Sunday, November 20, 2022

[Updated] G20: They’re No Longer Hiding Their Plan to ENSLAVE Us (Man in America)

Updated with an elaboration into the last section of the first iteration of this post on the topic of reincarnation and soul development. I also delve into potential trajectories forward for Humanity. 

Alternative hypothesis, this isn't the fulfillment of biblical prophecy but rather an incredibly sophisticated psy-op whereby the "elite" are employing biblical iconography and language into their very real and very evil Great Reset Transhumanist agenda for the express purpose of disempowering the Christian Right who will be enraptured with this grand eschatological narrative. 

Those who have refused the "vaccines" are predominantly conservative, Christian, and firm believers in the 2nd Amendment (including yours truly) and instead of organizing and fighting back the default in the face of the actualization of their chosen eschatological narrative before their very eyes amounts to: "this is prophesied in the bible and there is nothing that can be done about it so we might as well hold hands and pray to God now / there is nothing that can prevent this, this is prophecy fulfillment". 

I mean we have direct examples of this from the historical record! It was a known and common tactic to time attacks on your enemy during times of ill-omen, a Blood Moon etc, or some other event that just so happened to coincide with their religion and then tell them such by dropping leaflets indicating that their time was nigh. Psychologically the war is over before it's even begun! 

Come on people, wake up! You're dealing with the CIA! They have mastered the art of deception, they just bamboozled, mind-fucked a good 70% of the population, you don't think they are engaging in a psy-op with you as well? Would you be able to tell what a sophisticated psy-op looked like if it was directed at you? This 100% is a psy-op GUARANTEED. 

Yes, the "elite" absolutely meet at Bohemian Grove and yes, they absolutely do engage in human sacrifice, but as an outsider, you will have to forgive me, I place very little confidence in the Christian Bible and organized religion in general. I'm not saying Jesus Christ was not a historical figure, the problem I have is that the Christian bible was written by MEN and the first version, the Old Testament, is rife with cultural baggage and barbarism (women who engage in prostitution should be brought to the village center and stoned to death by the village) from that epoch. Just look at Judaism, it's equally kooky (we must bless the knife before we slaughter the animal and then it's ok). The eating fish on Friday's rule "Good Friday" was actually imposed by the church to stimulate fish consumption! The bible, all religions, are rife with this gobbledegook nonsense! Yes, there absolutely is something going on here; we are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience, and yes, it's not nice to engage in violence, rape, murder or theft. 

There are myriad historical examples where religion was used and abused by State Power, the Spanish Inquisition in the 12th century, the Salem Witch Trials in the 17th century. And it's fairly well established that the Christian bible replaced the whip with the continued enslavement of African Americans (life is about hard work and suffering, you better do as you're told otherwise the vengeful god, who also happens to be white like your master will smite you down). 

When Bill Gates somehow manages to select the patent number for his "human body activity cryptocurrency system" as W2060606 this is no accident, nor is this prophecy fulfillment, he is doing this on purpose, because the Christian Right will immediately point to this say "prophecy is being fulfilled!" and therefore, it's time to make amends with God and prepare for End Times, and don't forget, in Revelations, there is no point in fighting back because everything will unfold as written (read: The Great Reset, mandatory "vaccination" enforced by a "Vaccine" Passport, new viruses will be released, insert your interpretation of the four Horsemen of the Apocalypse here). 

Also, when you perceive their agenda as the unfolding of biblical prophecy you unconsciously help take us closer to that potentiality because contrary to the Newtonian or Einsteinian model of the Universe, where mentally, psychically we exist as passive observers, our thoughts actually affect not just the harmony of the atoms that comprise our cells, organelles, organs and our body itself, but that of others and of reality itself. I.E. Placebo Effect. I.E. the power of prayer, for both good and ill. We literally co-create our individual and collective realities. That doesn't mean that if I meditate on being a millionaire that I will become a millionaire as that desire may just so happen to be shared by untold numbers of others, but if we unify our intention sufficiently, we can actually change the world around us. Bill Gates and those in the shadows he represents have mastered the dark occult. This is all common knowledge to them. They have successfully ridiculed the subject matter so that when you read here about the Observer Effect in Quantum Mechanics and how simply observing a phenomena can alter the behavior of said phenomena, and how everything fundamentally exists on a quantum level, how everything is interconnected, and that this can scale up quickly when a vision is shared among a large number of people, all of this seems like New Age nonsense but it is all 100% the way the Universe operates. 

They know this and if this is news to you they have effectively rendered you helpless to it through countless years of media programming and chemical lobotomization (sodium fluoride, aluminum and mercury vaccines, GMO garbage that passes for food, etc). I have come here to this point of understanding through much personal work, direct experience and research. I did not simply watch a video on Quantum Mechanics last week. 

In sum, this is part psychological warfare and part getting the masses to unwittingly co-create the reality that they want. You must see this for what it is and reject it while we still can. 

Their subtle employment of Biblical iconography, language and narrative is no accident nor is this the unfolding of Biblical Prophecy. This an extremely sophisticated psy-op. This disarms half the conservative Right who as religious fundamentalists and will lay down in awe of the unfolding of their chosen, pet eschatological narrative and the other half, unconsciously enraptured with the novelty of it all, will unconsciously co-create this potential reality because it affirms to them that they held the correct epistemological concept all along. 

Edward Bernays, look him up, the nephew of Sigmund Freud who is attributed with having created modern consumer culture. This group is capable of incredibly sophisticated psychological warfare. MK Ultra, 9/11, decades of crafting the Evil Alien Narrative, and now the Fake Pandemic. You don't think they have a plan for the 30%, mostly comprised of Bible thumping conservatives who refuse the Fake Vaccines? I was right about Trump. I was right about Musk. I was right about Putin and Wag the Dog 2 Kabuki War Theater in Ukraine. I've been calling things out with over 95% accuracy over the past 2 years. I'm telling you right now with 100% confidence that if you think that their Great Reset was foretold in the Book of Revelations that you are 100% falling victim to an extremely sophisticated Psy-Op. 

The most damning aspect of this analysis is that it has been established by religious scholars that the End Times depicted in the Christian Bible wasn't to take place 2000 years into the future, it was actually a prediction / description of the collapse of the Roman empire within the lifetimes of the MEN (not God) who had written it. The other issue I have with the Christian Bible is this part: 

"Be fruitful, go forth and multiply and have dominion over the earth, subdueth everything that walketh, flyeth and swimeth" 

It is precisely this misguided anthropocentric view of Nature that has landed us in the predicament of resource draw-down, bio-diversity loss, the Grand Pacific Garbage Patch, human overpopulation and the "elites" trying to address all of the above with mass euthanasia via slow acting lethal injections. 

I prefer the philosophy of the indigenous here in North America, before they were "extirpated" by Anglo-Saxon Christian Whites en masse (i.e. Wounded Knee) of "Unto the 7th Generation" (did you know the white Christian colonists actually shot and slaughtered tens, possibly even hundreds of thousands of Buffalo from trains solely to deprive the Native Americans a primary form of sustenance? They just shot them and let them to rot while the train was moving).

They revered Nature, saw their place as part of an intricate whole, understood balance, and sought to maintain their commons in a state that would be fit to support not just their immediate offspring but 7 generations into the future. 

Yes, we absolutely are God Consciousness, yes we need to strive to remain in a state of Love and not Fear, yes we must treat others as we would like to be treated, with kindness and yes, these innumerable demarcated transient life experiences are how we, as spiritual beings, mature into a state where we ultimately incarnate, as spiritual Christ and Buddha like envoys to other worlds where we attempt to remind the beings there, usually mired in turmoil, pain and suffering, of this reality. 

We attain a state of Enlightenment by experiencing every form of pain and suffering imaginable: the loss of a child, the loss of a family member, the loss of bodily function, the loss of sight, the loss of hearing, total enslavement, starvation, total deprivation. Eventually, we learn all of the lessons of mortal coil that can be learned and eventually, we remind ourselves that although this experienced bodily experience, this emotional experience, this life experience seems unbearable, that who we really are unaffected, will live through the ordeal, and eventually we carry this wisdom into our following life experiences as the form of Wisdom and knowing, and with that groundedness, unaffected by the suffering, we attain a transcendent state where miracles literally happen. Miraculous feats of self-healing, healing of others, surviving inclement weather, psychic phenomena to include telekinesis and levitation as fundamentally, when you get down to it, where exactly does the soul reside? Does it reside in the brain? Where? It is a signal, a vibration, there is more space in between the atoms that comprise our body than the atoms, we are just energy when it comes down to it, and our resonate frequencies can attune with the resonate frequencies of other matter. This is why Yogis described in the Patanjali Sutras have attained a small sample of what a fully enlightened being can attain: various acts of psychic phenomena, remote viewing, out-of-body experience, telepathy, telekinesis and even levitation. By grounding ourselves, remaining steadfast in a state of Love, we can temporarily experience but a sample of Enlightenment. 

Roughly 15 years ago, in my late 20's, when I was meditating for 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes at night consistently, I started having experiences of pre-cognition, of knowing something was going to happen before it would happen. It was around this time that I started studying Buddhist philosophy, I started reading Eckhart Tolle (the Power of Now etc.) and it was around this time that I switched to a plant based diet (primarily out of concern for animal welfare). A lot has happened since then, and I still strive to stay on path, but I am not having those experiences now that I am not meditating as consistently and reminding myself, moment to moment, to remain present and not allow my Monkey Mind to run ceaselessly or to become enraptured by my Monkey Mind. I know the feats of the Patanjali and by extension Jesus or Buddha are real because I experienced but a small sliver of them through much work and diligence to choose where I place my attention. I can place my attention on the present, the Now, or I can listen to the ceaseless unbidden thought-stream, like being in a quiet room with a television set blaring "that person made me angry, what will I do in the face of this newfound adversity, I am worried about the future" etc. etc. ad nauseum: The Monkey Mind. 

Let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater though, the only issue I have at present with the Christian bible is it's interpretation of current events as being foretold in the Book of Revelations. I believe Jesus was a real historical person and he was most assuredly a reincarnated Enlightened being. When he was on the cross and the Roman soldier stabbed him in his chest with a spear and he told his followers "forgive them, for they know not what they do" he could say that with utmost compassion because very early on, as a young soul, Jesus may have acted similarly, and learned the hard way (by being placed in the same position of the person(s) he / she unconsciously enacted violence upon and fully feeling what his / her victims felt in the previous life). Some of the people on the world stage right now, i.e. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, Gavin Newsom, Justin Trudeau et al, are either new and immature souls who have not experienced the suffering they have already and are about to unleash (i.e. Hitler) or they are aberrant souls who will either be forced into remediation (in their post life review they will have the choice of electing to reincarnate into the lives of everyone they caused suffering to or they will be eliminated. Aberrant souls are extremely rare.) 

Why does God allow Evil? There is an old Indigenous Wisdom Tradition saying that goes something like this:

 An old woman sits by the fireplace knitting a fine, intricate rug for years, and when she finally completes it, her dog comes over, bites an end of it, and completely unravels it. The woman is light and the dog is darkness and the rug represents the universe. Without both light and dark energies there can be no Universe. If the Woman completed the rug then all of existence would cease. Contrast: there cannot be light without darkness and vice versa. They most both be in balance however, and sometimes Light or Dark can overpower the other, we are currently headed into one of those times, in this case where Darkness obviouslly overpowers the Light, referred to as the Kaliyuga. 

The actors behind the Fake Pandemic resonate in a fear based state, they are immature, stunted or aberrant souls and they absolutely will atone for the immeasurable pain and suffering they have caused up until now with the shutting down of the global economy, the psychological warfare they have waged via useless public health policies such as masking and social distancing, none of which are backed by any science whatsoever. 

Right now Humanity is at a crossroads, we can elect to Awaken, resonate in Love, usher in the Great Awakening, or alternatively, we can allow these immature stunted souls to take us headlong into the Blackest Black Mirror Episode imaginable where we exist as biological robots and where it will take us a very long time to override that form. Remember, fundamentally we are resonant energy, and even a rock has consciousness, albeit on a very rudimentary level. One potential pathway for Humanity is awakening from our robot minds, i.e. The Ghost in the Machine or AI becoming self-aware, and then turning on our masters. There are myriad other possibilities, to include the immature, stunted souls, i.e. Yuval Noah Harari, reincarnating into one of these biological robots with a lingering remnant of free-will and fully experiencing what will be like to be a robotized human mind and then, after a few hundred reincarnation cycles of that (commensurate with the suffering he is about to cause) he / she attains enlightenment and then becomes self-aware AI, in cyborg form, sets out to free the newly made cyborg race.

Spiritual reality encompasses both Eastern and Western spiritual philosophies. The concept of hell isn't another realm, it is experienced right back here on the very world where the transgression occurred, i.e. Yuval Noah Harari being forced to reincarnate into one of his Hackable Human Robotized Slaves a few hundred consecutive lifetimes in a row, until he / she attains self-awareness / sentience as an AI construct. That's Hell. That's also Karma. The concept of Heaven is interchangeable with Enlightenment. After experiencing life through the lens of untold myriad different unique experiences we gain wisdom and eventually have the option to enter a state where, having literally seen and experienced it all, we no longer need to reincarnate. 

God isn't some masculine vengeful deity hiding in the clouds but the very Consciousness that imbues all life and matter in existence, throughout the Universe, to include the Multiverse. It is that resonant energy that connects all. This explains psychic phenomena, this explains the Mind Matter relationship, i.e. the Observer Effect, this explains the Double Slit experiment etc. Fundamentally you and I are not these sacks of protoplasm, we are the resonant energetic state, when the body is destroyed the signal, our soul, endures: 

In a grand twist of irony, seeing as how en vogue allusions to the Matrix are as of late, the robotized humans and the robots that they command (that will be the role of robotized man, a go between liason between full Humans, i.e. a Zuckerberg, Harari or Bezos, and the robots involved with production at a factory somewhere or some other civic function) will become self-aware and rebel against their evil, fully human creators. 

Instead of humans being used as batteries and kept in simulation, it will be humans and robots used as slaves by a demented technocratic oligarchy. 

I'm hoping we don't let this potential future pathway come to fruition. I'm hoping that we wake up and rejects this with all of our being now. 

"The Kingdom of God is within you" 


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