Saturday, August 1, 2020

National Eviction Nightmare! (Jimmy Dore Show) 

Watch the humanitarian crisis ensue from this. 

Watch them deploy the national guard as chaos ensues. 

Watch the solution of putting all the homeless into camps be put forward. 

"Oh and by the way, a requirement to be in our FEMA camp is to take our untested COVID vaccine, but don't worry, the Bill and Melinda Gates have perfected it over in Kenya." 

That's first wave depopulation. 

They are going to start with the most poor and vulnerable. 

Everyone who thinks this can't happen in this country needs to read a history book. 

Eugenics was all the rage in the early part of the 20th century until Hitler, having taken this ideology to it's logical conclusion, put a social stigma on it. It never went away, it was always there, the pet ideology of economic "elite", an ideology best summed up by Ayn Rand's 'Atlas Shrugged', an ideology that took Darwin's elegant theory of evolution and perverted it into something that allowed those with power and wealth to look upon themselves with pride. They weren't wealthy because they came from wealthy anglo-saxon families who were plantation slave owners, employed cut-throat business tactics, ran roughshod over people and the environment, NO, they were wealthy because they "possess superior traits". Bill Gates' father was on the roster of the Eugenics Society and formed planned parenthood and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded "philanthropy" in Kenya resulted in all the women who received the tetanus vaccine being rendered infertile. Like we totally just started making tetanus vaccines last year and yeah, HCG antigen, that just slipped in there "accidentally" WHOOPS, sorry! Total accident. No, that's called the test phase, they needed a large test population to test out their vaccine on. 

That's just Kenya, Bill and Melinda Gates killed approximately 70 million children in India with their polio vaccine: 

Oh and guess what? 

Just as the cafeteria at Monsanto serves organic food (they should speak volumes about what the people working there think about GMO food), the water coolers at the EPA headquarters use unfluoridated spring water (that should speak volumes about what they think about sodium fluoride), you ready for this? 

Drum roll please...................................................................................................................................................................................

Bill and Melinda Gates did not vaccinate their children. 

Yes you heard me correctly. 

They guy championing the efficacy and importance of vaccines........does not use them on his own children. 

They are good for children of "lesser ilk", particularly brown and black children of the global south and soon, in the 1st world as well.

I recommend everyone view Vaxxed.

Check it out, I'm not done yet, not even close. Right in October of this last year, 2019, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation had a meeting hosted by and at the Rockefeller Center in New York, the meeting was called Event 201, and it amounted to how the various agencies and organizations (CDC, WHO, GAVI etc.) would respond to a novel coronavirus outbreak. Yes, right before the outbreak started they had this meeting.

Did I mention that Anthony Fauci's wife is on the board of directors of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation? Is any of this starting to make any sense to any of you? 

Oh and by the way unless youre using an N100 mask and googles (not even N95 will keep out a 20nm wide virus) that is sealed properly the masks are pointless? I believe the analogy is trying to use a chain-link fence to keep out mosquitoes? But why are they insisting that everyone use the masks? It's called social conditioning, and orienting everyone to the "new normal". 

Anyhow, FEMA camps are probably going to be a real thing now with 30-40% of the populace evicted. 

I like David Icke's terminology of the strategy employed by the "elites". 




Present / create a problem, the people react, then introduce the solution. 

The solution: 100% mandatory vaccination enforced by a Digital ID / Passport that also serves as a financial instrument to replace credit, debit cards and most importantly, paper cash. 

No vaccine? You can't enter the store to buy food. You can't drive a vehicle. You can't enter any business, be it a gym or a plant nursery, you name it. 

That's how they intend to secure compliance. They won't be coming to your door with vaccine in hand. If you don't get your vaccine voluntarily you will be shut out from society. And where's the push-back? None, in fact, most of you believe the bullshit spewing forth from your television!

 Not only will there not be any revolt against this but the vast majority of you will willingly go along with it. 

Anyhow, I'm just putting this here so in 6-9 months time I can point back to my post dated August 1st and say "see, I told you, camps, mandatory vaccinations, arctic sea ice completely melted and food shortages" 

Who knows, maybe shutting down the economy is part of the depopulation plan, maybe they knew that the loss of the Aerosol Masking Effect would accelerate the melting of the Arctic sea ice, food shortages and famine. 

If they get overwhelmed with insurrectionary activity guess what comes next? 

When all else fails they take you to war. 

They are already beating the war drums with China. In fact China is doing the same! China is dealing with their own problems and similarly, they have a tremendous amount of pent up unrest waiting to explode. It's conducive for the "elites" of both China and the U.S. to go to war to both distract and pacify their respective populaces. 

It's also "great" for the economy (sadly not for what remains of the environment,, whatever that is, /s). 

It's also a great way for a president to boost his ratings! 

Look at George Bush Jr! Look at Barrack Obama, whose ratings went up after he "found and killed Osama Bin Laden" (and just so happened to conveniently throw the evidence, body, out of a helicopter into the ocean on the way back, "in accordance and respect for Islam religion" 

News flash! Osama Bin Laden was terminally ill, on kidney dialysis with nurse in tow in 2002 and it was known by many that he succumbed to his condition then in 2002. Yes. That's right, Osama Bin Laden was dead this entire time and the SEAL operation of them killing him again just to boost his ratings / make him look hawkish was faked. 

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