Monday, June 26, 2023

You Should Be OUTRAGED By This CDC Lie! (Jimmy Dore)

According to the Washington Examiner, emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show that Dr. Rochelle Walensky and Dr. Francis Collins discussed “breakthrough cases” of COVID-19 in January 2021 — but continued to tell the public the vaccines would prevent transmission.

By Peter A. McCullough, M.D., MPH, 22 June 2023

The Washington Examiner published an explosive report from Jack Elbaum:

“Emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request show that CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] Director Rochelle Walensky and former NIH [National Institutes of Health] Director Francis Collins were aware of, and discussed, ‘breakthrough cases’ of COVID in January 2021 — right when the vaccines became widely available.

“In her email, Walensky says that ‘clearly,’ it is an ‘important area of study,’ links to a study raising the issue, and assures the person she is sending it to that Dr. Anthony Fauci is looped into these conversations.

“However, in public, Walensky was saying something quite different. Two months after discussing this data, she said vaccinated people ‘don’t carry the virus’ and “don’t get sick.’

In a congressional hearing, after it became clear people were able to get infected with COVID even after receiving the vaccine, she defended her original statements by claiming it was true at the time she said it — namely, for the strands we were dealing with in early 2021. …

“Jay Bhattacharya, a professor at the Stanford School of Medicine, called the revelation ‘stunning.’

“He pointed out that despite this knowledge, ‘they continued to push vax mandates anyway.’

“This is the real scandal, as there is little harm in getting something like this wrong in a vacuum. After all, COVID-19 vaccines certainly saved many, many lives and reduced the severity of infection for many more.

“But the fact vaccine mandates were pushed, even though those in charge knew people could contract and spread the virus while vaccinated, is indefensible. That they mislead the public on this makes it even worse.”

I disagree with Bhattacharya, not a single, prospective randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial demonstrated a reduction in hospitalization or death as a primary or secondary endpoint.

His claim is based on invalid non-randomized studies published by biased investigators desperate to show the vaccine was “working.”

Looking back the mRNA vaccines were doomed to fail.

The July 14, 2020, rushed Phase 1 trial data (n=45, age 33 years) from Moderna conceded they had no correlate of protection against SARS-CoV-2.

A few weeks later I published in The Hill that the entire COVID-19 vaccine program was a “gamble” given the lack of information demonstrating the vaccines would be effective and the tremendous risks taken on safety with the poorly conceived genetic vaccines.

Throwing caution to the wind, the NIH announced the U.S. government was funding the entire Moderna trial just a few weeks after the Jackson publication.

The protocol, funding and operations for the trial were determined months earlier before the Jackson study was published.

Pfizer had made all the same mistakes just a few weeks ahead of Moderna on the timeline.

The hubris for a vaccine and a “needle in every arm” clouded the judgment of investigators and government lackeys, and America and the world were doomed to suffer through the worst mass vaccination program in the history of mankind.

Originally published on Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake’s Courageous Discourse Substack page.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children's Health Defense.



At least Dr. Peter McCullough pushes back against Dr. Bhattacharya's statement that the "vaccines" saved many lives and reduced severity of outcomes for many, pointing to the Cleveland Health Study showing that the "vaccines" actually provide NEGATIVE efficacy, meaning, the more injections you've had the higher the likelihood of you catching "COVID". In actuality you have a destroyed immune system and are getting sick with much greater frequency and severity (it's how AIDS works, hence VAIDS) and they are using the same PCR test and telling you that you're getting "COVID" repeatedly. Fauci similarly did this in the 1990's with HIV AIDS, falsely diagnosing people with HIV, then giving them AZT, which was incredibly toxic and killing people, then turning around and saying that all of the AZT deaths were AIDS deaths, the inventor of the PCR method, who stated that it should never be used to diagnose any disease because "if you look hard enough you will find whatever you're looking for" and called Fauci a stooge and offered to publicly debate him over the controversy. 

Conveniently Dr. Kary Mullis just so happened to die in Sept. 2019, right before Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab host Event 201 in Oct of 2019, simulating a "global outbreak of a novel coronavirus" 6 weeks before the start of the "Pandemic". Ralph Baric was also curiously transporting "COVID-19" "vaccine" candidates to and from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Dec of 2019 with information from Moderna who patented the computerized gene sequence of "SARS-COV-2" three years prior in 2016. Trump also signed legislation allowing Pharma to circumvent pre-existing safety requirements surrounding the rapid manufacture of "vaccines" during a public health emergency around the same time, BEFORE the start of the "Pandemic". 

All of the above is just coincidental! 

Also, the world's foremost expert on HIV, Dr. Luc Montagnier similarly just dying inexplicably out of the blue right as Moderna begins phase 1 clinical trial of their mRNA HIV "vaccine" (that you're probably going to need for the HIV you got from the "COVID" "vaccine") and who, as with Mullis, probably would have been a problem as he was becoming very vocal about the "Pandemic", this too is just a coincidence! 

It's all just a coincidence, yes the CIA did shady things in the past but they are on the up and up now and Bill Gates who funded the creation of the computerized gene sequence of a virus with a $20 million grant given to Moderna in 2016, the same year they created said computerized gene sequence of "SARS-COV-2", Bill Gates who simulated the "Pandemic" right before it started and who has stated repeatedly "people need to realize that things don't go back to normal until everyone on the planet has largely been vaccinated", who publicly complains about the issue of human overpopulation, who has been fine tuning depopulation methods in the global south, like in Kenya with the HCG laced Tetanus vaccine distributed there through GAVI in 2014-2015 that rendered all women of child bearing age infertile or killing 491k in India with his oral polio vaccine, also in the Philippines, everywhere he goes with his injections there are hundreds of thousands, millions left dead, paralyzed and injured in his wake and yes his father was a renowned Eugenicist, an actual signatory of the Eugenics Society who through Margaret Sanger created Planned Parenthood for the express purpose of reducing the number of African Americans in inner cities and yes, they did experiment with black people and Syphilis at Tuskegee and yes, the Rockefeller and Gates Family dynasties along with the Bush family dynasty did fund the ascendance of Adolph Hitler, goaded Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor (McCollum's Eight Point Memo) profited from the war, and then they did bring the prominent Nazi scientists over after the war via Operation Paperclip and then they began the program of water fluoridation, based on the experimentation performed in the death camps with literal rat poison and yes the hateful Nazi ideology which at it's core is a strange marriage of a perversion of Darwin's elegant theory of evolution, Natural Selection and Eugenics predates Hitler / originates from the Rockefeller / Gates families whose family tree merges if you go back far enough and yes the Spanish Flu of 1918 originated from a bioweapons lab / horse ranch at Kansas State University owned and funded by John D. Rockefeller and Frederick Gates and yes this same Cabal created the CIA, their own private army, and then literally shot JFK in the face in broad daylight with multiple different shooters in Dallas Texas to show the world and any would-be future president what would happen if you went up against them right after JFK said that he was going to "take the CIA and shatter it into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds" after the whole Bay of Pigs debacle and yes Bill Gates whose mansion architect was caught with terabytes of child pornography and is on Epstein's Lolita Express flight logs 26 times over the past 21 years and yes Melinda, who described Epstein as "abhorrent, evil personified" has divorced Bill because of these revelations, BUT ALL OF THAT WAS IN THE PAST. 

Bill Gates cares deeply about you now.

Please continue to get your injections, please help Bill Gates' effort to address human overpopulation. 



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