Monday, June 19, 2023

Peter Hotez & The Avoidance of Science (The Pulse)

Avoiding meaningful discussion is sign of things to hide.

Joe Martino, 19 July 2023

The Joe Rogan, RFK Jr. and Peter Hotez clash has been rather interesting to watch unfold. I think it reveals some key elements of what is occurring in our collective consciousness at the moment, and as always, presents a powerful evolutionary moment.

In this piece, I will break down what happened followed by my reflections.

Peter Hotez, is a longtime “debunker” of “vaccine misinformation.” Like anyone else, Hotez isn’t wrong about everything he says. Rather, it’s what he refuses to discuss that is of greater importance here.

During COVID, Hotez did the rounds on mainstream, supporting the need for everyone to get their shots - including children. For a list of what he got wrong during the pandemic and a look at his conflicts of interest, click here.

Hotez was also a key presenter at the World Vaccine Conference where industry professionals got together in an echo chamber to praise themselves about COVID vaccine success and plan for future development while avoiding critical questions. More on that here.

Following Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s interview on Joe Rogan, Hotez took to Twitter to call out the misinformation RFK Jr. allegedly shared on the show. Hotez didn’t address the content of what Kenndy said, just claimed he spread misinformation.

Joe Rogan snapped back, offering Hotez $100,000 to debate Kennedy on his podcast.

Hotez didn’t accept.

It appears he doesn’t want to engage with RFK Jr in debate because he doesn’t want to give platform to a “conspiracy nut.”

The Atlantic’s Tom Nichols agrees. He stated on Twitter:

The interesting part of this is a guy like Hotez would refuse to debate any doctor or scientist who doesn’t agree with him as well. He’s been avoiding it for years. Further, Hotez is protecting institutions that have clearly been captured by corporate interests and have a long history of unethical conduct resulting in billions in fines. Why shouldn’t people be skeptical of them?

But these are the types of perspectives that come out of some of the biggest mainstream journalists who find every reason to avoid an honest debate.

Hotez took to The Medhi Hasan show on MSNBC to talk about why he’s upset about the issue stating:

"Anti-vaccine now a lethal force in the United States. I offered to go on Joe Rogan but not to turn it into the Jerry Springer show with having RFK Jr. on."

Jerry Springer? Why does he assume this is what would happen? When have you ever seen RFK Jr. present himself in a disrespectful manner? More avoidance from Hotez?

Hotez continually claims that hundreds of thousands needlessly died in the US because of anti-vax ideas. Did some people die of COVID who may have been saved if they were vaccinated? Perhaps. Hundreds of thousands though? Not likely.

But how many died or were seriously injured by the vaccine, including children, who didn’t need to be vaccinated? How many people died or were seriously burdened due to policies like lockdowns? This is what grounded voices in the alternative space are asking.

It is also what Hotez refuses to acknowledge and where a healthy discussion needs to occur.

Now, a series of influencers have put up $2.62 million (at the time of writing this) to encourage Peter Hotez to go on the Joe Rogan show and debate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. regarding COVID vaccines and more. They are asking Hotez to specifically point out what RFK Jr. gets wrong about vaccines.

The money would go to a charity of Hotez’s choice.

To be fair it’s become a bit of an advertising campaign for the donors now, but still, it’s serving a dual purpose.

We Now Know For Sure The Mainstream Isn’t interested in Healthy Discussion

It seems to be an irresistible offer yet I doubt Hotez will accept. The worst thing that could possibly happen in the eyes of the mainstream vaccine narrative is the general public starts to realize how flimsy the science around various hot topics really is.

The mainstream media, including governments and academia, have deeply failed to have meaningful discussions around important topics. Instead, they’ve ridiculed anyone who does.

This entire debate fiasco has become a bit of an ‘our team vs. your team’ thing, but there’s one key detail worth noting. One team is willing to debate on a public stage, and the other is refusing.

This is crucial to note and is a point that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

If Hotez really does care about public health and truth, doesn’t he see that debating RFK Jr is an opportunity to squash the anti-vax position once and for all? I mean, if his position is truly airtight, this would end it for the most part, right?

If this debate were to take place, it’s likely millions upon millions would take notice, and people would see that the COVIDIAN narrative simply doesn’t have the science to back its claimed certainty.

This is likely why Hotez will avoid the discussion.


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