Tuesday, January 24, 2023

X Factor Winner Reveals World's Secret Religion - Altiyan Childs

Trump, Musk and Putin are all implicated here.


Friday, May 6, 2022

Is Elon Musk Controlled Opposition?

I haven't really done an actual blog post here in a while, I've basically been reproducing content from others in a corroborative manner to say "see, they think the same thing" or "see, I told you". I don't have a lot of motivation to write here to be honest, for one, it takes a great deal of energy and two, things just seem to be getting worse in regards to public opinion / Mass Formation Psychosis, irrespective of how much energy I spend trying to wake people up. I felt compelled to write this as I don't see a lot of this analysis from the usual analysts who, up until this point, have gotten mostly everything right and because I'm seeing a huge influx of unique page views as of late, around 500 a day, way up from the average 20 or so. It's been like this for about two to three weeks now, maybe my accurate prediction and analysis over on my social media profile has gained traction as I was talking about Klaus Schwab way before it became fashionable to do so and I correctly pointed out the fact the "elites" had to accelerate the Fake Pandemic time-line to both get in front of and control the collapse of the global economy and because their vaccine salesman, Gates, had been implicated in Epstein's pedophile ring, Lolita Express. I also pointed out that Putin was another example of Controlled Opposition, the day after he ordered the invasion of Ukraine. 

Another example of Controlled Opposition, one that many of you are not going to want to hear, is that of former U.S. president Donald J. Trump.

Let's remind ourselves of this tried and true ethos: judge them by their actions, not by their words.

Let's lay out the facts before going forward with Musk with another example of Controlled Opposition: Trump.

Trump's carefully curated persona: 

He's a right wing populist maverick independent from the corporate captured two party system. He is going to restore America's heyday. He is going to drain the swamp in Washington and restore our industrial glory, restore the middle-class. He's a self made man who, in Heratio Alger style, pulled himself up by his bootstraps and became a wealthy casino magnate. 


Trump is a conniving, manipulative actor firmly ensconced within the politico-economic establishment. Instead of rescuing the former rust-belt middle class who voted him into office, his first days in office he reduced how much taxes his super wealthy crony buddies on Wall Street would have to pay. Rather than draining the swamp, he filled the swamp with swamp creatures such as head of the FDA, Scott Gottlieb, who tried to ban the ability to purchase vitamin supplements without a prescription, and did succeed in banning N-acetyl cysteine, and then went on to join the board of directors at Pfizer. His other appointment, Coal Lobbyist Scott Wheeler, to the EPA, is beyond ridiculous. Whether or not you believe climate change is happening, mercury from coal fired power plants is not good for our health or the environment. There is no such thing as "clean coal". He did restore some 200k jobs in mining and manufacturing, but those jobs gains were temporary as the underlying conditions impacting manufacturing of durable goods for domestic consumption and export market were not addressed: economic inequality and lack of expendable income and all of those jobs were subsequently lost as the U.S. re-entered recession territory leading up to re-election. 

Trump is the furthest thing from Heratio Alger. He inherited his wealth from his father and then went bankrupt in the Casino business, not once, but twice. Casinos basically print money. It's basically impossible to fail in this venture. 

Trump is absolutely, 100% in the Deep State cabal. He rode Lolita Express 7 times. His job, given to him by his Blackrock + Vanguard handlers, was simple: act as a temporary pressure relief valve for rising discontent from former rust-belt conservatives, a very real threat to the Establishment (something about the 2nd Amendment and Thomas Jefferson's stating of the need for a revolution every generation), radicalize politics, and then, when commanded to do so, ridicule existing alternative treatments for the "Pandemic" that his handlers had planned long before they wrote The Rockefeller Institute's blue-print outlined in Scenarios for the Future of Technology and Future Development, specifically page 18 Lockstep Scenario

How did Trump delegitimize existing treatments such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin? Right on queue, right as any reasonable response to a pandemic would include exploration of existing, off label treatments, proven to be effective for other cold and flu variants, Trump publicly recommends drinking bleach, "light on the inside of the body", and Hydroxychloroquine. Now, if your aim is to delegitimize a proven treatment, you mention it in a manner that is ridiculous. For example, some of us know that boiled ginger tea is an effective treatment for stomach flu. What if I packaged this treatment like this: "well, how about eating sand, hitting yourself in the head with a hammer, aromatherapy, and ginger tea?" Ginger tea is immediately ridiculed as some kind of quack idea. 

When Trump does this right after having radicalized politics this has the effect of politicizing medicine and any mention of HCQ gets you "tin-foil hat wearing Q-Anon" treatment. 

This appears as though it's just a coincidence, that Trump lumps in HCQ with "light on the inside of the body" and "drinking bleach" right after radicalizing the political landscape but this action was carefully planned and executed. 

Proof: some time later Trump announced via Twitter, that he and Melania had acquired "COVID", but not to worry, "thanks to some fantastic drugs" (referencing Regeneron, whose manufacturer Trump has ties to and whose stock soared after making this announcement). Did he mention that he took $.50 a day's worth of HCQ + Zinc / Ivermectin + Zinc? No. 

Honestly, I don't even believe he nor Melania ever had "COVID". 

Then, later, as I pointed out with Putin, having not once, ever, publicly denouncing the Fake Pandemic for what it is, he claims to have been "vaccinated", even boosted and to this day he continues to cheer-lead for Big Pharma, as commanded to, likely with threat of releasing the videos of him having sex with minors aboard Lolita Express and / or promised a spot in one of the vast subterranean city / base /complexes the "elites" intend to whisk themselves away to when things get bad above the surface in the next year or two, after they flip the switch off on the power-grid and blame Russian Hackers, i.e. Cyber Polygon. 

Trump is a 100% bought and paid for grifter. He's 100% in the Big Old Club that you and I ain't in as George Carlin would put it. 

I can see this clearly because I am not and never was a Trump supporter. 

As someone who is politically marooned I can see that actors from both parties are controlled by BlackRock + Vanguard handlers. Biden is the left's Trump. He exists as a focal point for the Right's rage (i.e. the "I did that" Biden stickers emblazoned on gas station pumps across the country). Do not give these puppets your attention, they are not running the show. 

Apocalypse definition: the unveiling. 

Elon Musk

Musk's carefully curated public persona: 

He's an innovative creative type whose innovation is upsetting the automotive industry. He's also a maverick, upending convention, and he challenges prevailing dogma within and without industry; his industrial vision is not limited to technology, he clearly sees what is wrong with out socio-political landscape and is interested in it's repair and evolution. As with Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, his genius and opportunism was well timed and executed, leading to his success. Politically he identifies as libertarian. He believes in the good of humanity and wants to make space exploration a reality. 


His success is neither the bi-product of innovation nor genius. Electric cars have existed long before Musk came around. In fact, the very first automobile was electric. He has been allowed to disrupt the automotive industry because of very real limits with hydrocarbon energy and the inherent inefficiency of petroleum derivative internal combustion engines (70% of the energy produced by an ICE is wasted as heat). Both Peak Oil and Climate Change absolutely is real. The Rockefeller funded Club of Rome Limits to Growth Study (Donella Meadows et al) using the World 3 super-computer of 1976 accurately calculated resource depletion, population growth, and the environmental harm caused by continued industrial activity, all coalescing with a population crash between 2020 and 2030, hence the hurried need for a "Great Reset". This is all real.  What they don't tell you, however, is how they have reverse engineered downs ET spacecraft motive and gravitic systems at their disposal and how we could solve all of these problems if they simply released them to the public. Releasing these systems entails the end of their Oil Empire gravy train. Rockefellers, John D Rockefeller, Standard Oil, now Exxon etc. 

Back to Musk. He's also not a maverick interested in repairing the broken system we have. Problem: the environmental toll borne by an automobile centered society. Changing the motive system of the problem from carbon burned within the vehicle to carbon burned by a coal fired power plant NG plant is not the solution. Also, tremendous water and energy goes into extracting the lithium and Nickel for the batteries, which have limited lifespans, and must be replaced. An actual solution would be to restructure society around the human, rather than the automobile, with walkable cities. Imagine all of the multilane freeways, no longer needed as the automobile became obsolete in 2020, replaced with tree farms, orchards, and nature corridors? Rather than absorb heat, acting as a positive feedback loop, as asphalt does, plant matter would dissipate heat, provide shade, restore biodiversity, and sequester carbon, to say nothing of the positive psychological effect miles upon miles of nature corridors at human's disposal would have. Asphalt and cement is also incredibly energy intensive, both to make out of thin air, and also to invariably repair. Nature corridors need no maintenance nor repair aside from water. If the "elites" release the Zero Point energy systems we could desalinate with no carbon, and then cloud seed with no carbon. We could undo the harm we have caused within 50-100 years no problem. But again, the "elites" will never release this technology, they would rather kill off 90% of the human population and roboticize the remaining few with nanotechnology than give up their Oil Empire gravy train. 

What else is Musk promoting? Ah yes, Neuralink, AI and the need for low earth orbit 5G beaming satellites. 

Wait, so the same "Libertarian" who bemoans how automation and AI will displace both jobs and humans is busy ushering in automation and AI? 

Have you seen his self driving tractor trailer? Wow, he's so visionary, he foresaw the implications of the ability of the activist Trucker Convoy to disrupt the plans of the "elites" in Canada. Solution? No truck-driver, no problem. 

And that Neuralink, yeah, "only for medical purposes" and completely optional feel good spin.

Let's dive into Musk's past shall we? Let's see, he heralds from a wealthy Emerald Mine owner from South Africa, and his mother is curiously presenting the All Seeing Eye Masonic hand-signal? This is our Libertarian Maverick Populist who is going to restore free speech in the digital commons? 

Maye Musk signaling association with the Free Mason's via the Masonic All Seeing Eye hand sign. Ask yourself, have you ever done this or known anyone to do this while taking a picture? 

As with Putin's invasion of Ukraine, Trump's ridiculing of existing off label treatments, Trump's FDA appointment Scott Gottlieb, and Trump's continued cheerleading for "vaccines", Elon Musk is most definitely another example of Controlled Opposition to suck up mounting discontent and concern of WEF Great Reset shenanigans into a black hole that goes nowhere.

Also, I forgot to mention, the day that Twitter accepted Musk's $43B offer the White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced during a press briefing that they now have precedent to modify Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which indemnifies social media content providers from the content of it's users. 

So Musk's acquisition of Twitter, far from restoring our 1st Amendment Right of Free Speech, is the equivalent of the Deep State Neo-Cons remote control flying of passenger planes into the WTC on Sept 11, 2001 and Putin invading Ukraine. It's necessary pretext that provides rationale for the Deep State cabal who owns all of IT (Blackrock + Vanguard own all of IT: Google, FB, YT, Wikipedia, you name it, they own it) to employ Chinese Politburo George Orwell 1984'esque top-down censorship, something they now have to resort to because they've completely lost control of the narrative. 

I'm sure you've heard that shortly after Musk acquired Twitter that the Biden Admin has created a Disinformation Governance Board

Might as well call it the Ministry of Truth. 

The most damning evidence that we have to suggest that Musk is Controlled Opposition is the fact that he is a WEF Young Global Leader

This is all I need to know: 

Musk, as with Putin and Trump, are NOT who you think they are. 

This idea that the billionaire class, the very same .01% economic elite who are behind the Fake Pandemic, the controlled demolition of the global economy, behind depopulation, are here to save us, I mean this is laughable at face value. 

Musk is not here to save us, he exists to suck up your energy and concern that we are quickly slipping into the Black Mirror'esque transhumanist dystopia that is the wet dream of spiritually and ethically stunted nit-wits like Yuval Noah Harari ("Humans are hackable animals"...."the days of free will, that's over") into a black hole that goes nowhere and to get you to fall back into a state of complacency "not to worry, Musk, Putin and Trump will save us". 

We are the ones we've been waiting for. 


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