Saturday, July 1, 2023

Are Malaria and Monkeypox Cases in U.S. Related to Covid Shot Compromised Immune Systems? (Dr. Lee Merritt, Brannon Howse Live)

Yes, they will blame the rising number of illnesses and disorders from the "COVID" "Vaccine" on "Long COVID" and the emergence of new viruses (especially ones that don't even exist but that they can fake with the PCR)! 

I pointed this out at great length in this blog-post here (notice the double bracketing here, "COVID" from "SARS-COV-2" is in actuality seasonal flu, remains to be properly isolated, has a comparable IFR to seasonal flu and is indistinguishable from seasonal flu with the PCR method above 22 amplification cycles and they are 40-50 cycles to create "cases"! and it's not a vaccine, in fact there is a huge distinction between a conventional vaccine and mRNA Gene Therapy Technology as the latter is bound by tighter safety regulation including reproductive toxicology studies but by classifying these injections as conventional vaccines [in theory an actual vaccine stimulates an immune response, these injections simply reduce severity of symptoms, do not provide any immunity whatsoever, do not prevent transmission and infection] along with the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) allowed them to not do these studies. 

60 min mark: "This feeds back into a point of a checklist used by regulators, with traditional vaccines genotoxicity and reproductive toxicity are not required, with a gene therapy product they absolutely are required. In this case, by Pfizer's own admission in their protocol, the reproductive toxicology studies were not done rigorously and there were no geno-toxicity studies done. So we have, to be technically accurate, we have evidence of non-good laboratory practice studies of concentration of synthetic lipids into ovarian tissue, and spleen and bone marrow and other places you might expect them to distribute to but ovarian tissue is particularly concerning..."

I feel the need to stress here that simply having received the injections is NOT a death sentence as they heavily diluted the batches with saline placebo (for many reasons, one, the injection roll-out was a grand experiment on the world stage that accomplished Dose Range Finding and two, if everyone got the real deal lethal amount of mRNA lipid nanoparticles and graphene oxide etc. then the immediate death wave among the first injected would send a clear signal to the cautious that yep, good thing you trusted your intuition.) Also, do not forever discount the healing power of the mind! You have not been issued a death sentence! The vast majority of deaths happen within 24 hours and the vast majority of adverse events within 2-4 weeks. If you are suffering from some problems from the shots there are natural remedies such as Nattokinase

They also wanted to see how logistically feasible it would be to send "hot lots" to certain areas comprised of a more Right leaning, 1st and 2nd Amendment appreciating demographic and sure enough, this method of targeted depopulation is entirely feasible. They also wanted to normalize us to the idea of Locking Down and compulsory vaccination. "COVID" was the warm up! They absolutely are not done yet, they absolutely are going to declare the sudden emergence of new diseases and the need to wear beyond useless masks and shut down society and of course, QUARTERLY injections! No injection? You're locked out of society! 

The threat facing Humanity is not the sudden emergence of new viruses that they can fake with the PCR test, it's our headlong descent into the Totalitarian Techno-Fascist World Control Grid / The Great Reset where you WILL be depopulated. "COVID" was what they used to put into place the Control Grid but it's literally a horse race at this point with how many are waking up to the reality of the situation. If you value life and liberty then you MUST make a stand. Humanity's future is in our hands but you MUST participate. The first critical step is cleaning up our lives mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Everyone reading this is here for a reason, you did not just so happen to be born and grow into the person you are now with the ability to understand what is happening to simply go back to sleep in the Matrix. Once you're awake you can never go back to sleep. 



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