Monday, June 19, 2023

Pfizer Exposed For Exploring Mutating "C-19 Virus" For New "Vaccines" Via 'Directed Evolution'

Dr. Robert Malone covers this quite a bit mid-way through his exchange with Brian Rose (see previous post) Many of you are already familiar with this; I am reposting this material because I am getting a lot of new people visiting my social media profile, the majority of them with "I got my injection" banners, who I believe I'm having some small success waking up to what's really going on and they may have missed this. 

James O'Keefe, the only one doing actual real investigative journalism at Project Veritas was embroiled in a workplace dispute and fired from the company shortly after this video was released

TLDW, Jordan Trishton Walker, 3rd down below Bourla at Pfizer, is essentially bragging about Gain of Function research: "Instead of like waiting for a virus to mutate and then we make injections for them, we had the bright idea of mutating virus ourselves, releasing those onto the public, and then having the vaccines on hand ready!" (Not a direct quote but essentially this is the idea and what they did with "COVID", but even better, they didn't even need to release a novel coronavirus, just tell the masses that they did with their total control of the media, Congress, the regulatory agencies in question, various politicians through the WEF like Gavin Newsom, Justin Trudeau, Boris Johnson, Joe Biden etc. 

If their goal is depopulation (which it is) they wouldn't release a deadly virus into the wild that could affect their aforementioned minions who interface with the public, no they would simply tell the masses there is a virus, fake cases with the PCR test with way too much magnification, equate all cause of death as death from the virus, and tell the masses they need to come in and get new mRNA gene altering injections with nothing other than a 90 day safety study. To justify the act, in accordance with Satanic Law [they must tell a victim what they are going to do to them; get them to participate] they also told you that the virus was not deadly (99.97% avg rate of survival, FOR THE ORIGNAL ALPHA STRAIN and YES they told you this) this way, if you're so fucking stupid as to roll up your sleeve for an mRNA GENE ALTERING injection with nothing other than a 90 day safety study from the likes of Pfizer, the most heavily sued drug company in history, reeling from the Vioxx scandal, then even I, a non-Satanist, nearly wants to say "you know what, you're so fucking stupid that you deserve to be depopulated". 

To make me nearly want to align with the Satanists in this regard is that WE the "conspiracy theorists" spent the time to LOOK at Pfizer's data, to LISTEN to the inventor of mRNA Gene Therapy Technology Dr. Robert Malone have an exchange with Bret Weinstein and Steve Kirch discussing Dr. Byron Bridle's relaying to the public Japan's discovery that, contrary to the assurances of Pfizer, the mRNA lipid nano-particles do NOT remain at the injection site but travel the body, accumulate at orders of magnitude greater concentration in the ovaries, spleen and bone marrow, even cross the blood-brain barrier and THEN they instruct all cells they encounter to start making the toxic spike protein, producing serious problems wherever that happens, blood clots in blood vessels in the brain leading to stroke, GBS, and other neurological disorders, menstrual irregularities (women who are POST MENOPAUSE having PMS return, pregnant women in the 3rd Trimester, 90% of whom (238 out of 270) the status of pregnancy is unknown (when pharma does a trial and the results are unfavorable they simply do not include the outcome, follow up on patients), according to Pfizer's TRIAL DATA that Japan secured via FOIA), cancer, immune disregulation / VAIDS, ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) etc. 

But because we DID OUR FUCKING RESEARCH and tried to warn you, you, so thoroughly fucking brainwashed and programmed to think of us as "Conspiracy Theorists" via full spectrum 5th Generation Psychological Warfare ("Conspiracy Theorist": a term literally invented by the CIA to ridicule anyone who questioned anomalies around JFK's death, interesting in that it's the SAME Cabal behind both JFK's death and the Fake Pandemic(s) you, right on command, when told to think that "yes maybe we should lock the unvaccinated in their homes for refusing the injections" began regurgitating this programming like Manchurian Candidates or "yes they shouldn't be allowed to attend the work-place or school because they don't have the injections" and "yes children (who had a 99.99999% rate of survival against the original Alpha strain) need to receive these injections to attend school" then that's when this becomes a problem for me because now it's no longer about harm that you can inflict on yourself. And now we are on the cusp of them announcing a new virus and "locking down" (lock down etymology: the penal system) again, this time rolling out digital vaccine passports with their control of the WHO and the recently convened vote on a Pandemic Preparedness Treaty that will take effect May 2024. 

So a part of me is unsympathetic. I UNDERSTAND why the "elite" justify killing off 90% of the global population, because most of you didn't even bother to read this far, that's how gullible and DUMB you are. But the other part of me understands that pure evil behind this and that as Nietzche's quote goes:

"Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”—Friedrich Nietzsche.

Oh the Cabal behind this absolutely sleeps well at night, they truly do view you as stupid cattle to be culled. 

The problem I have is that they are also murdering children and people in the 3rd world who do not deserve any of this. But if you're an ardent "lock-down" supporter and mask Nazi who "stands with Ukraine and the LGBTQ Community" and equates any questioning of govt. dictates with Trump'ism / "Far Right Conspiracy Theories / Domestic Terrorism" then please, by all means, get your 5th shot right away. Please DO line up for your repeated injections. Please DO go to the "COVID Camp" when instructed to do so. I will NEVER take your fucking injections. 

I will NEVER go to a fucking "COVID Camp". I will fight to the death and there are at least 100 million other Americans just like me who understand what is going on and feel the same way. 

This is Nazi Germany all over again. 

The shot is the hot shower. 

I would have fought back then as I am now. 

I don't view existence as though we have this one physical life experience, therefore, I am not afraid of death. They pulled this off because most of you are so afraid of death you would give up all of your freedom and allow tyrants to literally get away with mass murder. 

We have become a sick society, this outcome was inevitable.

Follow up:



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