Sunday, August 6, 2023

Q-Shaman Exposes The Matrix Of Death + Army Intel Officer Warns Of Biden Assassination Plot! (InfoWars)

I went into this expecting to be underwhelmed, boy was I mistaken! I feel like I'm hearing a carbon copy of myself listening to Jacob Chansley / Q-Shaman and Alex Jones expound on the nature of reality:

"SADS": They Aren't Gaslighting You, They Want You to Understand and Internalize the Fact that You've Been Poisoned Because Depopulation is their Primary Objective

10 June 2022

In this post here I stated how we Co-Create reality without expounding on this. This isn't some woo woo New Age gobbledygook. With the pioneering work of Neils Bohr and other quantum physicists, over 90 years ago, we started grappling with the mind matter conundrum of the nature of reality. It works like this, atoms, photons even, are entangled, as shown in the Double Slit Experiment where a single beam of light is shot through a crystal with very high clarity and split into two separate beams, creating paired, entangled photons. The upspin of one photon mirrors that of the other, a form of communication that is instantaneous irrespective of the distance between the photons, violating Einstein's Law of Relativity, which held, up until the Einsteinian Model was upended with the Quantum Model, that nothing is faster than the speed of light. I could go on about how the separate beams of light had obstacles placed between them and their terminating collector plate, on one side a card with a double slit in it, which would change the pattern on the collector plate from a particle to a wave formation, what is interesting is that the entangled photons in the unobstructed beam path would also exhibit this change in form, but the most interesting aspect of this is how the presence of a conscious observer would influence whether or not the photons settled in a wave or particle formation. 

The phenomenon is referred to as the Observer Effect. It absolutely is real and has profound implications for how we view reality. 

But the most relevant example of this, in relation to the subject of this post, is how the perception of a conscious observer can alter reality. I.E. we really do actually co-create reality, and the more of us who believe in a certain outcome, the more likely said outcome is to happen. 

If youre interested in learning more about this, may I recommend: 

Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe by Robert Lanza

At the local level, the level of the body, we can induce a state of healing based purely on our perception. We know this as The Placebo Effect. 

One of the last thing a medical doctor wants to do, is to inform a patient of a terminal illness and to give a timeframe of life left on the planet. When a patient internalizes this, it accelerates their demise. 

In Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind by Joe Dispenza, the author lays out early on how he had the misfortune of experiencing a brutal bicycle accident that nearly left him paralyzed from the waist down. With a background in Chiropractice, he was intimately aware of the healing power of the mind, and against the advice of 3 different, highly experienced spinal surgeons, he opted against having a procedure done where metal bars would fuse his lower vertebrae as it would have left him in a state of opioid pain killer dependence, ultimately resulting in organ failure, a life of misery. Against all odds, he healed himself, and then set out to undertake research into how some patients fare better than others, and the takeaway conclusion of his research was that in all of the instances where patients were diagnosed with some terminal illness and then miraculously recovered, uniformly all of them said they didn't believe their doctor, and chose to live. 

How does any of this related to the title of this blog post? The gaslighting is so over-the-top ridiculous now, now they are telling the masses that they are dying because of "SADS" (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome). 

This isn't gaslighting. They want the masses to begin to understand that they have, in fact, been poisoned with slow acting, gene altering, cancer, VAIDS and myocarditis (among 9 pages of side effects) inducing injections because the primary objective isn't data aggregation, scientific experimentation, or the profit motive, no, the primary objective is human depopulation. Given how our perception of reality determines the state of not just our local system, the human body, but the very fabric of space-time that we are nestled within (more on that in a moment), if human depopulation is the desired outcome, then the victims must understand, internalize, and then co-create that outcome. 

We don't just co-create quantum reality within the local system, our current human body form, we also affect collective reality, and this is why they, the Transnational Cabal behind all of this, are using symbolism that resonates with the Christian Right, this is why Bill Gates numbered his Human Body Activity Cryptocurrency System patent W2060606, this is why the various bills being presented are HR666 and HR6666. This is why the numbers 666 can be seen in the World Economic Forum and the Google Symbol. This is why, after deriding and ridiculing Alex Jones for decades now, about how he was some kind of tinfoil hat wearing kook going on about "The New World Order", now they themselves call it The New World Order. They want you to co-create the reality they want to make manifest. If you're a Christian, you believe that this is prophecy fulfillment. If you're a dignitary or statesman, they want you to internalize that this is really happening, Klaus Schwab really is ushering in his 4th Industrial Revolution, Great Reset, New World Order so you better get on board (if you want to live). 

What the "elites" don't count on, however, is that rather than ushering in their Great Reset, they have ignited a Great Awakening. It only takes 1% of Humanity to awaken the rest. That's how powerful the Truth is. And they absolutely cannot stop it. They are desperate. They've totally lost control of the narrative so now they want to accelerate the next stage of their agenda: the wave of mass death that will create utter chaos and allow them to invoke a global emergency, deploy the national guard, literally take the "unvaccinated" off to "COVID" Camps to be euthanized. 

Also, the Universe, the consciousness that we, during times of mental stillness, can connect to and are one with, abhors evil, and will throw all manner of a monkey wrench into their diabolical, doomed to fail agenda. Example: comedian Heather McDonald jokes about being "triple vaccinated" and how "Jesus loves me", and how "I feel so nice, so nice" then takes two steps and falls flat on her back, so well timed that it looks like it's part of her act. 

This is not coincidental. There was a part of Heather McDonald, the deep unconscious, that, at that moment, was so repulsed by the charade that it overwhelmed the local system and induced that condition at that precise moment.


And yes, it was from POTTS, from the "vaccine". 

We are all unique manifestations of the Universe, having a unique experience and the law guiding the universe is Free Will (so long as your behavior doesn't impinge on the free will of another, i.e., why rape, murder and slavery are universally accepted as morally reprehensible). Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates et al, have the freedom to attempt to enslave everyone, to beguile everyone with the positively preposterous notion that they can transfer their consciousness, or a simulacrum of it, to the Metaverse where they can experience "immortality". First, the premise of this is flawed. The brain does not produce consciousness, it merely facilitates it, i.e., when the radio receiver is destroyed, the radio signal remains. Consciousness is non-local. There literally is no death. Their plan is doomed to failure. No amount of self-assembled graphene oxide based nano-routers in the human brain will ever pinpoint the seat of the soul. 

Their plan is doomed to fail because, at root, their plan entails the disconnection of non-local consciousness from the local system, and the Universe will not allow that, it is not possible. 

The way we get out of this mess is to stop listening to them. This is only the Apocalypse if everyone believes it is. We could literally change this world overnight if we all had a shared collective vision. 

Right now the collective vision is Klaus Schwab's Great Reset. 

Again, their plan is 100% doomed to fail. In fact, it's currently failing spectacularly, otherwise the Full Spectrum Censorship would not be necessary. 

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