Saturday, July 29, 2023

Freedom of Speech (Dr. John Campbell)

I feel the need to stress that Dr. Campbell was initially pro-vaxx but with due diligence and willing to go where the evidence and data takes one now appears to be fully awake to what is going on! Also, Dr. Campbell also recently relayed the data showing that 1 in 35 who received just two shots has developed Myocarditis! What needs to be pointed out is how many have developed the condition but then died before diagnosis, those who developed the condition and were never diagnosed, and the fact that 1/3rd of the shots were saline placebo! If everyone got the real deal this figure would easily be 1 out of 20 not accounting for the underreporting rate! 50% of those diagnosed with Myocarditis will be dead within 5 years! Also, this is only death by Myocarditis, there are multiple mechanisms of harm from the shots, to include accelerating all forms of cancer, VAIDS / ADE, strange amyloid protein blood clots etc.

This is not accounting for the impact on fertility and reproductive health and this is going by just the first two shots, 1/3 or which were saline placebo! 

I'm willing to wager that the actual death rate from the injections is easily 1 out of 10 and this is just short term! Separate analysis has shown that on average each shot has reduced life expectancy by 5 years. 5 shots? Instead of dying at 75 you're now dying at 50 in a manner that can't be easily attributed to the shot, i.e. cancer, heart failure, basically the shots accelerate the process of death you may have naturally experienced by 5 years per jab! 

Just image had everyone adhered to the "vaccine" schedule and was on shot 7 and they weren't heavily diluting the shots to reduce panic / get their mandatory vaccine paradigm fully into place through the WHO and a "Vaccine" Passport! Rinse and repeat, people are dying left and right and being told it's "Long COVID", population is effectively reduced down under 1 billion by 2030! They are now behind schedule so need to execute more fake crises, i.e. a Fake Alien Invasion / Project Blue Beam, WW3 and of course, blaming the waves of deaths from the mRNA injections on new viruses that wouldn't you know it, necessitate mandating more injections! 

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