Tuesday, August 4, 2020

My Thoughts on Religion and Society at this Critical Juncture

We are indeed at a critical juncture at this point in time on this world. Our planet, a super-organism (Gaia Hypothesis), can no longer continue to sustain our rapacious behavior and intends to put on a fever to rid the host organism of this cancerous outgrowth we call "civilization".

The American Empire, an Oil Empire, intends to maintain it's global hegemon partly through food export once the arctic sea ice melts, and this will be how they secure mandatory vaccination compliance. Latin America, particularly Brazil, where there is a growing and unsustainable conversion of Amazon Rainforest into GMO soy bean monocrop farmland (the lungs of the planet,  this is incredibly unsustainable) so that they can feed cows to export beef, will succumb extremely quickly to the effects of a +4-8C increase in mean surface temperature once the arctic becomes ice free in the summer because of the proximity of this region to the equator (~4-6 weeks after when 50 gigatons of deep sea frozen methane clathrates, the "Methane Clathrate Gun" fires. For those who struggle with math, Giga denotes Billion and a Billion is a thousand million and a ton is 2200 lbs. So the equivalent of 50 billion tons worth of methane will be released near simultaneously, and methane, molecule for molecule, is 100x as effective as a heat trapping gas vs Carbon Dioxide for the first 8-10 years of it's life, at which point it drops down to 23x. In effect, the firing of the Methane Clathrate Gun will double the amount of carbon in the atmosphere to around 900 ppb. In a recent post I point out that arctic sea ice extent is lower than it's ever been in recorded history and we are on track for an ice free arctic THIS YEAR. Please bear in mind that the Methane Clathrate gun is but one of well over 60 other positive feedback loops that include the loss of the albedo effect, the way the arctic ice cap reflects solar radiation back into space, which will be replaced with dark blue ocean that will absorb said solar energy, and permafrost, frozen and near frozen tundra soil containing microbes that when thawed will produce methane. Albedo effect, Methane Clathrate Gun, melting permafrost that's 3 out of 69 known positive feedback loops that WILL ALL GO OFF in a chain reaction starting with the loss of the albedo effect and followed by approximately 50 gigatons worth of deep sea frozen methane clathrates that are in the ocean in the arctic. Once the Methane Clathrate Gun fires it will activate the rest of the 60 or so feedback loops because that one feedback loop alone will effectively take our carbon budget from 425 ppb where it is now to over 900 ppb and it will do so in a manner of weeks, not years, not centuries, WEEKS.


But the situation is such that we don't actually know whether or not we will continue to be able to grow crops in the northern latitudes, especially with a +4-8C increase in mean surface temperature, and so this may be a risky and pointless gambit if it is one being taken by the "elites" (the truth of the matter is that even if the "elites" wanted to stop this there is nothing that can be done at this point, their best move is the one that is in play, where they get ahead of both the global economic collapse and the climate shift induced food shortages, famine and pandemonium with overt totalitarian top down control and they have that now with the Medical Martial Law) and there will be no food grown beyond a single growing season anywhere on the planet once that happens. The "elites" are "ready" for that though, they will simply retreat into their massive subterranean bases with 5 years worth of food! Nevermind the fact that the Earth will take millions of years to recover from this, nor the fact that over 250 GE Mark IV (same design as the one at Fukushima) nuclear reactors will all near simultaneously go China Syndrome once the rivers upon which they feed dry up and the workers stop showing up for work without pay, or they've starved to death. After Fukushima Dai-ichi blew it's containment vessel there was a spike in infant mortality on the west coast because strontium and cesium was sent into the jet stream and carried over the pacific by the prevailing winds and deposited into dairy grassland to be taken up by large herbivores. Oh did I mention that some of these radioactive isotopes in question have half lives of 25k years? Do you see now why Elon Musk wants to get us to Mars as quickly as possible? The thing is, we actually stand a better chance of surviving on this planet if we were to simply change our collective behavior (and powering down our nuclear power stations, we don't need them anyhow, we simply need the Shadow Govt, comprised of actors in the Energy Industry, specifically the Rockefellers, to release the Zero Point and anti-gravitic technology that they have reverse engineered from downed and recovered ET craft, more on that in an upcoming blog post, stay tuned).


Think of how pleasant it will be when all 250 of those go off within weeks or months of each other when the food supply collapses because all of the cereal crops refuse to germinate beyond another 4C mean surface temperature from where we are now and the workers starved to death or succumbed to the other deleterious societal effects of abrupt crop failure and the inability to feed 9 billion people. "Wow that sounds utterly Apocalyptic! Like it was prophesied somewhere! It's going to happen because it was prophesied, there is no stopping it therefore lets just keep doing things the way we are doing them now!"

I received some push-back against asserting the severity and scope of the predicament from those who are of a religious pre-disposition. I suppose the working worldview is this: the world and the moon and all life was created in 6 days and therefore, it is "God" who causes all manner of natural phenomenon, weather and otherwise, to manifest. This is interesting. Wait wasn't this book written (ahem, "translated") by scholars who believed that this world was at the center of the cosmos and that there was an invisible Ether separating this world from whatever was beyond that? Hmmmm, ok. And don't forget that various powerful interests have spent untold amounts of money creating contrarian pseudo-science specifically "disproving" industrial activity driven climate change nor the religious institutions who have hijacked religion as a means to control the masses.

I will repeat basic science for you.


See Mars?

Insufficient mass to keep any would be heat-trapping gases from escaping the surface of the planet into the lifeless void of space, no molten iron core generated magnetosphere to protect any life from gamma radiation. It's literally freezing on mars. It drops down to -100F at night near the equator. That's what a planet without sufficient heat trapping gas in the atmosphere is like. And Mars is still considered to be within the habitable zone, it's not even further out in the Solar System! Think any biological life can survive the swings from 70F in the day to -100F at night?


Do you understand how a blanket works? What happens when you add a second blanket or even a sheet to a blanket? Oh what's that? Less heat is escaping into the cool ambient of your room you say?


Then there is the argument that "oh our industrial activities are inconsequential". Do you understand how much pollution we have created since the dawn of the Industrial Era some 150 years ago?

Between 1950 and now we've released between 1500 and nearly 9000 million metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere PER YEAR.

No effect?

Is that scientific?

Wait so you have a closed system, our planet, and youre adding between 2 and 8 Billion metric tons of CO2, the gas responsible for trapping heat and that is the very reason we have a habitable world to begin with, per year, and that's not going to have any effect on a closed system?

How's that Atlantic coast hurricane season shaping up? Looks like it's going to break some records, surely it's not because the Atlantic ocean is 5-7F hotter than average right now because most of the warming has been absorbed by the oceans. No, that can't be because of climate change, THAT'S GOD. He's mad! He wants to smite the sinners, the black and brown people who won't accept Christianity / Judaism / Corporate Capitalism / Fascism down in Cuba!

God is creating the severe weather patterns, not our industrial activity! NO! And we can't do anything about it! I need to continue to drive a gigantic 4500 lb truck or SUV to go to Walmart and I must eat meat! We can't possibly reduce our emissions or consumption of water and resources! We are sinners! AND most importantly, there is no point in making any life changes that may improve our chances of collectively surviving this predicament because all of this was prophesied in biblical scripture. 

Seriously, this is the logic, or lack thereof. We are destroying our only home with mindless, thoughtless consumer culture built around the automobile and a meat based diet and there's no point in changing because "The apocalypse" as written in "the book of Revelations" is going to happen soon.

You know what that sounds like?

A self fulfilling prophecy.

A cop out.

"The Big Book written by someone 2000 years ago (that just so happens to have been abused by every power structure in Western Civilization's existence, from the Romans, the Catholic Church, to the plantation slave owners who replaced the whip with it to now the Rockefellers, the head of the Oil Empire) says that at some point the roof of this house is going to fail and all within it will be drenched with water so there's no point in doing any maintenance on the roof! It is written therefore it will happen!"


I mean COME ON.

Where are your critical faculties?

You really think like this? Is this the extent of your thinking ability?!

Nevermind the fact that the "elites" who have programmed you to enjoy eating garbage and driving a massive clown car and voting against your interests every 4-8 years don't personally share your worldview although they outwardly seem to espouse it.

See your behavior is profitable. Disease is profitable. Division is profitable. Destroying what remains of the environment is profitable. It's called scarcity economics. If the only remaining water that is drinkable in areas due to hydraulic fracturing operations is bottled water that you have to buy that's more profit! If they induce cancer into people who drink the water coming out of their taps that is loaded with "proprietary" fracking chemicals, hey, that's more profit! If you continue to think you need to drive a 4500 lb clown car, equipped with 4x4 drive and massive all terrain tires, just to drive to the Walmart 20 miles away, you getting 10 miles a gallon, while not helping unfuck the climate emergency we are in, is profitable!

Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon : Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil by Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennet

Yes some of you will still cling to your literal interpretation of biblical scripture and state, somewhat laughably, that "God" will decide it's time and that "God" created the planet in 6 days. I have a rational question. What do we make of all of the dinosaur remains that we've been finding that date back 67 mya (million years ago)? Did they just not make it onto the ark?

The reason why our planet is habitable to begin with is because of greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect, sufficient gravity, a magnetosphere that shields us from gamma radiation owing to a molten core and being in the habitable zone to our parent star.

I'm not stating that our origin isn't spiritual. We have not been able to replicate the working hypothesis as to how complex uni and then multi-cellular life originated on this world (see: the failed Urey Miller experiment where they tried to stimulate the convergence of base amino acids with electricity into uni-cellular life, that's the working hypothesis, that the "primordial ooze" was struck by lightning some 3.4 billion years ago)

On the other end of the spectrum you have the scientific clergy who state that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of neurochemical processes. You have a literal interpretation of biblical scripture on one end and on the other end you have mechanistic reductionism.

What the actual science says is that CONSCIOUSNESS is not limited to nor produced by the brain.

The brain as an organ facilitates consciousness. It does not produce it and therefore when the organ is destroyed consciousness remains. 

Please allow me to elaborate.

We have Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and the Observer Effect. What we have found studying Quantum Phenomena, particularly with the Double Slit Experiment, is that the presence of an observer affects whether or not the behavior of photons collapses into a wave or particle.

Yes. The mere presence of a conscious observer affects the behavior of subatomic particles.

Mechanistic Reductionists try to limit this emergent understanding of the nature of reality, what Einstein termed "spooky action at a distance",  to sub-atomic phenomena.

What are you and comprised of?

What is all matter, all life comprised of?

It's all quantum and WE ARE ALL GOD CONSCIOUSNESS.

AND THIS is how the advanced interstellar civilizations who are visiting this planet and hoping we gain an understand of (our fundamental interconnectedness) traverse vast interstellar distances.

They've merged thought and conscious intent with technology. They've merged their respective societies around conscious intent.

They view all life and everything as sacred and interconnected, because fundamentally, everything is.

THAT is a worldview, a paradigm, that is sustainable.

Here's what we have:

Biblical view:

Youre here to suffer, life sucks but if you repent enough to your respective sky god, who just so happens to be masculine, vengeful, ever-present, and omniscient (this is how the bible replaced the whip as the mechanism of enslavement with the African and formerly indigenous slaves) you won't have to burn in hell.

Also, he's always watching! But don't worry, youre expected to sin because that's your nature, so do whatever you want, make as much money as you want, if that involves engaging in predatory capitalism / slavery, if that entails eating animals who are sentient and intelligent, if that entails belittling women and the "lesser races" and hey, let's mow down what remains of the Amazon Rainforest so we can make hamburgers to give to our children so they can get cancer from the GMO soy that has altered the DNA of the host animal and will alter the DNA of anything that consumes that and oh by the way, will also make you obese and give you heart disease, all of that's ok, because all you need to do is accept Jesus as your savior and you will go to Heaven! 

Here's the other end of the spectrum:

Consciousness is the epiphenomenon of neurochemical processes, the brain, and you have this one life and then it's eternal darkness. Since youre only alive once, and since existence is purely the result of random luck, and since there is no real moral consequence in your behavior to other life because, hey that chicken, that pig, that dog, that cat (in China they eat dogs and cats, look up the Jualin meat festival), they are just like biological robot automatons! And since they aren't really alive and sentient they can't even feel pain, nor the fear of being rounded up and herded into cages to be eaten! They don't even have emotions or memories, or love their offspring! No, only HUMANS are capable of that! Cat soup, mmmm, mmmm good! 

Actually, pigs are smarter than dogs, all animals have memories and emotions, there was research done on ravens at a research facility that involved painful testing at some point and the Ravens were released and REMEMBERED specifically who did the painful testing on them and waited outside of the bio-tech facility and attacked and harangued specifically the researchers who did the painful testing, not any of the other scientists. I have many more examples to prove how all life is alive, sentient and exhibiting consciousness but it's beyond the purview of this blog post.

Anyhow, back to Mechanistic Reductionism, if any one of 18 constants, including the constant of gravity, were off by only .00000000001% the universe as we know it wouldn't exist. The logic of Mechanistic Reductionists / "Empiricists" / Skeptics works like this: the Universe, including complex sentient life, is merely the bi-product of random chance, the analogy they use if that eventually a million monkeys typing on typewriters will create the complete works of Shakespeare, it will just take enough time. I'm not kidding. They don't include any possibility that Consciousness itself created the Universe, their view is that physical matter and the Universe formed first and created Consciousness. Again, by this logic, consciousness is produced by the brain and when you die, the brain dies, and that's it. You had your one average lifespan of 50-70 years as a bi-pedal hominid on a garden world near an unremarkable star on the periphery of a spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy and that's it, it's eternal nothingness after that, for all of eternity. No you will never incarnate on one of an estimated 5 million habitable worlds just within the Milky Way Galaxy, itself among 500 Billion other galaxies in the known, observable universe. That's not scientific. "Science" (quotation marks because actual science says that consciousness isn't confined to the brain) says that when the brain is destroyed that's it so you better make this one life count! 

Here's a fun exercise, close your eyes and try to imagine what nothingness for eternity is like. You can't. Because deep down on a fundamental level you know it to be a lie. It's been programmed into you through "Science", but it's a lie. Big Bang Theory posits the universe was created some 14 Billion years ago (going by background radiation). You have this one 50-70 year experience as a bi-pedal hominid and then that's it for eternity. Does that make any kind of sense? It doesn't to me, but again, I had the privilege of being home-schooled in the 1980's in Hawaii where I spent hours contemplating things without a television set and my education (home-schooled) fostered critical thinking.

By this logic, or lack thereof, since nothing is interconnected on any kind of level and everything everything is separate, nothing is sacred so go ahead and do whatever you want to other people, animals and the environment because, of course, if they were in your position of course they would make you a slave and by the way, don't worry about the environment because we are going to mine asteroids with our great and fantastic upward spiral of technological advancement. Soon we will bask in the light! Rejoice, Science will save us! Oh and by the way, vaccines are good for you because Bill Gates, who developed an operating system (but has no background in medicine whatsoever) says they are! Ray Kurzweil awaits us as an E-Machine who time traveled backwards to the Event Horizon of the Singularity!

Can you imagine this world where we replace all of this nonsense with a basal paradigm that reflects actual reality?

Say goodbye to poverty, an unfortunate but "necessary" (view on the part of the "elites") bi-product of the current socio-economic paradigm that must exist to threaten non-conformity.

In fact, this is actually the situation. The "elites" don't want you to realize how POWERFUL each and everyone of you are. Because we shape this world and everything that happens not simply by our actions, but by our conscious intent. This is precisely why they have been doing everything they can to keep you dumbed down, distracted, sedated, and of course too busy engaging in labor to make them money to stop and get a grip on how bad youre being fucked! Hence the continued practice of putting sodium fluoride, a known carcinogen, a substance that the Harvard School of Medicine confirmed what everyone was saying all along, yes it reduces IQ in children (effect not limited to children), this is why they put aluminum and mercury in the vaccines, soon to be mandatory for everyone, if 25% of the population was autistic but can still work like a biological robot they would be delighted! This is why they defeated the ballot measure as of a few years ago here in California to label whether or not food contained GMO ingredients, they don't want you to know that Glyphosate, which is what the corn is genetically modified to be resistant against, is incredibly carcinogenic. That's bad for business! Keep the cancer rate up, keep funneling that money out of the hands of the masses in the form of exorbitant medical and health insurance bills! Make sure you belittle homeopathy and nutrition too, don't want the masses to know that they can improve their health (and intelligence) by eating a varied, plant based, organic vegan diet! NO!

(In case you missed the hyperlinked text above: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/fluoride-childrens-health-grandjean-choi/)

There's no profit in that! And the population might gain access to their higher faculties and realize how fucked they are and co-create a different world! Can't have that! Let's increase the sodium-fluoride! Oh no, some of them are waking up, we need a crisis quick, we need to inject everyone with mercury and aluminum to drop them back down to survival mode where they continue to function as biological robot wage slaves!

You see, as conscious entities, we can not only attain self-mastery and perform powerful feats of healing (see: the placebo effect) with the local system (the body) but since everything is fundamentally interconnected on a quantum, sub-atomic level. We, through our intent, can CO-CREATE REALITY.


You and I and ALL LIFE is literally GOD CONSCIOUSNESS.

We resonate in either love or fear.

If you resonate in fear, which is what they want you to do, you co-create the dystopia we are slipping into.

What humanity needs right now at this critical juncture is to awaken to the true nature of our reality.

We need a new basal paradigm of understanding that takes the truth of both science and religion and merges it and jettisons parts of it that no longer serve us.

Anyhow, this is my take on religion, thanks for reading this far.

“We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology.”

― Edward O. Wilson, The Social Conquest of Earth

Recommended reading:

Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Key to Understanding the True Nature of The Universe by Robert Lanza


The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge by Stephen M Greer


Recommended viewing:


What the Bleep do We Know?

Contact and Disclosure: The Final Sequence

Unacknowledged (trailer, it's on Netflix)

Zeitgeist (original, for all you True Believers)

Zeitgeist Moving Forward

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