Friday, July 31, 2020

Arctic sea ice could disappear completely within two months' time

(This is a cross post from my social media account hence the directing of comments to any potential readership there, mostly people I served with in the military at one point and may be of a particular political leaning) 

What is happening 

Warming has been greatly amplified from the loss of the Aerosol Masking Effect (how particulate pollution, namely from the burning of diesel and coal, sits in the atmosphere and prevents a great deal of incoming insolation from striking the planet. There has been a marked reduction in industrial activity due to the "pandemic" and hence a reduction in the burning of coal and diesel etc. and therefore, beautiful, clean skies BUT more incoming solar radiation striking the planet, particularly the oceans, of which our planet is mostly comprised). 

Why it's a BIG problem 

The loss of Arctic sea ice will mean less sunlight is reflected back into space and is instead absorbed by the dark blue ocean where the ice would have formerly been. There are over 60 positive feedback loops and counting that will all coalesce and drive climate change once this happens (it's already happening). Namely among them, an estimated 50 gigatons worth of deep sea frozen methane clathrates. Methane, molecule per molecule, is 100x more effective as a heat trapping gas vs. carbon dioxide for the first 8 years of it's life, at which point drops down to 23 times or so.

What the "elites" are doing about it 

They've created a fake crisis to allow them to maneuver into positions that will allow them to deal with the massive insurrection that will stem from food shortages at first, and then famine (ultimately they will retreat into massive subterranean cities connected by underground high speed rail, but we aren't there yet) This crisis also gave them the rationale to perform other necessary measures ahead of the insurrecton / population crash: put the National Guard on standby, give $4T to the Big Banks, eliminate privacy, eliminate constitutional rights (the right to peacably assemble for example). They also intend to put people into camps where they will be forcible administered vaccinations. They may even use the near term humanitarian crisis (upwards of 40% of the population may be evicted shortly) as a rationale to erect (they're already erected) FEMA camps for everyone who is now homeless. "Oh and by the way, you have to be vaccinated to be in the camp". 

The "pandemic" is a timely, convenient and effective cover that allows them to not only get ahead of the economic collapse that was going to happen this year but to also posture for the inevitable effects of a +4-8C near term rapid increase in mean surface temperature that will result in massive and total crop failure (all of the cereal grasses: corn, wheat, soy, sorghum, rice etc, will not germinate beyond another 3-4C from where we are now and the melting of the arctic and the setting into motion of over 60 positive feedback loops will result in a 4-8C increase in mean surface temperature within 3-6 weeks, the next growing season may be our last). 

It will be absolute pandemonium. There is no stopping it at this point. The time to do something about it was over 30 years ago. At that point in time, had we gotten off of oil, gas and coal we could have averted this. But that would have meant the end of their Oil Empire and rendered the "elites" (primarily the Rockefellers) irrelevant. "Can't have that now! Can't release the reverse engineered ET tech, the anti-gravitic and Zero Point energy tech. NO! Because you can't tax that! No, no, no, we will just drive the planet into the ground and deal with a population crash before we EVER release something that will render us irrelevant, without power." 

I know that the vast majority of my friends here on FB are conservative and believe that climate change is a "hoax".

I assure you that it is most definitely not a hoax. In fact, Exxon Mobil did their own research into the matter in the 1980's and withheld their findings from the public. 

Just as Big Tobacco paid a lot of money for slick PR in the 1950's in the form of commercials 
amounting to "My doctor recommends smoking Camel cigarettes" or whatever, so too has there been a profoundly sophisticated PR campaign involving conservative think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation et al involved with creating contrarian pseudo-science amounting to "no, no, no, the wanton burning of untold hundreds of millions of metric tons of oil, coal and natural gas every year has had NO EFFECT on the climate whatsoever, it's BECAUSE THE SUN IS CHANGING CYCLES" 

News flash: We are in a Grand Solar Minimum. 

See I actually used up my entire GI Bill. I have over 95 credit hours, many of the courses I had interest in, Astronomy, Geology, Anthropology, History etc. I had A's and I wrote excellent papers. I know many of you probably thought I was an absolute moron when I was in the Army. Yes I was crazy, not to be confused with moronic. My GT score was actually 113. That was with no formal education to speak of other than K-12. My mother was borderline genius and my my grandfather on my mother's side did groundbreaking laser research in the 1960's. My father, whom I am not on talking terms with, is also very savvy when it comes to money (zero sense about actual science, other than knowing how to fly a plane and identify rocks) and made god knows how much investing in the stock market in the 1980's. 

Anyhow, the reason our planet is habitable is precisely because we have greenhouse gases that trap heat (aided by a molten iron core to create sufficient gravity and a magnetosphere). It's axiomatic that if you increase the amount of greenhouse gases on said planet that you will increase the amount of heat that is trapped in the atmosphere. It's fairly straightforward, I have no idea how the think tanks have been so successful in bamboozling the lot of you on the far right. Please do not confuse me with being a liberal, I am not that either, both parties are beholden to corporate interests. Fascist right and fascist left. I am most definitely NOT a fascist. I voted for Jill Stein if that means anything but I believe in the 2nd amendment (the whole point of the 2nd amendment was so that if the country should every find itself in the grip of tyranny again they should be able to have a revolution).

I've already stated why the Arctic becoming ice free in the summer will be a problem in my post here dated the 31st of May which I will post again below for your convenience. If youre interested in the actual state of affairs in regards to our climate emergency I recommend the work of Dr. Guy McPherson and his three part summary: 

May 31st FB post: 

"Also, as I stated in one of my recent post-build videos: , my thoughts on the "pandemic", I will summarize briefly here: 

1.The "elites" knew the economy was going to tank this year, primarily because of Federal Deficit, but also as a result of the nature of the economy being predicated on consumer activity and due to the massive, unprecedented (literally in human history) economic inequality there is not enough consumer activity to sustain the Infinite Growth economic paradigm. 

2. The "elites" rightly understand that we have a human overpopulation and overconsumption problem. See: Australia 2019, direct consequence of runaway Anthropogenic climate chaos now on an exponential curve with 69 and counting auto-catalytic processes waiting to go off once the Arctic becomes ice-free in the summer, our first BOE (Blue Ocean Event), which could happen this summer given the loss of the Aerosol Masking Effect (the loss of air pollution, primarily sulfates from diesel fuel and the burning of coal) which act as an umbrella, obscuring a good deal of insolation from striking the Earth's surface. Abnormally clear skies results in more incoming solar radiation being absorbed by the planet's surface, the oceans etc. Hence: 80F in the Arctic as of last week and 86 F in Siberia:

3. Once the arctic goes after our first BOE there will be the setting into motion of over 60 positive feedback loops, chief among them the melting of 50 gigatons of deep sea frozen methane clathrates, of which, molecule for molecule, CH4 is 100x more powerful as a heat trapping gas as CO2 for the first 10 years or so of it's existence in the atmosphere. This is called the "Methane Clathrate Gun" hypothesis. Following that the melting of permafrost (and more methane) the loss of the albedo effect of the arctic sea ice (reflecting UV into space) now absorbed by the deep blue ocean. All of this will result in a near term (~6-8 weeks) increase in surface meant temperature of 4-8C. Cereal crops: corn, wheat, sorghum, rye etc., cannot and won't germinate at just another 4C above where air temp is during growing season. Meaning: we will be exactly one growing season away from global famine. 

4. The elites intended to pre-empt this new situation with some manner of crisis that would justify deploying the national guard, eliminating Habeus Corpus (due process), the elimination of privacy (end to end encryption in text messaging for example), the further consolidation of wealth and power into the hands of the few (hence the $4T given to Wall Street at the drop of a hat at the onset of the "pandemic"), social conditioning (wear your mask! maintain social distancing, listen to the authorities!), and most importantly, clamor for mandatory adult vaccination. 

5. Bill and Melinda Gates foundation enters the picture here. NIAID and NIH, headed up by Anthony Fauci, receives massive funding from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Basically Anthony Fauci is in the pocket of Bill Gates. Bill Gates' father was a renowned eugenicist. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sued by Kenya because their tetanus vaccine rendered the women that received it infertile due to the unnecessary addition of an HCG antigen. This is the test phase, they need a large test population to test their COVID-19 / SARS-2 vaccine on. 

Let me ask you this, of all the places for SARS / COV-2 to originate, do you find it a coincidence that it just so happens to originate from the only place in all of China where joint "gain of function" research between Chinese and U.S. virologists was being conducted? 

They want to depopulate. They wanted to get ahead of the economic collapse. 

This is why the super-rich are getting out of dodge: 

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