Saturday, January 20, 2024

Fluoride On Trial: The Censored Science on Fluoride and Your Health (CHD)

Excellent video, you can really see how the Cabal, through Fauci's NIH and former Navy Admiral Rachel Levine, a man suffering from gender dysphoria who, clearly suffering from acute mental illness placed in a position of such high authority is doing the bidding of said Cabal with the handling of "COVID" so it's no small wonder that he would delay the release of the ITP report. 

However, I have one major dispute with a factual inaccuracy issued at the very beginning of the video. Sodium Fluoride, whether applied topically or ingested does not strengthen dental enamel. You must watch Fluoride: Poison on Tap, based on the authoritative work of Christopher Bryson and Theo Colborn, The Fluoride Deception, where early on in the 1950's various industries to include the automotive glass and nuclear energy industries were using sodium fluoride somewhere along the way in regards to the refinement of Uranium ore etc. In essence Sodium Fluoride was a waste bi-product of these various industrial processes. These industries then funded fake studies that purportedly showed a reduction in dental caries when sodium fluoride was applied to dental enamel, what was conveniently left out of these fraudulent studies is that the children that were exposed to fluoride had few dental caries (cavities) because they had fewer teeth. Yes, corrupt science has been going on for a very long time. 

But going back further, to the earliest known attempt at experimental exposure of humans to fluoride comes from the Jewish Death Camps where someone at one point pondered the result of adding an infinitesimal amount of Rat Poison (Sodium Fluoride) to the drinking water of the captives and observed that all of the Jewish captives became essentially sedated, zombified to a degree. And if you know your actual history you're aware that at the end of WW2 the U.S. brought over the top Nazi scientists via Operation Paperclip. I contend that this is where this Cabal (Rockefeller / Rothchild combine) got the idea from. 

The fluoride was never added to the water for your dental health, look around, isn't it simply amazing that 70% of the U.S. fell for the "Pandemic" propaganda and unwittingly rolled up their sleeves for bioweapon injections? This level of mass stupidity can only be the unfortunate outcome of chemical lobotomization combined with our "education" system and being bombarded from cradle onward with propaganda.

All I need to know to confirm all of the above is to observe that, aside from a minority of our society, there is essentially zero push-back to our totalitarianism. The masses even demand that the useless face-diapers, never backed by any science whatsoever, be re-mandated upon the masses. 

So if we truly wish to extricate ourselves from this unfortunate situation we must first stop the chemical poisoning. 

Sadly 70% of you reading this chalk this all up to "Conspiracy Theory", you've probably made an appointment to get your 8th booster and you're hoping you don't die from "Long COVID" along the way. 


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