Tuesday, March 19, 2024

This UK News Anchor Just Proved They Will Eventually Ban Hammers & Sharp Objects (Colion Noir)


I actually warned of this in the form of what I hoped was satire at the end of the following blog-post on the Cabal's need to disarm the masses. Unfortunately, it is no longer satire:

"...Completely dismantling the Second Amendment and confiscating all guns will not prevent people from figuring out how to kill other people en masse. 


Waukesha Parade Massacre where Darrel Brooks Jr. drove an SUV right through a Christmas parade at high speed, from the rear, killing 6 people and wounding multiple others. 

Shall we ban SUV's? 

In California, all non-autonomous automobiles are banned 2024 forward. You may only own a self driving Tesla vehicle where you input your destination via Neuralink thought command. No manual operation is allowed. 

(Speaking of Musk, it didn't take long for him to play his hand and show his true nature, that of the WEF Candidate Controlled Opposition that he is when he recently weighed heavily in favor of gun control, stating that one should have a special permit to own an assault rifle)


Are we going to ban knives next? 

In California, knives were outlawed in 2025, only approved kitchen cutting appliances that are permanently affixed to a counter-top are allowed. If you must cut a rope or have any need for a knife outside of kitchen use you must call the Dept of Public Safety and make an appointment for an official to come and do the work for you. 

How about frying pans?! 

Cast iron pans are banned! In California you can only have a cast iron frying pan if it has a special handle that requires 3 people to operate and has 1 ft. steel lanyard affixing it to the stove!..."


“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” - William Casey, former director of the CIA, upon being asked what the goal of the agency was (in 1981). 

22 Nov 2022

I'm reposting this in light of the recent shooting at a gay nightclub in Colorado. This has Deep State / MK Ultra written all over it. At the very end I have also included the subsequent update I posted the day following the tragedy that confirmed my initial suspicion. 

A recent Reddit post broaching the topic: 

what if the government was actually orchestrating half of these mass shootings

27 May 2022

Update, 5 June 2022:

Seeing as how this was written the very day after the tragedy (27 May 2022) and was therefore very speculative, looks like I was right over target with everything I pointed out. The Uvalde Chief of Police DID order a stand down, then went silent and refused to respond to further media inquiry and investigation, and then secretly joined the Uvalde City Council. 







They are getting desperate. 

They overplayed their hand and have completely lost control of the narrative. As Mike Adams "The Health Ranger", stated in a recent Alex Jones Show exchange, "You have to be dumber than a monkey to buy the Monkeypox narrative". With the loss of narrative control they must swiftly move to their Plan B: overt totalitarianism. What are good examples of this? Australia and China. Why is the U.S. not as bad as Australia and China? The fact that a sizeable portion (at least 1/3rd of the country) is not only totally red pilled and aware of what is going on but also, in the interim, armed and literally ready for war with the Deep State. 

Moving forward, they must first disarm the populace before rounding us up into COVID / FEMA camps where we will be promptly euthanized. An armed populace may not only put up some resistance, but will also galvanize and support the growing number of disaffected who may have originally been hoodwinked at the onset of the "Pandemic" who have since become disillusioned. An armed populace can create it's own military, police and system of jurisprudence. Given that we outnumber them 1000:1, if even a fraction of us are armed it presents a big problem for them. 

The way to disarm the public is to orchestrate fake mass shooting or mass shootings where the shooters have been heavily drugged with SSRI anti-depressants and, via methods derived from the MK Ultra program, which is absolutely real (see: Manchurian Candidate starring Denzel Washington), in conjunction with psychotronic weapon systems that can attenuate EMF in a manner that can induce auditory hallucination in a target individual, these people, those who are unfortunately younger and more susceptible, particularly young men who are dealing with an incredible amount of frustration and misplaced rage derived from the unconscious processing of the reality that they are being lied to and that their future has been stolen from them via the "Lockdowns", the intentional controlled demolition of the global economy and most importantly, the isolation. Combine these conditions with SSR anti-depressants, which Ramos, the recent Texas, Uvalde High shooter, was on, and you have the exact recipe used during the MK Ultra program: isolation, drug based psychological impairment (LSD then, SSRI now), subliminal messaging (which I will elaborate on shortly) and behind this, glorification of violence programming via years of exposure to hyper violent video games (Call of Duty etc), and underlying all of this, a state of collective mental illness (we are truly a sick society to begin with). 

Psychotronic Weapon Systems 

By the 1980's Russia had already developed EMF (Electromagnetic Frequency, i.e. 5G, Microwave, U.S. Army LRAD) technology that, at a distance, when focused on a target, can alter behavior, cause a target to feel hot (LRAD does this), and can even induce auditory hallucination. 

US Patent US 4877027 A

"Transmits sound to auditory cortex of mammals via remotely-applied microwave signals."

Now get this, Russia had this capability in the 1980's. Imagine where it is now. The last research I did in this regard, I heard that they can actually make a target believe they are hearing voices, specific voices and verbal commands and suggestions. 



Now, lets move on to subliminal programming. Have you ever noticed that wherever you go on the internet (particularly if you have your ad blocker disabled, they still show up on social media) there is this annoying Google "Ad sense" where a portion of your browser window has an area where there are embedded ad media? Ok, so it works like this, instead of ads being placed here, custom tailored subliminal messaging occurs via the physical, architectural back door that the Deep State already has in every computer connected to the internet, regardless as to whether or not youre running a VPN or anti-virus software (it's a physical backdoor, built right into the CPU architecture), subliminal programming could theoretically be attained in this manner, and instead of annoying "Ad Sense" ads a suitable MK Ultra candidate could be getting messages like "Kill Them" "You Hate Them" "Go To The School and Kill Them All" or it could be more subliminal, like repeated imagery of young men wielding rifles shooting at zombies, or it could be the full gamut. 

Then there are the anomalies surrounding this recent tragedy at Uvalde: 

  • How did Ramos acquire roughly $6-8k for the two upper tier AR-15's, 600 rounds of ammunition, and body armor working at Burger King? 
  • How was Ramos trained to use said rifles? I was in the Army for nearly 9 years, one does not learn how to operate and shoot an AR-15 over Youtube. 
  • How did Ramos, after crashing his truck following police pursuit, manage to dismount his vehicle and evade police on foot carrying both rifles (14 lbs), 600 rounds of ammunition (15 lbs), and SAPI plate body armor (another 15 lbs) with a body stature of 150 lbs? In the Army, many people could not physically carry the M249 SAW when deployed, especially with all of the ammunition, so it was usually given to people strong enough to carry said weapon. I don't believe Ramos could have carried all of this and successfully evade the police on foot. Why did the police not stop him then and there? 
  • Everyone who works at the school has stated that the entire school was locked. How did Ramos gain such quick entry to a locked school?
  • Why did the police who arrived on scene not enter the school to subdue Ramos? They arrived on scene at the start of the shooting around 11:45 am and let Ramos run around for an hour and while staged at the school's parking lot focused their effort on preventing parents and family members from running into the school? Is this standard operation procedure / protocol or were they given stand down orders? 

These are questions I have, and most importantly, I formulate this line of thinking when events just suddenly happen that coincide with state level legislature that is currently being voted on in the California senate: 

And also at the very same exact time that the Deep State Cabal behind the Fake Pandemic, behind 9/11, behind the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the assassination of JFK, behind the coming Fake Alien Invasion is meeting in Davos. It's incredibly well timed, it distracts the masses from what is currently transpiring in Davos with both the WHO and the WEF and it generates mounting support for more stringent gun laws ultimately leading to total gun confiscation. 

I firmly believe that both Ramos and Gendron were MK Ultra victims and this is 100% the working of the Deep State. It doesn't help that we already have a collective mental health crisis and full spectrum programming via the normalization of violence and gun culture that creates Manchurian Candidates to begin with. Add the psychological warfare aspect of the "Lockdowns" and SSRI anti-depressants and a spike in teen suicides and, yes, youre going to see this as a result 100%. The Deep State then coming along with psychotronic weapon systems and HTML subliminal programming on top all of all of this and yes, youre going to end up with these events, 100%. The question is, how many others are they currently doing this to? 

Completely dismantling the Second Amendment and confiscating all guns will not prevent people from figuring out how to kill other people en masse. 


Waukesha Parade Massacre where Darrel Brooks Jr. drove an SUV right through a Christmas parade at high speed, from the rear, killing 6 people and wounding multiple others.

Shall we ban SUV's? 

In California, all non-autonomous automobiles are banned 2024 forward. You may only own a self driving Tesla vehicle where you input your destination via Neuralink thought command. No manual operation is allowed. 

(Speaking of Musk, it didn't take long for him to play his hand and show his true nature, that of the WEF Candidate Controlled Opposition that he is when he recently weighed heavily in favor of gun control, stating that one should have a special permit to own an assault rifle)


Are we going to ban knives next? 

In California, knives were outlawed in 2025, only approved kitchen cutting appliances that are permanently affixed to a counter-top are allowed. If you must cut a rope or have any need for a knife outside of kitchen use you must call the Dept of Public Safety and make an appointment for an official to come and do the work for you. 

How about frying pans?! 

Cast iron pans are banned! In California you can only have a cast iron frying pan if it has a special handle that requires 3 people to operate and has 1 ft. steel lanyard affixing it to the stove! 

The Deep State have at their disposal forms of technology that are 40 years beyond our concept of current state of the art. The U.S. Army's LRAD system was developed and ready for prime time 40-50 years ago in a secret black budget lab. We see it now and think that's the state of the art of EMF weapon systems. Russia had psychotronic weapon systems that could induce auditory hallucination in the 1980's. The MK Ultra program absolutely is real and was a success. These events are all carefully timed and orchestrated and are full of anomalies. It is safe to conclude that both Ramos and Gendron fell victim to the perfect recipe for a mass shooting. Recipe: a baseline of collective mental illness and years of glorification of violence and programming via violent video games and movies and gun culture. Free-floating malaise and anger seeking output. Isolation. The deleterious impact of social isolation on the human psyche. The lack of a sense of belonging. SSRI anti-depressants. (Ramos was on these, Gendron was schizophrenic). Then, the Deep State, with forms of EMF technology 40 years beyond our current concept of state of the art, and most definitely targeted these individuals with "voice in the head" auditory signal combined with web based subliminal activation is the equivalent of pressing a go button or throwing a match into a powder keg, choose your analogy. 

The real elephant in the room here is how the profound state of mental illness underlying all of these events. It won't matter if we confiscate all the firearms, humans are ingenious and will devise all manner of killing people if that's the desired outcome; if we don't address the collective mental illness we will never get to the bottom of this. 
This is a good place to segue into my thoughts on gun ownership, the right to bear arms. The whole point of the 2nd Amendment isn't to have the freedom to engage in sport shooting, or to go hunting, or to be able to defend ourselves from attack or home invasion. The very point of the 2nd Amendment, made explicitly clear by the founding fathers who were reeling from tyranny in Britain, was should the nation ever need to rise up and unseat tyranny. The 2nd Amendment, the Right to Bear Arms, is there should the 1st Amendment, the Freedom of Speech and the Right to Peaceably Assemble be threatened. 

Take a look around, right now they are quickly setting in motion exactly this scenario. They just tried to create a Ministry of Truth right here in the U.S. (oh they aren't done, and when all 192 member nation states currently part of the WHO vote in favor of giving themselves the power to supersede any national charter or Constitution during times of a "pandemic" all of our Constitutional liberties will be history, if we don't arm ourselves and organize that is). 

As a veteran who served this country, it is saddening to see so many of the people I served with just go along with all of this, or, respond apathetically or simply chalk up all of the above to "crazy conspiracy theorizing" without even looking into any of it themselves. The programming runs deep. This is why I got out of the Army when I did. I saw the programming for what it was. And sure enough, 95% of the people I served with lined up and took their "COVID" "vaccine" right on command. I truly hope that many of you whom I served with who are reading this wake up before it's too late for all of us. 

We swore an oath to protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. 

The reason why many of us, myself included, feel the need to own rapid fire assault rifles is because that's what our oppressor is using. If we are to have any serious discussion of the need for gun control we need to start with discussing the need for Mutual Disarmament. I was in Afghanistan (OEF 2004-2005). Returning home, to my dismay, municipal police departments are better equipped than I was! Why do municipal police departments need armored personnel carriers and fully automatic weapons and body armor? 

Again, the very point of the 2nd Amendment is should the nation ever need to rise up and remove a tyrannical power. The 2nd Amendment isn't our fucking right to own firearms to engage in sport shooting, hunting, or duck hunting and therefore should have magazine sizes limited to 10 rounds and be ridiculously difficult to reload. 

Any serious discussion of outlawing rapid fire assault rifles must include, must start with, questioning the need for militarized municipal police. We must extend that further to state level National Guard. The 2nd Amendment exists in case we lose the 1st Amendment, not so that we can go fucking duck hunting or sport shooting. 

You cannot have a functioning democracy without the Freedom of Speech and Assembly. 

Here's the end game for gun confiscation, China, where they have already Beta tested both the social credit score and "vaccine passport": 

    Crime in question? Speaking out against the government 


None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free - Geothe

It is no measure of mental health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society - Krishnamurti 



DPS Chief Admits Officers Were Ordered To Stand Down In Uvalde Mass Shooting

28 May 2022

It appears my analysis of this event was fairly spot on, having taken a break from InfoWars for a few days (I had to work my way through the recent Highwire Episode among other media) and only now catching up with the InfoWars team's coverage of this tragedy, nearly everything I pointed out in my previous post (I don't see anyone else mentioning the fact the Deep State Cabal have direct energy weapons to include EMF Psychotronic Weapon Systems that can influence a target subjects behavior, to include the implantation of auditory hallucination) has been corroborated by the InfoWars team.

AJ and crew back up my own independent analysis that SSRI's combined with isolation, hyper-violent video games and the deleterious psychological issues stemming from the "Lockdowns" and the intentional crippling of the global economy are basically the blueprint for mass violence. Put yourself in the shoes of these shooters, you're isolated, on SSRI's, your primary form of passing the time is playing Call of Duty (an activity that is rage inducing in itself), and you're unconsciously processing the fact that you're staring down the barrel of no future, courtesy of Klaus Schwab's Great Reset (looks like we aren't going to own nothing and love it after all). 

All of the conditions necessary for an MK Ultra Manchurian Candidate are in place, simply replace LSD with SSRI anti-depressants and if general free floating rage isn't a sufficient catalyst, simply attenuate EMF Psychotronic Weapon Systems at a suitable candidate that both stresses them out, puts their state of vibration in a hyper-fear based state (anger stems from fear) and then add a little auditory hallucination on top, maybe even replace all of those Google "Ad Sense" HTML based ad placements with imagery of school shootings or zombie horde video games and boom, eventually, if you do this to enough people, you're going to have the desired effect. 

Per my previous blog post, I asked whether or not LE at Uvalde were given stand down orders: 

  • Why did the police who arrived on scene not enter the school to subdue Ramos? They arrived on scene at the start of the shooting around 11:45 am and let Ramos run around for an hour and while staged at the school's parking lot focused their effort on preventing parents and family members from running into the school? Is this standard operation procedure / protocol or were they given stand down orders? 
Sure enough, they were given stand down orders. InfoWars has been providing excellent coverage and analysis of this event so more media follows (Alex Jones positively destroying Pierce Morgan in the 25 May episode of the Alex Jones Show should not be missed!):

US Patent US 4877027 A

"Transmits sound to auditory cortex of mammals via remotely-applied microwave signals."

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