Saturday, August 15, 2020

"This is Happening Around The World" - David Icke

 It seems David Icke and I have an understanding of what is really going on with this "pandemic". 

As I've stated long before even viewing this video, back in my post on the 3rd of August, fear is not only an excellent control mechanism, but it's also a way to increase susceptibility to illness, and given that PCR antibody testing is unreliable (see my last post here) they can attribute any illness to SARS / COV 2 once they lift the lock-down (which they will) and then they will promptly resume the lock-down and state that we need mandatory vaccination. Watch it happen. 

...And this is after people have been isolated for the purpose of weakening everyone's immunity. The mask wearing amplifies the state of unease and fear whenever one goes into public. When one is in heightened state of fear their form of thinking drops down to survival mode.

It's all pre-frontal cortex in survival mode.

No longer are people accessing the rest of their whole intelligence. Cut off from source (mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually) disease can easily set in. What do you think is going to happen when they lift the lockdown after 6 months or so of that? Coupled with the fact our immune systems require and are strengthened by constant and diverse human contact. Through natural innoculation, hand shaking and food sharing etc., our digestive gut flora is strengthened, you might get a minor cold from time to time, but your immunity is strengthened from that...

And here: 

...We resonate in either love or fear.

If you resonate in fear, which is what they want you to do, you co-create the dystopia we are slipping into.

What humanity needs right now at this critical juncture is to awaken to the true nature of our reality....

Who knows maybe David Icke is reading my blog (not likely). I think what is happening is that some people have a capacity to see through things and that we are communicating on some kind of 100th Monkey Morphic Resonance level (see the work of Rupert Sheldrake). 

I actually got chills hearing David Icke essentially state exactly what I have been stating here on this blog, a mirroring of my view of life and existence:

Anyhow, back to Mechanistic Reductionism, if any one of 18 constants, including the constant of gravity, were off by only .00000000001% the universe as we know it wouldn't exist. The logic of Mechanistic Reductionists / "Empiricists" / Skeptics works like this: the Universe, including complex sentient life, is merely the bi-product of random chance, the analogy they use if that eventually a million monkeys typing on typewriters will create the complete works of Shakespeare, it will just take enough time. I'm not kidding. They don't include any possibility that Consciousness itself created the Universe, their view is that physical matter and the Universe formed first and created Consciousness. Again, by this logic, consciousness is produced by the brain and when you die, the brain dies, and that's it. You had your one average lifespan of 50-70 years as a bi-pedal hominid on a garden world near an unremarkable star on the periphery of a spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy and that's it, it's eternal nothingness after that, for all of eternity. No you will never incarnate on one of an estimated 5 million habitable worlds just within the Milky Way Galaxy, itself among 500 Billion other galaxies in the known, observable universe. That's not scientific. "Science" (quotation marks because actual science says that consciousness isn't confined to the brain) says that when the brain is destroyed that's it so you better make this one life count! 

Here's a fun exercise, close your eyes and try to imagine what nothingness for eternity is like. You can't. Because deep down on a fundamental level you know it to be a lie. It's been programmed into you through "Science", but it's a lie. Big Bang Theory posits the universe was created some 14 Billion years ago (going by background radiation). You have this one 50-70 year experience as a bi-pedal hominid and then that's it for eternity. Does that make any kind of sense? It doesn't to me, but again, I had the privilege of being home-schooled in the 1980's in Hawaii where I spent hours contemplating things without a television set and my education (home-schooled) fostered critical thinking.

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