras by early afternoon.

They've literally zombified the masses on top of hypnotizing them via Mass Formation Psychosis.

They then lash out in rage and call you a conspiracy theorist if you present real, factual information that threatens their reality bubble.



More interesting posts follow: 


European Parliament Members Demand More Answers During Press Conference After Pfizer Vaccine Lies Exposed

This is what top tier coercion looks like by the White House. This is still on the website too. There is no shame with these people. The have ruined the world economy, businesses, and peoples lives and the continue to press the agenda. The sheep will continue to line up even when it's obvious.

Pfizer COVID vaccines reduce transmission collage. Just in case people start claiming the Phizer vaccine was never advertised as effective at preventing transmission.

Bill Gates literally predicted a bat coronavirus from a Chinese wet market one week before it was released on the Netflix show "Explained: The Next Pandemic." He says in the show we need a new type of vaccine, the old ones are too slow. He pumps mRNA vaccines. His co-star is CIA asset Peter Daszak

PR firm that represents Pfizer and Moderna also sits on CDC vaxx division.

The real effects of the vaccine have begun: I’ve gathered 400+ recent posts describing symptoms of prion disease in previously healthy, young individuals. The evidence is all right here—and it’s growing every day.

These "people" really love Fraud.

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