Monday, January 30, 2023


Another excellent show by Steve @ SteveEyesisWatchin; I had no idea Leanna Wen was the very same crisis actor from the Boston Marathon Bombing! Now she's a doctor on the same network? Wow, small world! /s

(What High Impact Flix neglects to add here, which would have destroyed Leanna Wen's argument, is that the fact that the "vaccines" do not now and never did prevent transmission nor infection was known and established from the outset based on Pfizer's on trial data showing only .83 Absolute Risk Reduction / reduction of severity of symptomatology. This isn't something we / they learned along the way nor is this a consequence of the "virus" which remains to be isolated having mutated. The "vaccines" never prevented transmission nor infection and their entire argument for compulsory vaccination was invalid from the very outset. Myself and others pointed this out at the top of our lungs, you shouted us down and called us "conspiracy theorists", a term created by CIA to deride and ridicule those who questioned the official JFK narrative and any government narrative from then on)

Now this very same Leanna Wen that advocated not letting the "unvaccinated" function in society because "what incentive will we have to get them vaccinated if they can still travel and go to the grocery store" has completely reversed her position, now stating that the so called "COVID" deaths were vastly overcounted? 

Yeah now she, as Steve points out at the 14 min mark, is part of the Controlled Reveal, now belatedly (as in 2.5 years late) corroborating what all of us "conspiracy theorists" (I prefer the term Conspiracy Analyst, right now we are batting 100:0) stated roughly 2.5 years ago, when they were trying to generate sufficient rationale for mandating the "vaccine", that all of the so called "COVID" deaths were overcounted because if you died from any cause within 28 days of taking that PCR test that has a 95% false positive rate above 22 amplification cycles (they are using 40-50, intentionally!) the cause of death is "COVID". Gunshot wound to the chest? PCR test says it's "COVID"! Motorcycle accident? You guessed it. How about this one, you literally believe everything Deep State Pharma (Rockefellers, who also created and own the CIA and Shadow Govt. more broadly) owned MSM says, you believe it's a deadly pandemic, and you are coming down with, in actuality, the common cold, you freak out, think you have the deadly "COVID" that in actuality remains to be isolated and is in, in fact the cold or flu you get every year, you take yourself to the emergency room, they administer PCR test, "confirm" to you that you have "COVID", take you to the "COVID" ward, now your fear level is at 11, and Placebo effect amplifies what is in actuality the common cold or flu, now you think you're dying, your health deteriorates, oh and you have to wear the mask which further compounds everything as now you're recycling CO2 etc and placed further in a fear based state, then, as your health deteriorates, the hospital sedates you without your knowledge via IV, now you're unable to contest what they are doing, and your family cannot visit you so no-one can protect you, then they administer Remdesivir, which is toxic and fully 1/3rd of patients given this experience renal kidney failure (it's so toxic that during the it's trials against Ebola more patients died from Remdesivir than from Ebola) then they place you on the ventilator and between 60-90% of patients die from the vent! The hospital literally kills you. You only had seasonal cold and flu and really only needed a lot of vitamin C and liquids, maybe Ivermectin / HCQ + Zinc worst case scenario. Cause of death that goes on the death certificate? You guessed it: "COVID-19". And the hospitals were and still are incentivized to do this!

Also, when you Die Suddenly from the unspeakable those deaths too count among "COVID" deaths! But now, an interesting plot twist, only the "vaccinated" are Dying Suddenly and they don't know how to hide or obfuscate this fact! 

Now they, as outlined in the John Hopkins SPARS document, after ~2 years of administering an experimental injection onto the population, will confirm to the masses they've been poisoned, hoping pandemonium ensues (imagine the rage of mothers who unwittingly "vaccinated" their children with experimental mRNA gene altering technology for something with an IFR of seasonal flu, that in reality their child has zero chance of dying from, that is, in all likelihood, seasonal flu in actuality. Imagine the rage of veterans who now have chest pain and a whole host of debilitating other issues who now have nothing to lose and want to lash out against the government) because THEIR END GOAL IS THE TOTAL COLLAPSE OF SOCIETY AS IT'S PRESENTLY CONFIGURED. 

They can't have their Great Reset without first destroying the current system. 

They call it Creative Destruction. 

If you want to learn more about why they are doing this now, as of late 2019, it's because we were on the verge of a total collapse of the global economy as I point out here. So they got ahead of that with Medical Martial Law that gets to the root of the problem in their eyes, too many Useless Eaters. I.E., primary example: social security recipients. What a neat solution, tell everyone there is a virus and have them roll up their sleeves for the Final Final Solution. 

They are hoping that you don't understand the healing power of the mind and prayer and don't seek to legally, lawfully and non-violently organize and demand legal consequences for the perpetrators of this horrid crime. We are talking Crimes against Humanity and Genocide. 

Ivermectin can mitigate some if not most of the mRNA injection spike caused problems, see the last episode of The Highwire I shared here, the segment with Pierre Kory following the Jaxen Report. 

I recommend an immediate cessation of all bad habits: alcohol, tobacco, junk food, conventional food (glyphosate and pesticides), sugar etc. Start exercising and getting direct sunlight. Start supplementing with Vitamin D,C, Zinc, NAC, Quercetin etc. Start meditating. Limit screen time and sitting. Be wary of your EMF environment; do you have a wifi gateway that doesn't need the wifi function running 24/7? Is said gateway in your bedroom next to your bed? How many other wifi gateway's are you currently exposed to? Is 5G up and running where you are? If so you may want to relocate! I also recommend switching to a plant based diet, and for heaven's sake, STOP LISTENING TO THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA! 

I recommend listening to Dr. Gary Null daily for good information on health, healing, the environment, and our headlong descent into The Great Reset and what we can do about it: 

If you want to survive you need to completely change the way you've been living, otherwise, your outlook is not good. 

Related and reproduced here in full because it's relevant:

Monday, October 3, 2022

Globalists Scramble to Launch Next Phase of Controlled Collapse as Alarming Vaccine Studies Trigger Great Awakening (Alex Jones)
Do I need to tell you that the Deep State blew up Nordstream 2? 

Excellent show up until the segment with Roger Stone. 

Yes, Alex Jones is correct here, they simulated all of this via SPARS 2025-2028 simulation which further corroborates other information indicating that the Fake Pandemic was original slated for 2025 but they had to rush it out the door early because of Bill Gates', their vaccine salesman, being implicated in Jeffrey Epstein's conviction (yes, 100% implicated in sex trafficking / raping minors, he's on Lolita Express flight logs 26 times over the last 21 years, his mansion architect was recently arrested for possession of a massive trove of child porn and his wife Melinda, who described Jeffrey Epstein as "abhorrent, evil personified" has divorced him over the matter, do the math) and in so doing they were caught with their pants down and their plan is not going according to plan and so they are quickly rolling out their Plan B (Global Conflagration / WW3 / CyberPolygon / Total Shut-down of the internet). 

The most troubling aspect of the SPARS simulation is that after 1.5 years after an incredibly aggressive "vaccination" campaign they would come out and admit that the "vaccines" were useless, that the "virus" (remains to be isolated, not novel, bio-weapon) originated from highly dangerous Gain of Function Research (Ft. Detrick, Maryland, Wuhan Institute of Virology) and that some doctors and bureaucrats would be fired but by then it wouldn't matter as 90% of the global human population would have been injected with slow acting, gene altering / cancer inducing, VAIDS / ADE shots and then it would only be a matter of time. 

Why would they even bother telling the masses / admitting to the basically mind-fucking and genocide?

Because of the fact that we co-create reality, i.e. Observer Effect (Quantum Physics, the mere act of observing a phenomenon affects the behavior of said phenomenon) i.e. Placebo Effect etc. 

I get into this in this here in this post if you're interested. 

Cliffnotes version: they want the masses to go from believing they have a magical technology invincibility shield to understanding that they've been injected with a bio-weapon to accelerate their demise because the primary objective here is human depopulation. Placebo Effect works both ways and is non-local, i.e. prayer is real

Those who survive will exist as biological robots who will have no semblance of free-will, will have self-forming graphene oxide nano-router circuits in their brains that will respond near instantaneously to external signal / 5G, the "good two way communication" Yuval Noah Harari talks about

The distribution of the "vaccines" was strategic, if you live in North America or elsewhere in the 1st World Anglosphere you probably got the real deal, but even then they diluted the initial batches with saline with 90% of the adverse events and deaths stemming from only 10% of the batches with blue states receiving mostly saline. 

Go back and look at the excerpt from Bill Cooper's "Behold a Pale Horse", areas with people who are genetically predisposed to being highly tolerant to a highly regimented lifestyle, socialism, zero semblance of freedom will be getting the nano-routers sans VAIDS inducing mRNA lipid-nanoparticles. The presence of graphene oxide elsewhere outside of China and Japan is because the "elites" are fine tuning the technology, beta testing it (I believe they are testing the kill-switch ability as shown in Greg Reese's recent video, see previous hyper-link) as it rolls out live. 

In positive news, things aren't going according to plan, the masses are rejecting the "boosters" (98% rejection rate) and humanity is legitimately experiencing an accelerating mass awakening. 

Remember, we co-create reality. This could be the point at which Humanity awakens from centuries of total enslavement and ushers in a 2nd Renaissance, replete with reverse engineered ET technology, space travel, where our final form is going out among the stars as a peaceful space-faring civilization to help other species similarly in the grip of tyranny and at a dangerous cross-roads. 



Rockefeller funded Lockstep Scenario: 


Friday, June 10, 2022

"SADS": They Aren't Gaslighting You, They Want You to Understand and Internalize the Fact that You've Been Poisoned Because Depopulation is their Primary Objective

In this post here I stated how we Co-Create reality without expounding on this. This isn't some woo woo New Age gobbledygook. With the pioneering work of Neils Bohr and other quantum physicists, over 90 years ago, we started grappling with the mind matter conundrum of the nature of reality. It works like this, atoms, photons even, are entangled, as shown in the Double Slit Experiment where a single beam of light is shot through a crystal with very high clarity and split into two separate beams, creating paired, entangled photons. The upspin of one photon mirrors that of the other, a form of communication that is instantaneous irrespective of the distance between the photons, violating Einstein's Law of Relativity, which held, up until the Einsteinian Model was upended with the Quantum Model, that nothing is faster than the speed of light. I could go on about how the separate beams of light had obstacles placed between them and their terminating collector plate, on one side a card with a double slit in it, which would change the pattern on the collector plate from a particle to a wave formation, what is interesting is that the entangled photons in the unobstructed beam path would also exhibit this change in form, but the most interesting aspect of this is how the presence of a conscious observer would influence whether or not the photons settled in a wave or particle formation. 

The phenomenon is referred to as the Observer Effect. It absolutely is real and has profound implications for how we view reality. 

But the most relevant example of this, in relation to the subject of this post, is how the perception of a conscious observer can alter reality. I.E. we really do actually co-create reality, and the more of us who believe in a certain outcome, the more likely said outcome is to happen. 

If youre interested in learning more about this, may I recommend: 

Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe by Robert Lanza

At the local level, the level of the body, we can induce a state of healing based purely on our perception. We know this as The Placebo Effect. 

One of the last thing a medical doctor wants to do, is to inform a patient of a terminal illness and to give a timeframe of life left on the planet. When a patient internalizes this, it accelerates their demise. 

In Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind by Joe Dispenza, the author lays out early on how he had the misfortune of experiencing a brutal bicycle accident that nearly left him paralyzed from the waist down. With a background in Chiropractice, he was intimately aware of the healing power of the mind, and against the advice of 3 different, highly experienced spinal surgeons, he opted against having a procedure done where metal bars would fuse his lower vertebrae as it would have left him in a state of opioid pain killer dependence, ultimately resulting in organ failure, a life of misery. Against all odds, he healed himself, and then set out to undertake research into how some patients fare better than others, and the takeaway conclusion of his research was that in all of the instances where patients were diagnosed with some terminal illness and then miraculously recovered, uniformly all of them said they didn't believe their doctor, and chose to live. 

How does any of this related to the title of this blog post? The gaslighting is so over-the-top ridiculous now, now they are telling the masses that they are dying because of "SADS" (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome). 

This isn't gaslighting. They want the masses to begin to understand that they have, in fact, been poisoned with slow acting, gene altering, cancer, VAIDS and myocarditis (among 9 pages of side effects) inducing injections because the primary objective isn't data aggregation, scientific experimentation, or the profit motive, no, the primary objective is human depopulation. Given how our perception of reality determines the state of not just our local system, the human body, but the very fabric of space-time that we are nestled within (more on that in a moment), if human depopulation is the desired outcome, then the victims must understand, internalize, and then co-create that outcome. 

We don't just co-create quantum reality within the local system, our current human body form, we also affect collective reality, and this is why they, the Transnational Cabal behind all of this, are using symbolism that resonates with the Christian Right, this is why Bill Gates numbered his Human Body Activity Cryptocurrency System patent W2060606, this is why the various bills being presented are HR666 and HR6666. This is why the numbers 666 can be seen in the World Economic Forum and the Google Symbol. This is why, after deriding and ridiculing Alex Jones for decades now, about how he was some kind of tinfoil hat wearing kook going on about "The New World Order", now they themselves call it The New World Order. They want you to co-create the reality they want to make manifest. If you're a Christian, you believe that this is prophecy fulfillment. If you're a dignitary or statesman, they want you to internalize that this is really happening, Klaus Schwab really is ushering in his 4th Industrial Revolution, Great Reset, New World Order so you better get on board (if you want to live). 

What the "elites" don't count on, however, is that rather than ushering in their Great Reset, they have ignited a Great Awakening. It only takes 1% of Humanity to awaken the rest. That's how powerful the Truth is. And they absolutely cannot stop it. They are desperate. They've totally lost control of the narrative so now they want to accelerate the next stage of their agenda: the wave of mass death that will create utter chaos and allow them to invoke a global emergency, deploy the national guard, literally take the "unvaccinated" off to "COVID" Camps to be euthanized. 

 Also, the Universe, the consciousness that we, during times of mental stillness, can connect to and are one with, abhors evil, and will throw all manner of a monkey wrench into their diabolical, doomed to fail agenda. Example: comedian Heather McDonald jokes about being "triple vaccinated" and how "Jesus loves me", and how "I feel so nice, so nice" then takes two steps and falls flat on her back, so well timed that it looks like it's part of her act. 

This is not coincidental. There was a part of Heather McDonald, the deep unconscious, that, at that moment, was so repulsed by the charade that it overwhelmed the local system and induced that condition at that precise moment.


And yes, it was from POTTS, from the "vaccine". 

We are all unique manifestations of the Universe, having a unique experience and the law guiding the universe is Free Will (so long as your behavior doesn't impinge on the free will of another, i.e., why rape, murder and slavery are universally accepted as morally reprehensible). Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates et al, have the freedom to attempt to enslave everyone, to beguile everyone with the positively preposterous notion that they can transfer their consciousness, or a simulacrum of it, to the Metaverse where they can experience "immortality". First, the premise of this is flawed. The brain does not produce consciousness, it merely facilitates it, i.e., when the radio receiver is destroyed, the radio signal remains. Consciousness is non-local. There literally is no death. Their plan is doomed to failure. No amount of self-assembled graphene oxide based nano-routers in the human brain will ever pinpoint the seat of the soul. 

Their plan is doomed to fail because, at root, their plan entails the disconnection of non-local consciousness from the local system, and the Universe will not allow that, it is not possible. 

The way we get out of this mess is to stop listening to them. This is only the Apocalypse if everyone believes it is. We could literally change this world overnight if we all had a shared collective vision. 

Right now the collective vision is Klaus Schwab's Great Reset. 

Again, their plan is 100% doomed to fail. In fact, it's currently failing spectacularly, otherwise the Full Spectrum Censorship would not be necessary. 

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Into the Final Chapter of The Great Reset: Orchestrated Collapse by Way of Cyber Polygon and WW3 (Re-Post)

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