Tuesday, January 9, 2024

EMERGENCY BROADCAST: At Least 17 Million Humans Killed by Covid Lethal Injection – Top Scientists Confirm — MONDAY FULL SHOW 01/08/24 (Alex Jones)

Must watch immediately! Dr. Denis Rancourt corroborates what I've stated here on numerous occasion: that there never was a deadly virus justifying the declaration of a Pandemic, that many more would die from the deleterious socio-economic consequences of shutting down the global economy, so called Deaths of Despair, and at the 1 hour 8 min mark, that the so called Spanish Flu of 1918 was actually not the result of a virus, but rather people dying from bacterial pneumonia!

Related and reproduced in full:

26 August 2023


I'm getting a statistically higher than avg. view-count as of recent, checking analytics these two posts are getting the bulk of the views:



In regards to the latter post that delves into the actors behind the Great Reset / Fake Pandemic(s) and their past histories, of particular relevance the fact that they were similarly responsible for the Spanish Flu of 1918 and that we are basically seeing a nearly exact repeat of this blueprint for depopulation and dominance over 100 years later. I feel the need to issue a correction (seen below in brackets), the Spanish Flu of 1918 originated from Ft. Riley, Kansas, both John D. Rockefeller Sr. and Frederick Gates were behind it (yes that Gates, Frederick L. Gates was Bill Gates' grandfather).

What actually happened was soldiers stationed at Ft. Riley were issued a Meningitis vaccine and then started dying en masse after which a mask mandate was instituted and then people started dying from bacterial pneumonia from said masks and all of these deaths were attributed to "Spanish Flu". Sound familiar? This was over 100 years ago and it's the same actors with the same exact strategy behind today's "pandemic"!!!!

Original post, updated correction in brackets:

I'm reposting this nearly 3 year old post because in my post before last I mention the fact that the Spanish Flu of 1918, which "COVID" is often directly compared to, didn't emerge in Spain but a biological weapons research lab / horse ranch at The University of Kansas [correction: Ft. Riley, see the tail-end of this post].

The Reuters heavily sanitized "Fact Checked" version: (Reuters whose CEO is on the board of directors of Pfizer, so no conflict of interest here, no motivation to not portray what actually happened in a way that might discourage uptake of a product of a company that you sit on the board of)


Of course the origin wasn't the Meningitis vaccine just administered to unwitting test specimens in the U.S. Army right before the start of a new Pandemic. Read between the lines here, whose involved? Ah yes, John D. Rockefeller and Frederick Gates, Ft. Riley, Kansas University. Timeline? A new "vaccine" preceding an outbreak of a new disease, deaths from other causes (in the original post I placed great emphasis on bacterial pneumonia from mask wearing and how these deaths were categorized as "Spanish Flu" deaths but am somewhat aghast that based on further investigation the primary cause of death was the vaccine itself) are actually attributed to the so called "public health measures", the fear placed on society, the suffocating mask, the isolation, then the injection that follows. It's basically the exact same blueprint with "COVID". Tell the masses there is a new virus, shut down society, place everyone in a state of fear (which greatly compromises the immune system), have them wear masks that don't protect them but rather weaken the immune system, discourage discourse, and then have them take injections and then turn around and blame the deaths from all of the above on a new, novel mutation of the original virus or a new virus.

Rinse and repeat until you bring the population down to the desired level. They sleep well at night, again, these families dabble in the dark occult, justify said act if they get the permission of a victim, or if the victim is so stupid as to go along with it they justify the act as you were so stupid that you didn't deserve to live (according to their perverse world-view, and I do mean perverse, you chemically lobotomize people with fluoridated water, poison food (GMO, glyphosate), copious (70 injections before the age of 18!) vaccines loaded with mercury and aluminum, for viruses long since defeated by way of vast strides in sanitation and the emergence of germ theory, a victory falsely attributed to mass vaccination, a public "education" system that amounts to people regurgitating "factual reality" / dogma in the curriculum you present them, then bombard them from cradle onward with propaganda and then you engage in total Orwellian censorship of anyone who attempts to wake them up to what is going on and then you have the audacity to justify killing them off en masse because "well look how stupid they are, they deserve to die, our "Pandemic" will be the litmus test, if they roll up their sleeves for mRNA Gene Therapy Technology with nothing other than a 90 day safety study as outlined by regulatory agencies who derive over half their budget from our pharmaceutical industry for a virus not proven to actually exist with an IFR comparable to seasonal flu, well if they are that stupid, we justify killing them off en masse").

"Vaccines ultimately have but one purpose: To permanently alter the human gene pool and "weed out" those humans who are stupid enough to fall for vaccine propaganda. And for that nefarious purpose, they probably are 60% effective after all" - Eva Snead, MD


Date originally posted:

2 Nov 2020

Meet Bill Gates

(Alt, I'm aware of the fact that the video above was taken down by Youtube [I left the link intact to show you how they are censoring], who receives all of their guidance pertaining to "Pandemics" from the WHO, whose primary sponsor / funder / defacto owner is Bill Gates, surely you can connect the dots here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/DSvhPnUgyz8/. )
Also: Anthony Fauci, 2008: "Spanish Flu victims died from wearing masks" Blasphemy you say? Hmmmm, let's see, you have a virus that is 20nm across that can become aerosolized and go right through the flimsy masks that everyone is wearing at the moment, actual protection requires at minimum an N100 mask that is properly sealed to your face. Additionally, THE MASK ITSELF will begin to accumulate and harbor bacteria from any contact with your hands. Touched a few doorknobs? Handled some money? How about the Uber or Lyft ride you just took and then when you got out of the car after opening the car door you took your mask off? Get it? Here's an excerpt from the paper: "Conclusion Surgical personnel are trained to never touch any part of a mask, except the loops and the nose bridge. Otherwise, the mask is considered useless and is to be replaced. Surgical personnel are strictly trained not to touch their masks otherwise. However, the general public may be seen touching various parts of their masks. Even the masks just removed from manufacturer packaging have been shown in the above photos to contain particulate and fiber that would not be optimal to inhale. Both cotton and polymer clothing have been well-tolerated without pathology when covering any other part of the body, except over the only entry points/gateway to the respiratory system. Inhalation risks, 11 such as the constant ventilation of the respiratory process, increased by the greater effort to attempt to fulfill bodily oxygen needs, with mostly and closely covered orifices are of great concern for those who would want to protect pulmonary health, without inhalation of unwanted particulate. When partial airway obstruction, i.e. masking, is added, deeper and more forceful breathing occurs. When this phenomenon is combined with the particles found herein on microscopic examination of the face side of newly unpackaged, never worn masks, there can arise the risk of a dangerous level of foreign material entering lung tissue. Furthermore, worn masks can only either lose these particles to lodge in the lungs of the wearer, or they would accumulate during use, to the burden (both biological and debris) of nonmask material carried on the inside of the mask. Further concerns of macrophage response and other immune and inflammatory and fibroblast response to such inhaled particles specifically from facemasks should be the subject of more research. If widespread masking continues, then the potential for inhaling mask fibers and environmental and biological debris continues on a daily basis for hundreds of millions of people. This should be alarming for physicians and epidemiologists knowledgeable in occupational hazards." Source: https://pdmj.org/ I didn't need to read a paper on this, it's axiomatic that fabric can harbor bacteria, I've thought about this many of times and it's another reason I don't wear a mask unless I am being forced to in a public space. Also, more information surfacing the Spanish Flu of 1918, where it may have originated, actors involved, and you guessed it, the implications of mask wearing and then just as today false attribution of cause of death to Spanish Flu when the leading cause of mortality was actually Bacterial Pneumonia!!!!!!! https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/bacterial-pneumonia-caused-most-deaths-1918-influenza-pandemic Why is this relevant? If you follow the money it's the same actors behind today's "pandemic": ROCKEFELLER MEDICINE https://www.bitchute.com/video/xAW4NsMd5iYh/ 1918: Rockefeller Institute administered an experimental meningitis vaccine in Fort Riley, Kansas, cultured in horses, that afflicted many with flu-like symptoms. Just an odd coincidence that many historians also believe the “Spanish Flu” started in Fort Riley.
How a killer flu spread from western Kansas to the world 1918 Rockefeller Flu? “A Report on Antimeningitis Vaccination and Observations on Agglutinins in the Blood of Chronic Meningococcus Carriers. By Frederick L. Gates, M.D. First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, US. . Army. (From the Base Hospital, Fort Riley Kansas, and The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York.)” Frederick Lamont Gates (1886–1933), a physician and scientist at The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Dr. Gates’ father... Frederick Taylor Gates (1853-1923) was the principal business and philanthropic advisor to the major oil industrialist John D. Rockefeller, Sr., from 1891 to 1923.
In 1901, Frederick T. Gates designed the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research (now Rockefeller University), of which he was board president. He then designed the Rockefeller Foundation, becoming a trustee upon its creation in 1913. According to a 2008 National Institute of Health paper, bacterial pneumonia was the killer in a minimum of 92.7% of the autopsies of those who died of so-called “Spanish flu” between 1918 and 1919.”

https://www.winterwatch.net/2019/05/the-truth-revealed-about-the-deadly-1918-spanish-flu-it-was-actually-bacterial-pneumonia/ Cover story involving horses? Did a Virus in Horse Manure Launch the 1918 Influenza Epidemic?
”Professor John Oxford: The 1918 pandemic was huge. I’ve spent a lot of my life working on it, I’ve even exhumed people who died in 1918 to get virus RNA from them. When trying to understand where the virus came from, how it did what it did, and where it went to, we end-up grappling with death-toll. Estimates of the number of deaths range from 40-100 million. In some ways, this virus was so big that we’ve all decided that something else must have happened- a unique set of circumstances in 1918.” A “unique set of circumstances” like a botched Rockefeller Institute vaccine?

Related and reproduced in full:


I know I just posted this information in my post before last but I am posting it here again out of fear that you may have glossed over it. Having revisited this I am in utter disbelief that the masses still equate any questioning of the "Pandemic" narrative as "Q-Anon Conspiracy Theory". Absolutely must watch in full immediately. Episode 14 of The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal, which I also viewed for the first time today is also included because of it's relevance to the subject. I've been saying the Spanish Flu of 1918 came from a biological weapons lab owned and operated by the Rockefellers with involvement of Frederick Gates in Kansas and guess what? Also deaths from bacterial pneumonia from the masks were attributed to the "virus" then as in now. Injection, masks, blame the deaths on a virus, rinse and repeat every 100 years, then rewrite history, genius! Also covered is weather modification via Chemtrails and HAARP, which I've also covered here on this blog. Everything here is mandatory viewing for an understanding of what is unfolding on the world stage today. 

The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal Episodes 1 through 26: https://rumble.com/c/c-374394

Masks Were A COMPLETE FAILURE During The Spanish Flu Of 1918! (Jimmy Dore)

Looks like the dots I connected / assertion I made recently on my blog showing the stark similarities between the "Spanish Flu" of 1918, with the bulk of deaths falsely attributed to "Spanish Flu" actually being caused by Bacterial Pneumonia from mask wearing (92.7%, per Anthony Fauci @ NIH in 2008, see the later half of said post) has gone mainstream. Please do note, no-one was talking about this until I pointed it out (at least not recently anyway) after which I saw a massive, unprecedented uptick in pageviews (6216 in a single day). Yes I'm unashamedly tooting my own horn. I didn't simply regurgitate this information from Alex Jones or anyone else, I made the connection and it went mainstream.

Credit goes to to Pip, Jun 17, 2021, comment section:





Army Hospital No. 4. Fort Porter, N.Y. during the 1918-19 ‘Spanish’ Influenza pandemic.

One new historical development that has been evolving over a few years and now brought into focus because of COVID-19, is the so-called “Spanish Flu” of 1918. Recurring reports and documentation are emerging to tell us that this ‘Greatest Pandemic in History’ was not “Spanish”{1} {2} not “the flu” and,[3] not a natural occurrence but the result of human tinkering with vaccines. There surely is much more to emerge, but the accumulating evidence to date is too compelling to dismiss.

In simple terms, the emerging evidence supports postulations that the 1918 pandemic was caused by a misguided – and very experimental – Rockefeller Institute meningitis vaccination program which was initiated at Fort Riley by the US military, and spread to the world from there. This essay will attempt to briefly document the evidence that is available so far. There will of course be many objections to the content of this essay, not only from the ideologues and trolls, but from those in high places with vital body organs requiring protection.

First, there was never any justification for associating the 1918 pandemic with Spain. The pathogen did not originate in Spain, nor was Spain the hardest hit. The most commonly-accepted “official story” as related by our MSM is that all countries but Spain had initiated severe censorship (due to the war) and thus the facts of the pandemic freely circulated only in the Spanish media, and so it was “natural” to refer to this as the Spanish Flu. From this reasoning, since we all know the US has at least 125% freedom of speech and minus the same degree of censorship, we should rename COVID-19 “The American curse”. (This may yet happen, for other more valid reasons).

In any case, the documented evidence is increasingly voluminous – and increasingly solid – that this outbreak originated at Fort Riley, Kansas, in the US. Conspiracy theorists and historical revisionists cannot change this now.

The 1918 pandemic was quite possibly the worst the world had seen, certainly for centuries. It infected about 500 million people and killed at least 50 million worldwide. The current “official narrative” (again) is that it was caused by “an H1N1 virus that originated in birds” (which is not a ‘flu’ in any case), and its only tenuous connection with the US was that it was “first identified in the US in military personnel” in the spring of 1918. These claims appear to be false. In a 2008 report, the US NIH admitted that most of the deaths were not from ‘the flu’ nor from any bird virus but from a bacterial pneumonia.[1]

The details of the studies corroborate this extensively, in which even Dr. Anthony Fauci says,

“We agree completely that bacterial pneumonia played a major role in the mortality of the 1918 pandemic.”[2][3][4][5]

. In fact, it is now stated that the reason modern medical technology was never able to identify the “killer influenza strain” from this pandemic was because influenza was not the killer. It might be obvious to us today because we know that influenza attacks the young, old and immune-compromised, while the “Spanish Flu” attacked healthy people in their prime – which is what a bacterial pneumonia does.

Again, the official narrative tells us that, due to troop movements because of the war, the pathogen was spread worldwide. But the current emerging thesis is that troop movements might have been irrelevant because Rockefeller, in their combined haste and hubris,
“sent their experimental anti-meningococcal serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and many other countries, helping spread the epidemic worldwide.” It certainly appears to be the prime suspect, and we can understand the reluctance of today’s WHO and CDC to reveal this to the popular press.
As Dr. Kevin Barry wrote:
It would be much more difficult to maintain the marketing mantra of “vaccines save lives” if a vaccine experiment originating in the United States . . . caused the deaths of 50-100 million people. (and) “The American Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and its experimental bacterial meningococcal vaccine may have killed 50-100 million people in 1918-19” is a far less effective sales slogan.[6]


According to the 2008 National Institute of Health paper, bacterial pneumonia was the killer in a minimum of 92.7% of the 1918-19 autopsies reviewed. It is likely higher than 92.7%. The researchers looked at more than 9000 autopsies, and “there were no negative (bacterial) lung culture results.”

“… In the 68 higher-quality autopsy series, in which the possibility of unreported negative cultures could be excluded, 92.7% of autopsy lung cultures were positive for ≥1 bacterium. … in one study of approximately 9000 subjects who were followed from clinical presentation with influenza to resolution or autopsy, researchers obtained, with sterile technique, cultures of either pneumococci or streptococci from 164 of 167 lung tissue samples.
“There were 89 pure cultures of pneumococci; 19 cultures from which only streptococci were recovered; 34 that yielded mixtures of pneumococci and/or streptococci; 22 that yielded a mixture of pneumococci, streptococci, and other organisms (prominently pneumococci and non-hemolytic streptococci); and 3 that yielded non-hemolytic streptococci alone. There were no negative lung culture results.”[2]

Pneumococci or streptococci were found in “164 of (the) 167 lung tissue samples” autopsied. That is 98.2%. Bacteria was the killer[6]

“The 1918 and 1919 volumes of the Journal of the American Medicine Association include many articles on the cause, prevention, and treatment of influenza. Again and again, investigators wonder at the spotty presence of B. influenzae in the ill, note its presence in healthy individuals, and observe it in other infections such as measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, and varicella (chickenpox). In one article, the authors write, “There seems to be no justification for the belief that the epidemic was due to the influenza bacillus, which is probably a secondary invader and bears about the same relation to the influenza cases as to respiratory infections of a different sort” (Lord 1919).[7]
This appears to be where the story begins:
Following an outbreak of epidemic meningitis at Camp Funston, Kansas, in October and November, 1917, a series of anti-meningitis vaccinations was undertaken on volunteer subjects from the camp.[8]
{ Camp Funston was a U.S. Army training camp located on Fort Riley, southwest of Manhattan, Kansas. The camp was named for Brigadier General Frederick Funston (1865–1917). It was one of sixteen such camps established at the outbreak of World War I.}

At that time, vaccinations (and perhaps much of medical science generally) were in their infancy, with very much unknown. In particular, Dr. Gates himself (see Note 8) notes that prior to this time, “meningococcus vaccines have not been extensively employed for prophylactic immunization, and only a few references are to be found in the literature that relate vaccination experiences.” He further relates that the few referenced cases experienced “very severe” reactions to the vaccines – which were entirely experimental.

In this case, the Rockefeller Institute, which seems to be where the experiments in opening this special compartment of Pandora’s Box originated, contrived an experimental vaccine and were understandably anxious to “see what happens”. It was apparently a rather crude anti-bacterial vaccine that was made in horses. I haven’t the medical competence to comment on the equine portion but others more knowledgeable have suggested this might not have been the best method. One enormous advantage of the war to Rockefeller was that the US Army ballooned from little more than 250,000 to 6,000,000 men, with the “Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research” now having an enormous pool of human guinea pigs to conduct vaccine experiments.

In a 26-page paper published in July of 1918 by Dr. Fredrick L. Gates, M. D., First Lieutenant, Medical Corps, U. S. Army, writing from the Base Hospital, Fort Riley, Kansas, and The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York, Dr. Gates outlines the procedure.[8]

For the determination of dosage and the study of reactions and antibody formation six groups of about 50 men each were chosen from the various companies in the regiment. Successive groups received increasing doses of vaccine in a series of three injections at 4 to 10 day intervals. The determination of the dosage of vaccine for subsequent groups followed from the reports of the reactions produced by the given doses. It was considered important to increase the doses gradually in order to locate closely the zone of mild reactions and to avoid unexpectedly severe results.
The occurrence of an occasional reaction of greater severity even with the smaller doses, and increasing local tenderness after the injection of the larger doses of vaccine led to the choice of relatively lower doses for the general series throughout the camp rather than the attempt to push the dosage up to the limit of endurance. Later experience fully justified this decision. The preliminary series of vaccinations, therefore, served to establish the method of injection, the proper dosage for extended vaccination, the reactions which might be expected to follow the chosen doses, and the production of immune bodies in the serum of vaccinated men. On the basis of these findings the vaccine was offered to the camp at large.

“Heretofore meningococcus vaccines have not been extensively employed for prophylactic immunization, and only a few references are to be found in the literature that relate vaccination experiences.”

Those few references listed apparently experienced severe reactions, all of which indicates this was truly an experiment intruding on ground not before traveled.

The results were not long in coming.

“… Fourteen of the largest training camps had reported influenza outbreaks in March, April, or May, and some of the infected troops carried the virus with them aboard ships to France … As soldiers in the trenches became sick, the military evacuated them from the front lines and replaced them with healthy men. This process continuously brought the virus into contact with new hosts – young, healthy soldiers in which it could adapt, reproduce, and become extremely virulent without danger of burning out.

… Before any travel ban could be imposed, a contingent of replacement troops departed Camp Devens (outside of Boston) for Camp Upton, Long Island, the Army’s debarkation point for France, and took influenza with them. Medical officers at Upton said it arrived “abruptly” on September 13, 1918, with 38 hospital admissions, followed by 86 the next day, and 193 the next. Hospital admissions peaked on October 4 with 483, and within 40 days, Camp Upton sent 6,131 men to the hospital for influenza. Some developed pneumonia so quickly that physicians diagnosed it simply by observing the patient rather than listening to the lungs…”[9]

I would say here that all indications are that this event was accidental. There may well have been hubris and ‘god-like’ imaginings at the Rockefeller Institute, but I am not in a position to make such accusations. From everything I have seen in researching this subject and, while I cannot speak for Rockefeller, the US military appears to have approached this with sincerity, good intentions, and high hopes of staving off meningitis infections in their troops.

I have referenced above the paper by Dr. Gates that was written in 1918, and have studied it repeatedly. From those readings, I recognise no hint of deception or cover-up, no recklessness, no disdain for the lives of the soldiers, and no attempt (as we see with vaccines today) to minimise or discard the dangers of adverse reactions. The entire tone of his paper is one of an intelligent and educated medical officer sincerely documenting the situation of a dangerous pathogen and his efforts to eliminate it. He is careful in his statements; he documents the care in administering minor and increasing doses of the vaccine and monitoring their effects at every stage. From everything I have learned, I could find no fault with the US military in this ‘experiment’, except perhaps the fact that it was an experiment. The faults, disdain, cover-ups and deception came later.

Deaths from Bacterial Pneumonia during 1918–19 Influenza Pandemic
John F. Brundage* and G. Dennis Shanks†

Author affiliations: *Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA; †Australian Army Malaria Institute, Enoggera, Queensland, Australia

[1] Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza
[2] J Infect Dis. 2008 Oct 1; 1987: 962–970. Predominant Role of Bacterial Pneumonia as a Cause of Death in Pandemic Influenza: Implications for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness David M. Morens, Jeffery K. Taubenberger, and Anthony S. Fauci
[3] https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn14458-bacteria-were-the-real-killers-in-1918-flu-pandemic/
[4] https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/07/gary-g-kohls/the-true-story-of-the-1918-so-called-viral-influenza-pandemic/
[5] https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/2008-10-01-Predominant-Role-of-Bacterial-Pneumonia-as-a-Cause-of-Death-in-Pandemic-Influenza-
[6] https://fort-russ.com/2020/05/did-psychopath-rockefeller-create-the-spanish-flu-pandemic-of-1918/
[7] https://www.historyofvaccines.org/content/blog/vaccine-development-spanish-flu
[9] Public Health Rep. 2010; 125(Suppl 3): 82–91. The U.S. Military and the Influenza Pandemic of 1918–1919; Carol R. Byerly, PhD

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Into the Final Chapter of The Great Reset: Orchestrated Collapse by Way of Cyber Polygon and WW3 (Re-Post)

After being up for over a year (I was able to thwart their algorithmic censorship by omitting tags, tags are keywords that direct searche...