Thursday, July 28, 2022

Vandana Shiva: “THIS Is How We Beat The Great Reset" (Russel Brand)

I wish Vandana Shiva would fully take off the gloves and speak freely about Schwab, the WEF, and the Fake Pandemic. 

As someone who is politically marooned as Del Bigtree from The Highwire describes himself, for years believed in Anthropogenic Climate Change, I now wonder if this, along with the contrived Pandemic and every other crisis going back to include WW2, is another contrivance using David Icke's Problem, Reaction, Solution model. 

CO2 is a heat trapping gas and is the reason we have a habitable planet to begin with (sufficient gravity and magnetosphere owing to our molten core and being in the habitable goldilocks zone, the perfect distance from our parent star also help) and we have been pumping billions of metric tons of it per year into the atmosphere ever since the advent of the coal fired steam engine way back in the late 1700's.

The Rockefellers funded the Club of Rome "Limits to Growth" study (Donella Meadows et al) using the then fastest super computer of that era (1973) World3 to plot out estimated human population growth, resource drawdown, bio-diversity loss, and pollution and environmental degradation and all the inputs converged around 2030 precipitating a population crash.

I've written on this before, I do believe our industrial activity is responsible for the bulk of climate change (the warming has been occurring in the oceans), but it doesn't help that the .01% Shadow Govt behind the Fake Pandemic have weather modification technology at their disposal, to say nothing of the reverse engineered alien technology at their disposal, anti-gravitic and Zero Point energy that they have withheld from Humanity because releasing these technologies would spell the end of their influence and rule (Shadow Govt = Rockefellers, Rothchilds, Melons, Dupont, the Morgans, but at the top are the Rockefellers. John D. Rockefeller sits at the top of a carbon based energy empire, Standard Oil) 

I offer up my thoughts on this at great length here: 

And here: 

And here: 

As a recovering liberal, I don't like how the entire Left can't see that this is a Fake Pandemic and that depopulation is the primary objective with the survivors becoming robotized slaves via self assembling graphene oxide based nano-technology that crosses the blood brain barrier already in the "vaccines" who will "own nothing and be happy" via Klaus Schwab's "4th Industrial Revolution" where "the change doesn't change what you were doing, it changes you, if we take genetic editing for example" - Klaus Schwab

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