Monday, March 11, 2024


See previous post.

America FIRST…after Israel of course.

BTW, that's not the Star of David, that's the Seal of Solomon. The Balfour Declaration begins with "Dear Lord Rothschild".

As Whitney Webb pointed out in the Macroagressions exchange in the post before last, the CIA and Mossad are essentially the same entity and work together.

They not only are responsible (CIA confirmed) for JFK's death, which happened two weeks after he stated he was going to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces, pull us out of Vietnam and extend an olive branch to Russia / end the Cold War / Permanent War Economy, but also 9/11 which laid the ground-work (Patriot and Prep Act, establishment of the DHS Police State) for the Medical Martial Law scenario we now find ourselves in with "COVID", all leading up to a staged cyber-attack "from Russia", full blown WW3 (at least the outward appearance of one, the transnational cabal comprising all of the embroiled nation-states will be safely tucked away in their Elysium Field / Breakaway Civilization Redoubts as tactical nukes are detonated in large urban city centers, WTC7 style, which they will attribute to ICBM's, and of course nuking the useless eaters on the coasts and grinding all economic activity to a halt, including power, greatly accelerates their depopulation agenda). They control all of Congress, the Judiciary, Silicon Valley, Hollywood and the Federal Reserve. This is who Eisenhower warned us of with his Beware the Military Industrial Complex Farewell address.

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