Monday, April 11, 2022

Censored: Doctors and Researchers Testify To Massive Fraud of The COVID-19 Response

Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Bryan Ardis, Attorney Thomas Renz and Researcher Steve Kirsch speak before the Pennsylvania house and senate to cover the horribly corrupt and murderous COVID-19 national response. There is a ten minute highlight at the start if this video. This video was pulled off of youtube.

Absolutely must view in full immediately. Dr. Peter McCullough, the world's most published cardiologist, widely regarded as the nation's foremost expert in cardiology, authoritatively states that 95% of "COVID" deaths could have been prevented with early treatment. 

Dr. Bryan Ardis @ 1:29:00 mark reports how early on in March of 2020 hospitals in New York were reporting how when they would treat "COVID" patients with Remdesivir that the virus would migrate from the lungs to the kidneys, erroneously attributing this pathology to "COVID" and not understanding that Remdesivir is incredibly toxic and that 1/3rd of patients given this toxic drug die from acute kidney failure, backing up what I stated in my recent vlog

Steve Kirsh drops quite a few rather staggering data bombs, to include the fact that we will sacrifice 117 children to the "vaccines" to save 1 from "COVID" and that VAERS (the CDC's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) has an underreporting factor of 41x and that the number of actual deaths ia likely closer to 400k. As reported by former BlackRock portfolio Edward Dowd, life insurance companies are reporting an 84% increase in deaths among those between 25 and 40 for the latter half of 2021 not related to "COVID", a 12 Sigma variation, meaning, it's not random. It's also relayed that funeral home personnel who embalm the deceased are seeing 93% of their cases with massive blood clots. 

The question remains as to how much the vaccine induced spike is to blame for this and how much graphene oxide is to blame. The late German graphene engineer and expert, Andreas Noack, who was arrested during a live-stream (and later killed), pointed out that graphene is only 1 atom thick and is therefore incredibly sharp, and that it acts as razor blades on the inside of the body and that this is why we see higher incidence of heart failure among "vaccinated" professional athletes, because of increased blood circulation there is much more trauma occurring:

Attorney Thomas Renz points to DMED (Dept of Defense equivalent of VAERS) data showing a 300% increase in the incidence of cancer and a 1000% increase in the incidence of neurological disorders for the year 2021 after the military was forced to take experimental gene therapy technology. Here's the real kicker, the shots they were forced to take were the original shots offered to the public, which only offered marginal (.8% Absolute Risk Reduction) protection against SARS-COV-2 Alpha, when Delta was the dominant strain in circulation and Alpha was no longer in circulation. So not only do the shots not work to begin with but even if they did afford some protection against the original strain they were completely useless against the strain that was in circulation at the time they were mandated for our men and women in uniform. Again, just as the lockdowns, social distancing and mask mandate was never about health, the vaccinating of our military is not only not about health, but as I've stated elsewhere,  I believe this is a kill-switch to prevent any potential military coup as the tide is turning and there are great rifts occurring at all levels of govt. Good people guided by conscience are only now, belatedly, getting on top of this.

 I write all of this as someone who was forced to take the Anthrax vaccine while deployed to Afghanistan and whose joint health rapidly deteriorated thereafter. The Army's stance on vaccine injury is that if an adverse event happens outside of 24 hours of the administering of a vaccine then it's not the vaccine. They ascribe the joint issues among the Gulf War Syndrome to burn-pits and exposure to Depleted Uranium and not the Anthrax vaccine, however soldiers who were stationed CONUS, awaiting deployment during the First Gulf War but never deployed, and therefore were never exposed to neither DU nor burn-pits but WERE administered the Anthrax vaccine exhibit the complex of health issues comprising Gulf War Syndrome. 

Anthrax Vaccine and the Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in the U.S. Military: A Case–Control Study 

Also, I forgot to mention how Dr. Zelenko corroborates what I said in my vlog about how Big Pharma funded studies smearing both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were subsequently retracted but it's actually worse than that, because the only way the FDA, who, along with the CDC, derive half their budget from the pharmaceutical industry, blatant regulatory capture, could secure their EUA for the mRNA gene therapy masquerading as a "vaccine" (they even changed the definition of a vaccine from preventing disease to reducing symptoms of disease) was if a safe, effective and readily available treatment did not already exist. And get this, wait for it.................the FDA applied for EUA citing the fraudulent studies smearing Ivermectin and HCQ that were already retracted (and therefore invalid). And they secured their EUA regardless!

~23 mark 


New Meta-Analysis Concludes Lockdowns Have Had Little To No Effect On COVID Mortality

After three levels of screening, 34 studies ultimately qualified. Of those 34 eligible studies, 24 qualified for inclusion in the meta-analysis. They were separated into three groups; lockdown stringency index studies, shelter-in-place order (SIPO) studies, and specific NPI studies. An analysis of each of these three groups support the conclusion that lockdowns have had little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality.

More specifically, stringency index studies find that lockdowns in Europe and the United States only reduced COVID-19 mortality by 0.2% on average. SIPOs were also ineffective, only reducing COVID-19 mortality by 2.9% on average. Specific NPI studies also find no broad-based evidence of noticeable effects on COVID-19 mortality.

The lock-downs (fitting that this etymology of this derives from prison terminology), the shutting down of the global economy, the arbirtrary 6 ft. social distance, the useless masks, all of this was never about public health, it was about orienting the masses to the New Normal, inducing Mass Formation Psychosis and placing everyone in a state of utter dependence in preparation of the initial phase of The Great Reset and most importantly, ensuring blind obedience when instructed to get "vaccinated". 

I was in the Army for nearly 9 years, I know what indoctrination, what behavioral conditioning looks like. 

That's what this was and is all about. 

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