Thursday, April 14, 2022

Dr. Malone Lays Out Why The Globalists Are Humanity’s #1 Threat (InfoWars) Malone Mega-Post

by Kristi Leigh TV | Banned.Video

Dr. Robert Malone joins Kristi Leigh to break down the latest hit-piece against him, accusations he’s an operative, Elon Musk’s motives with Twitter, Dr. Ardis’ Covid origins hypothesis and how to fight back against the Great Reset.


Yes, Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA Gene Therapy Technology, the same technology used to create the "COVID" "vaccines". Imagine that. It's not some random "conspiracy theorist" like myself telling you all of this, it's the inventor of the technology in question saying this. He's not alone, we have former chief scientific officer at Pfizer 28 year veteran immunologist Mike Yeadon similarly speaking out against the Fake Pandemic. This is why the Deep State is pulling out all of the stops with the smear campaign. They want to both discredit Malone's involvement with the invention of mRNA GTT whilst also painting him as some kind of country bumpkin kook. As with Judy Mikovits, Steve Kirsch and others, they edited his Wikipedia entry to that end and of course, locked him out of editing his own entry. 

Very early on in 2021 Dark Horse media hosted a lengthy 3 hour exchange between Bret Weinstein (Evolutionary Biologist, PhD), Steve Kirsch (Entrepreneur, who introduced Fluvoxamine), and Dr. Robert Malone where among other things, they discuss Dr. Byram Bridle's assessment of Japan's independent pharmacokinetic bio-distribution study showing that, contrary to the assurance of Pfizer, the mRNA lipid-nanoparticles do not remain at the intramuscular injection site but travel the body and accumulate in the spleen, bone marrow and ovaries at magnitude greater order (see page 17 of Japan's report

This video was pulled from Youtube, Youtube claiming that it was "medical misinformation", which is clearly a lie. 


Pfizer Vaccine is found in high concentrations in the Ovaries 48hr after dosage. The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 targets the ACE2 receptor. "Changes in the activity of the local ACE2/Ang-(1-7)/MAS1 pathway can result in fertility problems through the induction of ovarian diseases"

By u/Wearethevirus

After hearing that the Pfizer vaccine is found in high concentrations in the ovaries, and hearing anecdotes of woman having menstrual changes after being vaccinated, I decided to look further into it...
Pfizer animal testing document that was obtained by Dr. Byram Bridle through a FOI request to the Japanese government which shows the biodistribution of the lipid-nano particles throughout the bodies and organs of the test subjects. This is evidence that the lipid nanoparticles do not stay in the injection site, but instead travel all throughout the body (go to pg 16/23 for the charts showing biodistribution over the course of 48hrs):

From this scientific paper, you can read that

" Changes in the activity of the local ACE2/Ang-(1-7)/MAS1 pathway can result in fertility problems through the induction of ovarian diseases"

So the vaccine is found is found in high concentrations of the ovaries, then the spike protein attacks the ACE2 receptor.

Pathologist Dr Ryan Cole Delivers Concerning Message About COVID Vaccine and Long Term Impacts

This corroborates Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Byram Bridle's assessment of Japan's independent Pfizer mRNA non-vaccine (they categorized them as conventional vaccines rather than gene therapy technology to skirt safety studies that the latter would require, specifically, reproductive toxicity and genotoxicity studies, see my full analysis of Dr. Robert Malone's exchange with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Wolfgang Wodarg below) that showed that, contrary to what the "vaccine" manufacturers are telling the unwitting masses, that "don't worry, the spike protein inducing mRNA lipid nanoparticles remain at the intramuscular injection site", that these mRNA lipid nanoparticles travel the body, accumulate in the organs, and even cross the blood brain barrier and are extremely cyto-toxic (that is they induce cell death, organs are comprised of cells. This manifests as prion encephalopathy / mad cow related diseases in the brain, on top of blood clots, in the brain). Of particular concern was the magnitude of order greater concentration in the bone marrow, spleen and ovaries. (see a few posts down here where former Pfizer chief scientific officer and 28 year veteran immunologist Dr. Mike Yeadon is now advising all women of reproductive age to steer clear of these "vaccines").
Here, have a look, page 17:

And here's my full analysis of Dr. Robert Malone's exchange with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Wolfgang Wodarg, I will excerpt the relevant points here:


Full analysis!
Highlights (please go into this keeping in the back of your mind the equally plausible hypothesis that there is no novel coronavirus. Dr. Malone is still in the industry, he's still a consultant, and he strays heavily from conspiracy theorizing, he's extremely reserved. Nevertheless, he still confirms that an intentional release is not out of the realm of plausibility here)

First ~10 minutes: introduction and establishment of Malone's bonafides as the actual inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology in question. Necessary viewing if youre unfamiliar with Dr. Malone.
10-15 minutes: are Reiner Fuellmich's Deutch translation of Malone's introduction.
24-29 min mark: Wolfgang Wodarg presents the question of origin, intentional release is not ruled out by Malone. They also touch on regulatory capture of the regulatory agencies, the FDA and the legislature.
29 min mark: this is where it gets good, Malone confirms for all that the Moderna "vaccine" is the NIH vaccine and was funded by DARPA, the contract between NIH and Moderna were signed in December 2019 to develop the "vaccine" (bear in mind, first reported cases of SARS-COV-2 were a cluster of cases in Wubei Province in China in early January 2020. Also, bear in mind the proximity of Event 201 on the 18th of Oct, 2019, the tabletop training exercise hosted by The Bill Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum (Klaus Schwab) simulating a global outbreak of a novel coronavirus.
Malone goes on to characterize the situation of regulatory capture as "The idea that the State is separate from Industry in the United States is no longer tenable, and I think this is an example that the German intellectuals are very aware of"
Fascism definition: The merger of state and corporate power.
Another lengthy translation into Deutch follows until the 34 min mark.
34 min mark: their PCR test expert presents question to Malone about cost benefit analysis, to include less expensive vaccines on offer in India in regards to cost, safety and efficacy.
Malone feels the need to place utmost emphasis on regulatory capture before going forward with this question. He mentions how the royalty payments from Moderna go into the salaries of 6 NIH employees working under Anthony Fauci.
36 min mark: Malone discloses conflict of interest as a consultant with an Indian pharmaceutical company, Reliance.
42 min mark: Wolfgang Wodarg asks Malone about the previous mRNA animal trials in 2005 and about ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement). Malone confirms the continued, repeated phenomenon of ADE in the trials. Malone goes on to say:
"That's why when I made a threat assessment after I was contacted by a US officer who was in Wuhan in the latter part of 2019 who gave me a phone call in the first week of 2020 and warned me I needed to get my team spun up I made a threat assessment and recommended repurposed drugs (Ivermectin) specifically because of the ADE history of (mRNA) coronavirus vaccine development." ~44 min mark

He then goes on to say:

"the clinical studies were not designed to detect ADE and that the phase 2, 3 studies were performed were not structured in a way that they would detect ADE should it happen" ~45 min mark

He then says that "the variants that are emerging are not showing a marked increase in anything that can be interpreted as an ADE result."

Bear in mind here, this exchange took place on the 9th of July and we have a more recent statement from Dr. Malone from two weeks ago where he does say that the variants seem to be the result of ADE and that "we are witnessing a worse case scenario in regards to ADE" (see previous recent post here)
Here's the best part of this exchange.
At the 48 min mark he gets to the root of the problem. The problem stems from the regulatory capture of the agencies (FDA and CDC) and the existing rules that allow the drug manufacturer to do their own safety studies. One particular consequence is the intentional categorization of these vaccines as conventional vaccines because then the regulatory safety is only concerned with the sterility of the injection device (the needle and vaccine) and the purity of what's in the vaccine itself NOT the behavior of the contents in the vaccine. He elaborates on this at the 50 min mark. So the safety studies were only concerned with established safety guidelines AROUND CONVENTIONAL VACCINES. If these were categorized as GENE THERAPY TECHNOLOGY which is what they actually are, then the safety studies would be concerned with the behavior of the technology, the mRNA lipid nanoparticles, where they travel in the body, and what consequences stem from that. ~50 min mark

51 min mark: Wolfgang Wodarg adds to this, stating that in Germany they changed the definition of vaccines in 2009 to encompass Gene Therapy Technology. He surmises in anticipation of the need for this in the future, i.e., the roll out of a Fake Pandemic in 2020.
Malone responds with:

"The consequence of this decision, is that the regulators have treated the gene therapy products as traditional vaccines and they required, if you understand pharmaceuticals, they require rigorous characterization of the quantity, purity etc. of the material in the needle, but if you think this through, the active agent is the expressed protein antigen, and normally one would characterize with for a traditional vaccine exactly how much of that expressed protein is produced, where it goes, and for how long. In these cases the regulators have not done that, so we have no indication of the levels of spike produced, the distribution of spike produced and the duration of spike produced."

Wodarg: "We don't know the target"
Malone: "Well just so, we don't know the cells that they are infecting or transfecting....What we do know is that the adenovirus vector were designed for prolonged protein expression, the mRNA logic is that it enables shorter term drug like activity and then the RNA is degraded, but we don't know what the kinetics are (pharmacokinetics). So the regulators have, in many ways to my eyes, in looking at, for instance, the Japanese technical document (Japan's independent Pfizer BioNtech vaccine research) have been designed to give the right answer, the answer desired by the pharmaceutical companies, not the scientifically rigorous answer. The only explanation I can come up with is that the regulators didn't have sufficient background to comprehend the data they were shown and it's deficiencies. I wanted to make this key point, we do not understand how much protein is being made by any of these genetic vaccine technologies, where it's being made and for how long it's being made, and I believe that's a major oversight."
Fuellmich then states that "contrary to what these vaccine makers have told us, it doesn't stay at the injection site but moves anywhere in the body?"
Malone confirms and adds:
"In the case of Pfizer, they characterize the pharmaco-distribution, of the active drug material and the expression of the trans-gene, the encoded RNA, not using the final drug product but rather a surrogate, this is red flag number 1, that's not usually allowed, and they characterize the expression of spike in the animal models, they characterized the expression of luciferase, luciferase is the protein that makes the firefly tail it's very sensitive reportaging because it's photons and we have photon cameras. Normally, the way the data is characterized is you dissect the animal and light the cells in each sample and then you can precisely calculate the amount of protein but we aren't even talking about spike protein but luciferase...there is a parlor trick that can be done with luciferase where you image the whole animal, you inject the luciferase and you can see the photons through the whole animal, however, you can appreciate that these photons get scattered as they are obstructed by bones and muscle tissue and you end up with a biased image that only shows the most expression. It's the least sensitive method. Based on that Pfizer asserts that the expression is localized just to the site of injection yet that's the method Pfizer used for their dossier, a highly biased assay, and this illustrates my point, I think that the regulatory authorities were not sufficiently technically expert, to comprehend, we have an expression in the states "pulling the wool over your eyes", to comprehend that Pfizer had selected the least sensitive method to characterize the distribution of a surrogate protein rather than the actual drug product."

60 min mark: "This feeds back into a point of a checklist used by regulators, with traditional vaccines geno-toxicity and reproductive toxicity are not required, with a gene therapy product they absolutely are required. In this case, by Pfizer's own admission in their protocol, the reproductive toxicology studies were not done rigorously and there were no geno-toxicity studies done. So we have, to be technically accurate, we have evidence of non-good laboratory practice studies of concentration of synthetic lipids into ovarian tissue, and spleen and bone marrow and other places you might expect them to distribute to but ovarian tissue is particularly concerning..."
63 min mark, concluding remarks:
Malone: "With all of this pressure from the governments, the press and the media, we are unable to meet the fundamentals of medical ethics that go back to the Nuremburg trials and those are, there must be complete disclosure of risk, those risks must be comprehended, and there has to be free willingness to accept the product, it cannot be coerced or enticed. Those are bedrock principles and these are currently experimental products and for some reason governments around the world have decided they can jettison these fundamental ethics and hastily implement these vaccines and do it in a universal way...and there's been this push to apply the aggregated risk that is almost completely concentrated among the elderly and obese to the entire population and using this to justify vaccinating the entire population with the logic that this will enable herd immunity, but it won't enable herd immunity because the vaccines aren't sterilizing for the virus and the whole logic, when you examine the underlying logic of what is being promoted and this is what gives rise to the conspiracy theories because clearly this logic we've applied to vaccine development for decades is not being followed"


Bayer Exec Brags mRNA Shots Are ‘Gene Therapy’ Marketed as ‘Vaccines’

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