Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Fauci-Paid Scientists Who Covered Up Lab Leak Grilled By Congress (Jimmy Dore)

While it's entertaining to watch the official narrative continue to crumble this only serves the purpose of distracting and dividing the country due to the very fact that "SARS-COV-2", indistinguishable from seasonal flu with the PCR method above 17-22 amplification cycles (and they are using 40-50 to create "cases", 97% false positive rate above 30 cycles), remains to be isolated and proven to exist as something other than a computerized gene sequence patented by Moderna in 2016 with funding from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

All of this is a red herring and only serves to amplify the fear around the alleged virus because now instead of coming from bat and pangolin soup it's believed to be the product of highly dangerous GOF research. Folks there never was an actual novel coronavirus.

Explain the proximity of Event 201 in Oct 2019 to an accidental release in Jan of 2020. They would never release an actual virus with a moderate IFR that could affect their various WEF technocratic minions who interface with the public, i.e. Gavin Newsom, i.e. Justin Trudeau, i.e. Emmanuel Macron, i.e. Angela Merkel., no they would simply tell the masses there is a virus, fake cases with the PCR method (whose inventor, Dr. Kary Mullis, is on record emphatically stating that the PCR method should NEVER be used to diagnose disease "because if you look hard enough you will find whatever you're looking for", conveniently died in August of 2019, right before Event 201, gee what a coincidence, I wonder what he would have to say today about the "Pandemic" and Fauci). 

Fauci, the guy who funded the GOF research at WIV where the virus is alleged to have escaped from, who heads up the NIH who owns half of Moderna's "vaccine" patent and saw a return of 50% of $9B for just the first two injections (they are on shot 7 and want to mandate these shots on a quarterly basis!!!!). Fauci and Collins who colluded with our Deep State and social media demanding a "coordinated takedown" of the premises of esteemed virologists and epidemiologists such as Martin Kuldorff, and Jay Battacharya et al from the Great Barrington Declaration who challenged aspects of the "Pandemic" narrative such as the IFR of "COVID", the need to shut down society, masks, all of the so called "public health measures", the suppression of effectiveness of early treatment of HCQ / Ivermectin + Zinc, the existence of which could not be known to the public as then the Cabal could not secure their EUA. 

It's this simple, the guy telling you there is a deadly pandemic created the alleged virus and owns "the cure".

How does one comprehend the above and not be outraged? Ah yes, cult-like psychology / Mass Formation Psychosis


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